Frisson (Diabolik lovers)

Door emilytaylor223

22.6K 711 585

All her life Lauren has been fighting her inner demon - anxiety. But now, she has to face real life demons... Meer

I. The news
II. The first meeting
III. My first impression
IV. The plan
Punishment. Shuu
V. First bite
This is Halloween! part 1
This is Halloween! part 2
VI. This is not a good morning
Punishment. Subaru
VII. Meeting new people (unfortunately)
VIII. When everything became clear
IX. Nightmare by the lake
X. The game is on
Punishment. Laito
XI. One takoyaki closer to a disaster
XII. Running from the vampire - jumping on the bear
Punishment. Kanato
XIII. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.
XIV. PE with Yuma
Punishment. Ayato
XV. Star filled night
XVI. Surprise
XVII. Hell nah!
XVIII. You're it!
XIX. Don't save me
Punishment. Reiji
XX. Don't trust him
XXI. When I fall
XXII. My lonely days
XXIII. Their move.
XXIV. How do we survive..?
XXV. What doesn't kill you
XXVI. Together with you
XXVII. Foul play gone wrong
XXVIII. My happiest days with you
XXIX. Game over
XXX. The future we know

The no-miracle Christmas

500 13 2
Door emilytaylor223

Christmas decorations - check.
Christmas tree...


"I don't know, maybe I'm trying to hold this enormous tree in it's place while you're just FUCKING AROUND!"
"Come on, Subaru, I thought you were stronger than that."
"Ayato, one day you will disappear and no one will notice you're missing."

Homemade Christmas decorations - check. Now, all we need is a tint of holiday spirit and some peaceful time with the family and loved ones...


"Don't touch my balls, you pervert!"
"Nfu~ But they are so cute and shiny."
"Listen, Laito, I've been working on them for so long, I don't want you to ruin them so hands off. Now."
"I didn't know our Subaru-kun would be so sensitive about a matter like this."

Once again they were fighting over Christmas decorations. I taught them how to make their own decorations and surprisingly, Subaru was very interested in this activity. Of course, he was saying that I was forcing him to do this, but Subaru was eager to get his hands into some glitter and glue.

He also did a pretty good job and others were probably getting jealous of it. Acting like a bunch of brats a few days before Christmas... They might be a family, but not the most peaceful one.

Preparing for Christmas with six vampires felt like a scenario from reverse harem anime. Although usually, MC had a sidekick, someone or something to help her, but I had nothing.

These holidays were the first ones without my family and friends.

Earlier today I talked to my mom via phone. She said she had too much work and couldn't visit me for holidays. Even thought I suggested going to see her myself, she was against it. I don't understand... I haven't seen her for so long and yet, mom refused to talk to me even on skype.

I also called my best friend Lea earlier today, but no one picked up the phone. She might be ignoring me. I probably got a bit too annoying and clingy so she muted her phone. I guess she's better off without me anyways. I mean, I don't think that I'm a good friend - I left her alone, after all. But I don't think she misses me that much anyways. There are a lot of people better than me. Smarter than me. More caring.

We promised each other to stay in touch and to be friends forever no matter what. Distance was just a little hindrance we could destroy with a phone and Internet connection. Even if we didn't have Internet, there were always old fashioned letters. We sent each other a few just for fun.

But I started to notice one thing - she wouldn't be online as much anymore. I do understand her - she has school to study for, really hard competitions to get ready for.

But still... This feeling. This sickening feeling that one of the most precious people of my life is slowly getting further and further away from me makes my head spin. Our friendship is slipping away from me like a dry sand from my fingers. No matter what I do - it's slowly disappearing.

I know that I'm probably not that important to her, but it still hurts like hell and Christmas is not making this feeling any better.

"Oi, Hahanashi, hurry up with the decorations. We don't have all night, you know." Ayato's voice snapped me out of my thoughts for a little bit.

"STOP! Don't step on my Christmas ball!" Today Kanato was in a good mood to set up a fir tree. Of course, some bribing with ginger cookies had to be performed to make him behave, but his usual snappy behavior was more under control... Until now that is.

"Look at what you've almost done! Teddy and I had been working so hard to make it and you've almost ruined it."

"Now now, Kanato-kun, she almost crushed it - it's not like it was harmed. And what was it doing on the floor anyways?"

"Teddy said it would look the best beneath someone's feet."
This boy... He doesn't know what he wants himself and that's the main problem for everyone.

After a few long hours of fighting, our Christmas tree was finally done. We put it up in a living room near the fireplace. The tree was enormous. Mister Sakamaki ordered a real silver fir tree that still had some pines hanging from it. We put on some Christmas lights, ornaments, garlands, Christmas balls we painted ourselves and a beautiful red tree skirt.

Tougo basically ordered his sons to prepare at least a little bit for Christmas, so tree was essential. Of course, at first, I was the only one trying to create the Holiday mood, but as time went by, boys volunteered themselves... Honestly, Mister Sakamaki threatened to cut off their allowance so they had no other choice but to participate.

Shuu as always was sleeping on the couch, but Ayato put some ornaments and reindeer horns on him. He was adorable. Secretly, I took a picture of him. I know I'll have to pay for it if someone finds out, but you only live once, right?

Reiji said he had some work to do and disappeared somewhere. The triplets and Subaru were in the mood to help me out... Well, Laito was obviously in the mood for something else, but that's not relevant, although I was getting tired of this mistletoe shower.

Now, I was sitting on the couch, snuggled into the blanket, sipping hot cocoa from my favorite mug. Shuu was still sleeping not too far away from me and Kanato was drinking his delicious treat I made him.

I was surrounded by people and yet, I felt lonely. So many things had happened, so many things I wanted to talk about to someone, who wasn't aiming for my blood. But I had no one.

Suddenly, a doorbell rang. I groaned. I was so warm and relaxed and now I had to get up.
"I'll open it, don't bother yourselves," I said even though no one was getting ready to move even a finger towards the door.

Who could that be? It's 23rd, right before Christmas and the middle of the night. My silent questions were answered, when I opened the door.

"Hi, Lauren!" I couldn't believe this.
"Lea! What are you doing here?" I was so happy I couldn't think straight for a few minutes. We tightly hugged each other, not letting go for a few minutes.

"Let me take a look at you," She had the widest smile I've ever seen, but a few things were off. "What happened to you?" Her hair was a mess, clothes a little bit wrinkled and she had two luggages, one of them was a luggage for skates.

She laughed nervously.
"It's a long story, hehe... But the better question is - what's wrong with you? You look like a vampire and not in a good way."

"Come in, I'll give you some cocoa to warm up, it must've been a pretty long trip and about the vampire thing - I wasn't sleeping well for the past few days. But now, how was your trip?"

"You have no idea." Bullet dodged. But she was so cold she was shaking, we went straight to the kitchen to warm her up, ignoring two brothers in the living room.

"So, for how long will you be staying here?"
"A week." I almost hit the floor with my head. I'm happy she's here, but a week? In a vampire filled house?! Happiness turned into dread for her safety. Their father had ordered not to kill me, but he said nothing about Lea.

"Is something wrong?" She could always sense when I wasn't well.
"I'm fine," I forced out a smile.

"What would you like with your cocoa? Cookies or cake?" She gave me a look that said 'really?'.
"I wish I could, but I have another huge competition after Christmas break. I even brought my skates, since there's frozen lake near by." I've mention it in one of our phone calls.

"Lauren-san, who is this pest that disrespects cookies?" No, not him, not Kanato. I have to protect her.

"She's Lea, my friend. She's simply not hungry at the moment, right, Lea."
"Uh yeah... Kanato, you seem like a person crazed up for sugar. I might have something for you, just wait a moment..." Lea knelt down and started digging into her bag, looking for something.

"Lauren-san, what is this silly person doing here?" Honestly, I have no idea, but if she doesn't hurry, I'll have a few problems.

"Here! Found it! My mom just recently came back from Switzerland and brought me home some goodies. Hope you'll like this chocolate." Kanato took it.

"This human is not that bad. She may stay." He walked out of the kitchen.
"What's up with that guy?" Asked Lea.
"Nfu~ It's a long and boring story you don't really want to hear." Laito walked into the kitchen, took off his fedora and bowed down like a gentleman he wasn't.

"Nice to meet you, Lea-chan, hope we can take good care of each other." He took her hand and kissed it gently. Lea was a blushing mess. Her cheeks were more red than Rudolph's nose.

"Come on, Lea, take your cocoa and let's go." I slapped Laito's hand away from my friend. I still could remember the first time he brought me to the dungeons. The way he threatened my mom and Lea. I will never forget that.

"See you later, Nezumi-chan." He winked. I will have to work hard in order to protect her.

"Let's go." I grabbed her hand and started pulling.
"Lauren, don't you want to introduce me to the Sakamakis?" Asked Lea.
"The less they know - the better. And please, please don't hook up with Laito."
"What? No! I wouldn't... I mean..." Oh god no - she was blushing yet again.

"Yeah, ignore that pervert and choose me instead. Ore-sama is the best choice." Not him. He's not that dangerous, only annoying, but if you say something wrong - all hell would break loose.

"Thank you for reminding! I have something for you too." She dived in into her luggage once more.

"Here. It's for you." I couldn't believe my eyes - she gave him Oreo cookies. Is she putting herself in danger purposely?

"Mom also brought back some cookies and they're really good - you should like them." Ayato stood there, mouth slightly open with his fangs showing, but Lea seemed to be oblivious to this.

"You little... Do you know who I am?"
"A handsome young man, who has been really nice to my best friend, right?"
"That's right." Ayato was grinning like a dork. Wait... Is that a slight blush on his cheeks? I couldn't believe this. Ayato walked away to show off the cookies, saying how humans started making desserts based on his name.

"Let's go to your room."

It took only a few minutes to reach my bedroom.
"Wow, it's bigger than your old one and just look at this bathroom! It's so beautiful. Oh, and look at this closet."
"I know, I've been seeing this, like, all the time since my arrival." I rolled my eyes. It's not like she haven't seen anything like that before.

"Oh, and who is this cutie over there on your bed?"
"That must be my Christmas elf." I answered from the bathroom. I won the doll at school and put it on my bed.

"Since when elves have horns?"
"What do you mean?" I was confused by this point. She was either blind or it was not an elf on my bed at all.

I ran out of the bathroom just to find Shuu on my bed and Lea poking his cheek.

"You didn't say you were dating someone." Is she mad? I would never and I mean NEVER date a vampire, especially not a pervert like Shuu.

"We are not dating, he just likes my mattress. I offered to switch with him, but Shuu refused." He comes to my room for two reasons: either for blood or to harass me. Since he's here - Lea is in danger.

"Shuu, can you leave my room, please?" I just have to get him out of here somehow.
"Too bothersome." At least he's awake.
But what do I do? I obviously can't pour water on him like some sort of idiot and I can't just pull him out - he's too heavy anyways.

"Shuu, please..." No reaction. I guess I have no other choice. I leaned down towards him so only he could hear me.
"When Lea leaves, I will do anything you want for a whole day. Remember that maiden dress I found in Reiji's closet? I will even put that on, so please leave her alone."

Since I was so close to his cheek, I didn't see his hand moving towards my head. His fingers dived into my hair, bringing me even closer to him.
"I knew you were a pervert yourself," He whispered softly.

"So that's a deal." I sighed in relief. Three down, three left. Shuu was sluggishly standing up. With heavy steps he left us alone.

"So, how was your trip?" Curiosity was eating me alive and I also wanted to not think about upcoming hell with Shuu.

"It's a long story, really." She was scratching her head nervously.
"Good thing we have time," I giggled.
"Okay, this story will be perfect with cocoa and some cookies."

"Shouldn't you be avoiding them?" I was concerned about her future competition.
"Come on, one cookie never hurt anyone." She giggled. Suddenly, a flashback of Kanato's outrage over a cookie hit me, but not as hard as Kanato that day.
"Yeah... You're right." I took one.

She told me about her crazy trip, how she met Kou of all people and all of her misfortunes on her way here.

While telling me her story, she opened her luggage, which turned out to be someone's else. It was stuffed with flashy clothes only an idol would wear. And it hit us - she accidentally switch up her bags with Kou Mukami of all people. I lend some of my clothes right away. She had to go through hell just to see me. If it wasn't for me, Lea wouldn't have had so much trouble. I felt guilt. I wish I had stayed in Seoul.

"Now, when I talked plenty about myself, why don't you tell me about your life with brothers. How's school? Do you, perhaps, have someone you like?" She nudged me with her shoulder.

"Life here is troublesome. It feels like they are always trying to suck away my energy," Literally. "Also, school is not any better. Do you remember our English teacher?" I saw Lea shiver.
"There's someone worse than that."
"I'm so sorry..." Lea put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright, even though I'm not too good with kanji and I can barely understand physics - Reiji helps me out."
"That's right, I remember you saying something like that."
"Yeah, it's a good thing he's here."
"And that answers my third question." She had that 'If you know what I mean' smirk.

"No! You've got it wrong! It's not like that. I appreciate his help and in return for it I wash the dishes. There's nothing romantic going on."
"Come on, we're all girls here - you can tell me everything. I'm your best friend, am I not?"

"Yeah - it's nothing to be ashamed of, Bitch-chan. Nezumi-chan is right. Now tell us, who's got your heart." Hearing Laito's voice made us both scream out in surprise. I and Lea were laying on the bed and Laito was on the floor.

"For how long have you been here?"
"Long enough to hear the odd things you said to my dear brother." I could feel headache coming it's way.
"Laito, were you hiding under the bed?" Lea's curiosity was getting better of her.

"That's right, Nezumi-chan~ I wanted to surprise you two and I think I did a pretty good job, don't you think?" She giggled again.
"Lea." I said in my mom voice."
"Come on, Bitch-chan, I won't eat her up, so don't worry."

"Comment savoir que tu ne me feras rien?" I asked. Lea didn't know French.
"Nfu~ Aucun moyen~"

("How do I know you won't do anything?"
"You don't.")

His answer made me feel even worse.
"Laito, but when did you walk into the room?" Lea was ignoring my warnings.
"When You were talking about the elf on the bed."

"But I didn't see you coming." Lea seemed to be confused.
"I want to tell you a secret about myself, that will make things clear." Is he stupid?! He can't tell her about his real nature!

"I'm actually a..."
"Creepy stalker, now leave." I was desperate.
"Come on, Lauren, I want to hear him out." She can be so stupid sometimes.

"As I was saying, Bitch-chan, I am a magician." My mouth opened wide.
"You? A magician?" I couldn't decide what he was: a genius or an idiot.
"Can you show me some tricks then?" Lea, on the other hand, was tricked by his lies.

"Of course I can~ What would you want me to do?" Laito can do only one trick and that's because he's a vampire.
"Hm, I think right here and now the hardest thing to do is to teleport." I could not believe my ears. Laito was also dumbfounded. Today was his lucky day, after all.

He showed a few 'tricks' he had and after a few hours of simple poker, he left. We were too tired to do anything so we went to sleep. Since my bed is huge - I told Lea to sleep in my room.

.......... ............... ............. .............

This week was both: the most amazing and the worst I have ever had in my life. With Reiji's supervision, we went skating for a few times. Lea was training for her performance 'Kiss of the vampire'. The irony, I know.

There almost were some incidents, but I was able to hide everything from Lea. She had no idea Sakamaki brothers were actually vampires.

And so came the day for her to leave.
"Can't you stay a little bit longer?"
"I can't - parents will get not only police, but an entire army involved in my searching. Imagine the news: devastated parents are looking for Lea Averill - preferably alive."

"Yeah, I guess you can't help it, but next time I'll be the one visiting you."
"Deal. And you better visit me, or I won't forgive you," She giggled.

"It was fun having you here, Nezumi-chan~ It's a shame you have to leave."
"You're a big boy, Laito, you will manage to survive somehow." For my frustration, she hugged him goodbye.

"You too, Shuu, don't be so sluggish all the time."
"Keep on being so lewd, Lea."
"Don't listen to this good-for-nothing." Reiji fixed his glassed.
"Yeah, ignore these perverts," Subaru ordered. I managed to convince brothers to not do anything to Lea.


"Lea-san's taxi is already here."
"I should go now." She hugged me once again. I returned the crushing hug, wanting to hold on to the last piece of my peaceful past life. The moment she leaves, reality will come back with a crushing force. Just like a tsunami.

"So this is goodbye."
"Yeah, take care of yourself." With that she left me all alone.

"So, Bitch-chan, time for a drink, don't you think." Yes, reality came back full force. But I was proud of myself - I managed to keep Lea safe. But now, fight for my own safety continues.


This chapter is special for three reasons:
1) Christmas (obviously)
2) Picture was taken by MirajaneMalphas
3) We have another part of Christmas special written by MirajaneMalphas.
So don't be like Shuu and go check out her work! (If you can't find it - wait some more.)

And I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!.. Well, anything would be better than 2017...A-anyway, have a nice rest of the year straight out of nightmare!

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