Happily Ever After: A Christi...

By thatsmyswift

19.4K 260 158

Sequel to True Love: A Christina Grimmie & Bobby Plizak Fanfic - this is mainly an extended epilogue. With a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Update (A/N)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Author's Note - Info on Third Book Included
Third Book!

Chapter 29

266 3 2
By thatsmyswift

"You're lucky I'm not all that tired and that I truly love you. It's 9:00 at night and you want to cook, have a dance party, calm down with some 'remember when...' stories, and then get revenge?" He answers, glaring at me.

"Revenge on you, babe. For earlier."

"Oh lord," he says and looks up. "What have I gotten myself into?"

I smile and take his hand, pulling him out of our bed.

"Cooking time!"

Bobby and I have always had at least twice a year when at night we get bored and do something fun. But at the house. I loved our second year of it, when we stayed up for, like, two hours cooking. Neither of us are amazing chefs, and that's the fun of it.

Who wouldn't want to have a dance party? As long as we keep it quiet, it's no big deal. A lot of fun and even a little romantic if a slow song happens to play.

"Remember when..." stories are like my favorite cute couple-y thing ever. I sound like such a girl, but it's true! Just sitting and remembering the best and worst times, just the most memorable times is just so much fun. Sure, sometimes it causes arguments, but that's why you choose your memory wisely.

And the revenge? That should've been expected. Two can play this game, Plizak.

We take out two recipe books each, all gifts from someone. We seriously aren't the biggest chefs at all. I look through desserts mainly and Bobby seems to just be flipping to random pages and deciding what looks interesting and what doesn't.

We finally decided on the simple ham and pickle roll-ups and some kind of chocolatey bars called "Can't Leave Them Alone Bars."

After about an hour of preparing everything and preheating the oven, everything was done. Or baking.

I smiled up at Bobby as we each ate a ham and pickle roll-up. It happens that the two things we made had my little craving foods in them.

"You know what's next," I said, grinning.

Everyone knew how horrible I was at dancing. But it was literally so much fun, even being horrible at it. I think that's what made it so enjoyable. I was so bad that it made the experience even better.

"Christina," Bobby started. I could sense the concern in his voice. "The baby," he finished, placing a hand lightly on my stomach.

Jumping around really wouldn't be helping out little baby number three.

"One song? A slow one?" I begged.

After about a minute he answered, "Fine."

I smiled as he took my hand and led me into the living room. I grabbed my iPod off of the coffee table and put on Can You Feel The Love?, putting the volume up about halfway and winning as I set it down.

"M'lady," Bobby said sarcastically, dramatically putting his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

I took his hand with a smile. "Of course."

We started silly, doing weird little dips and over dramatic moves, but ended somewhat seriously. I smiled up at him and went on my tip toes, failing at trying to get to his height to kiss him. To help me out he put his arms around me, a little like a hug, and lifted me up slightly. I just barely made it, but I placed a tiny kiss on his lips before he set me down.

He leaned down a little and lifted my chin up and kissed me, more than just a tiny kiss. We were stopped about thirty seconds later when the timer went off for the bars.

"Now," he started as he opened the oven, "I'm no professional, but I'd say these look done."

I grabbed some oven mitts and put them on before taking the bars out and he shut the oven, turning it off as I placed the pan on the stove.

I walked over to the roll-ups and ate another while we waited for them to cool down.

"You know what I think we should do before remember when...'s?" I asked.

"What?" he asked, halfway curious, halfway wishing he hadn't said he didn't feel like sleeping.

"Possibly some Brawl?"

We hadn't played video games together very often since Lucas was born. Probably about three or four times a year we did. It was still somewhat of an escape for me, which made me wish I had more time for it. But I had more important things to do, and at least I got some gaming time. It's better than none at all.

"I might be up for that," he said as he walked over to me and slipped his hands around my waist.

"No," I said and turned my head as he leaned forward to kiss me.


"Nope. I'm not giving you another chance. I still have some sweet revenge to plan," I said and looked up at him.

"No kiss? That's a touchy game, my dear."

"I know. I'm still trying to figure out whether it'll be harder for you or for me," I said and placed my hands over his.

I softly took them off my waist and brought one to a roll-up. I led his hand to my mouth, feeding me the pickle roll-up before I turned it and fed him the remains of it.

"You ready?" he asked as he finished chewing and swallowing.

"Yep," I said as I turned to go toward the stairs.

I turned on the gaming system, something I was pretty sure I'd never forget how to do. We had almost every gaming system made in the last five years in our house. Most of them were in a storage closet with their games, but we had two out downstairs and one upstairs, which was more than enough for the time we had to play them. I continued buying the systems and games even though I knew we'd barely get any use out of them. I was sure Lucas would hook on eventually, and having all the gaming systems would come in handy when he had friends over.

I had successfully purchased every Legend of Zelda game that had come out since I could remember. I'd beaten all but the last one to come out, simply because I didn't have enough time to sit and try to beat it.

After brawling for about a half hour, I'd won three games and Bobby'd won two.

"Still winning, even when I'm rusty," I bragged somewhat sarcastically as we put everything away.

"Yeah, too bad you can't win at everything," Bobby said as he leaned down and kissed me.

I kissed him back before realizing the conversation we'd had upstairs.

"Like that. You didn't quite win at that," he said with a smile and continued putting everything away.

After getting everything out of children's reach, we both headed upstairs and Bobby got a knife to cut the bars.

"They smell great. They look great. Will they taste great?" I asked as we both held one.

"On three."


"Two," I said.

"Three," we said together before both taking a bite.

"Mmmm," I said as I chewed. "I think I've had these before."

"Yeah, I think your mom made them like two years ago for something. Easter or some occasion like that," Bobby said as we both finished ours.

"They turned out pretty good, for our cooking talent," I said and held up my hand for a high five.

He high fived me before interlocking our hands and leading me onto our bed.

"'Remember when...' time," I said as I laid on the bed.

My head was on his chest, his fingers combing through my hair softly and my eyes closed. His other hand was hanging onto mine, our fingers interlocked.

"Hmmm..." he said as he thought. "Remember when... you stole my socks and never returned them when we were like 16 and 17?"

"Whaaaat?" I acted as if I'd never do such a thing. "I would NEVER!"

He chuckled. "What'd you do with those things anyway?"

"Wore them. In fact, they're probably in that drawer over there somewhere," I answered as I pointed at our dresser.

"Remember when... we finally got to meet Skrillex?!"

"Whoa, you totally skipped a bunch of stuff," he said.

"Who said we have to go in order?"

"Yes, I do remember that. And I swear, you didn't come off as creepy. At least not when I was around," he answered.

I smiled up at him.

"Remember when... I did your hair for you?"

"Yes, and you are not the best hairdresser I've ever come across. Trust me," I answered before laughing at how my hair had turned out.

"It wasn't that bad," he said.

"You tried braiding it! Do you know how to do a braid?"

"Yeah that was a mistake, I'll admit it," he said.

I smiled up at him again before thinking. "Remember when... you did the 'yawn/stretch' move to put your arm around me on our first, second, and third dates?"

"I pull it out sometimes when we go on dates now. That move still works. It's a real charmer."

I laughed at him. "Sure is."

"Remember when..." he started, "I visited you on tour with Selena?"

I stopped laughing for a minute. "Please don't bring up what should've been our first baby."

"We never really talked about it though. I kinda want to. It feels like an unexplained and unanswered question and I feel like it creates space between us."

"What's there to say about it?" I asked.

"Well, how'd you feel about it?" he asked, looking down at me.

"I wasn't the most excited about it," I answered.

"Why not?"

"I was 19. We weren't married. My career was just speeding up, and that could've been a major game changer. It's not that I wanted to miscarry, or that I'd ever think of having an abortion or anything, I just preferred to not have a baby at the time," I answered as he stroked the back of my hand with his thumb.

"To be completely honest, I wasn't so into the whole baby thing at the time, either," he answered as he looked down at me.

"Yeah, it would've been so complicated," I answered quietly.

After a few minutes of silence, I look up at Bobby. He's looking at me as if he's been like that for a while.

"What?" I ask quietly with a smile.

"I can't ever seem to wrap my head around that fact that there's a little person inside of you right now. A little person who's part you and part me. It doesn't seem to make sense," he said.

"Yeah, it's kind of a miracle," I answered.

After a small pause, I piped up, "I'm tired."

"Yeah," he started to yawn, "me too."

"I think we forgot one thing..."

"You aren't seriously gonna go through with it are you?" he asked.

"You tell me," I answered as I sat up and skimmed my hand over the top of his pants.

I heard his breath catch as I continued. I put one leg on either side of him, without breaking contact between us.

"The thing is," I started as I put my hand in his pants and he looked up at the ceiling, "that you know you want this."

He didn't say anything as I continued. This was so weird. I'd never done it before and I almost felt bad for teasing him so much. How could he handle doing it to me? He must not have a conscience as loud as mine.

"Is that the case?" he asked quietly.

"Pretty sure," I answered.

"Why won't you look at me?"

"I'm afraid looking at you wouldn't help my current situation much," he answered with a small grin.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I found the waistband of his boxers and creeped my hand in.

He breathed deeply without answering.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you," I said said continued. This just seemed mean. But hey, it's revenge. It's gonna feel wrong. But he seemed to be enjoying it.

"Because looking at you would turn me on even more," he answered, locking eyes with me.

I looked away as I blushed and stopped moving my hand.

I got off of him and sat next to him, giving him a quick kiss. "I'm going to sleep."

"Oh no you aren't," he said, grabbing my shoulder as I turned and turning me back toward him.

"Then wha-" I stopped as he pushed his lips onto mine.

"You know," he whispered against my lips, "I kind of need a release."

"Why don't you go take a shower?" I answered with a smile before pulling away from him.

"I think there are better places to release at the moment," he answered, staring into my eyes.

I blushed and smiled. "If you insist..."

"No, you're pregnant, my dear. You know my rule. I almost overlooked it you little trickster," he said as he took my hand.

"Dammit Bobby! I'm sorry I'm pregnant but you're keeping me away from my right as your wife, and you do it every time I'm pregnant!"

He looked at me with a surprised face. "Dammit? I thought you didn't swear."

"That's not the point!"

"Calm down, hun, geez. Your right as my wife, huh? That's what it is?"

"Would you just have sex with me already? I'm so tired of begging and hinting and all the flipping teasing and everything else," I said as I looked up at him.

"Christina, I can't. I need to do what's best for the baby, and especially with its heart like this it wouldn't be good. I love you, and believe me, I want to. But I simply can't right now," he said and squeezed my hand.

"I need something to hold me over."

"How's this?" he asked before kissing me.

"C'mon, show a little emotion, Bobbis. I thought you loved me?" I said after pulling away.

"What? Not good enough to hold you over? Fine, I'll give you a better one," he said before trailing his lips down my face, pecking me on the lips and continuing down to my neck.

"Not the neck, please. That's like my weak spot," I pleaded.

"You wanted a better kiss," he answered before his lips hit my neck.

"You better not leave a hickey," I said as he continued.

"Why not? You could totally pull off the look, and it'd so be the next big style," he said and looked up at me.

"And then every parent would know me as 'the reason my daughter has hickeys all the time' and I don't wanna be that role model."

He moved back up to my lips and kissed me harder, sliding his tongue across my lips and I pulled away.

"Okay, good enough, you win. Goodnight," I said as I started to turn away.

"I didn't even get to leave a hickey," he mumbled and I smiled.

"I could feel the love without a mark on my neck, trust me."

I glanced at the clock. 12:32.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

I grinned as he put his hands around my waist, both resting over my stomach where our little baby was growing.

Our little bean's gonna be just fine.


Author's Note:

I can't even take myself seriously when I edit these chapters 😂 but hey, you guys seem to be liking the fanfic.

I've been writing like crazy lately and I'm not sure why... but I hope you guys like what's coming and where the story's headed. This was kind of a cute little filler chapter, so the story hasn't moved forward much. But I love filler chapters like these, hopefully you do too!

Well, comment your thoughts and vote if you enjoyed! I love you all 😘

- thatsmyswift xx

PS: look who remembered to update on time! ;)

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