Chapter 21

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Sha'la Pov

Watching Naomi , my throat tightens up. Her hair pulls back in a silky ponytail, with her white blouse tucked in her teal jeans, she seem to be in a very calm state. I soon feel a nudge on my shoulder. I looked beside me to see Nakai motioning me to go over and talk to Naomi. Feeling helpless, I decided to do so.

Placing my bag on the counter, I glide my finger across the marble furniture. 

''Need any help?'' Naomi turned faced me, and made a facial expression, which quickly changed. 

''Um, Actually no. Everything is quite finished here'',she said chuckling slightly. 

I smiled in return of her laughter. Tucking a hair strand behind my ear, I coughed slightly. Being in the kitchen with Naomi , after not talking to her in a whole day, makes me very nervous, and quite uncomforatble.

The faucet soon started, and I looked up to see her now washing her hands. I turned around to see were Nakai was still around,but she left. CRAP. Now I really have to apologize.

''Naomi'', i said.

 She stops the faucet, and tears a napkin of the napkin roll. 


Sighing before I spoke , I apologized. ''Naomi I-I owe you an apology'',I stuttered. ''I'm just tired of people questioning me about what I dont want to do. Y'know?''

Naomi stood on the other side of the counter,and propped both of her hands up.

''Sha'la I wasnt trying to tell you what to do. I was basically asking you a question,like why dont you want to have a baby now. You just took it the wrong way''

I shook my head. I Didnt took anything wrong. My buisness is my buisness. Why does it matter to her. Just because she has a set of twins,and Nakai have a daughter doesnt mean I need to have an child.

''Okay but you said  '' we never thought of you being the selfish one'',I mocked her. ''Who is we?''

''Terrence and I'',she said. ''We had an talk an he pratically said that you were being selfish,and he said he told you that. How come you dont know?''

I furrowed my brows. Hold up. Something aint right in the milk. Somebody lieing.

''B-But Terrence said he didnt say anthing like that''

Naomi eyes widen. She's stunned. She then began to laugh. Not an hysterical laugh, but a laugh like, no this nigga didnt. I'm finna beat his ass laugh. A Im finna beat yo ass laugh.

''Terrence lied to you. We had this talk right after the fashion show, before we met up with the rest of his workers,when we had drinks.'', she indeed said.

I propped my face up with my hand,and nod my head,taking in all the information my cousin gave me. This doesnt make any sense. Why would he tell me one thing, and Naomi telling me a different thing.

''When you say workers, you mean the models, hair dressers, and so forth?''

Naomi nod her head. ''Yeah. Including that girl Sasha. Me and your friend Re'Nae were receiving daggers from her all night. Im like bitch I'm the Victoria Secret model,you should be praising me right about now.''

Naomi went on and on about how rude and off Sasha seem when she comes around. That girl really must dont like me, or my family? 

''So Terrence and I left the table,'',she continued,  ''and we went on to our rooms to get ready for the flight,but for some reason he didnt come downstairs and met me in the lobby. I was going to head back upstairs to check on him,but you know the timing wasnt right at the time. The cab was out there,and I wasnt finna go up the elevator to find him already walking down the hallway. So I decided to text him,but he never replied to my messages. So I just left his ass.''

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