Chapter 22

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Sha'la Pov

Today is the last day for Terrence and I in Atlanta. Sitting on the bed, the sun shines brightly through the room. Tying up my Nikes, Terrence comes out from the bathroom.

''Babe you about ready?'',he asked.

I nod my head yeah. There's being tension between Terrence and I since we left dinner. Well I think their been. Well only because I know something he didnt tell me.

''Yeah. But I have to make a run right quick''

I gotten up from the bed and made my way to the door. Terrence then pulled me back by my arm, causing me to face him.

''To where?''

I looked up to his eyes,''Somewhere'',I replied dryly. I pecked his lips, and walked away at a faster pace. ''I'll call you'',I yelled out.

35 minutes later

Terrence POV

''Re'Nae so is everything okay down there?''

''Yeah actually. The fashion designer sent the models the pieces that they modeled in. He says it was his treat''

I nod my head. ''Cool''

Today I decided to call Re'Nae to check up on the company. I've been caught up these days.Thinking about the models, Sasha soon came to mind. She hasn't called or anything. Not that I want her to or anything.

''Have Sasha gotten back from London?'', I asked.

The phone soon went silent. So silent that I had to check the phone to see were Re'Nae were still on.


She sighs from across the phone,''I dont know Terrence. She hasn't been by the office lately''

I smacked my head in dissapointment. Sasha got me. She got me hooked. At one point I want to grab her and just shake the shit out of her,but at times I just want to fuck her ever so badly.

''Alright,well thanks for holding the office down. I'll be there early tommorow''

''Mhm''. And with that , I heard the dial tone. What's her problem? Placing my phone on the nightstand, I fold my arms behind my head,and kicked back,while staring up at the ceiling. How I'm going to marry Sha'la when Sasha stay seeping through my brain?

Her red plump lips to her curvacious body, Sasha is everything I'm Interested in. Sha'la on the other hand, Is everything I need. I need her guidance, her support, her love.

I sighs, feeling a rush of guilt goes through me. I know I should stop messing with Sasha,but I cant help but want more.

Smacking my teeth, I then get upset. Can I just have both?,I asked myself. I mean Sasha freaky,and Sha'la's a woman. A full woman. My eyes then widen. I can call her.

I go through my recent calls, and dialed her number. I heard no dial tone. Instead I heard ,'' Sorry this number (345)688-6545 is no longer available.'' SHIT. Her phone is off. I tossed my phone at the end of the bed,and sighed. I need to talk to her. I just have too.

'Wait,what am I'm doing?'', I voiced to myself.

Sha'la POV

Squating down, I stared down at the cool concrete writing.

Daniel ''Danny'' Johnson

Jun 16, 1959 - August 4, 2012

''A Beloved Father and Husband''

Staring at my father tombstone , my heart ached twice as hard when I was at his fueral. Covering my mouth, tears trickled down, buring my cheeks. My father were everything to me. Playing games, and listening to music. I never thought of life without him.

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