Why Don't We Imagines and Pre...

By Cynthia686

852K 14.7K 3.8K

Hey! This is a why don't we Imagines and preferences. Enjoy and please vote!! Highest: #39 in fan fiction! More

How you meet
Your lockscreen
His Lockscreen
Make-out moments
What he does when you're mad
Corbyn Besson
What you do when he's upset
Zach Herron
Your name on his phone
His name on your phone
Daniel Seavey
What he likes about you
Your song
Jonah Marais
The dress he bought you
Your celebrity crush he's jealous of
His favorite outfit
Jack Avery
Fans favorite gif
Your Best Friend
Your celebrity ex
How you guys break up
Author's Note ❤️
You Guys Go Live
His love bites ❤️
Your Love Bites
How He Is When He's Jealous
The Boys Notice His Love Bites
Youtube Video You Make
What You Love About Him
What Kind Of Relationship You Have
Phone Calls
His Favorite Photoshoot Of You
Your Favorite Photoshoot Of Him
He Gets Turn On When You
Jack Avery
Authors Note
Jonah Marais
Dating Corbyn Includes
Dating Zach Includes
Dating Daniel Includes
Dating Jonah Includes
Dating Jack Includes
Daniel Seavey
Part Two
Your Hidden Talents
The Song You Do Together
Zach Herron
He's Sick
Somebody From Team 10 Has A Crush On You
Your Break Up Song
He Comments On Your Ig Post
Your Birthday Gift
His Birthday Gift
You're A Celebrity
Snapchat He Send You
How You Know He's Mad
Daniel Imagine For Nancy
Jack Avery Imagine For Fefe
Cute Habits Of Yours That He Loves
Somebody Else Starts Getting Feelings
Imagine For Sophie
Author's Note (Important)
His Proposal
His Reaction To You Saying "I Love You" For The First Time
Your First Date
His Relationship With Your Parents
Matching Outfits
Imagine For Bianca
A/N ❤️
Couple Movies
Sex With Him
Jonah Imagine For Emily
Realizing He's In Love
Daniel Seavey (Prom)
Selfies On IG + Captions
His Reaction (Pregnant)
High School Couple
Part 2 Jonah Imagine For Emily
How He Looks At You
Skate Park (Request)
Surpirising Jack (Request)
Your "Couple" Thing
Daniel Seavey (Prom) 2
Song Imagines Updates
Too Good At Goodbyes - Jack
Zach Imagine (Request)
Jonah Imagine (Request)
Why - Jonah
Zach - Perfect
author note sorry!!
Quit - Daniel
Reaction to Acidentally Confessing To You
Zach Herron
Envy - Jonah

Distraction - Corbyn

2.9K 63 6
By Cynthia686

Best Friend Imagine

The sound of your heels clicking against the cement and the soft patter of the rain almost made you forget about your night. Emphasize almost. Small beads of tears rolled down your face and you fought the urge to sob as you thought about how your night ended. People pointing and laughing while you were drenched in embarrassment and some liquid that your "date" has spilt on you. You bolted out of there as fast as you could, thinking about how your night was ruined.

You ran out of there as fast as you could, still hearing their laughter as they came up with new nicknames for you as you were leaving. Now, you were soaked from the rain and your face was now puffy from the sobbing you had been doing ever since you started to walk home. It was freezing, and the small dress you had on wasn't working. Rubbing your arms for warmth wasn't either, all you wanted to do was go home and cry in peace. Now, of course, your roommate Corbyn was gonna be there, but he shot you a text earlier saying he was leaving for a friend's house and won't be back until tonight. Leaving you the perfect chance to rebuild your self-esteem.

Your apartment came to view, and many people gave you looks. Who wouldn't? Your face was red, you were soaked, and you're wearing a dress so short you might as well be naked. Your palms were still trying to warm up your arms, and many strangers had asked if you're alright, to which you simply smiled and nodded your head. What a lie. Even you didn't believe it.

It was a relief that the elevator was empty, enough for you to decide what you're gonna do when you get home. Cry or clean up and then cry? The elevator ding and you stepped out, flicking your keys out of your purse to open the door which was thankfully not far. It was dark under the door, which meant Corbyn was really gone. Thank god. You sigh as you felt the warmth hit your skin as soon as you opened the door and you were glad that you turned on the heater before you left.


A small bundle of blonde hair, blue eyes, and cute face jumped out from behind a pink couch that Corbyn bought you for your roomaversary (anniversary of you becoming roommates). It was a surprise he was there, considering he was supposed to be gone. He had on a sweater and wore his black, tight, ripped jeans. In his hands, he held some balloons and a cake that said "Happy Roomaversary!" With both your initials on it.

"It was a lie! I got you this cake and a present in your room, also I downloaded some movies-oh! and these balloons-"

You were half listening. It's funny how when you're sad you want to remain sad. And although you want to jump into Corbyn's arms right now to thank him for all this, your mind wandered back to earlier that night.


His voice made your eyes jump back onto his blue ones and you gave him a nod, thinking maybe he didn't see your tears or the fact that you're wet. "Yeah? Oh, yeah. Thanks Besson."
You said, taking the cake from him and setting it on the couch. You were bent down halfway, and halted when you felt a warm body wrapped around you from behind.

"Corbyn, I'm wet."

"..and I want to know why."

You opened your mouth to say something, probably some lame excuse.

"Don't lie. I also want to know why you're crying. Your tears stain are still there you know."

His arms wrapped around you tighter and pulled you closer. You could feel his warm breath against your neck, and slightly twitched at the feeling. It was normal for skin ship in this friendship and this was no different from all the forehead kisses and holding hands when nervous.

"Isn't he suppose to give you his jacket?" He said, slowly releasing is grip and turning you around so he can stare into your own orbs.

He didn't need to even say his name. You both knew who he was talking about. You sniffed and shrugged.

He slowly slid his hands into yours and lifted your chin up, noticing that your eyes had slowly adverted towards the ground, trying to hide your crying face.

The corners of his mouth slowly turned up. "Isn't he suppose to make you feel happy tonight? That's what you told me. What happened?"

Chills ran through your arms as your mind slowly went back to the beginning of the night. Where is was just you and your date, drinking, dancing and having a great time. For once and just for once, you felt like you actually loved this guy. He was sweet and beautiful.

Your hands immediately left Corbyn's to cover your face as you sobbed. Your legs gave out and you gently fell to the floor, still sobbing. There were no sounds or reactions from Corbyn. He gently stepped back and leaned down to place a hand in your shoulder.


Is it possible for someone to make you forget something?

"Hey.." He whispered and paced both hands on your shoulder to pull you in for a hug.

"Hey, it's okay." He mentioned.

The hug lasted for hours. At least that's what it felt like. Your endless, loud sobbing and him quietly hugging you, shushing. No questions. No words. Just a comforter. And that's was all that was needed.

Somehow, you fell asleep. Deep enough to dream, but not enough to feel him get up and carry you to bed.

He stayed with you. Lay down on your bed with you, cuddling you in his arms, and gently living as if you were as fragile as glass. Careful not to wake up.

"I know you're not listening.."

He seemed to be whispering as if he knew you were listening.

"But..I'm sorry. I knew he was trouble and I'm sorry."

He leaned in closer slightly and gave you a gently kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be your distraction when your hurt. I'll be your shoulder when you cry. I'll be your bed when you're tired. I'll be your punch bag when your angry. I'll be anything if you need anything. He doesn't matter, I'll fight him if I could make you happy. I'll go against the world for you. I wanna be there for you when your hurt and hold you close and shut the world out.  And even though I can't, even if I will always be your friend, I'll be lucky to have you in my life anyway that I could."

He shuffled slightly.

"Because I love you."

If you were even slightly more awake, you would respond. But that could wait until morning, besides, the smile he saw on your face after that sentence was enough for him to know that you're awake.

Someone messaged me and asked what I really looked like. Well here's a description, I have ombré hair and weigh 110 pounds, I have brown eyes and an oval face. My eyes are slightly big and my legs are pretty long and slender. And no I don't have abs, but I do have a pretty flat stomach. Thanks! (Yes I hate my body. I do wish I have abs!) ALSO IM SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER SEEM REALLY SAD!! LOVE YOU!

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