Happy ever after? (A Sequal...

By MJsGirl1987

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Sequel to Love hurts? After a traumatic past and becoming parents at such a young age. Michael (Now 20) and O... More

New start
Past tension
Don't tell
Unwanted Visitor
Bad medicine
Bad day
Bad terms
Happy birthday
Moving on
Left out
Old faces
For the best
New addition
first day
Boy's night out
Two sides
Change of plan
Morning after
I told you so
Giving up
We need to talk
More lies
My fault
First day back
Flash backs
Too much
Searching for answers
It was me
Time to say goodbye
Can't say goodbye
Not ready
No pressure
Taking sides
Trust me
Wedding day
For the best
Change of heart
Broken promise
Precious Jewels
Family time
First meeting
I'm sorry
New life
New leads
A brothers Love
Janet's story
Pushed aside
Tell them
Miss you
2nd chance
Feeling guilty
False hope
True feelings
Switch Pt.1
Switch pt.2
Moving foward
Better off
True feelings
Miss Jackson
Trick or treat?
Just talk
I Love You
The truth
Daddy's Girls
Girl talk
Going away
Making plans
The truth
The whole truth
Flying the nest
Sweet 16
All grown up


96 7 0
By MJsGirl1987

Ocean's POV

"I still can't believe our little boys 4 already! Their all growing up to fast" I giggle to Maria "I know. They grow up so fast. Do you think you two would bee another?"

"Nope. I think giving birth to 3 kids is more than enough for me" I chuckle.

"We're not ruling it out completley though" Michael says, walking into the kitchen. "Well right now, I think we have more than enough" I smile and peck his lips. "Anyway... Are you gonna help us finish this party food or what?" I ask, changing the topic, before it goes any deeper.

I do love being a mother and I know Michael would be happy if we had another, but right now I'm still not sure if I want anymore children, I already have three perfect babies.

"What time does this party start anyway?" Maria asks. "In about an hour, So people will propably be showing up soon and..."

I'm cut off when the phone rings and Michael, drops the sandwhiches he was making and rushes into the hallway to grab the phone and I walk to the door and listen in.

"Fine! whatever! You didn't have to call for that. Just get here when your ready" Michael frowns then hangs up.

"Ray woke up late an he'll be here soon" He mumbles to be then walks into the living room.

"What was that about?" Maria asks, confused. "He thought it might have been Janet" I mumble "You guys still haven't heard from her?"

"Nope, but she'll be home soon" I say, hopefully and maria nods and smiles at me through pursed lips.

"What times. your dad coming? I thought he would have been here last night like Michael's family"

"He's not. He called earlier to wish DJ a happy birthday though"

"How come? I thought you guys patched things up when you flew over to see him?" She asks confused. "We did and we still talk on the phone sometimes, but.... um... I'm still not sure if we should tell him where we are" I mumble that last part. "I know you guys have been through alot, but your safe here. you know that right?" She says softly and I nod. "I know, but to be honest. Not having everybody know where we are is probably for the best. We came here to get away from our past and the last thing we need is that past, coming back into our lives and i'd rather keep it that way. Plus it's nice being just me, Michael and the kids"

"Well don't worry. your secrets safe with me" She smiles and moves closer to give me a hug and I quickly move away.

"I should probably go check on the kids" I smile politlely and quickly go back into the living room with Michael and the others.

Michael's POV

"That's not fair! You totally cheated" Jermaine frowns, throwing the PlayStation controller on the floor. "No I didn't. You lost. Just admit it" I chuckle at his reaction. "Your a loser uncle JayJay" DJ cuts in. "You tell him buddy" I chuckle and give him a hug.

"No. Your daddy cheated so technically I didn't and..."

"Why don't you both shut the fuck up!?" My dad snaps out of nowhere, cutting Jermaine off an we all turn to him confused. "Joesph! Was that really necessary? They were only playing" my mother frowns and he gets up an storms out, without a word.

"Daddy, why is Grampa angry?" Veah asks confused. "I'm not sure. You stay here with mommy an the others" I smile handing her to Ocean and kiss her cheek then go and check he's ok.

I see him in the back yard sitting on the bench and go out to him. "Are you ok?" I ask confused. "Don't act like you care" he frowns "Your sisters been missing for months and your here throwing parties and sitting around playing video games like nothings happened! All of you are! Not a single one of you have mentioned Janet's name since we got here and..."

"Of course I care!" I snap cutting him off. "She's my little sister and I want her home just as badly as everybody else, but I'm not gonna sit back an ignore my kids birthday, just because she's not here. They come first and this is our second year with him and..."

"And why's that again?" He cuts me off "Because you and Ocean are selfish little pricks that only thinks about themselves an cared more about partying an getting high than you did your own kid and THAT'S why you lost him, but unlike YOU, I don't just move away an make another one to make up for the one I lost and then..."

"If i'm such a disapointment and a shitty person then why'd you bother coming?" I cut him off. "Yeah, I fucked up, but so what!? You weren't exactly a role model parent yourself were you!? At least my kids aren't growing up scared of me or terrified their gonna get beaten if I have a shitty day at work or..."

"No, that's just your wife" he scoffs "And atleast MY kids aren't gonna grow up hating me" I continue, ignoring his last comment

"We all hated you growing up an every single one of us couldn't wait to get away from you! You never cared about us and you never cared about Janet. The second she got pregnant you did nothing, but treat her like shit and I'm not suprised she left! The only thing I'm suprised about is how long it took her and...."

"And I wish it was YOU that was missing!!"

"JOESPH!" Mother gasps and we turn and see everybody standing at the back door.

"I- I didn't mean..."

"Yes you did" I mutter, cutting my dad off and walk back into the house with out waiting for his response.

Kathrine's POV

"I didn't mean to say that" Joesph sighs. "He was saying all this stuff and I just snapped and..."

"We all heard the whole thing" I cut him off "How could you say something like that to him? All he wanted to do was check you were ok"

"Well obviously I'm NOT OK! Our fucking daughters missing!" He snaps "And you think I don't know that!?" I snap back. "You think your the only one that's hurting right now? Because your not! and you can't keep taking it out on all of us and you can't keep blaming Michael and Ocean for what happened to Janet"

"I know that" he mumbles "But seeing him sitting there playing with his kids and cuddling his daughters and acting like nothings happened when all this time..."

"He's their father. Why wouldn't he? And incase you've forgotten, it's Duncan's 4th birthday today and that poor boy's just had to listen to his grandfather yelling at his father and say he wished he was missing!"

"I didn't tell you all to stand at the door" he shrugs. "No, but you were both screaming loud enough for us to hear you. Now you need to go inside an apologise to Michael"

"People have started arriving now" he says, pointing into the house and I see some parents and children, walking into the house.

"I'll talk to him after the party"

"No you need to speak to him before then. Just pull him aside an..."


"Joesph! You have just stood there and told our son, you wished he was the one that was missing, brought up all his past mistakes and accused him of not caring about his children and having Neveah to replace Duncan and the longer you leave it to talk to him, the longer he'll be thinking on it ..."

"I know. But it just came out and..."

"It's taken over 18 years for you and Michael to have the close bond you share now an your about to lose that if your not careful. Do you really want that? And it's not just with Michael, it's with everybody. Do you really want you family to go back to being afraid of you?"

"Of course not" he mumbles "Then go in there an talk to your son before you lose him again" I say soft, yet sternly an he walks back inside without a word and I follow inside then go upstairs to the bathroom.

I lock the door and begin weeping. It's been months since Janet left and we still haven't found anything of her and instead of sticking together,  everybody has been yelling and blaming each other and there hasn't been a single day without someone arguing and it feels like I'm watching my family slowly break apart. I just wish she'd call or write or something just to let us know she's safe.

Rebbie's POV

The party's started and all the guests are in great spirit an the children are having a great time, but even though my family is smiling, it's clear nobody's happy, especially Michael and I'm not surprised after the things Joesph said to him. I was really starting to believe everybody when they said Joesph has changed, but what I saw this morning was the same old Joesph I've always known. The only difference I saw was him not beating Michael for talking back to him.

I'm sat talking with Mrs Baker, whilst still looking over at Michael playing with his kids and once I see him go inside, I excuse myself and follow him.

"Are you ok?" I ask, walking into the kitchen and he nods. "Mhm. I just came to get some water" he mumbles and stares out of the window at Joesph, talking with LaToya.

"Don't take what he said to heart"

"But it's all true" he shrugs "What are you talking about? Your a great father and your a great husband and..."

"Yeah, when I feel like it" he mutters and looks like he's about to cry.

"Why don't we go upstairs for a moment?" I suggest and he nods.

We get to his bedroom an as soon as I close the door, he sits in the bed and starts crying and I sit beside him.   "He's right about everything. DJ was taking away because I cared more about drugs and couldn't keep my hands to myself and he was even right about trying to replace our kids"

"But I thought you said only Princess was planned? You had Veah and DJ back by then and everything was fine" I frown confused. "Ocean got pregnant again after we had DJ an she had a miscarriage and we tried to get it back but, we couldn't"

"So Veah was planned?" I ask and he nods. "Kinda.. We stopped trying, but then when social services took DJ from us, Ocean moved back with her parents and she found out she was pregnant again, but it wasn't how it was supposed to happen. She didn't get pregnant when we were trying. She got pregnant because I raped her... Same way she got pregant with DJ" he croaks then starts crying. "And she sees that everytime she looks in our kids eyes. She's had to be reminded of what I did to her everyday and..."

"That's not what she sees" I cut him off "How would you know?" He frowns "Because I'm a mother and the way Ocean looks at her children is the same way I look at my son. She loves those babies and she loves you too. She forgave you for those things you did in the past and she made the choice to be with you. She didn't have to come back to you when she was pregnant with Veah. She was back with her parents and had DJ with her and she could have fogotten all about you, but she didnt. Michael, you have a beautiful wife and 3 amazing children that love you, don't let what Joseph said take that away from you" I say softly and he doesn't say anything for a moment.

"I just wanna make him proud, but I just screw everything up as always" he mumbles "I said Janet and her baby could come stay with me and I promised they'd both be OK and I'd take care of them but..."

"That's not your responsibility" I cut him off. "Janet and Mikey were never your responsibility. The only responsibilities you have are to your wife and to your children, nobody else" I say softly and lean forward to wipe the tears from his face, but he flinches moves away slightly.

"Sorry. I forgot you don't like people doing that" I mutter awkwardly and he doesn't say anything. "Do you want me to get Ocean for you?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"For what? I'm fine" smiles at me then gets up off the bed. "You coming down or what? Your gonna miss the party" he smiles then walks out like nothing happend.

I've only spoken to Michael a few times about his past and his feelings and I still find it strange how he an Ocean quickly put on a fake smile and pretend like the conversation never happened, but I haven't mentioned it to either of them because I'm not sure if it's just their personalities or their way of dealing with things and I don't want them to feel akwards about it.

Ocean's POV

"Nothing's official yet, but we've started looking at houses in the area, but most are miles away from here" Kathrine explains. "Yeah, people buy houses round here pretty fast" I smile and she continues telling me about other areas she's been looking at.

"Hey"  Michael smiles, walking back outside. "What are you girls talking about?" He asks then pecks my lips and sits beside me.

"I was just telling Ocean that your father an I have been looking at some houses"

"Why? I thought you loved your house?" He frowns confused. "I do, but with everything that's been going on with Janet, your father and I were talking and thought it'll be better for us to move here to Miami so we could be closer and we won't have to get a plane every time we want to visit you and we can all see each other all the time and we can help you out whenever you need us" she smiles.

"That's great" He smiles, but I can tell by his smiles that's he pissed off. "We should probably start getting ready to cut the cake soon. Why don't I help you in the kitchen?" He turns to me, getting up and I nod and follow him into the kitchen.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" He snaps, once we're alone and I look at him confused.

"We came here for a fresh start. Just you, me and our kids and everything was perfect and now your sitting their inviting everybody to live with us!"

"What!? No I didn't! She said her and your dad were talking about moving closer so they can help with finding Janet and...."

"And keep a check on us" He cuts me off. "You heard what she said. Their gonna be over here every single day and...."

"No they won't. And they haven't even done anything yet. Their just looking at houses"

"That doesn't mean you have to encourage them! They don't need to be here all the time" he frowns "Why are you getting so pissed about this? Your mom only wants to be close by so she can help find Janet and wants to help us and..."

"I take care of you and our kids, nobody else. Your my family and that's all you need so quit encouraging people to move over here"

"I didn't encourage shit! That was you! Or have you forgotten that it was you that wanted Janet here in the first place or that it was you that wanted to foster Mikey or..."

"And look how shitty that turned out for us" he cuts me off. Then we turn and see LaToya at the kitchen door.

"um... I just came to see if you guys needed any help?"

"We're fine. We were just getting the candles ready for DJ's cake" Michael fakes a smile at her "OK... I'll go get all the kids ready" she smiles awkwardly then leaves.

"See? Nosey! This is what we'd have to deal with everyday if they move over here" he sighs, then starts getting the candles ready for DJ's cake.

As much as I wanted to say something, I didn't bother saying anything else on the subject because I really don't want to be arguing with Michael, especially on our sons birthday, but I am starting to get really irritated with the way Michael's been acting lately. I understand him being upset about what Joesph said to him and I get that he's stressed about Janet, but for the past few months, he's started to become more snappy and constantly looking for reasons to start an argument me.

LaToya's POV

DJ's party finished a few hours ago and in general the party went great and the kids were really happy and had a great time, but unfortunately the rest of the family wasn't. They all put on a smile for the children and the guest, but it was clear nobody was truly happy. And I noticed a few times my dad trying to get Michael alone, but Michael kept avoiding him and made it clear he didn't want to speak with him. It was obvious my dad was trying to apologise for earlier, but just like our dad, Michael is extremely stubborn at times an refused to hear him out.

Nobody's been the same since Janet left and the not knowing is the hardest part. If she'd ran away an was staying with a friend or something we'd still be upset, but atleast we'd know where she was and that she was alive, but after months of not knowing anything we're all heartbroken and everybody keeps tearing into each other, especially the men. We should all be sticking together as a family, but instead it feels like I'm watching my family break apart infront of me.

It's getting late and I'm helping Ocean clean up the mess in the kitchen and I can see she looks tierd. "Been a pretty long day, huh?" I smile and she nods. "Atleast we have a few months before the next birthday" she yawns.

"I heard mother told you about the move. Your OK with that aren't you?" I ask and she shrugs "If that's what you guys wanna do. It is a nice place here here" she smiles at me through pursed lips. "As long as you don't think we're just doing it to follow you guys or anything" I chuckle slightly, making her do the same and Michael walks in.

"Where is everybody?"

"Mother and dad went to bed and Randy and Jermaine are next door. Mrs Baker said they could stay tonight, so it wouldn't be so crowed here" I explain and he nods. "I'm gonna go to bed myself soon" Ocean cuts in.

"You can't. I'm gonna drive Ray back to his hotel, so you'll have to wait"

"If she's tierd why can't she just go to bed?" I frown confused. "Because I'm not ready to go to bed yet" he frowns then turns to Ocean. "I'll only be about 20 min. I'm sure you can stay awake a little longer" he says and pecks her lips then leaves.

"Michael! You can't tell her what to..."

Before I can finish he walks out and closes the kitchen door behind him.

"Why didn't you say something to him?" I turn to Ocean, confused. "It's fine. I need to take a shower anyway" she sighs slightly and I look out of the window and wait until Michael drives away then turn back to her.

"I need to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest with me"

"Sure" she shrugs. "Has Michael been hitting you again?"

"What!? No!" She frowns "Are you sure? Because if he's been bullying you or hitting you, you know you can tell me right?"

"He hasn't... I swear"

"Then what was that about this afternoon in the kitchen? Or just now?"

"He's just stressed out about Janet is all and he's upset about what happened earlier with him and your dad" she shrugs. "Are you sure that's all it it?" I ask concerned and she nods. "I swear on my children's lives, Michael hasn't done anything"

"Well if he does you know you can tell me ok?"

"I know. I appreciate your concern, but I promise you he hasn't done anything. He's just been argumentative is all. And I didn't say anything to him because I really don't wanna be arguing. I'm to tired to deal with it right now" she shrugs and I nod, and don't say anymore on the matter.

It did made me really uncomfortable the way he was speaking to Ocean and telling her what to do and after what I heard this afternoon, I was worried Michael had gone back to the way he used to be, but I know Ocean and I know she would never swear on  her children's lives if what she was saying wasn't true.

Michael's POV

"Bro, I get that your upset, but you can't be taking it out on Ocean. And let's be honest, she's put up with ALOT of your bullshit over the years and you guys are finally in a good place. Don't ruin that" Ray says softly and I nod. "I don't mean to take it out on her. I was just really stressed out and I feel really bad about snapping at her earlier"

"Then tell her that and quit being an asshole. Because if you keep going the way you are then she's gonna walk out on you and she'll be taking those babies with her"

"She said that!?" I frown "No, but would you really blame her if she did?"

"No" I mutter "Then as soon as you get home. And what was that about telling her she couldn't go to bed until you were ready? And YES I was listening in on your conversations" He frowns confused. "I just like when we go to sleep together is all... We always cuddle before we go to sleep" I mumble that last part. "But I will talk to her when I get home"

"Good. Because Ocean's like a little sister to me and I don't wanna leave knowing she's upset"

"She won't be.... Do you really think she'd ever leaving me?" I mumble that last part. "If you were my husband, I would have dumped you along time ago" He shrugs. "Thanks, for the encouragement" I roll my eyes. "I didn't ask you to drive me to the hotel to give you encouragement. I just wanted to get you alone to tell you to quit fucking around with Ocean. You have the perfect family. Don't fuck up by throwing a tantrum just because things aren't going your way... " he says in a serious tone and I nod, not saying anything. "Oh and by the way. That's really gay that you can't sleep unless somebody to snuggles with you first"

"Shut up Ray" I mutter, wishing I hadn't mentioned that part. "Well it is. I'm gay so I know and what you just said was super gay" he chuckles.


After dropping Ray off, I get home and nobody is downstairs. I look in the kids room to check on them then go into my own room and Ocean is lay on the bed, watching TV.

"Don't worry, I'm still awake" She says with an attitude. "I'm sorry about that. I just wanted to snuggle with you, when I got back" I mutter as I get into bed and wrap my arms around her. 

"And I'm sorry I've been so snappy with you latley" I tell her honestly. "Then why have you been?"

"Honestly? Because I feel like I'm losing control over everything. No matter what I do, it doesn't go right. At home, at work... Nowhere. I go to work an I have to deal with Colin's bullshit all day and then I come home and everybody's here and I'm doing everything I can to try an find Janet, but I can't and it feels like nothing I do is good enough" I tell her honestly.

"But Michael, you can't expect everything to go your way all the time, it doesn't work like that. There's gonna be things that happen that you can't control and you need to just except it. Yelling at everybody and starting arguments isn't gonna change what's going on"

"I know and i'm sorry.... I just want my little sister back" Mutter then start crying and she wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer to her. "I know you do. We all do and she will be back. We just need to stay strong for her"

"But, it's been months and we still don't even know where she is. I'm doing everything I can to find her, but..."

"And we will find her. Everybody needs to just stop fighting each other and concertrate on finding Janet. We will find her... I promise"

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