Chapter 1

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Re'Nae was telling me about the crazy audition process that her and Terrence went through today. I can't really remember what she was saying but I know for sure, that something had got her attention.

"Nae,what are you looking at?''

She takes a sip out of her beer,''She's here'',she uttered.

I turned around and followed her gaze.My eyes widen. She's gorgeous.

''Wh-Who's that?'', I asked.

''That's Sasha. She's like the beauty goddess around here'',Nae mumbled.

I can tell from her voice that she really doesn't like her. Sasha had on a red bodycon dress, that shows her every curve. She most defintely knows how to dress to impress.When she walked into the room, I couldn't help but look at her. From head to toe she's flawless. I noticed a girl following behind her. She wasn't wearing a dress. She was just wearing hi-waisted skinny's and a white tank. "Yo,who's that behind her?''

"That's Sasha's little sister Takia'' .

From that stand point, I thought
Sasha was the most beautiful thing that was walking Earth, until I really got know her.

When Sasha and her sister came to the block, Re'Nae been giving me a weird vibe. Her body structure looks so uncomfortable. It looks like she was suddenly not happy with herself. I really wasn't going to speak on why she was acting like that, but I couldn't help but ask her.

"Re'Nae do you have anything...y'know against Sasha or her sister?''

Re'Nae looked up to me ,then she took a quick glance over to Sasha and Takia.

"I was bestfriends with her sister Takia.We hung out and everything.'',she said.

As she continued to talk I can hear the hurt in her voice.

"You know me being bestfriends with Takia I hung out with her sister. Sasha was having an affair with my boyfriend, and Takia being my friend didn't tell me."

When she told me that, I quite understood why she was acting like this.

"So do you and Takia still talk?'' She nodd her head, and took a sip out of her beer.

"Ofcourse, but we're just not as close as we use to''

I nod my head in understanding.

Time passed , and me and Nae were still at the block. My phone rings, and I see that it was Terrence calling me.


"Shae where you at?'',he asked.

'' I'm at the block with Nae, I'm coming home now anyways.''

''Good cause it's late''.

''Alright well baby I'll see you in a few'' .

Me and Re'Nae took our last shot, and began to head out. But it really didn't happen that way.

"Hey Re'Nae,Girl is that you?!?''

Re'Nae and I turned around to see Sasha running up to her. Now when this happened I was confused.Why would Sasha smile in her face, knowing that she screwed her boyfriend.

Re'Nae put on a smile,''Hey girl''

''Hey,Umm I herd that you was working for Terrence, am I'm right?'',she asked.

Re'Nae nodd her head, "Yeah, actually I'm with his fiancé now.''

Sasha eyed me down, and I instantly felt uncomfortable. She stared down at my shoes, and I see a frown slowly developing on her lips. I quickly put my hand out, so she can stop staring down at my shoes.

"Hi,I'm Sha'la''

She shook my hand,''Oh,so you Terrence girlfriend?''

I shook my head no,''No,I'm his finacé'', I corrected her.

In my head I thought, Re'Nae just told you I was his finacé so why call me his girlfriend. I thought she was being funny and I really didn't appreciate that, but i shrugged it off.

"Oh..Right'',she murmured.

She then let go of my hand, and turned her attention back to Re'Nae.

"So like can you give me the hookup or something?I would love to work with him''.

Re'Nae dug down into her purse and gave her a card.

"Thanks girl!'',Sasha said.

She then walked away.

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