By aramintalividis

398K 15.7K 8.2K

"We promised we wouldn't talk EVER again about this." Yoongi had his arms folded over his own chest, as he gl... More

장 One- [Ache]
장 Two [Medicine]
장 Three [Sofa]
장 Four [Awake]
장 Five [ Breakfast]
장 Six [Feel so good]
장 Seven [Pain killers]
장 Eight [Worry]
장 Nine [Holly]
장 Ten [Scowl]
장 Eleven [WTF]
장 Twelve [Suspicious]
장 Thirteen [Cringe]
장 Fourteen [Clingy]
장 Fifteen [Plan]
장 Sixteen [Bitter]
장 Seventeen [Mini-Van]
장 Eighteen [Roomies]
장 Nineteen [Sea]
장 Twenty [Candy]
장 Twenty-one [Twisted]
장 Twenty-two [Do as u want]
장 Twenty-three [Brad Pitt]
장 Twenty-four [Wild guess]
장 Twenty-five [Piggy-back]
장 Twenty-six [Smooth]
장 Twenty-seven [Golden Gguk]
장 Twenty-eight [시끄러운 바보]
장 Twenty-nine [Turn up]
장 Thirty [Stupid]
장 Thirty-one [Scared]
장 Thirty- two [Murder]
장 Thirty-three [Left side]
장 Thirty-four [Smile]
장 Thirty-five [Book]
장 Thirty-six [Gratitude]
장 Thirty-seven [Google]
장 Thirty-eight [Truth]
장 Thirty-nine [Thanks]
장 Fourty [Overheard]
장 Fourty-one [Bad memory]
장 Fourty two [Theory]
장 Forty-three [COOL HYUNG]
장 Fourty-three [Panda Express]
장 Fourty-four [Why me?]
장 Fourty-Five [Pull]
Special Chapter
End (for real this time)


5K 134 101
By aramintalividis

So... This is really the end of it all.

I want to thank again all the people that took their time to read, comment and vote on this story and stood out with my slow updates.

Thank you so much!

Now here are the answers to the Q&A


Q: "Would you rather date Joon or open your own restaurant?"

A: " I already opened a restaurant and I'm really proud of it to be honest, but I don't see why I would have to choose between work and love. If I wanted to date Joon, I'd do that while opening/ taking care of my restaurant. WORLDWIDE MULTITASKING GUY! *windshieldlaugh*"


Q: "Do you like Taehyung in a romantic way?"

Long ass A: "As I'm open to the thought of falling in love with the person and not the gender, I guess I could like him in a romantic way. Taehyung is really an important person in my life and for now my feelings for him are pretty mixed up because we started to get closer not so much time ago... I do love him as a bro, but I don't know what could happen in the future. I don't really see myself with Taehyung because he's so different from me, but I wouldn't have guessed that we would actually get along when I first met him so... I guess that could happen in the future. For now, I'll just keep on working and giving my best and I think that if something is bound to happen, it will happen in the end."

Q: "Yoongi- in this world its either yeet or be yeeted"

A: "I'll keep that in mind, thanks. :)"

Q: "Why won't you let TaeTae sleep with you? He needs it obviously!"

A: "Sometimes people act in a weird way. I think that if I went back in time with the mindset I have today, after all the things that happened, I think that I would've slept with him directly... But I'm glad I realized I was being held back by my fears, which wasn't like me at all. Also because Tae is fluffy and comfy to sleep with--- even if he's always chewing, I got used to that after a couple of times. I guess that things between me and him need their time to develop forward... But I'm glad that everything worked out in the end."

Q: "How do you feel knowing that you might have just scared Jungkook?"

A: "Sorry not sorry."


Q: "Do you love Jin?"

A: "*sighs* Ah... Love... Have you ever really thought of what love is after all? *Two years later* ...But yeah, I do love Jin of course. Thanks for asking."

Q: "Do you read Fanfictions? :)"

A: "Well actually I usually stick to real books--- you know, on paper--- but I would love to check out Army fanfictions if I just had time to actually do that..."


Q: "Hobie hobie send me some sunshine... I really need it!"


Q: "Do you like Kermit memes?"

A: "*Giggles and almost falls out of the chair* Do you even need to ask??"


Q: "Not a question but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!"

A: "*gets shy and tries to do a heart over his head as a thank you while isn't able to contain his smile*"

Q: "since when have you started to ship Taehyung and Yoongi ( because it's obvious that you're a taegi shipper lol)?"

A: "Ehehe you got me. But I actually don't know when it started actually... but they're just too cute toghether??"


Q: "Do you have feelings for Yoongi?"

A:" Of course I do. I look up to him so so so SOOOOOOOO much and love basically everything he does and I guess that I sometimes work really hard to gain his attention and show him what I've got. I'm actually happy that we got closer in the latest days, but he has always been a really good hyung to me from the beginning. AND NOW WE HOLD HANDS AND WE NAP TOGHETHER SOMETIMES: AND HE EVEN SENT ME A LONG TEXT WHERE HE TOLD ME THAT HE LOVED ME AND I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY."


Q: "Do you like armys shipping Yoonmin?"

A: "*cluelessly looks at the question* *Silence* Uhm... sure? I mean--- if shipping them makes army happy then I'm okay with it I guess? I just hope that they don't fight too much over it. :')"


Q: "---What would you do if Yoongi and Taehyung started dating?

and what do you think would happen if two members of BTS started dating?"

A: "RM: cough... well this is a very interesting question. I think that whatever happened---the most important thing is that everyone is happy. And the members are family... we're family so we support each other, no matter what. Right?

HS: Yeah of course. Support and love. That's what's family.

*big group hug*"


Q: "Yoongi... Jungkook... Why TF do you always twerk?"

A: *the two share a look and shrugg* Because why not?


Q: "How are you?"

A: "LITTLE PUMPKIN I'M SO HAPPY YOU ASKED; THANK YOU! I'm fine by the way. I didn't think this book would come this far honestly and I enjoyed the result. I hope that everyone liked this mad ride and that the story was funny and entertaining to read. *Throws confetti around the room*"

Q: "How do you find someone to talk about your problems and I can't? :("

A: "Idk But if you really need help you can actually talk to me whenever you feel like it, sweety."

Q: "Not a question, but in our local language, Kundi means butt so kundis means Butts. Love you"

A: "*Chuckles* Lol I love you too, you random little bean."

Q: "Have you been eating, drinking enough water? Getting in the sleep?? Also how are you so talented? Mucho love <3"

A: "I've been eating like a fat cat since I moved to sweden and everybody is like feeding me and offering me cinnamon muffins and chai latte and My face have become so round I could roll on it but I never felt better than now lol. I've had some problems because I have been used with going to sleep not before 3AM but I'm working on that AND THANK YOU! I just enjoy writing and creating things, I hope it's not too random or weird for any of you guys!"

Q: "I can't believe I'm the first one who's gone and asked all of them a question. You is amazing and deserves love. Take my love *inserts four purple cute lil hearts*. Also thanks for being an inspiration to me. Xoxo"

A: "*Virtual handshake loading* I know, I'm kinda sad that Yoongi only got a lot of questions but OH WELL, thank you for asking all the members something sweety. You're amazing and deserve love as well *Throws little paper hearts and flower petals* And I'm glad I INFIRES YOU. I'm deeply sorry about the pun but I couldn't help it lol."

Q: "what inspired you to write this story and why did you choose to use Taegi?"

A: "I think Taegi is a very cute ship and Friends is such an inspiring tv program so... I've been wanting to write a story that mixed these two things and that's when this plot came in my mind. I just imagined them in the scene and---- I just felt like I had to do it."

Q: "I already asked but--- I just wanted to check if I am right. You ship Jikook too, don't you?"

A: "I do indeed. I think they're really cute and... They make me laugh so hard."

Q: " I'm just saying, can't he just like, I don't know, ask his members if he can NAP with them? It's more entertaining this way so I don't really mind anyway but still---"

And Q: " If jhope days yes to everything couldn't tae just ask him?"

A: "If Tae asked to any of the members directly, he would've had to explain his situation and he wanted to avoid just that. Being in pain for so long had had a bad impact on his mind so he isn't thinking clearly all the time (so much that he didn't even consider the idea of going to the doctor)."

And to conclude, here are some of the best comments that made my day more than one time :)

( Sorry if I didn't tag everyone)



And this is definitively the funniest comment of them all

This whole book was fun to write, and the feedback made It even Better.
But funny bits and puns aside, this story was about two boys that have Always had a very unique relationship and I wanted to show that love can be shown in many different ways. I could've made It a really explicit lovestory, but I wanted to make it different. I wrote about a different kind of affection because I think that it doesn't have to Always revolve about the romantic kind of Love.

The plot came in my head and was based off that Friends scene and when I First started to write, I didn't know It would get to this point. But I knew I wanted It to end like this, like the scene itself ended, with the only difference that Tae and Yoongi aren't ashamed or made fun of the whole nap thing.

Their relationship had been getting Better since the very beginning, and after all the things that happened, Yoongi overcame his fears and he was the one to initiate the nap.

So yeah.

I hope it was fun to read and that nobody got sad that they didn't kiss or did the devil's tango, and that I managed to warm your heart with the power of Taegi fluff.

Thanks again for reading and for all the support.

I purple you all!

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