Chapter 12

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"What color are you going for?",Re'Nae asked. Sha'La  scroll up and down on the computer,as she looked at the different type of dresses. "I don't know",she mumbled. Re'Nae kissed her teeth,and gotten off the sofa.

She open the freezer,and takes something out. "I cant believe you going to her party",Renae said in disbelief. She sighed,"Yeah,well I can" . Re'Nae soon came back and flopped down onto the sofa,with her ice cream in hand. "Why you say that?" "Because",Shala shut her laptop and pushed it aside her. "Because what?",Nae asked.

Shala stared at her TV,while playing with her fingers. Re'Nae impatience were rising high. Shala usually dont go to parties,so why this party? She wanted to know why. "Because What Shae!",she yells. Shala drops her head to her hands,"Sasha likes Terrence... well I think"

ReNae stared at her now depressed friend. She knows exactly how she feel. When Sasha use to mess with her boyfriend , she was torn. He'll tell her he loves her , but continues to sleep in Sasha bed. "But Terrence loves you",ReNae spoken.

Shala lifts her head up,"I know ,but the same thing happened to you though" Renae looks at her friend with sympathy in her eyes,"Aw , Baby" She pulls Shala into a hug,with her one free hand. "You guys are engaged,I don't think Terrence would cross that line with you",she declared.

Later that evening Shala and Terrence sat in the living room watching TV , while eating Chinese food. She stabs her fork into the broccoli and puts it in her mouth. "Kick his ass Morris",Terrence shouts. Shala shook her head and laughs. "Thats some fucked up shit right there",she adds. Terrence and Shala was watching the Best Man.

"Man if that was to happen to me,I'll beat everyone ass",he comments. Shala eyebrows furrowed. She looked up to Terrence to see him looking at the television. "But what if it happens to me?",she asked. Clearly she was talking about him and Sasha. He looked down at her with a puzzled expression,"The fuck Shae? That will never happen to you",he exclaimed.

She scrunched up her lips,"Mhm.It bare not"

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