Chapter 25 : London's Gift .

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Sha'la POV

Going down the highway, thoughts were scattered all through my brain. How is this dinner going to go with Terrence and I ? Lord knows that I'll take him back in a heart beat. I just need to know that he's going to be real with me. I just love him, and only him. I took the exit off the highway, and went down the road till Olive Garden came to view. I swerved into the parking lot, and parked my car.

Before stepping out my vehicle, I called Terrence to let him know that I'm in the parking lot. He answered on the first ring,which were quite shocking. I guess he is trying to make a change.

''Yeah Shae?''

 ''I'm here. Where you?''

''I'm in the resturant. I'm at the table that we usually sit'',he tells me. I opened my door, and locked it. ''Alright, I'm coming in'' I hunged up afterwards, and made my way inside. Reaching inside, I waste no time looking around the room. I made my way to Terrence and I favorite table. We always loved the view that it gives us, from the window. Walking to the table, Terrence came into sight. He had on a grey button down shirt , that I picked out for him. I smiled to myself. I told him that he'll look good in it.

''Hey T '' He looks up with an huge grin upon his face. ''Well hello Shae'' I took a seat that sat before him. ''Wow, you look great'',he compliments me. I furrowed my brows,''There's nothing different about me'' He smiles, while his grey eyes twinkles down at me. ''Well you must aint look in the mirror'' I put my head down blushing. Man this man sholl knows how to put a smile on my face.

''So how you been?'',he asked. ''Well'', I dragged. ''Well what?'' ''Lenecia fired me yesterday'',I tell him. Terrence eyes basically popped out of his face. I guess he's shock just as I am. Lenecia and I were so close. No one and I mean no one, ever thought this would happen. ''And why in the hell she did that?'' I let out an dry laugh,''Because I missed work for weeks, and I tore up Sasha's picture which were suppose to be in the magazine'' He nod his head. I wonder do he know that he is the reason why I got fired. My well paid job at that. ''Well why did you miss weeks from work? Like why did you do that?'' I kissed my teeth and let out an long sigh. ''Terrence, I needed to get away, since some ass fucked over my heart'', I reffered to him

When I said that, the table were now silent. He didn't say anything, but stared back at me. And for once, his eyes didn't make me  feel a certain way. I stared back feeling all my anger boils back up in me. This man ruined me. He ruined me. Every part of me. ''Sha'la'' He reach over and grabs my hand, not taking his eyes off me. And you know what, neither did I. He rubbed his thumb on my hand softly, causing my body to tense up. David didn't had this affect on me last night. 

''That ass that fucked over your heart is an damn fool.'',Terrence said slowly. '' I had a talk with him, and kicked his ass for you. He's no longer here Sha'la.... But me, Terrence,the man that you fell in love with is here. And I'm not going anywhere. Baby I love you with every part of me.''

I shook my head, breaking the eye contact that we had. Though he's telling me how he feel, but how am I'm suppose to trust him. This is what I'm talking about. When good things come to me, I would'nt know how to take it,because my trust if all over the place. ''Terrence, it's going to be a process for me.. okay? I love you, and I still want to get married. However,I dont want you being unfaithful to me.When we get back together, their going to be changes'' He nods his head, taking in all the information I'm telling him.

''You're going to need a new phone and everything'' Terrence stops rubbing my hand,''But Shae you know I got all my buisness stuff on that phone'' I put my hand up, signaling him that I don't want to hear it. ''You need to do something to earn my trust right?'' He sighed, and kissed my hand gently. ''Ok baby. Whatever you say'' I smiled,''Good. Now lets eat'' I pulled away from his grip, and looked down at the menu. 

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