Chapter 24 : Sexual Healing

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Sha'la POV

Sitting at Denny's, I realized that I finally reached rock bottom. What can I possibly do with myself right now? Trish said that she'll send my check in on Friday, and as of right now, I don't have that much money up under my name. Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair, and cupped my face into my hands. Lord Why? Why did I chose to follow that bum here to Baltimore?

''Ma'm your coffee'' I looked up to see a blonde haired boy, with deep blue eyes, holding a tray with my beverage. I smiled weakly, and took my mug of coffee. ''Thanks'', I mumbled. He smiled, and walked away. I woke up today feeling fresh, now I'm feeling like Kayne when he don't get an award. Pissed. Maybe even passed that. I don't know where I'm headed, but things got to get right for me. It got too.

''Excuse me Miss'' I looked up to see the blonde haired boy again. He sure does like to pop up on people. I cleared my throat, and glared at him with one brow up, letting him know that he got my invited attention. ''Why do you look so depressed?'', he indeed asked. My brows raised. I placed my coffee down, and interwined my fingers,onto the table. ''Excuse me?''

He takes a seat on the other side of the booth, which he didnt ask to sit. ''Oh, may I?'',he asked. I rolled my eyes, and took a sip out of my drink. He settle down into the chair, and watched me intently. Staring back, I realized that icy isn't all that ugly. His blue eyes seems to pull me in a trance. I want to look away, but his eyes seems so welcoming.

''Why you look so stressed?'',he questioned me. I knit my brows at him. ''I don't think that's any of your buisness'' He shook his head, ''I don't get it. You're too beautiful to sit around looking like you mad at the world'' I sighed, ''Listen Icy , I dont kno- ''What?'', he interrupts me. I frowned,''What?'' ''You called me Icy.'',he said. Inside I just felt like I've gotten sucker punched in my stomach a billion times. Why did I called him Icy?

''Listen sir, I'm no- ''David. My name is David'',he informs me. I sighed in aggravation. ''Listen David, I'm not feeling too good, okay? So let me just give you your tip,and I'll be on my way'' I dug into my purse, and fished out seven dollars. Money for two cups of coffee, and the rest for his tip. I gripped onto my purse, and slide out the booth. ''You look nice'',he calls out. I looked down to see that I'm still in my suit. I rolled my eyes, and stormed out the resturant.


Tying up my shoe laces, I decided to take a jog around the park down town. I put most of all my money into staying here in the Pandora Hotel. I just need somewhere to lay my head at, until I move to Atlanta with my mom. Plugging my earbuds into my phone, it soon vibrates. Terrence is calling,which seems like the hundreth time. I smacked my teeth, and walked out my suite, locking it. When will he ever get it? I've moved on, well not completely. But I'm trying. It's a process they say. I just wish it'll speed up. I'm done crying.

The sun was now setting, and I'm now on my 3rd lap around the park. One thing that I love about this park is that it has an walk way around the entire park,and right in the middle is an fountain that many people makes their wishes. Down my back, I felt a sweat bead trickle it's way down my back. I really need to shower. Turning pass some tree's, I seen a nearby bench. Jogging faster, I made my way to the bench and decided to take a rest.

I closed my eyes, and pant. This is most definetly a stress reliever for me. Sitting back, I sat still and listened to the song that's playing in my earbuds. ''Someone to Love- Jon B'' . My heart aches, as the chorus begun. This is the song that me and Terrence first made love to. NOTHING. I can't do nothing without thinking of Terrence. When something bad happens to me, I can't help but to blame Terrence. When something good comes to me, I'm pretty sure I would'nt know how to take it because of Terrence. I opened my eyes, and blinked them repeatdly.

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