Quinn Fabray: My Story

By haleyandthejets

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This is Quinn Fabray's Story from Seasons 1-6 of Glee. For the most part I will follow Glee's storylines but... More

Chapter 1 - The Night Quinn Felt Fat
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Everything Changes
Chapter 4 - The Glee Club Finds Out
Chapter 5 - Keep Holding On
Chapter 6 - Popularity Falls
Chapter 7 - The Bill
Chapter 8 - You're Having My Baby
Chapter 9 - I'm Keeping My Baby?
Chapter 10 - Thanksgiving with the Hudsons
Chapter 11 - 2009-2010 Thunderclap
Chapter 12 - Change of Plans
Chapter 13 - Hannukah
Chapter 14 - Quinn's Christmas Miracle
Chapter 15 - New Year's Kiss
Chapter 16 - Hello Trouble
Chapter 17 - Something Lost, Something Gained
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 19 - Reputation
Chapter 20 - Another Move
Chapter 21 - Beth
Chapter 22 - The Turnaround
Chapter 23 - Don't Stop Believin'
Chapter 24 - Summer Break
Chapter 25 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 26 - Faith
Chapter 27 - A New Direction
Chapter 28 - Leading Lady Fabray?
Chapter 29 - Double Trouble
Chapter 30 - A Glee Wedding
Chapter 31 - Plot Twist
Chapter 32 - A Win and A Loss
Chapter 33 - Christmas Gift
Chapter 35 - Cheaters Never Prosper
Chapter 36 - Quinn's Comeback
Chapter 37 - Faberry: An Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 38 - Celibacy Club
Chapter 39 - Regionals
Chapter 40 - Don't Underestimate Quinn Fabray
Chapter 41 - Insecurities
Chapter 42 - Rumor Mill
Chapter 43 - Junior Prom
Chapter 44 - Nationals
Chapter 45 - Redefined
Chapter 46 - Return of Sorts
Chapter 47 - It's All Over
Chapter 48 - The Search For New Directions
Chapter 49 - Mash-Off
Chapter 50 - We Are Who We Are
Chapter 51 - Homefield Advantage
Chapter 52 - Giving Back
Chapter 53 - The Proposals
Chapter 54 - Valentine's Date-less
Chapter 55 - The Accident
Chapter 56 - Recovery Road
Chapter 57 - I'm Still Standing
Chapter 58 - Lost
Chapter 59 - Growing Up
Chapter 60 - Prom Queen
Chapter 61 - Quinn takes Nationals
Chapter 62 - We are the Champions
Chapter 63 - Goodbyes
Chapter 64 - You've Got Yale
Chapter 65 - All That Jazz
Chapter 66 - Back Home
Chapter 67 - Christmases When You Were Mine
Chapter 68 - New York Trip
Chapter 69 - We've Got Tonight
Chapter 70 - ....Pregnant?
Chapter 71 - Spring Heartbreak
Chapter 72 - What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
Chapter 73 - Where I Belong
Chapter 74 - Marry Me
Chapter 75 - Just Give Me a Reason
Chapter 76 - Wedding Bells
Chapter 77 - Honeymoon Avenue
Chapter 78 - The Next Nine Months
Chapter 79 - Begin Again
Chapter 80 - So Far Away
Chapter 81 - Our Day Will Come
Chapter 82 - The End?

Chapter 34 - New Year, New Quinn

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By haleyandthejets

 After the tumultuous Christmas I had I was looking forward to starting the year over again. I needed to start things off on the right foot. I had been distant with my family since finding out Frannie was pregnant. I was happy for her but the way my mom reacted to hearing the news hurt me. We definitely weren't anywhere near as close as we had been because of it. I had been spending most of my time with Sam and his family throughout the holidays. The Evans' were more than happy to have me. Sam's little sister, Stacey took an especial liking to me.

"You're so pretty," Stacey told me one day when we were playing beauty parlor. "Thank you Stacey," I smiled a bit as she worked on my hair. "I hope to be just like you when I'm older," she told me proudly. I couldn't help but smile at her. "All done," she grinned as I looked in the mirror to see I had a braid in my hair. "It's looks great thank you Miss Stacey," I smiled as I gave her a tip. "The pleasure is all mine," Stacey grinned as Sam walked in smiling at us. "Okay Stace can I have my girlfriend back," Sam chuckled a bit. "If you must," Stacey frowned "We were having such a great time." "I'll come back to your salon again soon okay?" I told her seriously. "Okay," Stacey frowned as she then proceeded to play with her Barbies as I left with Sam.

"You're really good with her," Sam smiled. "It comes from a lot of practice," I smiled a bit "I always enjoyed babysitting." "I can see that," Sam said as we sat in his room. He sighed a bit. "I'm sorry things have been so bad with your family," he said as I shrugged. "I wouldn't expect anything less," I said honestly. "On the bright side. At least I got to spend the holidays with you," I smiled a bit. "That definitely is a bright side," Sam smiled as we began to kiss.

Things between Sam and I had been great since we became official. He hadn't tried to push me into doing anything I didn't want to. He was always there to listen to me about whatever was bothering me especially when it came to Beth. On top of that I had really grown to love his family who treated me like I was a member of the family already. It felt nice to be in what felt like a real family. I often wondered if this was the life I had to look forward to one day if Sam and I stayed together. If it was, I was looking forward to every second of it.

As much as I didn't want to, I was still nervous every time things were starting to head a little too far. I loved Sam but after the year I went through last year, I wanted to take every precaution to ensure I wouldn't be pregnant again. "Stop stop," I murmured as Sam kissed my neck. "I'm sorry," he sighed backing off of me. "There's no need to be sorry," I told him seriously as I sat up. "I made a promise to you that I wouldn't try anything you wouldn't want to," he sighed. "And you've been good to that promise," I told him seriously "Look, it's not that I don't want to be with you...I do...but after last year," I sighed shaking my head. "I understand," Sam told me seriously as he wrapped his arms around me. "Just so you know I would be there for you no matter what happened, okay?" he said as I nodded tearfully. It felt good to have a boyfriend I could truly count on for once. "Thanks," I whispered as he kissed my forehead before leaving his room.

I left the Evans' house that night after having dinner with them just hoping that I would be left alone when I got home. Most of the time that was the case. My mom would just ask how I was and I would give a vague answer and that would be the end of things. Today however was different. "Quinnie, you've got mail," my mom said as she handed me a letter. My eyes grew wide when I saw who it was from. Shelby. "Thanks," I whispered as I rushed up the stairs to read the letter.


How you got my address I have no idea. We do have a closed adoption that's true but if you want to see Beth I see nothing wrong with that. Your drawing was very cute. Beth seemed to like it. Beth is doing great she's right where she should be for her age and is growing up very well. She's sitting up on her own now which is a huge achievement at her age so the good news is she no longer needs to be burped whenever she takes her bottle. Enclosed in this envelope I sent you a photo of her. I hope that will get you through the days until you get to New York. I hope you have a Merry Christmas yourself and a Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you soon.


I quickly took out the photo of Beth. She was smiling at lying down on what looked like a beautiful quilt. She had a cute red and white striped shirt on. I smiled knowing exactly where I was going to put this photo, in my locker. Seeing Beth everyday would be a reminder to me of what I was fighting to go to Nationals for and it meant more to me now than ever to see her again.

Getting back to school in the new year was...interesting to say the least. In some ways I was glad to be back at school. It took my mind off of everything going on with my family and gave me something to focus on. At the same time there were problems. It started off when Coach Sylvester wasn't interested in our elaborate routine to 'California Girls' after we came back from the break.

"Ladies, I am at a loss," Coach Sylvester called to us in her megaphone. She then put the megaphone down. "Brittany, please remind me of how I single-handedly put cheerleading on the map," Coach Sylvester asked. "In 1979, you directed a made-for-TV movie about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders called The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders," Brittany smiled proudly explaining Coach Sylvester's achievements. "That is correct, and in the meantime, what's changed?" Coach Sylvester asked. "Personal grooming habits?" I suggested. "What's changed is I have completely lost interest and, ladies, I blame you," Coach Sylvester barked at us annoyed "Becky, more silicone falsies." "Got it, Coach," Becky said as she grabbed a bucket of chicken cutlets to try to get us into shape.

"You will each enhance your bust with an additional pair of chicken cutlets in an attempt to add some jiggle to what is the most boring routine I have ever witnessed," Coach Sylvester scolded as Becky handed out the cutlets. "But, Coach Sylvester, this is the most elaborate routine the Cheerios have ever done. We're shoo-ins at regionals next week, and we're the favorite to win at nationals," I explained. "Yet I am still," Coach Sylvester said picking up her megaphone "So very bored!" she exclaimed putting the megaphone down once again "Even things I used to think were hilarious Case in point: Sandbags slap yourself with a chicken cutlet," Coach Sylvester told Santana who sighed rolling her eyes as she hit herself with the cutlet.

"Now slap Brittany," Coach Sylvester said as Santana then slapped Brittany. "See? Not even a chuckle," Coach Sylvester shrugged. "The problem is you keep trying to make a bigger and bigger spectacle. No matter how hard we try, we can't make a routine work unless you find a way to make it interesting for you. You have to find a way to top yourself," I told Coach Sylvester seriously. "Q, you just may have a point," Coach Sylvester said as I smirked satisfied that I had gotten through to her.

"But to be sure, slap yourself with a chicken cutlet," Coach Sylvester said as my smile faded as I slapped myself with the cutlet. Coach Sylvester bursted into laughter "DISMISSED!" Coach Sylvester exclaimed as the cheerios headed for the showers finishing what was our most intense rehearsal.

At the time I was glad that I had come up with the solution but what followed after my suggestion couldn't help but make me feel incredibly guilty that I was the one to suggest Sue Sylvester should try and make things interesting for her.

That weekend was the Titans last game that they would play before finishing first in conference. It didn't matter if they won or lost the game for them to finish first but they were giving it their all. Unfortunately the score was close and with a bad toss from Finn the Titans lost the game at the very end as the opposing team scored the final touchdown giving them a win. Brittany dropped her pom-poms upset. I frowned a bit as well on the sidelines. The guys had it. I had no idea what had gotten into Finn to make him drop that ball.

"Well this sucks," Santana said annoyed as we headed into the locker room. "So they lost one game. It's not like it wasn't close," I said defending the team. "It's because it's Finn isn't it. You don't want to hear anyone criticize your first love," Santana smirked. "I'm not defending anyone. I'm just saying what happened in the game," I said narrowing my eyes at her. "Mhmm sure Fabray. Whatever you say," Santana said as she walked off.

"Q, Santana's just mad because Puck's been ignoring her this past week," Brittany said to me. "That's not a reason for her to lash out at me again," I said folding my arms. "She thinks you're behind it," Brittany told me seriously. I couldn't help but laugh "Why would I be behind it? I'm dating Sam. Puck and I have barely even spoken since the wedding," I told Brittany honestly. It was true. Ever since I had made my choice between Puck and Sam I had barely spoken to Puck. Sure we'd have small talk every once in a while but that was about it. From what I could tell he still wasn't taking it well that I hadn't chose him. As much as I loved Puck, Sam was there for me when I needed someone and things between us just felt...right. Not like the way Puck and I always fought on almost everything.

"You should tell Santana that," Brittany told me seriously "It might make her stop sending you her dagger eyes. I don't want to have my best friends fighting again." Brittany pouted. "If she'll listen to me I'll try to," I shrugged "You were always better at getting through to her, Britt." Brittany nodded "You're right. Thanks Q," she smiled as she hugged me before rushing off to talk with Santana.

The week got even weirder when Coach Beiste had the football team join Glee Club in order to compete in the championship game. "Rachel, Puck, haven't you guys been working on something?" Mr. Schue said as I couldn't help but give both Puck and Rachel a look. What could they have been working on together? Was Rachel the reason Puck was blowing off Santana? "Why don't you give it a whirl?" Mr. Schue asked. "Fine," Rachel said as she got up "As offended as I am by their presence here I won't let anything get in the way of a performance."

Rachel and Puck began to sing the Lady Antebellum hit 'Need You Now'. They sounded nice together and everything but the fact that they were singing together again bothered me. If Rachel wanted Finn back why was she yet again hanging out with the one person who had hurt him the most? It just didn't add up for me. Finn looked unhappy by the performance as well. I couldn't help but empathize with him. Sure, I had cheated on him but Rachel almost flaunting what could be her new relationship with Puck to me just felt cold. I couldn't help but smile as the song went on. Hearing Puck's voice somehow soothed me. I couldn't help envisioning that instead of Rachel I was singing with him instead.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now," I sang. "And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now," Puck's voice sang looking me in the eyes. "And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now. I just need you now," Puck and I harmonized. "Oh baby I need you now," I sang in my fantasy. As the song ended I couldn't help but be happy. That was until Azimo snapped me out of my fantasy. "The girl with the Mohawk had a really nice voice," Azimio smirked. "That's funny," Puck muttered as he took his guitar off getting it ready to swing at Azimio. Coach Beiste had to get in the middle. Soon enough everyone was yelling at one another and it was a huge commotion in the choir room that Mr. Schue and Coach Beiste had to get between.

"You seemed really into Puck and Rachel's performance," Sam said as we left the choir room together. "I did?" I asked confused as Sam nodded. "I just really like that song," I said lying through my teeth for the first time to Sam. "I mean I like it too but you seemed...different," Sam said. "What are you saying?" I asked Sam, almost annoyed. "Nothing. It's nothing," Sam assured me as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm your girlfriend remember?"

"I know you are but..."

"But what?" I said as I could feel the anger shooting out of my eyes. "How do I know you won't cheat on me with him?" Sam sighed as I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh you have got to be kidding me," I said glaring at him as I grabbed my things. "What I can't have doubts?" Sam said. "No you shouldn't," I said as tears formed in my eyes as I slammed my locker shut "Goodbye Sam."

"Quinn, wait!" he called after me but it was too late I was already gone deep into a depression I had never felt before.

That afternoon the cheerios were out on the football field where Coach Sylvester told us to meet her for the newest addition to our routine. "Ladies my "Sueclear" weapon," Coach Sylvester said as we looked up at the canon, dumbfounded. What did Coach Sylvester have in store for us? "Becky," Coach Sylvester said as Becky broke a champagne bottle on the canon. "Brittany. Climb on up. Congratulations. You're doing the stunt for the big competition," Coach Sylvester told Brittany as her smile faded. "I don't want to die yet," Brittany pouted. "At least not until One Tree Hill gets canceled." "Fine," Coach Sylvester fumed as the cheerios carried a dummy out "To put your toddler-fist sized mind at rest we'll do one final test run." Coach Sylvester then got the dummy in and pressed the button. The dummy promptly exploded all over the field. "Any of you take German?" Coach Sylvester asked as us Cheerios mouths hung open in shock. "I may have to read the owner's manual." Coach Sylvester said as she walked off.

Brittany then picked up the head of the exploded dummy looking terrified. "Don't worry. I'll talk to Mr. Schue and take care of this," I assured Brittany who seemed incredibly worried. "Britts, Quinn's right. That stunt is way too dangerous we have to do something about it," Santana agreed. "But I'm the captain," Brittany frowned. "And we want you to stay Captain. This stunt could kill you Brittany," I sighed. "I know..." Brittany sighed worriedly. I walked off the field to try to find Mr. Schue.

I knocked on his Spanish classroom door. "Mr. Schue?" I said as Mr. Schue looked surprised to see me there. "Can we talk?" I asked. "Of course," Mr. Schue said as he got up. "I'll be right back," he told his students who were doing makeup tests after school as he walked out with me into the hallway. "What's going on?" he asked. "It's Coach Sylvester. She's trying to get Brittany to do a stunt in cheerios that could kill her," I frowned. "What?" Mr. Schue said shocked. "She bought some sort of canon and during the test run using a dummy the dummy exploded," I said. Mr. Schue shook his head in disbelief. "I'm going to talk to Figgins about this," he said as he began heading off to the Principal's office. "You did the right thing Quinn," Mr. Schue said looking back at me. I couldn't help but smile a bit. I was glad to be helping Brittany out of this mess.

I was about to walk off when I was stopped by Puck exiting the Spanish Classroom. "Hey...what happened?" Puck asked as he left the classroom. "Aren't you supposed to be working on your test?" I asked him in disbelief. He had missed so many assignments since his stint in juvie so he seemed to be making up a test he had missed. "I can get back to that. What did you have to get Mr. Schue about? Are you okay?" he asked almost seeming concerned. "It's Brittany," I told him as he seemed to be relieved "Coach Sylvester came up with some crazy stunt for her to do." "I'm glad that's all it is," Puck said as I nodded a bit. "I saw you after you and Sam fought today. I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he told me seriously. "That was nothing," I assured him, even though I knew that wasn't true. "Didn't look like nothing," Puck said. "Well it was," I shot back. "Okay sorry for asking," he frowned. "Just get back to your test, Puckerman," I told him as he obeyed heading back into Mr. Schue's classroom. I stood outside the classroom wondering if I had been pushing someone away who actually cared for me once again.

Coach Sylvester wasn't please to say the least about Mr. Schue getting her into trouble with Figgins over her canon stunt. Mr. Schue came into the choir room solem the next day to deliver the bad news. "Guys...bad news. Coach Sylvester had the Cheerios competition moved to Saturday which means that the football team has lost its halftime show," Mr. Schue said as we looked stunned. "The good news is I came up with a solution. We will put on a halftime performance. All of us in Glee Club," Mr. Schue said. "No freaking way," Karofsky said annoyed. "We don't have a choice. Sue pulled the Cheerios from the game, so if we don't do it, there's no halftime show," Mr. Schue said. "And this is a problem because?" Lauren said. "It's not a problem. It's an opportunity," Coach Beiste said. "Opportunity to humiliate ourselves," another football player snarked annoyed. "Hey.

The whole point of this week was to bring you guys together to bring the school together," Coach Beiste said.

"Wait. So you want us to play the first half change into some "sequine" ball gowns and then go out and do the halftime show at our own championship game?" Azimio asked annoyed. "Yes," Coach Beiste said as the football players were all in an uproar. "It's the championship game! This is a crazy town! This is crazy!" Azimio exclaimed. "What about the Cheerios in Glee Club?" Finn asked. "They have a choice. Us, or the Cheerios competition," Mr. Schue said. "Well, obviously Quinn is gonna choose the Cheerios. I mean," Rachel began as I looked back at her annoyed.

I had tried to be a friend to Rachel the past few weeks. Especially after what Santana had put her through rubbing it in her face about the fact that she had slept with Finn. The Glee Club had been so good to me last year and I've enjoyed my time in the club this year as well. Why Rachel would think I was going to bail on the Glee Club was beyond me. If anything, I was more certain that Santana was going to stay on the Cheerios. Brittany and I had a lot more to lose on the squad, even though I was torn on what to do. "Well, that's not fair. You don't know what she's gonna do," Finn said standing up for me which I appreciated. Sure, Finn and I had our ups and downs, especially after what I had put him through last year but we both felt a kind of loyalty to each other, especially to stand up for one another when others doubted us.

"I think the cheerleading competition is gonna be a lot of fun but if you go, you're gonna miss out on us doing the most iconic song of all time the Super Bowl of pop anthems: - "Thriller"," Mr. Schue said as the Glee Club looked excited. "Yeah, remember a few years ago when that Philippine prison did that mega performance of "Thriller" and put it on YouTube? Now, in the four months it took to rehearse that number prisoner-on-prisoner crime dropped 80%. Doing that, together, as a team created a unity within that prison. and that's what I'm looking to do here," Mr. Schue said as we all nodded.

"I mean, don't get me wrong. You know, I'm big on Michael and everything but isn't that kind of what they're expecting us to do?" Mercedes said. "Which is why we're gonna mash it together with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' equally spooky single "Heads Will Roll"," Mr. Schue said as the New Directions cheered. "Who's Yeah Yeah Yeah?" Azimio said looking confused. "Alright, New Directions, Titans we're going to zombie camp," Coach Beiste said as she blew her whistle as we headed off to practice our zombie moves.

Rehearsal was a lot of fun. Having to become a zombie character actually was a lot more fun than I could've imagined. I was smiling walking off as we were going to head to the choir room for a lesson in zombie makeup. "It's good to see you enjoying yourself again, Quinn," Mercedes smiled as we walked off together. "Thanks Mercedes," I said "I think I just needed to get out of my head." "I told you girl. I'm glad to see you back on your feet again. After what you went through it's nice to have you back," Mercedes smiled as she hugged me tight. I couldn't help but feel slightly more guilty having Mercedes say these things to me. Sure, it felt nice to be out of my head but the decision between Glee Club and Cheerios was such a huge one that I didn't know what I wanted to do.

Brittany, Santana, and I headed into the girls bathroom to clean off our makeup as we decided to discuss what we were going to do. "Zombie camp was funner than I expected. And the Glee Club together with the football team- it's like a double rainbow. A zombie double rainbow," Brittany grinned. "What the hell are we gonna do?" I asked Brittany and Santana upset "If we go to our cheerleading competition then we miss the halftime show and we're out of Glee Club. I'm torn," I sighed. "Well, I'm not," Santana shot back. "I'm Brittany," Brittany shrugged. "Couldn't help but overhear your conversation," Coach Sylvester said as she walked out of the bathroom. "What were you doing in there?" I asked. "Enjoying the eavesdropping afforded me by the Swiss timepiece regularity and utter silence of my 2:00 p.m. ninja poops. Well, I typed these up for you ladies requiring your signature tendering your resignation from the Glee Club," Coach Sylvester said as she handed us the forms.

"Oh, and, Brittany, here's a note for you handwritten and in crayon, from the human cannon saying how much it misses you," Coach Sylvester said to Brittany who looked upset. I, however was pissed. Coach Sylvester was trying to take advantage of Brittany's kind heart. "Coach, that cannon is gonna get Brittany killed. Is that really worth it just to win a stupid national championship?" I shot back at Coach Sylvester. "Seventh consecutive stupid national championship," Coach Sylvester shot back at me. "This is ridiculous," I said shaking my head. "You had quite a year last year, Q. And as I recall, you didn't have such a good time out of that Cheerios uniform," Coach Sylvester said as I looked down frowning.

Last year had to be one of the hardest years of my life. Dealing with the pregnancy, losing my boyfriend because I cheated on him, having to give that baby away. It was all so painful. "Ladies, I am giving you the chance right now to choose once and for all where your true loyalties lie. Choose the Cheerios or choose the Glee Club," Coach Sylvester snarled at us. Brittany, Santana, and I looked at each other. We knew the only way we'd make it through the year would be to choose the cheerios. Coach Sylvester would make our lives a living hell if we left the squad. I didn't want to have to deal with that. After last year the only thing I wanted was peace. Brittany, Santana, and I handed our forms to Mr. Schue in his Spanish classroom to give our resignation from the Glee Club. It was one of the hardest things I had to do but for me, it was the only decision I could make.

"How the hell could you do this?" Finn asked me the next day as he closed my locker. "Oh, don't get all up in my face, Finn. What were we supposed to do?" I shot back at Finn annoyed as I walked off. "Uh, quit Cheerios. Coach Sylvester is awful to you guys. And don't forget who was there for you the last time she dumped you on your ass. Us. Glee Club," Finn called at me as I stopped turning around to face him. "And you don't think that I feel awful about that?" I said upset. "You don't need to be a Cheerio to be cool," Finn said. "Oh, you are so naive. This whole school is about labels," I shot back at Finn upset. "Wow. I never realized you were so freaking weak," Finn said as I laughed. "Oh I'm..." I began before being interrupted by Sam walking over.

"What did you say?" Sam shot at Finn. "All the Cheerios quit Glee Club," Finn said annoyed. "So why are you yelling at my girlfriend about it?" Sam asked. "I'm yelling at her because I'm the leader of this team," Finn shot back. "Maybe it's time for a change at the top," Sam said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Finn asked. "This is kind of hot actually," I smiled a bit. Having Sam come to my rescue once again made me start to fall in love with him again. Sure, we still weren't on great terms after he thought I would cheat on him with Puck but he always had my back when push came to shove. "It means that maybe the reason everyone hates us is because we need some new leadership. Face it. You've had your feet in both worlds for a year and never been able to bring them together. Maybe someone else could," Sam said. "What? As in maybe you?" Finn shot back. "As in yes," Sam said annoyed. "Maybe we should settle this right now," Finn said. "Bring it," Sam said pushing Finn. "Brung," Finn said as he shoved Sam. "You want some more of that? You like that, huh?" Finn said as they shoved each other. "Really, guys? Really?" I shot at both of them as Mr. Schue got between them. "Hey, hey! How many fights do I have to break up this week? Now calm down! And get back to Glee Club. Come on," Mr. Schue said as he pushed Sam back towards the choir room. Finn then turned to face me. "Hope to see you there," he told me with sincerity as I just stood there, completely torn on whether or not I had made the right decision.

Sure, popularity was important to me and it was true the school was all about labels but the reason I needed the cheerios was to have some stability in my life. I needed to guarantee that I wouldn't be slushied. That people would be afraid to bring up my past to try and tear me down. Being a cheerio meant that people respected you, looked up to you even. After losing so much last year, I wasn't ready to have it all taken away from me once again. At the same time I missed Glee Club. I missed being able to be myself. I missed not caring what people thought of me. In Glee Club I always felt so free. Glee Club was the hard choice to make. I made the easy choice staying with the Cheerios, at this point I needed the easy choice after my life had been so filled with hard decisions.

The rest of the week felt like a blur. Not having Glee Club almost felt like a part of me was gone. I hated not having the time to spend with Sam. As much as I liked being a cheerio, things just didn't feel right. "Thanks for standing up for me," I smiled a bit as Sam and I walked to my car. "I had to," Sam said "Finn was wrong in calling you weak. You are anything but weak Quinn. You've overcome so much," Sam said. I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. I felt weak for not sticking with Glee Club, in my heart it was where I wanted to be. I was just so scared of what could come out of me not being a cheerio anymore especially after last year.

I just simply nodded to agree with Sam. "Thanks," I whispered. "Of course," he smiled before sighing "Look Quinn, I'm sorry for what I said to you before. I was out of line." Now that apology was something I needed to hear. "It's okay..." I said smiling "I forgive you." We kissed feeling more united than before.

That weekend was the regional cheerleading competition. Brittany stood outside the bus staring at the canon. Santana and I walked up to her, concerned about her. "I'm gonna die," Brittany whimpered to us. "It'll be worth it," Santana shrugged. Our conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice "Hey!" Finn called as we turned around. "What are you doing here?" I asked astounded that Finn had come to get us. "Stopping you from going to Sue's regionals competition. You guys gotta come to the game with me," Finn said.

My heart dropped, as much as I wanted to go back to Glee Club I was scared. "Haven't you been paying attention? If we're not Cheerios, we're nothing," I frowned. "You think that, but it's not true," Finn said "You joined Cheerios to be popular but you joined Glee Club because you loved it. Sue doesn't care about you guys. She's fine killing Brittany." Brittany nodded agreeing with Finn. Finn made a strong case. I was scared of the backlash of no longer being a cheerio more than anything else. "Tell me honestly. If you didn't think it would hurt your reputation which would you choose?" Finn asked us. "Glee Club," Brittany said simply.

If this were a perfect world quitting the cheerios wouldn't do anything but this wasn't a perfect world. Finn turned to me seeing my dilemma. "I know you. And you don't think you are, but you're strong enough to do this," he told me seriously. I couldn't help but smile at him. Truth be told I missed Finn. I missed being close to him. He always saw the best in me even when I didn't think I had it in me. "Okay," I smiled. "Okay?" Finn asked as I nodded. "Okay," I smiled as Finn looked thrilled.

"What about you, Santana?" he asked turning to Santana. "Screw her. She put me on the bottom of the pyramid," Santana said simply which surprised me. Santana had been so adimate about wanting to stay with Cheerios. Maybe Finn was a good influence on all of us. "Come on. We've only got a few minutes," Finn told us as we began to leave with him but were stopped by Coach Sylvester. "No time for a foursome, ladies. Bus leaves in five," Coach Sylvester said seriously to us. "We quit Cheerios," I said to her feeling the bravest I felt in a long time. "You can't quit Cheerios. It's blood in, blood out. Now get your sweet little cans on that bus," Coach Sylvester said glaring at us. "But we still quit," Santana said confidently. "You're my stars. If you leave I have no performance," Coach Sylvester yelled at us annoyed. "Sucks for you," Brittany shrugged as we walked to the football field with Finn to get ourselves ready for the halftime show.

I got myself made up and ready to perform for the halftime show in the full zombie effect. I was proud of us for standing up for what we truly believed in. It was thanks to Finn that I had found the courage to do it. Finn had shown such leadership qualities that made me love him in the first place, though not in the same way I had when we dated, more in the platonic sense.

We were on the field performing our mashup of 'Thriller' and 'Heads Will Roll'. It was definitely the most fun I had in a long time. Being in Glee Club had always made me feel that way but I was glad I had made the choice to quit Cheerios, at least for tonight. Come what may out of this year I felt stronger than ever before. Maybe this was the new beginning I needed, quitting the cheerios.

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