Why Don't We Imagines and Pre...

By Cynthia686

852K 14.7K 3.8K

Hey! This is a why don't we Imagines and preferences. Enjoy and please vote!! Highest: #39 in fan fiction! More

How you meet
Your lockscreen
His Lockscreen
Make-out moments
What he does when you're mad
Corbyn Besson
What you do when he's upset
Zach Herron
Your name on his phone
His name on your phone
Daniel Seavey
What he likes about you
Your song
Jonah Marais
The dress he bought you
Your celebrity crush he's jealous of
His favorite outfit
Jack Avery
Fans favorite gif
Your Best Friend
Your celebrity ex
How you guys break up
Author's Note ❤️
You Guys Go Live
His love bites ❤️
Your Love Bites
How He Is When He's Jealous
The Boys Notice His Love Bites
Youtube Video You Make
What You Love About Him
What Kind Of Relationship You Have
Phone Calls
His Favorite Photoshoot Of You
Your Favorite Photoshoot Of Him
He Gets Turn On When You
Jack Avery
Authors Note
Jonah Marais
Dating Corbyn Includes
Dating Zach Includes
Dating Daniel Includes
Dating Jonah Includes
Dating Jack Includes
Daniel Seavey
Part Two
Your Hidden Talents
The Song You Do Together
Zach Herron
He's Sick
Somebody From Team 10 Has A Crush On You
Your Break Up Song
He Comments On Your Ig Post
Your Birthday Gift
His Birthday Gift
You're A Celebrity
Snapchat He Send You
How You Know He's Mad
Daniel Imagine For Nancy
Jack Avery Imagine For Fefe
Cute Habits Of Yours That He Loves
Somebody Else Starts Getting Feelings
Imagine For Sophie
Author's Note (Important)
His Proposal
His Reaction To You Saying "I Love You" For The First Time
Your First Date
His Relationship With Your Parents
Matching Outfits
Imagine For Bianca
A/N ❤️
Couple Movies
Sex With Him
Jonah Imagine For Emily
Realizing He's In Love
Daniel Seavey (Prom)
Selfies On IG + Captions
His Reaction (Pregnant)
High School Couple
Part 2 Jonah Imagine For Emily
How He Looks At You
Skate Park (Request)
Surpirising Jack (Request)
Your "Couple" Thing
Daniel Seavey (Prom) 2
Song Imagines Updates
Too Good At Goodbyes - Jack
Distraction - Corbyn
Jonah Imagine (Request)
Why - Jonah
Zach - Perfect
author note sorry!!
Quit - Daniel
Reaction to Acidentally Confessing To You
Zach Herron
Envy - Jonah

Zach Imagine (Request)

3.6K 81 11
By Cynthia686

"I'm going to kill you."

The deep voice interrupted your thoughts as you sat quietly in the living room, burying your head in a book.

Stifling a laughter, you slowly turned your head around. "Oh..hey Zach."

Coating your voice in honey and sweet, you sounded really fake and annoying. Which is exactly what you were going for. Laughter threaten to pour out of you as you saw Zach and his new "look."

"You did this didn't you?" He said, pointing at his hair which was wet and stacked to his forehead. His words were full of annoyance.

Nodding slowly, you gave him a sly smile. "Looks good on you."

As a prank, you squeezed some green hair dye into Zach's shampoo. A prank you did as revenge for when he changed all your contacts name in your phone.

Zach's eyes squeezed as he lurched forward to possibly attack you, but you leaned out in time.


Leaving your book on the couch, you sprinted to the room with Zach straight on your heels. Once there, you slammed the door in his face and locked it. All with a satisfy grin on your face.

The door shook against your back as Zach pounded on it with his fist.

"I'm going to kill you Bea!"

*a few days later*


Sightly jumping you turned around at the sound of your best friend's voice. "Oh hey Jonah. What's up?" You asked, turning back around to return to playing on your phone. The couch dipped slightly as Jonah took a seat next to you.

"Did you turn Zach's hair green?" He asked with a slight 'don't lie I know it was you' tone in his voice.

The memory of seeing Zach's hair came back into your mind and you squeezed your lips together to stifle a laughter.

Unfortunately, that was enough for Jonah to get his answer. He thew his head back in annoyance and groan. "You guys need to stop messing with each other."

Turning off you phone, you swiftly turned around to face Jonah. "He started it." You bluntly said.

Technically, no one really knew who started this war between the two of you guys. It just something that had always been there. The first prank he did on you was turn your whole face blue for a whole week. Not even makeup could cover it. Then, for revenge you made him face his darkest fear. Rude, but funny. Right?

It wasn't exactly that you hated Zach. If none of you guys did pranks or insulted each other, there's a chance you'll both get along well. But the insults, pranks, arguments, they were always there. He always complained about you and your hobbies, anything that had something to you with you, he despises it. Same for you. If he wanted to play, you'll play.

Maybe it was a few months ago, a few days, a few weeks. Or maybe it was always there. Whenever it happened, it happened. That slight chaotic feeling you get when Zach was around. The slight twisty feeling in your stomach. The sweat and nerves mixed together. Your heart pounded against your chest, your palms slightly heated, so did your cheeks. What was this feeling?

You had come to a small conclusion.

You were falling in love with your mortal enemy. Zach Herron.

"Then end it." Jonah said, leaning forward to place his elbows softly against your lap. "Me and the boys have to always cancel plans because of you guys. We're a team. And that's who we'll always be."

You think that by now each one of the boys has lecture you and yelled at you and bribed you. No. In fact, it seems like they haven't even been trying to break you and Zach up.

So, hearing those words now, especially from Jonah, your best friend, kinda hit hard.

Rolling your lips together, you gave him a slight nod.


A small woot came from the entrance of the living room making both your heads turn to the door. 4 (3) of your best friend piled into the  living room each one giving you and Zach an awkward glance.

"Since I'm bored, let's play truth or dare!" Jack said, reach over to turn off the Tv.

"Why do you get to choose the game?" Corbyn asked, taking a seat on the ground below you. Jack shrugged and threw a pillow in Corbyn's direction who easily caught it. "Doesn't matter." He said and sat in the middle of the circle you were all in.

As always, your eyes slowly traveled over to Zach who was seated on the floor, his back leaning against the other couch, across from you. With his legs outward, his hair flipped over an eye, Zach Herron looked like a bad boy.

A very cute bad boy.

"Let's play!" Jack announced.

In the next 20 minutes, Daniel has ate a spoonful of cinnamon, Corbyn has admitted to liking an older woman, Jack snipped a piece of his curl off, Jonah waltzed with a mop, and Daniel has admitted to sleeping on a porch because he forgot his house key.

"Yay! Bea..Truth or Dare?" Jonah asked, his mouth full of chips that Daniel has so sweetly brought out for his friends.


You have seen some crazy dares come out of these people's mouth. No way are you trusting them.

A small smirk came on Jonah face.

Oh god.

"Is there...someone you like? You know..a crush?"

Out of all the people, of course Jonah is gonna know you have a crush on someone. He was always so manipulated and always found out someone's secrets.


Of course, Jonah was gonna expect that. He made a smug look and shrugged. "Okie dokie." He said and smirked. It was only 7 pm, he was gonna get you to confessed somehow. But for now, he turned to his next victim.


Oh god.

"Truth or dare?"

Looking grumpy, and slight annoyed (99% because of you) he shrugged. "Truth. I ain't dealing with any of your dares." Earning a few chuckles from the rest of the boys, including yourself.

"Do you have a crush on someone?" Jonah said, a little too innocently.


The answer shocked you. Literally it felt like a wave went through your body.


The word was regretted as soon as it left your mouth. All eyes were on you, except Jonah who looked like he was gonna pissed himself for laughing so hard.

"Why upset Bea? You okay?" Jonah asks, reaching a hand over to caressed your cheek. Jerking away slightly, you smiled. "Uh, nothing."

"No need to get upset Bea."

Zach's voice interrupted the little staring contest you were having with the other boys.
"Huh?" You asked.

Earlier, he was staring at the ground. Now, his brown eyes met yours.

"My crush is you."

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