Chapter 19

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Dedicated to my baby Ashley . Steady asking me when I'm going to update,so here it is. Follow her wattpad Guttah_Girl. She have some nice Urban stories !

'Sha'la Point of view

Being out in Atlanta makes me feel a tad bit uneasy. All my family and friends lives down here, which you'll think is a good thing. I know they'll be glad to see me, since they think I ditched them for Terrence. Which was not the case. I just had to get out of the neighborhood that reminded me so much of my father. Interrupting my thoughts, my phone vibrates. I reached between my legs, to see that its Terrence. Relieved, I slid the green button across the phone, and talked through the Bluetooth.

Before I can even speak, Terrence apologized. ''Baby I'm so sorry. I lost track of time'' I sighed, and ignored his apology. ''Where are you?'', I asked. ''I'm at the airport in London.'' ''Okay, well call me when you land in Atlanta okay babe?'' He didn't speak. All I heard were the airport chaos. I picked up my phone to make sure I didn't loose service. ''Terrence?'' ''Y-Yeah?'', his voice crack. My brows furrowed, ''Are you okay?'' From across the phone I hear him sigh. Taking him a brief second, he finally replied,''Yeah. I just missed you a lot. That's all'' I smiled slightly, ''Just get here safe, so we can talk okay?'' ''Alright babygirl . I love you'' ''I love you more''

When I finally made it to the café, I text Nakai, to tell Naomi to come down to the hospital cafeteria. Minutes passed, and in camed Naomi with her tangled black hair. My face scrunched up. Let the paparazzi see the hottest model at this state, Naomi would be everywhere. Magazines, tabloids, and internet sites. Good thing no one was hardly here. ''Finally , I'm starving'' She grabs the bag, and takes out her crispy chicken salad. ''Did you tell them fresh lettuce?'', she asked taking a sip out of her tea. I nod my head, ''Yeah, but I don't think it's fresh though''. She pops her lips, ''Well I don't care. I'm hungry.'' She pours her ranch all over salad, and dug in.

While eating, she looked over to Kailee , to see her struggling to eat her sandwich. Naomi eyes widens. ''Shae what you doing buying this girl this big ass burger?'' I shrugged my arms, ''She asked for it, so I gave it to her'' Naomi shooked her head. ''She's 3 Sha'la. How can he possibly eat that burger?'' ''I don't know Naomi. Food is food in my eyes'' Naomi shook her head, ''You bare not pull no crap like that with my future cousins'', she tells me. ''I wont'', I mumbled. For the past minutes, we ate our food in silence. The thought of me having kids makes my throat tightens up. Is it wrong for me not wanting to have kids. I love children, but I don't think I'm fit for being a good mother. I'm so caught up with work , that I don't think that I will ever time for an family.

''Hey'', Naomi says breaking the silence. I looked up from my food to see her staring down at me. '' Huh?'' She begins playing with her salad. ''How come you don't want to have kids?'' I rolled my eyes and sighed. How many times do I possibly have to tell her,  to get her to understand what I'm saying? It's getting to the point where I wish that I couldn't have kids. I just wish that my vagina was broken, but apparently it's in good condition. ''Naomi I'm just no- ''See that's your problem right there!'', she interrupts me. My face nearly dropped.

''Excuse me?'' Naomi shook her head, and pushed her salad forward. ''Have it ever occurred to you that Terrence may want to have a family with you?'' I nod my head, ''Ofcours-- ''Then why do you make him wait?'' My frustration level were increasing. If this girl don't stop interrupting me, we going to have some problems. She's worse than Nakai , and no one is worse than her. ''Because I'm not ready!'', I emphasized hoping she'll get that through her thick skull and weave. Naomi stared at me in disbelief. The kind of look daddy gives me, when I disappoint him. She glides her tongue across her teeth, and chuckled slightly. ''Sha'la what you fail to realize is that you're not the only one in the relationship. You guys are getting married in 2 mont--'' ''Yeah , 2 months, but what you fail to realize is that I have to carry this baby around for 9 months! I have to miss out of work, not Terrence. I'm going to be an emotional wreck, while he's out doing what not !'', I cried

My vision soon began to be a blur. I hate the fact that Naomi thinks that I'm the bad guy In the situation. Tears trails down my cheeks, giving me the slight chills. I don't like to cry. I never cry. It's very rare to see me bawl my tears out, because I'm such  a strong women. Naomi looks at me with no sympathy in her eyes what so ever. She's picks Kailee up, who I forgot was even with us, and gotten up from the table. She begin walking off until she stopped. ''I never known you to be the selfish one Sha'la'', she says softly. ''None of us did'' Leaving me with a soaked face, I furrowed my brows, ''Who is us?''

Terrence Point of view

Sitting on the airplane, I plugged my earbuds into my ear and drifts off.

Laying on the bed , Income Sha'la walking to me ever so gracefully. Her skin glistens under the candle light, as is she were made from silk. Intrigued, I bit down on my bottom lip, and watched her make her way to me. Babygirl gonna get demolished tonight. ''Damn girl'', I mumbled. She stops, and props her leg on the chair,that sat below our bed. Showing off her smooth chocolate toned leg, she pulls off her silk black robe, revealing everypart of her body. She then kicked the chair down, and turned around giving me a full view of her plump ass. Moving it in a circular motion, she peeps over shoulder and smirks. She knows what she doing. Climbing onto the bed, she straddles me , looking directly into my eyes. ''Give me my baby Terrence'' Hearing her say those words , were music to my ears. She wants to have kids. Biting on my lip, I looked down to her glossed lips,and kissed her ever so gently. Tonight is going to be the night. I pulled part, and looked down to her breast. My brows furrowed. Since when Shala gotten her nipple pierced? I looked up to question her, but her wasnt even her. It was her. Sasha Jones, smiling down at me,in Sha'la's spot. ''Give me your child Boss Man'' , she moans.

I looked down see that I am now inside of Sasha. Slamming herself into my peice, she rolls her eyes. FUCK. Grabbing her by her waist, I try to lift her off me. But it wouldnt work. She wouldnt budge. As good as she feels, I cant have sex with her. No matter how much I want to. Pushing me down completely on my back, Sasha takes full control. Her walls grips my penis, giving me the best tingle sensation ever. ''You like that baby?''' she moans. I nodd my head. Wanting to take in charge for a change, I picked Sasha up,and began to ram myself into her, making a loud clap sound. CLAP , CLAP, CLAP ! Beads of sweat trickled down my head,as I looked down to Sasha --pleased yet destrut facial expression. Leaning down to kiss her, something caught my eye. I looked up, to see Sha'la standing in the far dark corner, watching me.

'Ahhh' ! I leaned up from my seat , and pant like a dog. Earning glance from the fellow passengers, I looked down to my hand to see that I'm sweating. Im sweating all over. Sighing, I sit back and calmed myself down. I have to stay away from Sasha. No matter what.

Sorry for the long update. It took me awhile on how I was going to write this chapt. But thanks for reading. Please leave your comments below,and vote PLEASE. Look foward to another chapter tonight. Its going down!!

- ShaeCabana

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