Sasha Jones

By ShaeTheAuthor

9.4K 476 59

WARNING‼️ This was my first story ever on Wattpad, so there will be errors in the story. However, the plot is... More

'' Sasha Jones ''
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 : End of the Road .
Chapter 25 : London's Gift .
Author's Note

Chapter 24 : Sexual Healing

254 15 0
By ShaeTheAuthor

Sha'la POV

Sitting at Denny's, I realized that I finally reached rock bottom. What can I possibly do with myself right now? Trish said that she'll send my check in on Friday, and as of right now, I don't have that much money up under my name. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair, and cupped my face into my hands. Lord Why? Why did I chose to follow that bum here to Baltimore?

''Ma'm your coffee'' I looked up to see a blonde haired boy, with deep blue eyes, holding a tray with my beverage. I smiled weakly, and took my mug of coffee. ''Thanks'', I mumbled. He smiled, and walked away. I woke up today feeling fresh, now I'm feeling like Kayne when he don't get an award. Pissed. Maybe even passed that. I don't know where I'm headed, but things got to get right for me. It got too.

''Excuse me Miss'' I looked up to see the blonde haired boy again. He sure does like to pop up on people. I cleared my throat, and glared at him with one brow up, letting him know that he got my invited attention. ''Why do you look so depressed?'', he indeed asked. My brows raised. I placed my coffee down, and interwined my fingers,onto the table. ''Excuse me?''

He takes a seat on the other side of the booth, which he didnt ask to sit. ''Oh, may I?'',he asked. I rolled my eyes, and took a sip out of my drink. He settle down into the chair, and watched me intently. Staring back, I realized that icy isn't all that ugly. His blue eyes seems to pull me in a trance. I want to look away, but his eyes seems so welcoming.

''Why you look so stressed?'',he questioned me. I knit my brows at him. ''I don't think that's any of your buisness'' He shook his head, ''I don't get it. You're too beautiful to sit around looking like you mad at the world'' I sighed, ''Listen Icy , I dont kno- ''What?'', he interrupts me. I frowned,''What?'' ''You called me Icy.'',he said. Inside I just felt like I've gotten sucker punched in my stomach a billion times. Why did I called him Icy?

''Listen sir, I'm no- ''David. My name is David'',he informs me. I sighed in aggravation. ''Listen David, I'm not feeling too good, okay? So let me just give you your tip,and I'll be on my way'' I dug into my purse, and fished out seven dollars. Money for two cups of coffee, and the rest for his tip. I gripped onto my purse, and slide out the booth. ''You look nice'',he calls out. I looked down to see that I'm still in my suit. I rolled my eyes, and stormed out the resturant.


Tying up my shoe laces, I decided to take a jog around the park down town. I put most of all my money into staying here in the Pandora Hotel. I just need somewhere to lay my head at, until I move to Atlanta with my mom. Plugging my earbuds into my phone, it soon vibrates. Terrence is calling,which seems like the hundreth time. I smacked my teeth, and walked out my suite, locking it. When will he ever get it? I've moved on, well not completely. But I'm trying. It's a process they say. I just wish it'll speed up. I'm done crying.

The sun was now setting, and I'm now on my 3rd lap around the park. One thing that I love about this park is that it has an walk way around the entire park,and right in the middle is an fountain that many people makes their wishes. Down my back, I felt a sweat bead trickle it's way down my back. I really need to shower. Turning pass some tree's, I seen a nearby bench. Jogging faster, I made my way to the bench and decided to take a rest.

I closed my eyes, and pant. This is most definetly a stress reliever for me. Sitting back, I sat still and listened to the song that's playing in my earbuds. ''Someone to Love- Jon B'' . My heart aches, as the chorus begun. This is the song that me and Terrence first made love to. NOTHING. I can't do nothing without thinking of Terrence. When something bad happens to me, I can't help but to blame Terrence. When something good comes to me, I'm pretty sure I would'nt know how to take it because of Terrence. I opened my eyes, and blinked them repeatdly.

''Don't cry. Please don't'', I said to myself.Instead of listening to myself, two tears trickled down my sweaty cheeks. This man hurted me in so many ways. My trust is is now messed up. At times I just want to cut his balls, and stuff them in Sasha's mouth, but then again I want to cut them and hold them cose to my heart. I guess that just to show you how much I truly love this man. No matter what he puts me through.

I soon feel a tap on my shoulder. I jumped up and let out an small cry. I narrowed my eyes at the person, and paused the song. I took my ear buds out my ear and crossed my arms. ''What the hell David?'' He kneals down, and slaps his knee. I rolled my eyes, and looked down to see an pitbull by his side. Taking my eyes off the dog, I cut my eyes at his owner, who no longer laughing.

''So you think that it's cool to run up on people?'' He shakes his head no, keeping the same goofy smile on his face. ''Nah. I called out to you first, but somebody act like they could'nt hear me'' I scoffed,''Well duh.'',I said shaking my earbuds in his face. He laughs again,''Wow. Well I just wanted to see do you feel any better from earlier. But from the looks of things. It seems like you were cyring''

My brows raised,''And where did you get from?'' His laugh soon turns into an stern facial expression. ''Miss I may be off on some things, but I can tell the difference between tears and sweat. Besides your eyes are now red. They wasnt like that back at the resturant'' I sighed. David seems to be all up in my buisness. Cant he tell that i dont want his help? ''Well I'm fine okay''

I started to walk off, and began to put my earbuds in. ''Oh really?'', he asked. I turned around, and faced him from a further distance. ''Yes David'' He smiles again, ''Well how about dinner? If you feel so much better'',he challenged me. I stopped , and held onto my earbuds. ''Come again?''

Him and his dog walks up to me. When he walked from up under the tree's, the sun beams down on his perfect cream skin, with a hinch a dark to it. It looks like he tans. His blonde hair were now swooped to the left, showing off his cool blue eyes. My body instantly tingled all over. He's gorgeous for a white guy. [ Not to come off Racist. Some black women tends to think like this]

''I said would you like to come to dinner with me?'' My mouth grew dry. An complete stranger asking me out to eat. What can I say? ''I don't know David. You seem kinda stalkerish'' His brows raised, while his lips curved into a smile. ''I'm not a bad guy okay? I just want to take you out. By the way, I didn't catch your name. What is it?'' ''Kathy'',I lied. He frowned,''Kathy?'' I kissed my teeth,''I can't help what my mother named me'' I think deep down, David knew that a sister like me name could'nt be Kathy. But he believed me anyways. ''Well Kathy, come to Ole' Times. You know where that resturant is,right?'' I nodd my head yeah. ''Yeah, I know where that is'' He smiled even wider,''Well be there at 8'' I smiled weakly, ''Alright''

''Come on Brache'',he said to his dog. He jogged off with his dog, leaving me behind. Wow, I'm going on a date. My phone then vibrates. I looked down to see the words Fiance is calling. I rolled my eyes, and let the call go to voice mail. I really need to change his contact name.


I decided to wear dark high-waisted jeans, with an dark burgundy Tommy Hilfiger cropped sweater. At night Baltimore tends to get a little chilly outside, and Ole' Times always have their air on. Opening up the resturant door, the bell rings making everyone look towards my way. I smiled nervously, and scanned the room quickly to see David sitting on the bench. I walked up to him, ''David'' He looks up from his phone and smiled,''Wow. I almost thought you were'nt coming'' I laughed, and lead him to the podium, ''Well I'm not grumpy''

Tonight David wore an dark blue denim shirt, khaki skinny's, and dark brown sperry's. He looks quite nice tonight.Not too over the top, just plain out casual. '' Hey, how are you guys doing tonight? Welcome to Ole'Times. Take out or Buffet?'' ''Buffet for two'',David replied. She added everything up. ''Okay and drinks?'' ''Well I'll have a mountain dew, and...'' He looked over to me, to see what I wanted. ''Oh, uh I'll have the same'',I replied with a smile. The lady smiled, and handed me the receipt, while David took out his wallet. He payed the lady, and we made our way to the back. I told him I dont like to sit in the front.

The back part of Ole' Times lights were dimmed a bit, so they had a mini chandelier over each table. We both chose an table that sat at the far end of the room. ''Should we wait for our drinks?'',I asked. I was starved. He looked around the room, then shook his head no. ''No, we can get our food now''

We made our way to the front, and grabbed our plates, and went our seperate ways fixing our food. Chicken, collard greens, turnip greens, fried catfish, grits, pecan pie, black eye peas, I felt like I was a child all over again, attending Sunday dinner. I was super estactic. What David knows about Soul Food? ''I'm heading back to the table'' I looked over my shoulder to see David walking away. I smiled to myself, and continued to overload my plate with rice, and peas.

''Do you have any goals?'', I asked. He took a bite of his fried catfish, which I got him hooked on. His first plate all he had were Mac&Cheese and turnip greens. He could'nt possibly come to an resturant, only eating one dish. I introduce him to many foods tonight. ''Actually I do. I would like to be a proffesional photographer'' My brows raised,''David how come you won't go to the Agency that's uptown?'' He scoffed,''Talking about the biggest buildings thats in Baltimore?'' I nod my head,''Yeah.'' He shook his head,''Those people would'nt give me a pass. I mean look at me''

I looked him up and down. I don't get it. ''David nothing is wrong with you. It's not like you're trying to be an model'' He ignored my statement and took a big gulp out of his drink. ''Enough of that'',he stated. ''Tell me about yourself Kathy'' I furrowed my brows,''What did you call me?'' ''Uhh, Kathy?'' I gasped remembering that I told him my name were Kathy. ''My name is actually Sha'la'',I conffessed. He chuckled,''I kinda figured your name wasn't Kathy' I smiled in embarssment. He got me.

''Hey'' I looked up to him. ''Tell me why you were so upset today?'',he asked me with concern. I stared back at his cool blue eyes, which look grey under the dimmed light. Seeing that he was'nt going to back down,I pushed up my plate, and sat back on the chair. ''Well, you know them peoples that you said would'nt give you a pass?'',I asked him softly. ''Yeah'' I looked down to the table and played with my fingers.'' Well, my ex-finacee owns the agency'' He coughed , making me look up to him. ''Are you okay?'', I asked worried. He shook his head yes. ''T-Terrence your Fiancee?'', he stuttered. I sighed, ''He use to be. And I use to work at the Vogue Chapter , the second tall building''

David eyes widen,''I should'nt be paying for dinner. You should. You're filthy rich!'',he exclaimed. I smirked,''Well for your information, I told you that I no longer work there'' He shrugged his arms,''How come?'' ''Well, lets just say, my fiance were being unfaithful, and I did some things that made me loose my boss trust,who were also my friend'' He cursed under his breath,which made me laugh. ''Damn I see why you were so upset today Sha'la'' I nod my head,''Yeah, well things happen'' He shook his head, ''Well it should'nt happen to you. You're beautiful Sha'la. Gorgeous, sexy,cute,fine ass hell.'' I laughed while David continued to compliment me. ''You're every good thing that I can think of'' I smiled,''Thanks David. That means alot to me''


Later that night, I followed David to his house. Stopping at the red light, I checked my phone to see Terrence text me back.

DickHead: Babe I swear I'll never cheat on you again. I let this world suck me in, and I forgot who I really were. Baby just plz come back to me. Sasha is nothin to me. Jus trust me

Shae: Terrence at this point, I really hate you... But as I think about it, I can't push my love for u to aside.. I guess I'm stupid in love

NEW!! Terrence : Just please come meet me at Olive Garden tmw at 9.

Shae: I'll be there.

The drive to David house were like an 15 minute drive. The house was small, but it was nice. ''And this is my home'' I smiled, as I seen the beige furniture in place. To be a guy, he can really decorate his home. ''Get comfortable. I'll bring some board games'' He darts around the corner,leaving me in the front room. I took my combat boots off, and sat on the floor. David house seems a bit comforting. It reminds me alot of the small house I lived in as a child. ''Monopoly'',he yelled. He came back, running, and plopped down on the carpet. ''Wow, somebody just showed their inner child''. He laughes, while opening the box. ''Yeah,well I'm always like that with new friends'',he said with a wink. I blushed, and helped him set up the game. Curse his blue eyes.


''I won!'',he cheered. I rolled my eyes,''Only because I chose to spend my money wisely'' He laughed,''Yeah, not wise enough if I won'',he retorts. I grabbed a pillow and slammed it into his face, causing him to hush. ''Shutup'' He gets up off the floor,and jumps across the board, tackling me. We rolled all over the floor tusling with each other.''You're just an looser'',he grumbled. I rolled over, and pinned him down onto the floor. ''Sha'la don't loose to anyone''. He looks up to me and smirks,''Well you just did Sha'la'',he said putting empahsis on my name. I narrowed my eyes, and got off him. ''Whatever David, we can always have round thr-- ''

David comes behind me , and pins me down. ''So you think you were getting away that easy?'' I looked up to his eyes, and stared up at him. His eyes. They're making me weak. Again, I want to look away,but I can't. They seems so welcoming. I grabbed David down by his neck, and kissed him. For awhile he wasn't kissing me back,until he finally gave in, and deepen the kiss. ''Mmm'',I moaned. Our lips moved in sync, like it was a perfect song. He rubbed his hand up and down on my stomach, causing tingles to roam through out my body. Who ever knew that I'll be having a full makeout session on the floor, with a waiter from Denny's who annoyed me all day, but wowed me towards the night?

He pulled away breathless, and stared back at me. I bit down on my lip, and breathing hard. My hormones are going crazy. I haven't kissed Terrence like that since Sasha's party. David gets my hand, and lift us both up, leading me to his room.


The smell of bacon fulfilled my nostrils causing me to wakeup. Stretching my ams out, I found myself in a unfamilar surronding. Squinting my eyes, the events from lastnight played over. DAVID! I hopped out of the bed, and hurried to put on my clothes. I can't beileve that I downgrade myself to have an one night stand.I grabbed my phone, and hurried out the room. I turned the corner to find breakfast sat out on the table in the kitchen. ''Well Goodmorning sunshine'',he chirps happily . David had on his boxers, showing off his 8 pack. ''Uh, hi'', I pushed my hair from over my face, and walked slowly over to the small round table. Sat on the table were waffles,eggs,bacon, and orange juice. ''I was just going to wake you up for breakfast'',he said.

He sat down at the table and began to eat. Sitting at the table with David made me feel uncomfortble on a whole another level. I hardly know this guy, so why would I lay with him? Whoever made up the word One night stand, sholl didnt let me know that you'll regret it the next day. ''Are you okay?'',he asked eyeing me up down. I shook my head no,''No I uh.... have to go'' He frowned,''Look Sha'la I know you may think of me as an one night stand,but I felt like I had an connection with you , y'know?'' I dropped my face into my palms. Thats the last thing I wanted to hear from him. ''David look, I'm sorry okay? I was just vunerable at the time'',I told him. ''What over Terrence?'',he asked. I didn't say anything. It's quite obvious isn't it.

''Why would you kiss me, if you ain't felt anything?'' My heart began to ache. My intentions were'nt to hurt anyone heart like Terrence did mine. ''David, I just want to be friends okay? Besides I don't even know your age'' He scoffed,''All you had to were ask. I'm 21'' My eyes widen. ''What?'' ''I'm 21. Wait how old are you?'',he asked confused. I shook my head, and got up from the table, ignoring him. I've slept with a fucking baby! I could go to jail.But I knew that was'nt possible. I opened the door and squint my eyes,due to the brightness of the sun, and jogged out to my car. ''Huh?'', David yelled. ''I'm 29" I yelled back. Maybe even louder.

David stood on his porch, stunned. I guess he thought I was around his age. I started my car, and hurried out of his yard. Never again will I have an one night stand with anyone, without asking their age. I turned up the radio to hear ''So Into You- By Tamia'''. Though I had sex were with a 21 year old, I did enjoyed myself. I guess having sex with someone else boost my confidence in a way.

My phone began to vibrate, and I looked down to see a text message from Terrence.

DickHead: Goodmorning to the most beautiful lady ever. I love you, and I cant wait to see you tonight.

I sighed, and threw my phone over to the passenger side. I didn't bother to text him back because now I feel horrible.

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