Chapter 23 : End of the Road .

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Sha'la sits on the edge of the bed, and played with her fingers, thinking about the past events that took place.

''Stop it Terrence, get off me'' ,she yells. She threw all of her objects in her suitcase, and stormed out the house. With his now ripped shirt, Terrence follows. With his fist clenched tight together, he watch Sha'la load up in the car. 

''So that's it?'',he asked. His voice were deep and menacing. Walking up to her car, Sha'la got in the car, and started it up, ignoring him. Pissed, he slams his fists on the hood, causing her to flinch. 

''Huh?!'', he barked. She backs away out the yard, leaving Terrence on the drive way. No more.

Sha'la phone soon rings the tenth time today. Looking down she see's that it's Nakai calling. Sighing, she picks it up.

''Hello'', she said dryly.

''Shae , you okay? Terrence called and told me what happened''

Sha'la close her eyes, and layed back on the stiff hotel bed. She knew this time would come.

''Yeah, I'm alright. It happens you know?''

Nakai shook her head from across the phone. She is highly pissed with Terrence. She thought about coming down to Baltimore and raise hell, but she has alot on her plate as well. Her leg were now shaking. Out of all people, she never imagined Terrence being unfaithful to her sister.

''Look, I'm here for you okay?'', Nakai said with sincere.

Sha'la bits down on her bottom lip, and blinks repeatdly trying to fight the tears that welming up in her eyes. No more crying. It's tiring, she thought. Why cry for him when he's sleeping and enjoying the female that can't stands you.

''I- I should've just listened to Naomi'',she uttered. Her tears falls slowly down her cheeks.

''What do you mean you should've listened to Naomi?'' Nakai were confused.

Sha'la sighs, wiping her fallen tears with her free hand. ''She warned me twice. The time you guys came to Baltimore, and she even told me stuff about what Terrence told her about me. Like the clues were all there. He cheated on me cause I wasnt ready for a baby.''

''Hold up. Wait . Who did he cheated on you with exactly?''

Shae brows raised. ''Sasha Jones. You know the model that he was with at the block that time?''

The phone line went dead. Nakai were now infuriated. She remembers Sasha, and she remember Terrence lying to Sha'la to be with Sasha. She turned around, and looked at Dominic who were watching Spongebob with Kailee.

''Shae, what hotel you in?'', she finally asked

''The Pandora Hotel, why?''

''Me and Dominic will be there''

2 Weeks Later

Sitting on the floor, Sha'la and Kailee watched Nakai teached the dance steps to her class. She forgotten how good her sister really is at dancing. 

'' 5 , 6 ... 5 , 6, 7, 8 ! ''

The dancers all begun to hit the beat ,and began dancing to Good Kisser by Usher.Nakai hair whips, and mats on her sweaty forhead. Sha'la eyes widen,''Wow'',she mumbled. It's nice to her baby sister at work.

Speaking of work, Sha'la been receiving calls, emails, and even texts, from her boss Trish,  asking her where she been. Everysince the little stunt Re'Nae pulled, Sha'la haven't returned to work. To make matters worst, she didnt even send out the documents for Seventeen Magazine. She knows it's gonna be hell when she goes back to Bmore.

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