Chapter 3

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Naomi and Nakai finally made it to Baltimore. Our plans of hanging out was post poned , because I had to go to work. That day Terrence went in early due to the long audition process that him and Re'Nae were going to go through. I grabbed my brief case, and headed out. Terrence is not the only one that works in the buisness. My friend Lenecia Johnson is the CEO of Vouge, and I'm her assitant. I assigned her meetings , I make sure she has her pictures on time for the magazine, and much more. People may think that working for your friend is hard, but It's really not. Lenecia and I knows that whats goes on In the building is strictly business.

Re'Nae POV

'' NEXT '' , Terrence yelled. It was now 8 in the morning and me and Terrence were going through the model group. The door opens slowly, and incame Sasha Jones. My throat instantly tightens up when I saw her. She had on a tight red dress, with long lace sleeves.I frowned up my face slowly. What she's doing wearing something like that 8 in the morning? She swayed her hips side to side as she made her way in front of us. I looked over to Terrence to see him watching Sasha's every move.

I shook my head in disgrace, and turned my attention back to Sasha.

"Name?'',Terence asked.

She handed Terrence her folder, and stepped back into her position. I tapped my pen on the table and stared at Sasha. Why does she has the little tight dress on?, I thought. This is not what she should be wearing to an interview. I glared up to her face, to see her smiling down at me. I'm guessing she saw me staring down at her dress. I quickly put my head down, and scanned over the names of models we interviewed.

"Okay,So you are Ms.Sasha Jones?'',Terrence asked.

She smirked,''The one and only'',she said seductivly.

He nod his head,''Okay,okay. So from the pictures I've seen,It seems like you're capable of being a model''

When he said that, I coughed in shock.

"R-Re'Nae is something wrong?''

I shook my head, while holding my chest.''N-Naw,I'm good'' .

Instead of saying that I really wanted to ask him,why!?! But either way, It's my fault if Terrence gives Sasha the pass.

"Okay Ms.Jones'', Terrence said, "If you get the pass what would you want your model name to be?''

Sasha Smiled,''Red''.

I furrowed my eyebrows,''But why?''

She looked down to her dress, then back up to me.''Because the color red defines who I am. It's the color of sexy, hot, fierce, and dominate.''.

Terrence smiled,''Okay,We'll call you If you make the cut''.

Sasha jumped up and down, and walked around the table, and held her arms out. As shock as Terrence was, he got up and hugged her.

"Thank you so much'',she exclaimed.

"No problem'' .

I pushed back in my chair, and watched Terrence and Sasha rock side to side.

"Look at her'', I thought. Just being a slut!

I looked up to Sasha and she mouthed silently,''Thank you'' .

I rolled my eyes, and turned back around. You are not welcome!

Sasha JonesWhere stories live. Discover now