Why Don't We Imagines and Pre...

By Cynthia686

852K 14.7K 3.8K

Hey! This is a why don't we Imagines and preferences. Enjoy and please vote!! Highest: #39 in fan fiction! More

How you meet
Your lockscreen
His Lockscreen
Make-out moments
What he does when you're mad
Corbyn Besson
What you do when he's upset
Zach Herron
Your name on his phone
His name on your phone
Daniel Seavey
What he likes about you
Your song
Jonah Marais
The dress he bought you
Your celebrity crush he's jealous of
His favorite outfit
Jack Avery
Fans favorite gif
Your Best Friend
Your celebrity ex
How you guys break up
Author's Note ❤️
You Guys Go Live
His love bites ❤️
Your Love Bites
How He Is When He's Jealous
The Boys Notice His Love Bites
Youtube Video You Make
What You Love About Him
What Kind Of Relationship You Have
Phone Calls
His Favorite Photoshoot Of You
Your Favorite Photoshoot Of Him
He Gets Turn On When You
Jack Avery
Authors Note
Jonah Marais
Dating Corbyn Includes
Dating Zach Includes
Dating Daniel Includes
Dating Jonah Includes
Dating Jack Includes
Daniel Seavey
Part Two
Your Hidden Talents
The Song You Do Together
Zach Herron
He's Sick
Somebody From Team 10 Has A Crush On You
Your Break Up Song
He Comments On Your Ig Post
Your Birthday Gift
His Birthday Gift
You're A Celebrity
Snapchat He Send You
How You Know He's Mad
Daniel Imagine For Nancy
Jack Avery Imagine For Fefe
Cute Habits Of Yours That He Loves
Somebody Else Starts Getting Feelings
Imagine For Sophie
Author's Note (Important)
His Proposal
His Reaction To You Saying "I Love You" For The First Time
Your First Date
His Relationship With Your Parents
Matching Outfits
Imagine For Bianca
A/N ❤️
Couple Movies
Sex With Him
Jonah Imagine For Emily
Realizing He's In Love
Daniel Seavey (Prom)
Selfies On IG + Captions
His Reaction (Pregnant)
High School Couple
Part 2 Jonah Imagine For Emily
How He Looks At You
Skate Park (Request)
Surpirising Jack (Request)
Your "Couple" Thing
Daniel Seavey (Prom) 2
Song Imagines Updates
Too Good At Goodbyes - Jack
Distraction - Corbyn
Zach Imagine (Request)
Jonah Imagine (Request)
Why - Jonah
Zach - Perfect
author note sorry!!
Quit - Daniel
Reaction to Acidentally Confessing To You
Envy - Jonah

Zach Herron

3.4K 76 50
By Cynthia686

QOTD: Are you single?

Being Zach Herron's girlfriend really did have it's good benefits, from feeling like being on top of the world to feeling small and tiny, in a good way of course. Although you both were young, there was no doubt that you both loved each other very much, to the point where many fans were already "planning" the marriage. Which was disturbing honestly, especially since you two had only dated for 2 years.

In a way, Zach had made your life better and you couldn't be happier, long distant or close, you couldn't get enough.

Today, was just a normal day. Jack had called you down to the house, stating that he was "bored." So, being a good friend to the closest friend you had in the group, you met up with them, feeling quite bored in your own house yourself.

Zach hadn't been around lately, and he's been missing calls, text and dates. In which you totally understand, because he has been working a lot with Daniel to write new songs and new lyrics to appease his lovely limelight's.

Being the awesome girlfriend you are, you never questioned it, not only does he always come home with Daniel, showing off his new lyrics, he tries to make time for you, sends you a "I'm busy, let's talk tonight, if I forget, you have my full approval to leave me for someone better," and sends you gifts, food and always asks Jack to asks you how you were doing in school and home. Zach was sweet, close and afar.

Lately, though, you've just been craving attention and affection. It was a shitty feeling and made you feel like a shitty girlfriend, but who can control cravings? No one.

Visiting the boys tonight, was something you were clearly excited about, not only was Zach there, but this was your chance to teach him a lesson. Sorry limelight's, but he's your boyfriend.


Your eyes, from covered from the darkness too long, adjusted to the bright lights of their living room, and you smile as all five boys, (except for Jonah was peacefully napping on the couch) smile and jumping up to give you a hug. Just like you to them, they missed you a lot.

"Hey, baby."

Your waist was pulled back slightly as a familiar, warm presence engulfed you from behind and you giggled as the smell of your boyfriend filled your nose as he nuzzled your neck.

"What are you doing here?"

You opened your mouth to answer you were cut off by none other than Jack himself. "I called her." He swings the key that he somehow had in his hand around as he stood there, looking quite irritated as he watched you two cuddle in the hallway.

Zach let go of you and looked from you and Jack, "Really? Why didn't you ask me?"

"She's your girlfriend Herron, not your property." A sleepy Jonah awaken.

Zach shrugged and gave you a smile. You returned it but quickly put it away to run into Jack's arms.


Naturally, having Jack quite irritated because of you and Zach made your plan even better. So to soothe not only your frustrating needs for love, you can soothe Jack's frustrating needs for attention from his best friend too. "I miss you."

Jack, still stunned that you suddenly peeped into his arms, chuckled and slowly wrapped his arms around you. "I miss you too lovely." His laughed ranged in your ears and you smiled, nuzzling his neck.

When your cuddle session with Jack ended 3 seconds later, you turned around to find Zach with a slight frown on his face, his arms crossed and legs shifting his weight back and forth.

"What about me?"

You giggled. "Don't worry, I'll see you later. For now, though, I miss my best friend Jack, so let me be." On cue, you turned around before Zach can reply and grabbed Jack's hand, dragging him to his bedroom.

The boy's laughter died down, and Zach watched painfully, as you dragged his best friend away.

"What are you doing?"

For the past 10 minutes you've been in Jack's room, watching a movie and eating snacks, you've been sticking your head out of the bedroom, laughing really loud and excusing yourself to use the bathroom, a total of 17 times.

On your 18th attempt at sticking your head out of the door, Jack slightly caught on.

"What? Nothing, nothing." You scooted away from the door to sit, cross-legged, next to Jack again as he chewed on some chips and looked at you with curious eyes. "Just looking out the door again."

"No," he set the bag of chips down and turned to you with serious eyes. "What are you doing doing?"

His serious tone made you look at him with wide innocent eyes. "Nothing." You denied once more, turning away to munch on some chips you somehow grabbed from his hands. 


His sudden exclamation made you jump up and jerked your hand too far that chips splattered everywhere, all over you and Jack. 

"W-what? Jack?"

"You're trying to make Zach jealous by hanging out with me because he has been ignoring for so long and you're sick and tired of it!"

You reached out to grab pieces from his curls while maintaining a straight face. "What?" You let out the most fakie laugh ever, all while trying not to look him in the eye. "That's not..true."

"Uh-huh, I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." 

Slumping back down from fixing his hair, you let out a small pout and furrowed your eyebrows. "Y/n.." 

Turning the TV down, he scooted closer and placed a friendly arm around your shoulders to give you a soothing rub. "Why are you doing this? You know, the best way to maintain a healthy, loving relationship, is to talk it out." 

You shook your head and shrugged. "I don't know. I figured this might be a great way to get him back and to get his attention." Adverting your eyes to the ground, Jack had enough and grabbed your shoulders to sit you up straight and look him in the eye. "Go and talk to your boyfriend." 


It took 30 minutes for Jack to finally convinced you to go and apologize for your behaviour. The last 5 minutes you convinced Jack to bring you more snacks to cover up the tangles in your stomach. 

3 bags of chips, 1 bag of popcorn, 3 cookies, and one carton of apple juice later, you bid Jack goodnight and tiptoed your way to Zach's room. 

His room was illuminated with the lamp's gold light, the curtains were closed, and so were his eyes as he sat on his bed, with his back against the headboard and head leaned back. 

At first, you assumed he was asleep until you can see the white earbuds still plugged into his phone as he held it in his hands, head slightly bobbing to the music. 

Smiling, you quietly closed the door and made your way over to climb in next to him on the bed. At the feeling of the bed dip beside him, Zach opened his eyes and gave you the side eye, before choosing to ignore you and close his eyes once again. 

"Babe?" You tried again, reaching over to pull one earbud out of his ear. He stirred, and continued to keep his eyes closed. 

Sighing, you lean back, defeated. "I'm sorry." You said, looking down as you played your hands, avoiding his eyes. Or, his closed ones. 

"I just..miss you. I don't know, that's a stupid excuse. You've been busy, and I tried to help you out as much as I can. It's just...I miss you and-" 

"I can't stay mad at you forever princess."

His sweet, tired voice cut through your apology and made you turn your head to see him, eyes open, head up, and a smile on your face. 

"I miss you too." 

A small smile crept up your face, along with a blush that burned your cheeks, you turned away to hide it. 

"Hey, relax. I'm not mad anymore. Seriously though? Jack? He's ugly." 

Laughing, you lightly slapped him on the chest as he smiled widely. 


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