Quinn Fabray: My Story

By haleyandthejets

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This is Quinn Fabray's Story from Seasons 1-6 of Glee. For the most part I will follow Glee's storylines but... More

Chapter 1 - The Night Quinn Felt Fat
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Everything Changes
Chapter 4 - The Glee Club Finds Out
Chapter 5 - Keep Holding On
Chapter 6 - Popularity Falls
Chapter 7 - The Bill
Chapter 8 - You're Having My Baby
Chapter 9 - I'm Keeping My Baby?
Chapter 10 - Thanksgiving with the Hudsons
Chapter 11 - 2009-2010 Thunderclap
Chapter 12 - Change of Plans
Chapter 13 - Hannukah
Chapter 14 - Quinn's Christmas Miracle
Chapter 15 - New Year's Kiss
Chapter 16 - Hello Trouble
Chapter 17 - Something Lost, Something Gained
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 19 - Reputation
Chapter 20 - Another Move
Chapter 21 - Beth
Chapter 22 - The Turnaround
Chapter 23 - Don't Stop Believin'
Chapter 24 - Summer Break
Chapter 25 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 26 - Faith
Chapter 27 - A New Direction
Chapter 28 - Leading Lady Fabray?
Chapter 29 - Double Trouble
Chapter 30 - A Glee Wedding
Chapter 31 - Plot Twist
Chapter 32 - A Win and A Loss
Chapter 33 - Christmas Gift
Chapter 34 - New Year, New Quinn
Chapter 35 - Cheaters Never Prosper
Chapter 36 - Quinn's Comeback
Chapter 37 - Faberry: An Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 38 - Celibacy Club
Chapter 39 - Regionals
Chapter 40 - Don't Underestimate Quinn Fabray
Chapter 42 - Rumor Mill
Chapter 43 - Junior Prom
Chapter 44 - Nationals
Chapter 45 - Redefined
Chapter 46 - Return of Sorts
Chapter 47 - It's All Over
Chapter 48 - The Search For New Directions
Chapter 49 - Mash-Off
Chapter 50 - We Are Who We Are
Chapter 51 - Homefield Advantage
Chapter 52 - Giving Back
Chapter 53 - The Proposals
Chapter 54 - Valentine's Date-less
Chapter 55 - The Accident
Chapter 56 - Recovery Road
Chapter 57 - I'm Still Standing
Chapter 58 - Lost
Chapter 59 - Growing Up
Chapter 60 - Prom Queen
Chapter 61 - Quinn takes Nationals
Chapter 62 - We are the Champions
Chapter 63 - Goodbyes
Chapter 64 - You've Got Yale
Chapter 65 - All That Jazz
Chapter 66 - Back Home
Chapter 67 - Christmases When You Were Mine
Chapter 68 - New York Trip
Chapter 69 - We've Got Tonight
Chapter 70 - ....Pregnant?
Chapter 71 - Spring Heartbreak
Chapter 72 - What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
Chapter 73 - Where I Belong
Chapter 74 - Marry Me
Chapter 75 - Just Give Me a Reason
Chapter 76 - Wedding Bells
Chapter 77 - Honeymoon Avenue
Chapter 78 - The Next Nine Months
Chapter 79 - Begin Again
Chapter 80 - So Far Away
Chapter 81 - Our Day Will Come
Chapter 82 - The End?

Chapter 41 - Insecurities

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By haleyandthejets

Author's Note: Hey guys this is the Born This Way Chapter but I have definitely made a lot of edits to the episode. Quinn's whole 'Lucy Cabossey' backstory does not exist. What I put for her insecurity on her shirt is 'Fraud'. Something I could see her. being very insecure about since most people considered her a fraud after getting pregnant even though she was the president of the celibacy club. I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

That week in Glee Club Mr. Schue decided we needed to work on our dancing in what he called 'Booty Camp'. We were dancing when Finn accidently hit Rachel in the nose and she fell over. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Finn asked Rachel worriedly. Even I looked over worriedly at Rachel. "I'm bleeding," Rachel frowned. "Let's get you to a doctor," Mr. Schue said as he helped Rachel up as Finn offered to drive Rachel to the doctor's office.

"I hope she's alright," I sighed. "I know what you mean. I don't think Finn knows his own strength," Mercedes agreed. "Oh pipe down I'm sure the dwarf is fine," Santana said rolling her eyes. "Geez Santana have a little sympathy for her will you?" Puck said narrowing his eyes at her. "Why should I? It's not like she cared about the rest of us," Santana said folding her arms. "That's not true," Tina disagreed. "Really wanna bet?" Santana said. "Santana..." Brittany frowned. "Oh don't try to get me to easy on the club Britt," Santana snarked. "Well maybe you should. Everyone here has been nothing but nice to you," Brittany said defending the Glee Club. "Fine," Santana said as she left the auditorium annoyed. Everyone seemed relieved that Santana's reign of terror came to a crashing halt but we had no idea what the rest of the week would have in store for us.

Rachel came into Glee Club rehearsal with a strip on her nose. "Mr. Schue. There's something I need to talk to the Glee Club about," Rachel said. "Okay Rachel. The floor is yours," Mr. Schue said as Rachel grinned. "As you know Finn accidently hit me in the nose which resulted in a break. The bad news is my nose is broken but my doctor is asking me to consider getting a procedure," Rachel began as I cut her off. "Oh my God, you're getting a nose job," I said shocked. "I'm...considering having a minor procedure to repair my deviated septum," Rachel said. "So, a nose job," Santana said. "Look, I'm... I'm happy with the way that I look, okay? And I've embraced my nose. But let's say I wanted to have a slightly more demure nose. Like Quinn's, for example. I-I would never change my appearance for vanity, but, I mean, the doctor said that it could possibly improve my talent, which would help us all for Nationals," Rachel said. "Possibly? What about the risks? Your voice is amazing as is, Rachel," Mr. Schue said as I couldn't help but agree. Sure having the surgery for a deviated septum was one thing but wanting to go in and get a nose job afterwards was a completely different story. I couldn't believe Rachel was even considering it, especially since Barbra Streisand was her hero.

"Hold up. Could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel's got a bit of a schnoz. I mean, I wouldn't know because, like Medusa, I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there aren't things that we wouldn't change about ourselves? I mean, I'm sure that Sam's been at the doctor's office and rifled through pamphlets on mouth reduction. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyways. And I'm definitely sure that Tina's looked into getting an eye de-slanting," Santana shrugged as everyone looked back at her annoyed. "That's extraordinarily racist," Tina said. "I'm keepin' it real," Santana shrugged. "Sorry, Santana. I'm a beautiful person. I'm in love with myself, and I would never change a thing," Tina said. "Is that why you're wearing blue contacts today, Tina?" Mike asked Tina as her murmured "Self-hating Asian." "Not many Asian sex symbols, Mike. I'm just trying to be in fashion and mirror what I see in the magazines," Tina shrugged.

"My dancing kind of bothers me. Uh, it almost killed Rachel, but I like the way I look," Finn grinned. "Oh, please. You have weird, puffy pyramid nipples. They look like they're filled with custard," Santana said coldly as Sam tried to look at Finn's nipples but Finn slapped him away. "You could dust them with powdered sugar and they could pass for some sort of dessert. Look, maybe Rachel's fine with having an enormous beak. Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. All I'm saying is that if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, you should change it," Santana shrugged. 'Like you did when you got a boob job' I thought to myself about Santana.

"Whoa, guys. I'm really shocked at what I'm hearing here. It goes against everything the glee club stands for. I'm telling you, the thing you would most like to change about yourself is the most interesting part of you," Mr. Schue said to all of us. "Well, maybe, but at this school, the thing that makes you different is the thing people use to crush your spirit," Mercedes said as Mr. Schue couldn't help but look at all of us worriedly as Rachel took her seat.

Rachel stopped me on the way out of Glee Club. "Quinn...can I talk to you?" she asked. "Sure," I said as I walked with Rachel down the hall as she sighed. "Look, I know this is weird of me to ask of you but I was wondering if you'd accompany me to the doctor's office for some photos so I could see what I would look like if I got your nose," Rachel said. "You're serious about getting this nose job?" I said shocked. "Of course I am. Quinn, we all know every guy stops and stares at you because you are the prettiest girl here. For once in my life I want to feel like a pretty girl. I want to look like you," Rachel sighed as I look shocked. Did Rachel really think that much of me? As much as I didn't want to help her do something that could harm her the feeling that she idolized me made me feel so special. "I'll do it," I smiled as Rachel giggled as she hugged me tight. I hugged her too looking incredibly unsure about my decision but if it would help Rachel I couldn't see the harm in it right?

The next day at Glee Club Mr. Schue was writing the word 'Acceptance' on the board as Finn raised his hand. "Um, why is Ms. Pillsbury here?" he asked. "She's helping us out with this week's assignment," Mr. Schue smiled as he turned around "Now, this is the only club at school that is represented by just about every race, religion, sexual orientation and clique, but many of you are still having a hard time with acceptance." "That's crazy, Mr. Shue. We love each other," Mercedes said shaking her head. "No, I won't deny that you accept each other, but you don't accept yourselves. This week's assignment has two parts. I want all of you to sing songs about accepting yourself for who you are– The best and the worst parts," Mr. Schue said. "What's the second part?" Rachel asked. "Well, we're going to do a group number by the queen of self-love–Gaga," Mr. Schue said as we cheered at the fact that we were going to perform a Gaga number "We're going to perform her anthem to acceptance– "Born This Way."."

"Wait, wait, I still don't know why Ms. Pillsbury is here," Finn said. "I'm here to help you with your costumes for the big number. Each of you will be issued a beautifully fitted white T-shirt. We will then use this letter press...to write a word or a phrase that best describes the thing about you that you're the most ashamed of or you'd like to change but you can't because you were born that way, which is super terrific," Miss Pillsbury smiled. "I want you to love those parts of you, you know, embrace them, wear them on your chest with pride," Mr. Schue said. "Can you give an example?" Mike asked. "Yeah," Mr. Schue said.

Miss Pillsbury took a deep breath as she opened her sweater to reveal her shirt says GINGER. "Wow, Emma, I thought the whole purpose of you doing this was to write..." Mr. Schue began as Miss Pillsbury cut him off. "Being a ginger has plagued me my entire life. People say that I smell like copper, I can get a sunburn indoors at night, and according to recent legend, I have no soul, but I'm here to say that this very curse is what makes me unique. Children, I claim my ginger hood before you today. I was born this way. Hooray. Hooray! Hooray!" Miss Pillsbury grinned as the bell rang and we headed out for the day.

That afternoon Rachel and I went to the doctor's office together for the photos. "Thanks for doing this," Rachel sighed as I smiled at her. "Of course. Anything to help a friend," I said simply as Rachel sighed. "Since we're friends can I ask you something?" Rachel asked. "Sure," I shrugged as Rachel took a deep breath. "Why are you running with Finn for Prom court? I thought that was something the old you would want," Rachel said as I sighed "Rachel, you know how Puck and I were together right?" I asked as Rachel nodded. "Well he's running for Prom court with Lauren Zizes. I asked Finn to help me out by being my running mate so we had a good chance to beat them," I told her seriously as Rachel seemed relieved. "So you're not in love with Finn?" she asked. "No. God no. Finn's like a brother to me," I said shaking my head. "Then why were you so against our relationship?" Rachel asked me. I couldn't help but think about it. Why was I so against her getting back together with Finn? I obviously had no feelings for Finn anymore and that was when it hit me....did I have feelings for Rachel?

Our conversation was interrupted by the doctor walking out. "Okay. So, we, uh, ready to pull the trigger?" the doctor asked. "No, not... not quite yet. Um, I was kind of hoping that I could get an idea of what I might look like after the procedure. Um, this is my friend Quinn," Rachel said introducing me to the doctor. "Nice nose," the doctor said. "Thank you," I said awkwardly. "Very nice," the doctor nodded. "Yeah, well, Rachel wants it," I shrugged. "No problem. So I'll click some pics, make up some photo composites. We'll be ready to rock and roll," the doctor said as I put a supportive arm around Rachel. We then walked into the doctor's office where he took some photos of me and then edited Rachel's photos to see what she would look like with the new nose.

After the visit Rachel pulled me aside. "Quinn...would you maybe sing a song with me in Glee Club?" Rachel asked as I seemed surprised. "You want to sing with me?" I said seeming almost touched as Rachel nodded. "I came up with the perfect mashup for us to sing. It's 'I Feel Pretty' from West Side Story and 'Unpretty' by TLC," Rachel grinned as I smiled. "Count me in," I smiled a bit. Next rehearsal at Glee Club Rachel and I debut our duet of 'I Feel Pretty'/'Unpretty'.

"I wish I could tie you up in my shoes make you feel unpretty, too. I was told I was beautiful but what does that mean to you? Look into the mirror, who's inside there? The one with the long hair, same old me again today, hey," I sang as Rachel then took the lead. "You can buy your hair if it won't grow," Rachel and I harmonized. "You can fix your nose if you says so," I sang as Rachel backed me up. "You can buy all the makeup that M.A.C. can make but if you can't look inside you," Rachel and I harmonized. "Find out who am I to," I sang as Rachel backed me up. "Be in a position to make me feel so," Rachel and I harmonized. "Damn unpretty," Rachel sang. "I feel pretty," I sang. "Oh, so pretty," Rachel sang. "I feel," I sang "Pretty and witty and bright," I sang as Rachel harmonized with me. "Never insecure until I met you, now I'm being stupid. I used to be so cute to me," Rachel sang to me "Just a little bit skinny," I harmonized with Rachel. "Why do I look to all these things," I sang. "To keep you happy," I sang as Rachel harmonized with me. "Maybe get rid of you and then I'll get back to me, hey," Rachel sang. "My outsides look cool, my insides are blue. Every time I think I'm through it's because of you," I sang. "I've tried different ways but it's all the same. At the end of the day I have myself to blame. Keep on tripping," Rachel sang. You can fix your nose if you says so," I sang as Rachel backed me up. "You can buy all the makeup that M.A.C. can make but if you can't look inside you," Rachel and I harmonized. "Find out who am I to," I sang as Rachel backed me up. "Be in a position to make me feel so," Rachel and I harmonized. "Damn unpretty," Rachel sang. "I feel pretty," I sang. "Oh, so pretty," Rachel sang. "I feel," I sang "Pretty and witty and bright," I sang as Rachel harmonized with me. "And I pity," I sang as Rachel then sang the lead as I backed her up. "Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh," I sang. Rachel then sang the chorus of 'I Feel Pretty' while I sang the chorus of 'Unpretty. "You can buy your hair if it won't grow. You can fix your nose if you say so. You can buy all the makeup that M.A.C. can make, but if," I sang. "You can't look inside you," Rachel and I harmonized. "Find out who am I to," I sang as Rachel backed me up. "Be in a position to make me feel so," Rachel and I harmonized. "Damn unpretty," Rachel sang. "I feel pretty," I sang. "But unpretty," Rachel and I sang as Rachel harmonized with me as we ended the song.

The Glee Club cheered for us but I couldn't help but feel somewhat regretful for not telling Rachel how beautiful I truly thought she was. She didn't need a nose job be beautiful. She already was. "Good job ladies," Mr. Schue grinned as the bell rang. I tried to stop Rachel from leaving but she was already gone. I knew I had to do something so I did the next best thing.

"We need to talk," I said walking up to Puck. "I've got nothing to say to you Quinn," he said annoyed "What you're doing for Rachel is crap and you know it." "Of course I do...I just thought if could help her somehow maybe..." I began. "Maybe what? She's look like a clone of you. God forbid anyone look a little different," Puck snapped at me. "Why are you so mad at me? Rachel's the one who wanted to change her look," I reminded him. "Yeah but you helped her," he said upset "She shouldn't get a freaking nose job. Do you know how many Jewish girls have their Bat-Mitzvahs and get a nose job right after?" I sighed "I don't." "Trust me when I say it's almost every girl. What makes me mad is her nose has been passed down from generation to generation and yet you're trying to help her change that?" Puck said. "I agree with you. She doesn't need to change," I sighed. "Maybe you should tell her that," Puck shot at me as he left me standing in the hallway as the bell rang.

The next day Finn was up singing 'I've Got to Be Me' as he attempted to dance with Mike Chang. Even though Finn wasn't the strongest dancer he was someone that wasn't afraid to make a fool of himself and be comfortable doing so. Part of me wished I could be more like him. That people's opinions of me wouldn't exactly matter but that wasn't going to change. Truth was I was scared, scared of losing everything I had worked so hard to achieve after what I went through last year. I knew exactly what word I needed to write on my t-shirt. 'Fraud'. Everyone accused me of being one last year. After all I was president of the celibacy club and I ended up pregnant. I was so scared of people thinking I was a fake that I would try to fit in just to please the masses. Since last year I've embraced that sometimes it doesn't matter what people think of you. Let them think I'm a fraud. I knew the truth and the truth was I was a girl who made one decision she shouldn't have and wound up paying the price.

We all cheered for Finn as he finished his performance. "All right, Finn! Perfect! See, guys, someone who's not afraid to point out something they're really bad at," Mr. Schue grinned. "But I'm getting better, right?" Finn asked as Mr. Schue didn't respond. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Finn. He always tried to work harder than everyone else to get the dance moves down. He sat next to me as I gave him a thumbs-up.

"Mr. Schuester? May I have the floor, please?" Rachel asked. "It's yours," Mr. Schue said as Rachel got up. "So, as all of you know, I've had a few consultations with a doctor who specializes in rhinoplasty," Rachel said. "Yes, we know. That's all any of us have been talking about. And we think it's a terrible idea," Tina said. "Okay. Blue eyes, you're such a hypocrite," Rachel said folding her arms. "I admit, yes, I don't like my eyes sometimes–The shape, the color–But your self-hatred, Rachel, has helped me see the light," Tina said. "I love myself," Rachel protested. "Not enough, clearly," Tina said.

"When you get a nose job, when you change your eyes, when you bleach your freckles, you're just announcing to the world, "I don't like myself very much." The drams of this week have made me realize, if I don't have many Asian sex symbols to look up to, I have an obligation to maybe become one myself. My new mantra is "Be the change you want to see in the world."," Tina said. "I love you so much right now," Mike grinned as he kissed Tina. The two soon passionately made out. "Okay, okay, okay," Mr. Schue said as he pulled them apart.

"Besides Tina's abrupt personal transformation, the compositions came back from the doctor, showing what my nose would look like slightly altered, and I have to say, I'm really happy with the results. They're less Hebraic, and more Fabrayic," Rachel grinned as she showed the club the pictures. I couldn't help but cringe looking at the pictures. 'Say something Quinn' I thought to myself but no words would escape my mouth.

"That doesn't really look like you," Mr. Schue said shaking his head. "Every year, girls show up to my temple after their 16th birthday, looking suddenly slightly different. And you know what? Even though it's easier to make out with them without getting constantly stabbed in the eye, they're not as hot," Puck said upset. "Well, this isn't about being hot. It's about conquering your destiny, and finding something in yourself that you want to change and change it. Plus, they said that it could improve my voice, so...Look, if you guys aren't willing to support my decision, then I'm pretty accustomed to making it on my own," Rachel said as Finn then said. "Rachel, please don't do this. You're beautiful," Finn said as Rachel then hesitated but then stayed firm in her decision. "This isn't a discussion. I have made up my mind. Rachel Berry is getting a nose job," Rachel said as the bell rang.

Figgins had walked into Glee rehearsal with Karofsky. "What is he doing here?" Finn asked narrowing his eyes. "I don't know," I said shaking my head. The Glee Club erupted into commotion. "Okay, listen, I'm all...That's all I'm asking for. Let me finish. Excuse me. Quiet! Quiet, okay?" Figgins said to all of us. "We don't care what he has to say," Finn said. "Shh. Now, I know David has had some issues in the past, but I have great respect for what he's doing right now, and I ask you to hear him out. Thank you," Figgins said. "How 'bout we punch his face in?" Sam muttered. "Okay, that's enough, guys. Everyone listen up," Mr. Schue said as we listened to Karofsky.

"First, I just want to say how sorry I am for what I did to Kurt and for what I've done to a lot of you. I think I've slushied every one of you. I treated Kurt the worst, and I'm really ashamed of who I am and what I did," Karofsky frowned. "Why should we believe you?" Puck shot at Karofsky. "You don't have to. I know I'll need to earn your trust. All I can say is that Santana has really helped me to see the light," Karofsky said as we all looked at Santana, shocked at the fact that she had done something so selfless.

"She showed me all these stories online about kids jumping off of bridges and hanging themselves because they were being bullied so bad. I couldn't believe someone could make another person feel that awful, but she helped me accept that I was one of those bad people, and I don't want to be anymore," Karofsky said. "Wait. Santana?" I said surprised as Santana got up and joined Karofsky. "This Glee Club is not complete. Not without Kurt. So I've taken it upon myself to try to rehabilitate Dave to see if maybe Kurt would consider coming back and help us win nationals. I did this for us, and then something funny happened. Something...called love," Santana said as she and Karofsky held hands. I narrowed my eyes at them. Something didn't seem right about this. Not at all.

"I'm going to barf," Tina said as Puck also gagged. "I want Kurt to feel safe to come back, which is why Santana and I have started a new club–The Bully Whips," Karofsky said. "The name was my idea. We're going to be like guardian angels," Santana said. "I have deputized David and Santana and the rest of their club to roam the halls, identifying bullying and stopping it in its tracks," Figgins said. "I'm planning on reaching out to Kurt personally, through Principal Figgins, to try to make amends. This is a chance to really change this place. I hope you can support us," Karofsky said as we were surprised by this as the bell rang. Something definitely seemed off about the whole Santana/Karofsky thing and I was going to get to the bottom of it sooner or later.

The next afternoon we were all out in the courtyard. Mercedes said she had an important announcement for all of us. "What the hell's going on?" Puck asked as he walked outside. "Well, my fellow Glee Clubbers, it's noon, which means...it's official," Mercedes grinned. "What's official?" Sam asked confused. "My transfer!" Kurt yelled from the top of the stairs as we all turned around "Kurt Hummel's back at McKinley!" We cheered as Kurt rushed down to us he hugged Mercedes first, then Tina. "Let me breathe! Let me breathe!" Kurt laughed as he hugged Brittany "Let's get ready for Nationals." "Not yet. See, there's a reason we're meeting here today. There's some people that wanted to say goodbye to you, Kurt," Mercedes smiled as Blaine and the Warblers walked down to meet us.

"Kurt, Dalton's gonna miss you. You were a great addition to the Warblers, and you made us a better team. I'm sad to see you go, but we all know this is something that you really want. And I'll still have you after school and on the weekends, but these guys won't, so they wanted to say goodbye," Blaine smiled. "And thank you, Kurt" Another Warbler said as the Warblers sang 'Somewhere Only We Know' with Blaine on lead. It was beautiful. I couldn't help but feel moved listening to their performance. At the end of the song all the Warblers hugged Kurt goodbye. "I'm never saying goodbye to you," Kurt said to Blaine as they hugged goodbye. Blaine then left as well as we all hugged Kurt, grateful to have him back in school with us.

Kurt returned to the school singing 'As If We Never Said Goodbye' in the choir room for all of us. I couldn't help but smile. It was so nice having Kurt back at McKinley. He and Mercedes had been two of my closest friends after everything I went through last year. Finn looked at me as we watched Kurt perform. I couldn't help but smile. Finn had been a great brother to Kurt since they had become stepbrothers. He was just as happy as I was to have Kurt back at McKinley and it felt good. We all stood up and cheered for Kurt after he finished hugging him once again because we were so glad to have him back.

Mercedes and I walked out of the choir room with Kurt. "It's good to have you back Kurt," Mercedes grinned. "It's good to be here. You guys don't know how much I've missed you," Kurt said. "We missed you too," I smiled a bit. "So Quinn, I heard your running for Prom Queen with Finn as your King. Has he not told me something?" Kurt asked. "We're just friends," I giggled. "Yeah Finn's still in love with Rachel and Rachel's in love with Finn," Mercedes said. "Then why aren't they back together?" Kurt asked confused. "Beats me," Mercedes shrugged. "I think they both should move on. They're a bad match for each other," I said simply. "Is that jealousy I hear from you Miss Quinn Fabray," Kurt chuckled. "What? No. Not at all," I said shaking my head. "Yeah Quinn you have been acting weird about Finn and Rachel. Are you sure there isn't any more to you and Finn's relationship?" Mercedes asked. "I'm sure," I said with certainty 'It's my relationship with Rachel that I'm unsure of,' I thought to myself.

We continued to walk down the halls. "So Kurt, what did you think of this week's assignment?" Mercedes asked him. "I'm all about self acceptance. I think this week's lesson is so important for all of us to accept ourselves. It took me a long time to get to where I'm at but I'm happy to be me," Kurt said as Mercedes and I smiled. "I wish I could be as comfortable as you are Kurt," I sighed. "Quinn, you have nothing to be uncomfortable about," Mercedes said shaking her head. "I'm with Mercedes. Quinn, you literally went from being an outcast to being the Queen Bee once again. How can you top that?" Kurt asked. "I guess I just feel like after what I went through last year people think I'm a fraud," I sighed. "Anyone who thinks that doesn't know you," Mercedes said. "I agree. You worked hard to get back to where you are," Kurt agreed. "Thanks," I sighed as we arrived at my classroom. "I'll see you guys later," I said as I entered my classroom.

"Well well if it isn't little Miss Fall from Grace," Lauren said as I looked confused. "Excuse me?" I said confused. "I made a new ad to remind people of who you really are," Lauren smirked as I rushed out into the hallway to see an ad playing "Do you want to be like Quinn Fabray? A Teen Mom. A Liar. A Fraud. Vote Lauren Zizes, what you see is what you get." I teared up as I turned off the ad. How could she do this to me? "Not so hot now are you," Lauren shot at me as I just stood devastated in the hallway. "Back off," Puck said as he stormed over. "What did you say Puckerman?" Lauren asked shocked. "I said back off. You don't know squat about what Quinn went through," Puck said defending me. "And you do?" Lauren snarked back. "Yeah who do you think got her into that situation huh? News flash it wasn't Finn Hudson. It was me," Puck said as Lauren seemed shocked. "You want to run Quinn's name through the mud you'll be taking me right down with her. I'll be sure of it," Puck said. "But you promised you'd run with me for Prom King and Queen," Lauren defended. "Oh I will. Just back off of Quinn. Got it?" Puck said narrowing his eyes at Lauren who backed off.

"Thank you," I said emotionally as Puck held me close. "I should've been there for you," he whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. "You are now," I whispered back. "And I'm not leaving you," Puck told me seriously as he walked me to my next class as we felt more together than we had before.

That afternoon Puck had invited Rachel out with him to the mall which was where we were going to talk to her. "Quinn..what are you doing here?" Rachel asked as she hugged me. "I came to talk to you Rachel. I don't want you to get a nose job," I told her seriously. "Why did you accompany me to the plastic surgeon then?" Rachel frowned a bit as I sighed. "It felt nice that you looked up to me Rachel. I've been kind of down on myself lately. Ever since I quit the cheerios I've been scared that no one would want to follow my lead and there you were. Wanting to look like me, be like me. It felt good to have someone feel that way again," I sighed as Rachel seemed speechless. "Quinn of course I want to be like you. Do you know how much being your friend has meant to me?" Rachel asked as I seemed surprised to hear her say this. "Being accepted by you was something I never thought I'd have and now that I do it's just amazing," Rachel grinned as I smiled a bit.

Kurt then walked up to Rachel. "I'll take it from here, thanks Quinn and Puck," Kurt smiled as Puck and I walked off as he began the Barbra-vention where we all danced to 'Barbra Streisand' to show Rachel that she truly was a one in a million. She grinned happy to have our support. "Thanks you guys. I needed this," Rachel smiled as we all hugged her.

"All right, guys. Listen up. You all did really good this week. It was tough, but I think we came closer as a team and I'm proud of you. And now, I'd like to be the first one to show off my custom T-shirt, revealing something I was self-conscious about in the past, something I was born with, something I've come to accept about myself this past week. So, drumroll, Finn," Mr. Schue said as Finn played a drum roll as his shirt said 'BUTT CHIN' on it. "I like your chin, Mr. Schue," Mercedes grinned. "Yeah, I would've went with "Tears up a lot."," Tina agreed. "Uh, is everyone here?" Mr. Schue asked. "Not everybody," Rachel said as she arrived. "I wanted to thank you guys for my Barbravention. And I have an announcement to make. I went to my doctor and...I canceled my appointment. And then I went home and I made this." Rachel revealed her shirt that said 'NOSE' on it. "Whoa," Mr. Schue said as we all clapped for her.

"So, unfortunately I can't join in on today's dance number. My doctor said I have to stay away from vigorous choreography while my nose heals. So thanks for being patient. And, Finn, next time, watch out for the schnoz," Rachel giggled. "Where's Santana?" Artie asked. "Probably off somewhere making out with Karofsky," Sam said as I saw Brittany's face fall "Yeah, he can have her." "Hit it!" Mr. Schue grinned as we began to perform 'Born This Way' by Lady Gaga.

Kurt started off the song as Tina and Mercedes joined him onstage to help him reveal his shirt which says 'LIKES BOYS'. Tina then sang on lead. Brittany and Lauren then joined them onstage as Mercedes then took the lead. Tina and Mercedes harmonized on the next part as the curtain opened and the rest of us walked out to join in on the chorus. "I'm beautiful in my way 'cause God makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way. Don't hide yourself in regret just love yourself, and you're set I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way," we sang as we then took off our jackets to reveal our shirts.

"No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgendered life. I'm on the right track, baby I was born to survive. No matter black, white or beige, chola or orient made. I'm on the right track, baby. I was born to be brave. I'm beautiful in my way 'cause God makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way. Don't hide yourself in regret just love yourself, and you're set I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way. Ooo there ain't no other way. Baby, I was born this way. Baby, I was born this way. Ooo there ain't no other way. Baby, I was born this way. Right track baby, I was born this way. I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, hey!" we sang as we finished the song cheering excitedly as we did. The song made us feel so much more accepting of our own insecurities and how those insecurities made us who we are.

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