Chapter 8

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After taking a shower, I went downstairs to give Kai and Naomi their blankets. The living room lamp, reflected on their bodies, and I see them sleeping peacefully. I sighed in relief, and threw the blankets over them. I didn't want Naomi nor Nakai to up, because I know for sure they will lecture me about Sasha and Terrence.

I turned the little nob on the lamp and turned it off, making it dark inside the house. I began to make my way to the kitchen until someone says my name.


I stopped in my tracks, and I immediatley recognized the voice.

"Yes Naomi?"

"If you need me, just know that I'm here", she said softly.

I opened my mouth to say thank you but she cut me off.

"If I was you, I would check Sasha. She seems like she can be very sneaky", she told me.

I nodd my head in understanding. Sasha does come off as sneaky. By the way she talk, her posture, and everything about her.

"Yeah , well thanks Nae. But I have nothing to worry about",I said. "I trust Terrence"

Naomi smacked her teeth, "Mmm okay Shala."

Hours later, I can hear the front door open. Terrence home. I quickly turned off the television, and I closed my eyes, pretending that I was asleep. I know that once Terrence comes in, he will go on and on, trying to explain hiself to me. Its 3 a.m and I dont have the energy to talk about what happened.

Well not right now, ofcourse. The door creaks open, and Terrence steps in. I made sure to stay still, and to look as peaceful as I could. He turned on the lamp on his side of the bed, and I can see him taking off his shirt, and pants in the mirror.

How can he come in here, not trying to talk about what happened? Or even adknowledge my presence. Usually when Terrence will feel guilty, and Im asleelp, he'll wake me up to talk. Is it because he dont know how to start off the conversation?

I turned around groaning and stretching my arms, facing his back. He didn't budge to look back at me. Instead he plugged the charger into his phone.

"What time is it?", I asked trying to start a conversation.

He got up from the bed, and went to the dresser draws, to grab a clean pair of underwear.

"It's a clock right beside you, you know."

I looked to my right to see the red numbers beaming brightly saying 3:43 a.m.

" Oh ", I said feeling a little ditzy.

He shook his head, and chuckled slightly. I rolled my eyes, and turned back on my side, with my eyes closed shut.

While Terrence took his shower, thoughts were forming into my head. Why is he dodging the situation? Is he waiting for me to bring it up? Maybe I should, since I am a little offended. Then again, I dont want to talk about it. But I would like an explanation. I smacked my teeth, and threw a little temper tantrum in the bed.

If you would have seen me, you would think I have problems.

"Calm down Sha'La", I said to myself while looking up to the ceiling.

I began to breathe in and out slowly, trying to calm down my nerves. I shouldn't think too hard on the situation. Maybe he gotten hungry, and took her out to eat, I thought.

I smiled slightly, at that being the reason.

"Yeah cause if something was to happen, Terrence would have told me", I whispered to myself.

I chuckled a bit, at how stupid I am for getting worked up. Okay I may be a little crazy for talking to myself, but thats how I sort my thoughts out.

I smiled, and and begin to doze off to sleep. I realized that the shower was off, and Terrence soon stepped out. He dried the water off his body and came into bed. Terrence would tell me anything about everything. I dont have nothing to worry about.

Wait,would he?

My eyes shot open, and my nerves began to take over ........again

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