Author's Note

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Hello you guys! Well this is the end of Sasha Jones. Man when I tell you that I enjoyed writing this book. I actually felt like I was in the story.

To be honest with you guys, I've been writing this book for almost a year now. Back when I was writing on Youtube, I never got the chance to finish writing it.I actually were going to give up writing this,but you know what. I'm glad I didnt :)

To everyone who read my book , thank you so much. Honestly. I may not have 1,000 reads , 35 votes, 21 comments, but the little that you guys gives me makes me so happy. It's just the thought of someone actually reading my work makes me happy,so thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

I hope you guys continue to read my books, as I continue to dish you out some good literature. lmfao=).

But on the real, I will be having a sequel to this story. It will be called ''Exhale'', so look out for that.

Enough of the jibber jabber, I'm going to go to sleep. I have'nt slept all night. I was determined to get this book done. Well until next time [ whenever I finish my 2nd book] . Muaaaaaah.

You guys aaaaare truly amazing !

Peace out .

Looooooooove , Sha'la. 

''Sasha Jones Sequel : Exhale ''  COMING SOON. 

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