Chapter 5

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As soon as I got home I changed out of my work clothes, and went down into the kitchen. I'm expecting Nakai and Naomi, so I ordered some chinese. That's our favorite. Kai said that her and Naomi needed a break from their men and kids.

"I need A break!'',I remember Nakai saying.

I smirked at the thought of Nakai yelling. Nakai and I may be sisters, but I'm the total opposite of her. she fight, I don't. She don't know how to be calm, but I do. My mom always said that Nakai was my protecter.

As much as I hate admiting it, but she was right. Even though Nakai is the youngest and the shortest, she doesn't let no one, and I mean no one disrespect her and her family.

On the other hand, Naomi, my cousin, everyone likes her. She's fun, out-going, and very down to earth. Naomi always have my back. I always told her that she will make an awsome lawyer, becuase a sister with a strong mind, opinions, and facts, she'll kill the game. But, modeling is her thing. She models for Victoria Secret. It feels good to see your cousin on posters and televison.

''I'm telling you'', Nakai yelled. "Them kids were hitting them moves like grown ups''

Naomi took a sip out of her sprite,''Never unexpect a child''

I nodd my head, "Amen''. We all laughed.

Hanging out with Naomi and Nakai is like a breath of fresh air.

"One time I went to the daycare to pick up Jason and Jacob, and their teacher tells me that Jason had the nerve to hump a fucking  bear'',Naomi screeched.

Me and Kai couldn't help but laugh. Jason always been a badass everysince he came out of Naomi.

"Yo that is not funny. My child don't need to be knowing what humping is''

Nakai smirked,''What about Jacob?''

Jacob is the calm twin.When I use to babysit the boys, Jacob will always be the first one to fall asleep, but Jason, that boy will give you hell if he has to go to sleep.

"Jacob, now he's the one I can deal with. Laith will always have him, while I'll have Jason'', Naomi conffesed.

I shook my head,''Laith is just sorry''.

Kai nods her head aggreeing to what I said.

''That he is'',Naomi stated,''But that's my baby''.

''Speaking of babies'',Kai said changing the subject.

I rolled my eyes, I know where she's getting at.

"Shala when will I'll be able to have a niece or an nephew'', she asked.

"Nakai I told you a billion times, when the time is right that's when I'll have a baby."

Nakai smacked her teeth, "Girl look at you!'',she exclaimed.''You're living the good life, so what do you mean when the time is right?''

I sighed, and looked down to my glass of apple cider. Naomi then scoot closer to me,'' he beating on you?'',she asked softly.

I frowned up my face,''Wha- ''

Oh HELL NAW!'',Nakai yelled cutting me off. ''I'm calling cousin Eric, Budda, Shaun. It's about to go DOWN!''

She took out her phone beginnig to dial the numbers, but I took the phone away from her.

"NAKAI NAOMI!'',I yelled. ''Terrence is not beating on me''

Naomi held on to her chest, and sighed in relief. "Thank you Jesus'',she mumbled.

"Now can you guys just relax??'',I asked. ''I'm just not ready for a child..that's all''

I plopped down on to the couch, and snuggled up with the pillow.

"Well I'm glad that you said that, because It's not easy taking care of one either'',Nakai conffesed.

"WAIT!, is Terrence ready for a child?'',Naomi asked.

I looked around at Naomi and Kai facial expressions, and shrugged my arms.

"I dont know. He said he's ready when I'm ready''.

Nae looked over to Kai, and scrunched up her lips.


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