You can't plan everything (Je...

By scobidoo

294K 6.5K 1.5K

What if you had everything you wanted? What if all your dreams came true? Jade Thirlwall. Worldwide known pop... More

You can't plan everything (Jerrie)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
The End

Chapter 4

7.8K 169 97
By scobidoo

Jade´s POV

I left the school as quickly as I could and drove back home in record time. I rushed up to my room without saying hello to my mum, she knowing me well enough to know that I´m usually not like that, came up to my room and smiled at me expectantly.

"Who´s the boy or the girl?" she asked with that stupid smirk of hers that she always wears when she knows something is up.

"What do you mean? I don´t get it?" I said acting dumb.

"Don´t play with me Poopey. I know you now tell me"

"Stop calling me that mum you know that it´s embarrassing and thanks to you Leigh and Jesy call me that as well. By the way Leigh and Jesy send you all the best wishes and nice greetings I think they´re coming over later this week" I said wanting to change the subject.

"That´s nice of them I really look forward to it already. They´re all loved up and cute which reminds me that you still haven´t answered my question young lady"

Dang she´s too good. "Alright mum. Her name is Perrie and she´s one of Karl´s teachers we´re going to meet up at the café later." I said giving in.

My mum jumped up and down and started to act like a teenage best friend and began asking questions like "Is she pretty?", "Do you think she likes you?", "Is she out of your league?" to the all to famous "What are you going to wear?". Gosh, I swear sometimes my mum just gets way to excited. But I couldn´t help myself but think about the blonde and our date later. 

I smile really wide and my mum says, "You really like this girl don´t you?"

"Yeah, I know it´s probably to early to say this but I think I begin to fall for her. I want to learn everything about her that you could possibly learn she´s just amazing in every single way." I said smiling dreamily to myself.

"So your really serious about her?"

"100% mum. I think she could possibly be the one I marry"

"Well then I want to meet her but only under one condition"

"What condition?"

"She has to be your girlfriend"

I smiled at that. She has to be your girlfriend. My mum´s words echoed and repeated in my mind. Imagine Perrie being my girlfriend. Us being happy together no matter what. No Paparazzi or hater can bring us down. Me proposing to her one day she says yes and we both cry tears of joy. Us getting married and get children together. And living happily ever after.

But first I gotta get an outfit. I turn around to face my mum already holding an outfit in her hands. It was a cute crop top with an + on it. I remember buying it on one of Ed Sheeran´s concerts before I got famous. Other than the top she held skinny jeans in her hands.

"You could just wear your converse or something. Don´t want her to think you´re one of those celebrities who always dress up like it´s a red carpet event." she said.

I thank my mum and get dressed. She really gets it I´m really thankful for having such a supportive  and understanding mum.

My phone buzzes and I see that I received a new message.

Hey, I´ll be at the café in about 10 minutes just thought I´d let you know, love. xx-Perrie <3

Alright I´ll see ya there. I´m really excited xx-Jade <3

I quickly hugged my mum and rushed out of the house to my car. Within five minutes I was at the café. The paparazzi followed me and even got inside but thankfully the owner threw them out. Perrie wasn´t here yet so I took a seat at the back of the café and ordered myself a coffee.

My eyes didn´t leave the door and every time someone would walk in and it wasn´t the blonde beauty I wanted to get to know better my heart sank a little. I stared at the door in concentration and probably looked like a freak but I didn´t care. Suddenly someone tapped my arm and I jumped a little but it was only a fan asking for an autograph and a foto which I happily granted her.

While I was still busy writing the girl a dedication and followed her on twitter the most beautiful voice ever interrupted me.

"Sorry is this seat taken?"

I turned around and Perrie stood there. I said goodbye to my fan and hugged the blonde.

"No of course not. Sorry about that it won´t happen again tonight"

She smiled and sat down with her coffee which she bought before.

"So what is it like being a popstar and all?"

"It´s the best thing I could think of. I always loved singing and it was always my dream to sing everywhere for my fans and to see people like my songs because they are like a diary for the people to hear" I told her I always feel happy when I talk about my career and she smiles at me as well and seems really interested.

"And how do you not get starstruck or act like Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus. I mean you´ve been around for a long time and you´re still the same Jade Thirlwall that you were when you became famous."

"Well, I´m not such a person to be honest I don´t like the idea of getting out of control and loose my mind and act like a spoiled brat. I realize that I have fans that are younger and I don´t want to be a bad role model or something. I just enjoy life and live my dream because I know nothing is granted and in a few years I might not even be performing anymore because the people lost interest in me but I wouldn´t care because everything I experience now is so amazing and I couldn´t think of something better."

"That´s very wise of you to say. I mean you expect it already even though you´re one of the biggest stars on the planet right now. I´m very glad that you aren´t like one of these stars that get out of control you know what I mean? You´re really normal for a popstar"

"Thanks I don´t like that because when I was younger I was a big Bieber fan and one time I met him and he wouldn´t even glance at me and now he´s kinda out of control. You know since everything ended with Selena. But now I want to know how you became a teacher I mean I told you about my life now it´s your turn" (A/N: I don´t have anything against Justin or Miley it´s just for the sake of the story)

"My life isn´t anywhere near as exciting as yours"

"It doesn´t matter. I want to learn more about you"

"Well I could teach you, you know because I´m a teacher" she laughed so hard at her own joke that I couldn´t help but laugh as well. Her laugh is just so contagious and beautiful.

"You´re really corny, Edwards you know that? Alright now tell me about your teaching career. Why did you decide to become a teacher?"

"I always wanted to help people in some kind of way. I never really liked school to be honest. But then I had this cool teacher and then I learned to love school and I admired her because even the laziest student enjoyed the lessons thanks to her. I always see knowledge as some kind of gift and the more you know the more you can do in your life and the beautiful thing about it is that everybody knows something noone´s stupid and knows nothing, everyone has their own interests and knows a lot about them. And me being a teacher helps people realize that they have some kind of gift in them and they need to learn how to use it wisely." I take in her words and think about it she really is passionate about her job I can tell and every word she said was true and very deep. I can see her eyes light up with excitement when she talks about her profession.

"You seem really passionate and behind your students. My teachers hit people when they didn´t know the right answer"

"I know it´s a shame that there are teachers like that around. I´m the trust teacher at our school lots of students come to me and tell me their problems and I try to help them the best I can. It´s just I think everyone should have a person to tell their problems or to get advice from it´s really important especially now that people get bullied over social networks. If you ask me they shouldn´t be called social networks they should be called unsocial or scary networks there´s nothing social about them."

"Now I know where to go to when I feel down or something. I know from experience that social networks are really quite unsocial but I still think it´s a great way to contact fans and so on. And why exactly did you become an English and German teacher?"

"You´re always welcome to tell me your problems. In your case it might be true but I know to many stories already to have my own opinion. I was always good in English and enjoyed writing essays or just learn about literature and German well my dad is from Austria and I learned German as a kid and it´s a really important language in Europe so I thought French is kinda overrated because only French people and a few others speak it while German is present in almost half Europe."

"So that means you can speak German fluently?"

"Yeah why?"

"Isn´t it pretty difficult to learn like I´ve heard it and it sounds very hard. Maybe next time I´m in Germany or Austria you could come along and be my translator"

"Yeah sure it would be a pleasure. It´s actually not that difficult but there are a few special things about it like there are three articles instead of one and the uppercase and lowercase letters because you write nouns with a capital letter and to make it even harder there are exceptions and all that stuff. But once you get a feeling for the language everything is easier."

"Sounds..strange. How about we play 20 questions?"

"Sure you start."

"Full name?"

"Perrie Louise Edwards"


"July 10"



"Do you have pets?"

"A cat called Jack but I love all animals"

"Best place you´ve ever been?"

"Hong Kong that was sick"

"Do you like performing arts?"


"Which ones?"

"I love drama and theatre that´s the reason I lead the drama club and I love music"

"Do you like to sing?"

"In the shower"

"Who´s your favourite artist?"


"What´s your favourite song?"

"That´s hard but probably still into you by Paramore or Chandelier by Sia"

"Unusual thing about you?"

"I don´t have a sense of smell"

"Best person in the world?"

"My mum"

"Have you ever been in the US?"


"UK or US?"


"Pizza hut or Nandos?"


"Have you had many relationships before?"

"about 5"

"Who was the blonde that stood next to you while the concert?"

"My best friend Katherine"

Oops and I called her a bimbo..oh well

"Ballads or up beat songs?"

"Depends on the song"

"Do you have any siblings?"

"An older brother called Jonnie and a younger step-sister called Caitlyn"

"Your turn" I said.

She looked at me confused and said"but that were only 19 questions. What´s your twentieth?"

"I´ll ask you the last question later when the time is right" I said smiling.

"Alright 1. Full name?"

"Jade Amelia Thirlwall"

"2. Birthday?"

"26th of December"

"3. Age?"



"Jadey or Poopey?"

"5. Why Poopey?"

"I´m always having a poo when I´m nervous"

"6. Do you speak a language besides English?"

"Yes. A little bit."

"7.Which language?"


"8. How long do you stay here?"

"Not sure as long as I want"

"9. Sports or art?"


"10. Dancing or Drawing?"


"11. Do you write your own songs?"

"Most of them the others are from my best friends"

"12. Who are your best friends?"

"Jesy Nelson and Leigh-Anne Pinnock"

"13. Guilty pleasure?"

"Cliff Richard"

She laughed so hard when I said that I pouted and tried to look upset but it didn´t work. She apologized and kissed my cheek causing me to blush and we continued the game.

"14. Favourite sweets?"


"15. Bows or Braces?"


"16. Where was your first kiss?"

"in front of my house after a date"

"17. Best place in the world?"

"South Shields"

"18. Siblings?"

"A brother named Karl"

"19. Coffee or hot chocolate?"

"Hot chocolate"

"20. Do you have a crush on someone?"


I smiled at her hoping she would get it. But she didn´t but she smiled as well showing me her cute dimples. After the game we talked about what nots like our favourite food hers being spaghetti carbonara and mine being lasagna. To sum it up we had a great time and enjoyed ourselves.

But when we realized that we had been sitting there talking for a few hours Perrie realized that she had to go because she had to correct some tests for tomorrow. As we stepped out we were bombarded by paparazzi. But they didn´t get to see Perrie´s face because I wrapped my jacket around her. Since she walked here I drove her home.

"Thank you for today it was amazing I really enjoyed it" she said as she was about to open the car door. but before she could I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"What?" she asked confused.

"I still have my 20th question I want to ask it now"

"Alright what is it?"

"Umm..Will you be my girlfriend?"

She looked surprised but happy and soon grinned.

"Yes I will Jade."

We stared into each others eyes and leaned in until I felt the softest lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync and everything felt right. That was until someone had to honk the horn of their car. Way to ruin a moment. Perrie laughed again and said "Well what a way to ruin a moment now isn´t it."Can she read my mind?"But the kiss was amazing and thank you again for the date. I´ll see you around love. But I really need to correct these tests now." She said and leaned in for a last kiss.

"I´ll see you tomorrow?" I asked hopeful

"Sure we´ll text and fix the details. Bye come home safe. I´ll see you tomorrow, love"

I waited untill she was in her house and drove home. I can´t believe it Perrie is my girlfriend I´m so happy. I walked inside and my mum shot questions towards me.

"Mum calm down. You can meet Perrie soon I promise."

"Wait. That means she´s your girlfriend?"

"Yes" I screamed. We did our victory dance and had a girly night until we fell asleep. The last thing I thought about was my beautiful gorgeous and flawless girlfriend.


Thank you for the reads and votes I´m so thankful I hope you enjoy it and if you have any complains just comment :)

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