Boarding School Love.

By _jennyboo_

75.3K 1K 275

It's a classic case of girl meets player. Player meets girl. But will Harry be a player for long ? Will he fa... More

Boarding School Love.


2.3K 33 6
By _jennyboo_

Last night I set Harry's alarm clock to wake me up 2 hours before school starts. A girl takes a while to get ready. It's not a 15 minute process. I shot up out of bed and turned it off before it woke Harry or Liam. I grab my bag and a towel from their towel rack. I head into the bathroom and shut the door. I made sure it was locked before I proceeded. I take out my coconut shampoo, conditioner, and body wash and set it inside by Harry's stuff. I set a pink loofah around the nozzle and turn on the water.

I start humming as I peel off my clothes. When the water was hot enough, I got in and my humming stopped. I'm sure I was being loud enough by showering. I wash my hair and body before getting out. I turn off the water and get out. I wrap the white fluffy towel around me and open my bag. I pull on light blue lace panties and bra. I pull on white ripped jeans and a shirt that say 'RUNNING WILD'. It ties in the front. I wrapped my hair in a towel. I wanted to wear it natural today.

"Jenny." Liam whispers knocking on the door. "I have to pee." I exit the bathroom humming and look at the time. I have another hour to get ready. I hear the toilet flush and the sink water running. When Liam was finished, he comes out and collapsed onto his bed. once more. I grab a new toothbrush from my bag and put toothpaste on it. I run it under water before brushing my teeth. When I was finished with my teeth, I left my toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouth wash in the empty left corner.

I put on deodorant before setting it with my teeth bag. I unwrap my hair and grab my brush. I walk over to Harry and slowly shake him awake. Telling him he has a half hour to get ready. I did the same with Liam. When my damp hair was brushed out, I set my pink brush in my corner. If someone wants to complain about it, they can kiss my ass. I'm probably going to spend most nights here anyways.

I grab my makeup back and apply mascara, blush and ChapStick before putting it in my corner. I bring my bag of dirty clothes back out of the bathroom and put it at the end of Harry's bed. I pull on my black ankle boots from yesterday and shake Harry awake once again. When him and Liam both didn't wake up, I left a note.

Harry and Liam,

I tried to wake your dumbasses up and you wouldn't budge. I hope your late for school. See you later.

Love the girl who you didn't wake up for.

I left the note on their nightstand and slipped my phone into my pocket. I grabbed my school backpack before leaving their dorm. As I was walking through the boys dorm, I got several whistles from guys. I simply ignored them and kept walking. When I got to the cafeteria, I spotted Sadie, Sidney, Louis, Niall, and Zayn.

"No Harry ?" Louis asks as I join them in line.

"No. He wouldn't get up. I'm grabbing a apple then getting us a table." I say. They nod and I make my way to the fruit. I grab a apple and find a empty table. I sit down and laugh in my head when I hear heels clicking towards me. It's going to be some girl obsessed with Harry. Just watch.

"Hey whore." Someone says from behind. Told you. I stand up and turn around. Lena and her little posse stand before me.

"Yeah. I'm totally a whore." I say sarcastically.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Harry." She spat.

"Do you want to know how I feel about that ?" I ask her. I take a bite of my apple while she nods unsure. I chew on that one bite and spit it in her face. "I suggest you leave me and my boyfriend alone." She wipes her faces with her hands and screams.

"You slut bag !" She screams. I smirk and watch her in amusement. She grabs my hair and pulls.

"Let go of my hair !" I scream at her. I push her down to the ground, and she pulled me down with her. People gathered around us. I didn't bother hitting her. I didn't want to get into more trouble than I am. I pushed her hands off of me and stood up. "I'm not going to fight you again. Your not worth my time."

"I hate you !" She screams before grabbing my leg. She bites me and I push her off.

"Did you just bite me ?!" I laugh at her. "Your not going to phase me. No matter what you say or do, nothing will get to me." She screams and starts to throw a tantrum on the floor. Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the scene. I looked up and smiled at Niall.

"Can't stay away from trouble ?" He laughs. I smile and shrug.

"She was the one who came over to me. I just spit apple in her face." I smile innocently. Niall shakes his head and let's go of my hand. Lena's screams come to a end and I turn around.

"Why don't you tell everyone about your home ?" Lena screeches. "Like how your d-" She didn't get a chance to finish before I stormed back over to her and started hitting her. Someone wraps their arms around me and pulls me off of the bloody blonde.

"You dumb fucking bitch !" I scream. I thrash in someone's grip. "Let me go !" I scream. Lena stands up crying. I am completely enraged. Lena was escorted to the nurses office and this random guy let me go. I storm out of the cafeteria and to my dorm. I throw on a blue sports bra, black spandex, and tennis shoes. I tie my hair up in a ponytail before leaving a note.

Be back later.


I left it on the dresser and walked out of my room. I need to run and let my anger vanish. I need to calm down. When I make it to the gates, I break out into a run. I don't care if I'm missing school. I need to calm down before I get kicked out of school. I'm a straight A student anyways. I'll be fine.

Harry's POV

She's been gone for 12 hours. She left her phone in her dorm, so I can't contact her. I've been pacing my dorm for hours. I would be in her dorm, but Sadie and Sidney kicked me out.

Something about how they need to sleep. How Jenny will be okay. But what if she isn't. What if she falls and sprains her ankle again ? What if she's in trouble ? I just hope she contacts me before she goes to sleep. If she's not already asleep.

What if she doesn't call me ? What if she gets back and I stay up all night waiting for her to come home ? What i-

I was broke out of my thought by a knock on the door. I pace over there and pull open the door. There stood a soaking wet Jenny. "I forgot my key." She says barely over a whisper. I pull her into my arms.

"I was so worried." I tell her. She sniffles slightly and wraps her arms around my torso. "Come on baby." I pull her into the room and shut the door. Liam was asleep in his bed. Jenny takes off her shoes and grabs one of my shirts. She quickly changes into it and lays in my bed with me. She cuddles up to my side and sighs.

"School is gonna be over before we know it." She tells me. "What are we going to do then ? Long distance won't work out. We'll both be going to different collages." I never thought of that. I never thought about if there will be a us afterwards. I looked down to find my beautiful princess asleep.

I kiss her forehead and slip into a deep sleep myself.


Jenny left before me once again, so I get to see her in first for the first time today. I walk into the room excited. There she is texting on her phone. She wears my Rolling Stones shirt, and blue jeans. She has my black beanie upon her pin straight hair. She looked bloody amazing, as always.

She doesn't seem to notice me as I approach her. I smile and take a seat next to her. She looks up from her phone and smiles. "Well hello beautiful." I say looking her up and down.

"Oh hi. Didn't notice you there." She says in a playful manner.

"Do you want to spend Christmas with my mum, Gemma, and I ?" I ask her. She grins and nods. Her eyes light up and I can't help but lean over and kiss her. I peck her lips before sitting back in my chair. The teacher comes in and starts to do her normal teaching shit, but I paid no attention.

I was watching my princess text under the desk. I smiled as I took in her features. Perfect eyebrows, they're real and natural. Flawless skin, not a zit or pimple in sight. Beautiful hazel eyes, that sparkle under the lights. Her cute little nose. Her high cheekbones. And the small smile on her face as she knew I was watching her.

She turns to face me and nods her head up to the teacher. I furrow my eyes and look forward. "Mr Styles." The teacher demanded. "Is there something interesting about Miss Caven's face that distracts you ?" The scowl on her face told me I was caught.

Jenny was biting her lip, trying to stifle her giggles. I smile at her before facing the teacher and speaking. "Actually yes. When you have a girlfriend as beautiful as mine, all you want to do is stare at her. She is just drop dead gorgeous, and I couldn't help but take in her features." I look back at Jenny who has a pink tint to her cheeks. "Like the way her cheeks turn pink when I compliment her. Even though she's used to it, because a lot of guys find her irresistible. She still blushes when I compliment her."

"Well if she's going to a be a distraction one of you can move." The old hag hisses.

"I'm good." I shrug and sit back.

"Alright then Miss Caven, come sit over here." She points to and empty desk in front and Jenny starts to laugh.

"Definitely not moving. Especially to the front where the preppy thin noses sit." She smirks. I chuckle and shake my head. Mrs Fields gives her a look. "I don't know what you don't understand, I'm not moving. Simple as that."

"Miss Caven." Mrs Fields glares

"Do I hear a bitch pitch ?" Jenny asks. "What are you going to do ? Send me to the dean ? Go for it. I need to go there anyways." She leans back in her seat and I look at her.

"That's it ! Mr Styles and Miss Caven, go to the dean !" Mrs Fields shouts. Jenny grabbed her bag and started walking to the door.

"Bye Mrs Fields !" Jenny shouts walking out the door. I shake my head and follow her. When I walk out she was on the phone. "I just got kicked out of class." She giggles into the phone. "With my boyfriend." She says when she turns around to face me. "I know what I said." She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand. "He is obnoxious and rude, but so am I." She smiles and shakes her head. "My brother would like to talk to you." She hands me the phone.

"Hello ?" I say into her phone.

"You're dating my sister ?" The guy asks.

"Yes sir." I say. Jenny laughs at me and drags me outside.

"I may be in America, but if you as so much as hurt her," Where was he a couple weeks ago ? "I will find you and I will destroy you." I gulp.

"Yes sir." I reply. "I would never hurt her. I'm in love with her." I look down at my princess and smile. "I know where your coming from. She's the princess locked in a tower, and princes and knights come for her. Whether their good or not." Jenny shakes her head. "I plan to be that right prince. Hell, I want to marry this girl."

"Don't get any ideas bud." Her brother said. "And don't ever use that saying again. It makes you sound gay as fuck." I laugh and shake my head.

"Agreed." I smile. "Here's Jenny." I hand her the phone and she takes it.

"Hanging up bye love you." She rushes out in one sentence. She hangs up and put the phone in her pocket. She starts swinging our connected hands while humming. "Will you take me Christmas shopping later ? It's next week and I haven't done anything."

"Of course." I smile. "I'm excited. I can't wait to spend our first holiday together."

"Me too." Jenny says smiling. When we make if to my dad's office building, we go inside. My dad was talking to the lady at the desk when we came in. He sighs and motions for us to come back.

"I understand Jennifer got into a disagreement yesterday." He says.

"If that's what you call a disagreement, then I guess so." Jenny says. "Yeah I know. I've gotten into a lot of fights here, but all these girls just hate me and then they provoke me. But that's not an excuse. I'm terribly sorry for losing my temper so much. I'll beat up Harry from now on."

"I got you a membership and the local gym. They have a boxing ring. I got Harry one too. I thought that it would help keep your aggression under control so you don't get into fights or disappear for hours on end." My dad says writing down a address. He hands it to Jenny and she puts it in her bag.

"Jenny's spending Christmas with me." I blurt. I couldn't contain the smile. My dad smiles also, but he is obviously hurt. I haven't spent a holiday with him in a long time. Jenny notices.

"I am." She says. "Maybe we can have our own Christmas before we leave." She smiles at my dad. "It can be the three of us. Maybe I can convince Gemma to come up. She's my favorite Styles' child."

"Hey." I pout.

"Just because I love you, doesn't mean I'm going to lie to you." She teases. I roll my eyes and sit back. "Does Sunday work for you Mr Styles ?" She asks sweetly. I then catch onto what she's doing. She's using the holiday to get out of all the detentions she never shows up to. I chuckle and shake my head. That's my girl.

"That's perfect !" My dad says excited. "I'll see you then." Jenny nods before dragging me out of the room.

"You manipulative brat." I smirk. She looks at me innocently.

"I have no idea what your talking about sir." She says playfully. She brings her lips to my ear. "Would you like to explain ?" She bites down on my ear lobe slightly and I throw her over my shoulder. "Harry !" She squeals.

I bring her back to my dorm and drop her on the bed. "Liam could catch us." I tell her softly.

"Are you scared ?" She challenges. I smirk and shake my head. "Put you money where your mouth is."

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