Chapter 6

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Later that day, Terrence called and told me that he's coming in later than he thought. As his fiancé, I beileved him. His job is very tiring. So because he's working late, me and the girls went out to the block to get a drink.

''Shae I'm telling you, Dominic is crazy!'',Nakai explained.

Nakai and Naomi were telling me about their boy problems. As interesting it may seems, but I'm not that much into the conversation.

"What do you mean?'',Naomi asked.

Nakai took a big gulp out of her martni, and burped. As usual me and Naomi laughed. Kai seems to always burp when she's drinking. It's just a basic trait of her's.

"Because'',she said.''Dominic swears I'm cheating on him with one of my male dancers''.

Naomi and I both gasped. "Really?'', I asked in shocked. I was not expecting her to say that.

Nakai nodd her head, "Yeah. I told him over and over again,I'm not interested in none of them boys at the dance studio!''

Naomi shooked her head and sighed. "Which dancer though?'', she asked.

Nakai soon gotten quiet, and looked up to the ceiling as if she's thinking.

My eyes widen,''Kai, I know it's not more than one boy!'',I semi-yelled.

Nakai smiled and let out an chuckle.''No girl'', she said while slapping my arm playfully.

Naomi frowned up her face,''Then who?''


''WHAT?!?'',I yelled.

Nakai put her hands up in defense, Hey you asked!''

"Kai that's more than one boy!'', Naomi barked.

Kai rolled her eyes, "No,listen. I dance with Montrell. It just so happens that one day Montrell gotten sick, so he could'nt perform with me for the showcase. So his twin brother Vontrell danced with me''

Naomi sighed, "This is too much. I need another drink''

I let out a slight chuckle,''I know right''

Later that night, Kai and Naomi had gotten a lil tipsy, so I called their boyfrirends, and told them that they will be staying over the night at my house.

I threw my bag over my shoulder, and placed my phone and my car keys in my purse.

''Kai come on now'' I said while pushing my chair back under the bar. Naomi were leaning against the bar, rocking her head side to side, as if she's listening to music.

''Girl I'm cominnngg'', Kai said dragging on her words.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed onto Naomi's arm.

''LaLa where are we going? I told you that I'm hungry!'',Naomi screeched.

I sighed, "Naomi I'll just go and get you a burger from McDonalds okay?''

She nods her head,''Cool'' .

As we made our way to the front, I seen something that I wasn't expecting. Could it be?, I thought.

"Shae isn't that Terrence over there''

I followed Naomi gaze, and seen Terrence sitting with Sasha.

"Mmm'', Nakai grumbled. "So what you gonna do?''

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