Conditionally Married

By readerme1517

1.4M 47.7K 2.1K

Highest ranking dated: 8-Feb-2019 No.1 in #billionaire, No.1 in #wife No.1 in #marriage No.1 in #hatelove (4... More

Author Note
1- Start
2 - Face to Face
3 - Setting the score
4 - Coming out as enemies
5 - Keeping it strong
6- The loss
7- Marry you??
8- Its complicated
9 - Plan B
10- Gamophobia
11- He made me his without love
12 - Him...
13- Menacing
14- Facing The Result
15- Reaching The Deadend
16 - Level 2
18- It's You and Me
19- Pawn of his game
20- Insomnia
21 - Showtime
22 - Expecting the Unexpected
23 - Monster
24- One Sided
25 - Confession
26- Dead without a Grave
27 - Pain
28- Warning
29- The Fire
30- The Swing
31- Truth or Dare
32- Surprise
33- Drive
34- Pep talk
35- The Bet
36- 36 hours (part I)
37 - 36 hours (part II)
38- Dressing up
39 - Reception day
40- Answers
41- Coffee
42 - Mistake
43 - It's Business
44 - Insecurities
45 - Love me..
46 - Stockholm Syndrome
47- Where are you???
Not a chapter just a note..
48- Tell me
49- Finally...
50- Epilogue
Upcoming book

17 - Things I do for love

25.9K 872 29
By readerme1517

Sia pov

Everything is fair in love and war and this is definitely war..

Finally he gave in and allowed me to visit office.

We can't go together and that's a relief .

So the day after all that mess I had created, I woke up, did my morning ritual. I selected blue denim jeans with grey top.

He have grey eyes. Yes I saw them when I was sleeping with him and he woke up....

What the hell. Sia stop it!Its a good day. Dont ruin it by remembering him

On the first page.. why I was remebering him?? Forget it

Mr. Ashar was nowhere to be seen. And I dont care either.

Samantha told me that driver is ready whenever I am willing to go.

I met the driver just after 15 mins of his arrival and he took me to office.

The feeling was something.

I felt like the building, the office was calling my name to come back.

Yeah I missed to you dear..

I hurriedly went to my floor, and found Daisy there. She was so busy that she even didn't notice me.

Wait isn't she supposed to be sitting at my desk???

"Hey D..." I said but she was so engulfed in work that she didnt notice me. She looked panic with the documents in her hands.

"Daisy????" I shouted and documents fell on the floor.

"OH MY GOD SIA. Thank God you're back" she hugged me so hard that I doubted if she wants to squish me

Before I say anything, she again shouted


And before I could say anything, everyone in the floor came towards me. I felt like a celebrity.

Surely, they missed me.

Andy grabbed me from my arm "Sia please tell the alternate of item code 65YB3C that is an automatic metal and steel ..."

"Ya I know that, alternate would be 65YC5T. This one is better than B3C"

"Thank God. That engineer is out of town and I was asking this since 4 days,but no response from that department and..."

Again I was pulled by someone else

"Sia, see they want us to quote 6 items  but we manufacture..." Lisa was showing me quotation request letter

"Its too late. They wanted this 6 days ago"

"Damn, Ashar will kill me now" she said and left

"Sia, please I have to show this contract to Boss in 1 hour tell me that is this clause technically correct?" This time it was Adam

And I forgot why I came here.

It was not my office. It was a fish market. No one knew how to do the task. Either Mr. Ashar had assigned wrong person the wrong task

Or, he is a wrong person

Second option is more correct. Who knows his mental state more than me.

My office was total chaotic.

I excused myself from the list of questions being thrown towards me from various sides. I even dont know who was saying what.

I went towards Daisy.

"Daisy what is going on?" I asked her.

"Well after you left, boss promoted me to your post. But he was very hard to handle. The person who he had appointed for reception ran away within few hours and imagine, he asked me to do both jobs simultaneously.
He just throw documents on everyone,never gave proper details and things got more and more messed up. He is so different from his father. We really have a hard time"

I sighed. That was so him. ..

"I came here to say goodbye. I wont be working here anymore"

Her eyes got wide open

"You've gotta kidding me. You can't go. We need you here Sia" she said

"I know, but I cant." I looked to the floor to avoid her seeing my pain through eyes.

"Sia, I dont know the reason that is so big that you have to quit your job. But think about it love, you had given 5 long years to this company, and you're quitting it just when it needs you the most"

Each of her word was making me weaker and weaker of my decision not to join this company again.

I just want some peace in my life.

"Would you still quit if Mr. Nicholson was still alive? Would you had still left if this company was in trouble at his time?"


She had striked where it hurts me the most.

I looked at her with astonishment and I was out of words.

She probably had guessed that I was struggling.

"These all problems are from his side and we need a senior like you here to make us understand what we are doing"

I released breath to calm down.

My phone rang. It was the driver signaling me that my time is up. I didn't answer it

"Where is he?" I asked Daisy

"He had gone out for 30 minutes" she said.

I disconnected the call and switched off the phone.I know his driver will tell him that I didn't return. 

Then I went to his cabin and waited for him.

My mind and heart were flooded with memories of how he hurted me and asked me to marry him.

His table looked like it was hit by Tsunami. Complete mess. I didn't look closely because if he found me looking at his documents, he'll get mad and my chance is gone.

Just few minutes after,the door of his cabin slammed open and shut.

I was sitting on the rotating chair which was opposite to his chair and table.

I could hear his aggressive footsteps coming near me.

He turned the chair with so much force and stopped it just when I when my face met his.

"I was very clear when I said that you're allowed for 30 mins only. Now get out" he clenched his jaws.

Fight mode activated.

"I had decided that I want to work here".

He laughed sarcastically

"Who care what you had decided. Now leave or else I have to call the guards and kick you out. And trust me that's the last thing you want"

Was I surprised? No.. not at all

"Look, I am in not mood for an argument like whose fault is this and blah blah. The only thing you should know is that we have internal red alert. And if we didn't solve it, then there will be consequences".

From his body language, I can presume that he knows about the problem, but was just not ready to accept.

He folded his arms and said,

"There is no 'we' in this office or anywhere. I didn't ask your opinion and my office matters shouldn't be of your concern" he pointed his finger towards me.

"It is my concern definitely. I am co-CEO of this company remember?"

This came as a slap on his face. Definitely he had forgotten about his father's will.

He closed his eyes to gain control on himself or to accept the fact that I was right.

He composed himself

"We don't like each other. We can't work together" He said

"The feeling is very mutual. But we are joined by a common interest that is this company. Just give me 2 months to bring things on track. If still you felt that I am not worth it, I'll go away"

"Who are hell are you to give me orders?"

He and his ego are pain in a**

"I had given you my 2 years. Can't you just give me 2 months? I don't want CEO position. I'll just work in same capacity as earlier. This company had given me so much. Let me just give it a pay back before I say goodbye to it"

He ran fingers in his hairs. He started to walk left to right.

I stood up and looked at him.

Fingers crossed.

Looked like he'll kill me.

Energy wasted.

I started to walk out of the office when I hear his voice

"Just two months.. Ok?"


I raised my hand as we do while taking oath. "Yup. I promise I will not create any trouble and no one here will know about us.. umm.. no...about you and me from my mouth" and crossed my heart.

"And there would be one more condition" He said

His list of conditions is greater than the terms and conditions of Google

"What?" I asked

"You would not be allowed to go out of office for any party or dinners. You'll come with the driver and go with him. No stops"

I am now house arrest in office.

"Anything is acceptable to me till I am allowed to work here"

"You're on then. Starting now" He said



Now they'll be together in office as well. God help please.

How Ashar will manage Sia's stubbornness and how Sia will handle  Ashar's egoistic nature?

Keep reading to find out...

Thanks to all the readers for voting and reading this book.. please keep supporting me as it's my driving force.

I love u all from bottom and of my heart..

Any suggestions and comments are welcome 😊


Stay positive.


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