Happily Ever After: A Christi...

By thatsmyswift

19.4K 260 158

Sequel to True Love: A Christina Grimmie & Bobby Plizak Fanfic - this is mainly an extended epilogue. With a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Update (A/N)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Author's Note - Info on Third Book Included
Third Book!

Chapter 14

484 5 1
By thatsmyswift

I ran into the back room, taking out my piano and playing a realm of notes.

That's it! That's this melody stuck in my head! It's a perfect melody for a verse too! I thought excitedly.

I quickly recorded it and left it as it was, I'd come back later if anything popped into my head. I had a family to take care of.

"So, what'd you think, Lucas?" I asked.

"It was loud." he said, still slurring his speech a little. "But it was fun!"

"Really? You think you can do that almost every night?" I asked.

There was always someone around that could watch the boys, but with both me and Bobby on stage they'd probably be seeing a lot of performances during the tour.

He didn't answer my question but simply went into his room to play with some motorized vehicle, I could hear him making the noises of it.

"What'd you think of it, my dear Ness?" I asked Ness. He was still so little, he needed earplugs for the concert because it was so loud. But as far as I could tell he enjoyed it.

Bobby then walked in.

"First show: success." I said. "Except I really need to shower now."

"Go ahead. I'll prep Lucas and Ness for bed while you shower." he answered.

I quickly showered. It felt so good to have the first show over and know that we might actually be able to do this.

I got dressed in what seemed like seconds and rushed to Ness and Lucas's room. Bobby was just getting Lucas into bed.

"Can I have a story, Daddy?" he asked.

"How about Mommy reads you a story and Daddy will come in and help tuck you in and then we'll all go to sleep?" I asked.

Luckily, tonight he wasn't overtired.

Bobby went to shower and I had him choose a book. Ness was crying behind us, probably not wanting to sleep yet, but by the time the stories I read were over he was already asleep.

Bobby walked in and we both pulled the blankets over Lucas.

"If you need anything you can come into our room, okay?" I said.

He nodded slowly, and I knew he was tired. I kissed the top of his head as I normally did. "I love you, my little munchkin. Have a good sleep, okay?"

I then left Bobby to say goodnight and lightly kissed Ness on the top of his head. "I also love you, little guy. Don't get in too much trouble and try to stop growing up so fast." I whispered.

Bobby soon came over and said goodnight to Ness and we walked out, me shutting off the light and Bobby shutting the door.

I sighed. At least we'd always have free time during the day, because at night we'd get little to no family time.

I laid down in the bed, quickly checking social media and seeing pictures people were sending me of the signs they'd brought and the pictures with me if I met them.

"San Diego was the perfect place to start this tour. You guys were SO LOUD and were just amazing in general. I love my frands, and don't worry. I'll be coming to all of you soon enough \|/" I posted.

Tomorrow we wouldn't be in California anymore.

Bobby came and plopped next to me on the bed. I put my phone on the charger and turned to him.

"Not tonight, my dear." he said simply.

"What? How is that helping try for a baby?" I asked.

"Seriously? We just had the opening show of a tour. Just leave it be. You can wait a day, can't you? Besides, you told Lucas to come in if he needs anything. With our luck, he'd walk in."

"You suck." I mumbled.

"But I do know best, so we better go with my plan."

"Why in the world did I marry you?" I asked.

"Probably because I'm dashing and charming and I always know best." be said.

"And again, you suck." I answered.

"Okay, just hear me out. We're extremely tired from performing a show and getting everything for tour set up. We both just had our first show and our child could very possibly walk through the door. You seriously want to do this?" he asked.

I sat for a minute, thinking. "I won't scream." I persuaded.

He laughed out loud. "Please don't because I really wouldn't enjoy the cops showing up."

"C'mon... I thought you wanted a baby too..." I tried to pull him in.

"Babe, it's one night. You and the baby can probably wait one more day, right?" he asked.

"Fine. Yeah. Whatever. See you tomorrow." I said and turned around to give him a quick peck on the cheek and turned around. I got up to shut off the light, the only bad thing about this room on the tour bus was there wasn't a lamp yet.

I came back and laid close to the edge of the bed, barely out of his reach.

"Christina, don't do this." he said and moved closer to me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Fine. You wanna do this? Then we will." he said.

"Wha-" I started and turned over, but Bobby was right there next to me.

He quickly kissed me and I kissed him back. By now he was pretty much on top of me. I sat up and he started taking off my shirt as I took off his. He pulled off my pants and I got extremely nervous suddenly. It'd been quite a while and what if I was loud?

Suddenly he thrust into me with no warning. I kept my lips together as I cried out.

Crap, you're being too loud.

Then he pulled out and I knew it was over.

"Was I too loud? I'm sorry. I won't make a sound I swear just go. I can hold it in."

"No, Christina." he said as he got dressed. "If it hurts that much, I can't do this. Not with knowing you're hurt."

"No, no it's fine. No pain no gain right?" I asked jokingly.

"I can't do that to you and you know it. Later. When you can prep for it or something. I can't stand hurting you, whether it's me doing it or someone else."

"Fine. Let's go to sleep. We can have a baby some other time." I said as I got dressed.

He groaned and put his arms around my waist like usual. "One day won't hurt anything, my dear."

"We wouldn't want anything to get hurt, right?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh. Do you like getting hurt?" He asked.

"Not necessarily. But I would like to have another baby sooner rather than later."

"You're impossible." he complained.

"Well, for the third time, you suck."

"I'd rather suck than hurt you."

I groaned in answer.

"I think you're the one who's impossible." I said.

"Tomorrow." he said.

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes.

"I still love you." he whispered in my ear.

I sighed. "I guess I still love you too." I answered.

His grip on my waist tightened and I smiled as I heard Bobby drifting off to sleep. I seriously didn't want to do this, but he was being impossible with me. I wanted to just get pregnant already, have the baby then be done with it.

I slithered out of his grip slowly and he started moving a little. He didn't wake up, but he'd definitely noticed something was different as he was asleep.

The plan was in motion. I quickly took off my pants and already starting thinking of aborting the mission. If I didn't try first, he'd never try. I was already on board with having a baby and wouldn't get off board. Whether he wanted one or not, or wanted to try or not, I was having another baby.

I breathed deeply, I was quite nervous. In fact, it was kind of weird that this thought even entered my mind in the first place.

I slowly started pulling off his pants, almost laughing as I did it. I totally couldn't go through with this. I wanted to get it done, though.

He didn't even wake up as I stumbled on top of him. Was I seriously doing this?

You're in for a little surprise, Mr. Plizak. I thought to myself.

I slowly brought my hips down, barely falling on him and brought myself back up. Guess he was a heavy sleeper tonight. I brought myself down, this time completely on top of him and hard. He woke up immediately as I whispered "Ouch." under my breath.

"Well, look who decided to wake up," I said and brought myself up.

"Christina stop. I know you're getting hurt. If you want to do this, we can. Just not like this."

"Bobby, I know you won't do this because you have your own reasons. Most husbands would actually enjoy this, you know." I said and brought myself down.

"I can see it in your face every time you come down. You're getting hurt and we both know it."

"Okay, just tell me. Do you still want a baby or not?" I asked.

"Christina, it's not about having another baby. You know that, right? I don't want you to get hurt. That's it."

"I don't care if I get hurt, if we're gonna have a baby we might as well just get it over with. The sooner, the better."

"Fine. Get off of me and we'll do this, the right way." He said.

"Alright. I don't know what this 'right way' is but..."

"Listen," he said and sat up. I could hear him getting up and then he turned on the light. "I didn't know you were so passionate about this baby, I guess. You do understand why I don't want to do it tonight, right babe?"

"I understand it, yes. I guess we can wait, you know. But we're gonna have to do it at some point."

"Fine. Tonight. We'll start tonight."

"Wha-" he pushed his mouth onto mine.

"I said we'll start tonight. It has to happen at some point, right?" he said and kissed me again.

I'd finally won with him. I never got to win against Bobby. I guess the time to attack had always been at night, while he was asleep.


Author's Note:
Grimmie's really persistent, isn't she? HA

Okay so um I'm updating because I love you guys so this is for you lovelies! THEY'RE TRYING FOR BABY #3 AW WHO'S EXCITED?!

Also, countdown to #MUSTBELOVE is 12 days!!! It's creeping up on us but we still have a little way to go. I can't wait! There's a little preview thing on instagram I don't remember exactly who posted it but if you look in the #ChristinaGrimmie hashtag it's a video that's black and white and it says "Christina Grimmie Must Be Love" and if I can find the link when I have computer access, I'll put it in the side. IT. SOUNDS. AWESOME.

Okay well I love you all! Tell me your thoughts and stuff :)

- thatsmyswift xx

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