Chapter 15

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Terrence Pov

As soon I made it home , I barged inside the house hoping to see Sha'la. I have to see her. I need to see her. All the lights were off except the stove light. ''Baby!?'' No answer. I ranned upstairs and checked all the rooms to find Shala ,but she wasnt here. Sighing in relief,I decided to take this chance to think clearly.I sit on the edge of my bed, and cupped my face into my hands. The past events played over and over in my head as if it was on repeat. ''Can I atleast get a hug?'',he remembered Sasha saying. The dance,the tears,the hug,the kiss. It all happened. I kissed Sasha Jones. My eyes than shot open. What have I done ?

Shala Pov

I walked into the ballroom feeling better than ever. Now that I have on my black fitted dress,my confidence is finally up to par. Scanning the dinning room,I searched for Terrence and I table. The party gotten a little thick sinced I've left,I thought. Once I found my table,I see that Terrence were'nt at the table. I turned our card name upside down,and walk onto the dance floor,searching for him. ''Shae girl'' I turned around to see Lenecia,Re'Nae,and Takia,Sasha's sister. Smiling,I walked over. ''Hey girls'' I hugged Lenecia and Nae,leaving Takia a handshake. ''Hi, how are you?'',I asked her. Takia smiles,''I'm doing Great. And you'' I simply nod my head,''Good''

Takia and Sasha shares the same traits,but Takia is no where near gorgeous as her sister. Takia is just beautiful,while Sasha is plain exotic looking,which hurts for me to admit. ''Hey , have you guys seen Terrence?'' Lenecia and Takia both shook their head no. ''Nope. Last time I seen him was when you were here earlier'' Sighing,I looked over to Re'Nae to see her turning up her drink. ''What? Nae have you seen him?'' She hesitates for a minute,than spoke. ''I've seen him dancing with Sasha'',she conffesed. My heart nearly drops. He's been with Sasha? He knows I dont trust her. ''And how long ago this was?'' Re'Nae shrugged her arms,''I dont know. 35 minutes ago'' My body soon were filled with rage. Where is they now,I thought? The thought of Sasha and Terrence being together does nothing but builds fire to my fury rage. ''Takia'' She raises her brow at me. ''Yes?'' ''Do you know where your sister is?'' She looks over the ball room,than spots her. ''Yeah,she's over by the stage''

I looked over by the stage to find her standing in a now red laced dress.''This bitch'',i mumbled. I grabbed Re'Nae's arm,and head by the stage. ''Sha'la what are you going to do?'' By Re'Nae voice I could tell that she's worried. I dont blame her. I'm worried my damn self. Hoping this bitch aint try shit with my man. ''Shae please. You cant do nothing. It'll look bad'' I stopped walking,and faced Re'Nae skeptical facial expression. ''Listen,''I'm just going over here to get some confirmation on some things ok?'' Re'Nae sighs giving in to me. ''Okay fine'' . We walked over to Sasha,and stood their. She looks over at us,and excused the people that she was talking to. ''Yeah,I'll talk to you guys later. Enjoy the party''. She watched the couple leave,then turned faced me. ''Sha'la? Wassup?'' What I wanted to say , is that she's a fucking copy cat. That she had to wear the same red lace dress that I wore.But that would be too kiddy of me. Right?

''Have you seen Terrence?'' Sasha brows raised,''Why would you think I know?'' Shala looks back at Re'Nae to see that she's turning up another glass. ''Because Re'Nae told me that you guys were just dancing'' Sasha facial expression than changed. She looks over to Re'Nae and narrowed her eyes. ''Oh really?'' I nod my head,''Yes really. So where is he?'' Sasha continued to stare at Re'Nae while sipping her beverage. ''He left and went home'' I looked between Nae and Sasha and see that Re'Nae is ignoring her burning stare. ''Okay,thanks.'' I grabbed Re'Nae hand and began to leave,until Sasha calls out to me. ''Oh yeah Sha'la'' I turned around,and felt Re'Nae grips tighter onto my hand. I Ignored her,and waits for what Sasha had to tell me. ''Tell Terence that I enjoyed the dance. It meant alot to me''. She blows a kiss at me,and struts her way through the crowd.

When Re'Nae drove me home,I took of my shoes at the doorstep,and unlock the door. Tonight has been a long night,and all I want to do is rest. I open the door,and throw my shoes into the front room corner. I closed and locked the door behind,and began to walk upstairs. The closer I gotten to my bedroom,the more curious I've gotten about Terrence and Sasha's dance. Re'Nae told me it was best not to ask him about it. She thinks that he would come out and tell me. I opened my room door,and see Terrence in nothing but his boxers. ''Baby'' He walks up to me,and kissed me with full force. Caught by suprised,I dropped my keys and purse,and deepens the kiss. I've been gone just for an hour and he's horny? He picks me up,and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

The smell of Axe fullfilled my nostrils. He just took a shower. Sitting me down on the bed,he pulled away from the kiss,leaving me and him both breathing hard. Staring at me with pure hunger,he bites down on his lip. ''I've missed you'',he grumbled. Turned on,I pulled his face back down and kissed him.

Terrence Pov

'' Mmmm Yes Baby'',she squels . Shala pounces up and down ,as I squeezed onto her hips. ''Ahhh'' I throwed my head back,and enjoyed the pleasure that I was getting. She bend down and began to nibble on my neck, giving me chills down my body. ''Mmm'',I moaned. She pulls her head back,and stares into my eyes,as she rode my dick. The feeling Shala gives me when we have sex is undescribable. But  Having sex with her was probably a bad move,but I have to get Sasha out of my head. I have to. This is the only option that I have left.


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