Quinn Fabray: My Story

By haleyandthejets

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This is Quinn Fabray's Story from Seasons 1-6 of Glee. For the most part I will follow Glee's storylines but... More

Chapter 1 - The Night Quinn Felt Fat
Chapter 2 - Glee Club
Chapter 3 - Everything Changes
Chapter 4 - The Glee Club Finds Out
Chapter 5 - Keep Holding On
Chapter 6 - Popularity Falls
Chapter 7 - The Bill
Chapter 8 - You're Having My Baby
Chapter 9 - I'm Keeping My Baby?
Chapter 10 - Thanksgiving with the Hudsons
Chapter 12 - Change of Plans
Chapter 13 - Hannukah
Chapter 14 - Quinn's Christmas Miracle
Chapter 15 - New Year's Kiss
Chapter 16 - Hello Trouble
Chapter 17 - Something Lost, Something Gained
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 19 - Reputation
Chapter 20 - Another Move
Chapter 21 - Beth
Chapter 22 - The Turnaround
Chapter 23 - Don't Stop Believin'
Chapter 24 - Summer Break
Chapter 25 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 26 - Faith
Chapter 27 - A New Direction
Chapter 28 - Leading Lady Fabray?
Chapter 29 - Double Trouble
Chapter 30 - A Glee Wedding
Chapter 31 - Plot Twist
Chapter 32 - A Win and A Loss
Chapter 33 - Christmas Gift
Chapter 34 - New Year, New Quinn
Chapter 35 - Cheaters Never Prosper
Chapter 36 - Quinn's Comeback
Chapter 37 - Faberry: An Unexpected Friendship
Chapter 38 - Celibacy Club
Chapter 39 - Regionals
Chapter 40 - Don't Underestimate Quinn Fabray
Chapter 41 - Insecurities
Chapter 42 - Rumor Mill
Chapter 43 - Junior Prom
Chapter 44 - Nationals
Chapter 45 - Redefined
Chapter 46 - Return of Sorts
Chapter 47 - It's All Over
Chapter 48 - The Search For New Directions
Chapter 49 - Mash-Off
Chapter 50 - We Are Who We Are
Chapter 51 - Homefield Advantage
Chapter 52 - Giving Back
Chapter 53 - The Proposals
Chapter 54 - Valentine's Date-less
Chapter 55 - The Accident
Chapter 56 - Recovery Road
Chapter 57 - I'm Still Standing
Chapter 58 - Lost
Chapter 59 - Growing Up
Chapter 60 - Prom Queen
Chapter 61 - Quinn takes Nationals
Chapter 62 - We are the Champions
Chapter 63 - Goodbyes
Chapter 64 - You've Got Yale
Chapter 65 - All That Jazz
Chapter 66 - Back Home
Chapter 67 - Christmases When You Were Mine
Chapter 68 - New York Trip
Chapter 69 - We've Got Tonight
Chapter 70 - ....Pregnant?
Chapter 71 - Spring Heartbreak
Chapter 72 - What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
Chapter 73 - Where I Belong
Chapter 74 - Marry Me
Chapter 75 - Just Give Me a Reason
Chapter 76 - Wedding Bells
Chapter 77 - Honeymoon Avenue
Chapter 78 - The Next Nine Months
Chapter 79 - Begin Again
Chapter 80 - So Far Away
Chapter 81 - Our Day Will Come
Chapter 82 - The End?

Chapter 11 - 2009-2010 Thunderclap

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By haleyandthejets

Monday morning school was back in session. After a much needed break I felt regenerated for the school year. Of course the Yearbook photos were coming up for the clubs. I thought back to how excited I was last year to be in the yearbook. I was cheer captain my freshman year. I posed proudly with my squad as well as Coach Sylvester. Now that I was off the cheerios the only club photo I would have would be Glee Club. Sure, I was proud to be in Glee Club. Based on years past I knew most of the popular kids loved to deface the club's photos. It wasn't too long ago that I was among those kids laughing at the so-called losers. I couldn't help but almost feel ashamed that my pregnancy had led me to losing my popularity to only be known as the once cheer captain who sang in Glee Club and got pregnant in high school.

Early into Glee Club rehearsal that morning Kurt brought a ton of Thunderclaps into the choir room to show most of the Glee Clubbers what I already knew, the pictures would get defaced. What I didn't know was the severity of how the defaced photos affected the members of the Glee Club their respective years, some went crazy and became homeless while others committed suicide. It was then I found out that Figgins had cut the Glee Club's photo which might have just been a blessing in disguise, especially for me. I was already going through so much with the pregnancy, not having to worry about my photo being defaced felt like a sigh of relief.

As I sat in the library with Santana and Brittany, watching them deface who knows how many photos from last years Thunderclap I couldn't help but think about how much I missed being a Cheerio. Wearing the uniform made me feel safe, contained. Even when I was feeling left out, I looked at least like I was a part of something. Santana and Brittany soon had to leave for cheerios practice which left me alone in the library. It was then I began to look through last year's yearbook. I wanted my kids to look back on these yearbooks and see who I was, make them proud that I'm their mother.

The one I was carrying now probably wouldn't even know me or know what I went through to have her. She'd look back at her own parents yearbooks, Terri and Mr. Schue. Terri was also a cheer captain so she wasn't too far from who I am. I might not look like the head cheerleader now but I still felt like her inside.

I continued to glance at the photos wishing somehow I could turn back time and get myself back on the cheer squad, at least to be in the photo. Then the idea hit me. I was done playing the victim. I was going to march into Coach Sylvester's office and demand to be a part of the cheerios photo whether she liked it or not. I got up more determined than ever to get what I deserved in time for the club photos.

At Glee Club rehearsal the next day Mr. Schue had an announcement for us. "Hey, guys! Great news! Glee club gets a photo in the thunderclap," Mr. Schue grinned as he entered the choir room. The majority of us replied to this with some fake enthusiasm. "Yep. It's going to show everyone at the school that glee club is on its way up. When we win regionals, those claps are going to be collector's items. I mean, all of your classmates are going to be begging for your autographs," Mr. Schue grinned at us before frowning a bit "But, I had to compromise to do it. Um, we only get a quarter page in back. Which means we have to pick two team captains to appear in the photo. So, tomorrow we're going to put it to a vote! Exciting, huh? All right!"

The majority of us looked at each other. Two team captains? None of us wanted to be the captain for the Glee Club if we knew what was good for us. The only person we could think of that wouldn't care about the defacing was Rachel. Rachel wanted to be the center of attention which was our saving grace. If only we could convince Mr. Schue that we only needed one team captain. That was a problem for tomorrow.

The next day it was put to a vote. I wrote down Rachel's name for the first time ever. It wasn't a compliment to win this vote. In fact it was more like a punishment. Mr. Schue counted all of the votes. "Looks like everybody voted for Rachel," Mr. Schue said shaking his head amazed by the fact that we all voted for Rachel "Including Rachel. But, we need two captains, guys."

"Why two?" I asked quickly. "We're fine with having Rachel represent us in the Thunderclap by herself," I assured Mr. Schue. "We'd actually prefer it," Kurt added as Mr. Schue's face seemed to fall. I think he expected most of us to jump at the chance to represent Glee Club. It wasn't that we didn't love Glee Club, I think all of us in the Club could say we loved it, although I couldn't speak for Brittany or Santana since we were originally Sue's spies but it was the fear of what the popular kids would do to our photos that scared us. The defacing was worse than the slushie because it was permanent, forever in the McKinley High Library. The bell rang as we all left the choir room glad to have gotten that vote over with.

Rachel seemed desperate asking every single Glee Club member to be co-captain with her. "Quinn, I want to talk to you about being co-captain," Rachel grinned as she walked over to me. "Rachel, I know you mean well asking me but look at me. If I pose with you for this Glee Club photo I'll never hear the end of it," I sighed. "It's not that I don't love Glee Club. I do. People can be cruel. Do you know how many looks and whispers I've gotten already?" I asked with a sigh. "I know this year has been hard on you, Quinn but don't you want to make a difference?" Rachel frowned. Rachel had a point. I considered it for a moment. I was determined to get back on the cheer squad, maybe being in the Glee Club photo might show my leadership skills. As quickly as I thought the idea was great I had to shake it off.

"It's not like I'm at the top of the social pyramid anymore. I lost most of my friends because of what I've been through. Sure, I have Brittany and Santana but other than them and you guys I'm pretty much just the talk of the town," I sighed. Rachel frowned but she seemed to understand where I was coming from. "It'll go away you know. The talking," Rachel said. "I know," I said "I just don't want there to be a photographic reminder of everything I lost." Rachel seemed to accept that answer as she walked off to try to ask some of the other members of the Glee Club to see if they would be co-captain with her.

That afternoon was supposed to be the Glee Club's Yearbook photo. Since it was a small photo the company wanted to book it earlier than the other yearbook photos. Rachel somehow roped Finn into doing the photo with her for reason I can't begin to understand. I stayed behind at school since Finn was my ride.

I then got a message from Rachel who insisted on having everyone's numbers in Glee Club. "Emergency Meeting in the Choir Room" it read. 'What could she possibly have to say to us?' I thought to myself as I headed for the choir room from the library where I had been, working on my homework.

"I'd like to call this meeting to order," Rachel announced as she began to close the door as Finn walked in. "Oh, hello, Finn. How nice of you to show," Rachel said coldly. "Look, I'm sorry. The guys were harassing me in the locker room about it. They said that if I took the glee club photo, that they'd make me choose between a Hitler mustache or buck teeth, and I can't rock either of those looks," Finn frowned. "Do you think I have a potato head?" Finn asked me as he sat down. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Finn knew as much as I did that he didn't have a potato head, the football players were just trying to mess with him.

"Okay, look, I realize now that all of you think that glee club is just a joke. Okay and you're convinced that we can't win, and you're content to just sit idle by until Figgins cancels the club," Rachel said as I shook my head, that wasn't what any of us wanted in the least. "Well, I'm about to present to you a rare opportunity. The opportunity to become stars," Rachel grinned. "How?" I asked confused. "We've all been cast in a local commercial," Rachel grinned as the Glee Club began to chatter excitedly.

"Are you serious?" Finn grinned. "Yes, Finn, and while all of you have been so concerned with your appearance in this school, I've landed glee club its first big break. Simply put, making us all celebrities. Okay and no one messes with celebrities or defaces their pictures," Rachel smiled confidently. I wasn't so sure about that but hey if it helped us get to the top I was all for it. "What's the commercial?" Tina asked. "Hold onto your hats and get ready to sell...Some mattresses!" Rachel grinned as we talked excitedly, ready to be in the local commercial. "My mom's going to be really proud," Finn grinned as I nodded. Finn's mom had always been his biggest cheerleader and mine too for that matter. I was sure she would be looking forward to seeing this commercial.

Finn and I got into his car. "This is going to be so cool," Finn grinned. "Definitely. I mean who would've thought we'd be in a commercial," I said shaking my head. "I know," Finn said "It's a good thing Rachel went to take that photo." I nodded. As much as Rachel and I didn't get along, one thing was for sure she was just as ambitious as I was which meant she would do anything to get to the top. It was then I couldn't help but be proud to be a part of the Glee Club.

We arrived at Mattress Land as we were soon escorted to the back and handed our pajamas to change into. "Is there a restroom or somewhere I could get changed," I asked awkwardly as the director gave me a look. "What do you expect a trailer or something? Kid this is just a local commercial," he said shaking his head. "I know but.." I began. "But go change with the rest of your friends in the changing area okay?" he said as I walked off upset. This would be my first time since my pregnancy changing in front of anyone.

When I arrived to the changing area no one seemed to be watching what anyone else was doing. Everyone was too busy talking about the commercial. "Britt, could you help me with my dress?" I asked awkwardly. Brittany and I had been to cheer camp together so I was used to asking her for help. "Sure," Brittany smiled as she unzipped my dress for me so I could get changed. "Thanks," I smiled as I put the pants on underneath my dress hoping to show as little skin as possible. I quickly took off the dress and began to put on the pajama top, buttoning it up ever so carefully, especially around my baby bump.

We were then escorted to hair and makeup. Kurt seemed to take charge of getting us all ready for the shoot. "Oh Quinn let me help you with your hair," Kurt said as he helped fix my braid to put it back in place. "Perfect," he smiled. "Thanks," I said as we were then approached by the owner of Mattress Land. "Okay, guys, we're very excited to have you here. We here at mattress land believe that mattresses aren't just for sleeping and fornicating anymore. We believe that buying an affordable mattress should be fun," Mr. Cusperburg, the owner said to us as we all got up to do a dry run through the script.

"Alright, let's go over the script. I think it's pretty brilliant. I wrote it myself. Action!" the director said. "Ah, me" Finn said enthusiastically. "What's wrong?" Mercedes asked just reading from the script. "We just lost our jobs... at the factory, and we can't get a good night's sleep." Puck said in the most dramatic sounding voice I had heard on him. I couldn't help but shake my head and try to keep from laughing at his acting skills. "Chipper up! Come on down to mattress land. We've got near-wholesale prices to fit your style and pocketbook!" Rachel grinned big as she then looked away from the script. "I-I'm sorry. Mr. Cusperburg, this script is brilliant, but we're a glee club, and we should perform," Rachel frowned. "Perform the lines as I wrote them," the director snapped a bit. "Wait a minute, Dennis," Mr. Cusperburg said as he then asked Rachel "What did you have in mind?" "Maybe we could perform a song?" Rachel asked as Mr. Cusperburg seemed intrigued by the idea. "That could definitely work. Any ideas on the song?" Mr. Cusperburg asked us. "Maybe 'Jump' by Van Halen?" Finn suggested. "Perfect," Mr. Cusperburg grinned as we soon began to set up to film this commercial.

We rehearsed jumping on the mattresses with our choreography a few times before we filmed the commercial. It was actually a lot of fun, probably the most fun I had in a long time. Jumping on the mattresses I almost felt like a kid again. As we ended the song I layed on the mattress with Matt and Kurt grinning from ear to ear. "Come on down to mattress land!" Mr. Cusperburg said. "Come on down to mattress land!" We repeated with big smiles. "And Cut," the director said "That's a wrap guys, amazing job."

I quickly changed back into my dress as Finn and I headed back to the Hudson household. "MOM WE'RE GOING TO BE ON TV," Finn grinned as we entered the house. "WHAT?" Carole exclaimed excitedly. "Our glee club filmed a commercial for Mattress Land. It should be airing on TV," I smiled a bit as Carole hugged both of us. "Oh kids this is so exciting! I have to record this," Carole beamed as we sat down, keeping our eyes glued to the TV.

Sure enough late that night during the news our commercial began to play. "Who says finding a mattress can't be fun? At mattress land, we have mattresses of all shapes and sizes at prices that won't break your pocketbook. No credit? No problem! Mattress land has a no-hassle financing of 12.9% with no money down and no payments till next year. You'll jump for joy at our prices," Rachel grinned in the commercial. "Come on down to Mattress Land!" We all shouted grinning. "Wow that was so cool," Finn grinned. "Definitely," I smiled a bit as I yawned. "I've got to head to bed. Big day tomorrow," I said as I headed upstairs. Tomorrow was the day I would get back on the cheerios, whether Sue Sylvester liked it or not.

The next day I was walking down the hallway when I spotted Coach Sylvester. I stormed over to her "Coach Sylvester, we need to talk," I said matter of factly. "Oh, I got nothing to say to you, preggo," Coach Sylvester said. "The cheerios' photo's tomorrow, and I want back on that squad," I said in a definite tone. "Oh, is that what you want? Well, what I wanted was a head cheerleader who wasn't going to hoist her legs behind her ears in the backseat of the first station wagon she could jimmy open, throwing away any chance she ever had in life," Coach Sylvester shot back at me. "It would be good for the school. Show everyone that appearances don't matter. That sometimes people have to deal with a little adversity. I learned that in glee club," I shot right back at Coach Sylvester. She wasn't going to win, not this time. "Well, that little educational proverb must have slithered from Will Schuester's mouth right after his lesson on how to disqualify yourselves from sectionals," Coach Sylvester smirked. "What?" I asked confused. "Saw your little commercial last night. Boy, did you glee kids step in it," Coach Sylvester said as she walked off.

She couldn't be serious. A little commercial couldn't cost us the chance to compete. There were plenty of things us Cheerios had done that weren't exactly above the board. If she wanted to play dirty I was coming right back at her guns blazing.

I quickly changed into my cheerios uniform that I had brought with me and put my hair back up in the high pony I had always wore day in and day out. I spied outside of Coach Sylvester's office to make sure she was in there so I could walk in and put my plan into action.

"Ms. Sylvester," I said as I stood before her hands on hips. Coach Sylvester looked me up and down before saying "It's like looking at a porno star in a nun's habit." "I wanted to show you that it still fits. My baby bump isn't that bad, it's just like I had a big lunch," I assured her. "Take it off. You need to get it through your pregnant head, there's no way you're getting in that photo or back on the Cheerios. End of story," Coach Sylvester shot at me. I nodded then told her exactly what I planned to "You're a hypocrite."

"Excuse me?" Coach Sylvester said shocked.

"I just heard that you got glee club's amateur status revoked over a mattress, while you are constantly showering the Cheerios with swag. I've gotten free shoes, complimentary tanning, haircuts; the season tickets to Cedar Point- we sold those on eBay for a profit. It seems to me that if Figgins found out, you would get banned from competition," I said in a determined fashion.

"Fine," Coach Sylvester caved "You're back on the Cheerios. I'll put you on full-time dry cleaning duty and shove you to the back of the photo to hide your shame."

"I'm not finished," I said as Coach Sylvester raised her eyebrows at me "Glee club gets a full page photo."

"That's not up to me."

"You are giving up one of the Cheerios' six pages and you are giving it to the glee club free of charge."

Coach Sylvester looked at me, seeming almost impressed by me. "You know, Q, I'd forgotten just how ruthless you really are," she said as I smirked "You're like a young Sue Sylvester. Now, get out of my office," Coach Sylvester said as I began to leave "If you can manage to squeeze through the door without your water breaking all over my new carpet."

It was then I whipped around. Being a part of the Cheerios wasn't something I should have ever tried to go back to at all. Coach Sylvester never cared for me, not the way the Glee Club did. Sure, I loved being a cheerio but I wasn't just going to join just for my image. There was a whole lot more to me than just that. "You know what? I don't think I want to be a Cheerio after all. I don't want to be on a team where I only appear to belong. I'd rather be a part of a club that's proud to have me, like glee club," I shot back at Coach Sylvester as I walked out of her office, proud that I had saved the day with Glee Club. We were no longer disqualified and we were going to get a full page photo to show we belonged.

I changed back into my clothes as I proudly walked back to the choir room. "I have an announcement to make," I grinned as I went up to the front of the choir room "I got Glee Club a full page photo." "That's amazing Quinn," Finn grinned "But how?" "Let's just say I had a little chat with Coach Sylvester and she is giving us one of the cheerios 6 pages, free of charge," I smiled as the New Directions cheered for me as I bowed.

"What did you do that for Q? You know it's just going to get defaced," Santana quipped back at me. I shook my head "Don't you guys get it? So a couple of idiots draw all over our faces in the yearbook. It doesn't make anything they say about us true," I said as I smiled at everyone "You've all been there for me these last few months. Getting us this photo is the least I could do to say thank you."

"Quinn's right. Who cares what a bunch of neanderthals think of us? We've gotten a slushie to the face almost every single day and we're still together as a group," Kurt agreed as I smiled at him. "See? This is what I was trying to tell you guys," Rachel said to us "Glee Club is our family and we need to celebrate that, not hide it." Everyone seemed to be in agreement as Mr. Schue entered the choir room to break the news to us about our position for Sectionals.

"Guys, we have some good news and bad news. The good news is Glee Club gets a full page photo thanks to Quinn," Mr. Schue said as the club cheered for me again as I couldn't help but smile. It was nice to get the attention for something good for once. "Now for the bad news...I won't be able to go to sectionals with you." Mr. Schue said as we all frowned "But, we don't want to go to sectionals without you," Artie admitted. "It's without me or not at all. Look, I was the one who slept on the mattress, which means I accepted them, not you. Which means I'm disqualified from competition, not you guys," Mr. Schue frowned. "He's taking the bullet for us. Solid," Puck said nodding. "We have worked too hard for you guys not to get your shot," Mr. Schue said to us. "We can't do this without you, Mr. Schue. Hell, we probably can't do it with you," Finn said shaking his head.

"That's not true. You guys are good. You're really good. You did "Jump" for that commercial without me, right? Look, the best teachers don't give you the answers. They just point the way and let you make your own choices. Your own mistakes. That way you get all the glory. And you deserve it. Look, if... If you can't win without me there, then I haven't done my job," Mr. Schue said as he walked around the room. It was inspiring hearing everything he had to say to us. This definitely made me more determined than ever to win sectionals. "We're really sorry, Mr. Schue," Rachel frowned. "I know. I want you guys to go get gussied up and take that glee club photo with pride. I want to see a smile on every one of your faces," Mr. Schue said as we left to get ourselves ready for the photo.

I had my cheerios uniform with me but I decided against wearing it. Being a cheerio wasn't who I was anymore, standing up to Coach Sylvester showed me that. Glee Club was truly where I belonged. Like Rachel said we're a family. I walked out in a beautiful white dress I had bought recently with Carole. It was loose fitting so you couldn't see that I had a baby bump. I figured it was the perfect solution to taking the Glee Club photo. I stood proudly next to Finn for our photo knowing that I was the very reason we even had this photo. I couldn't have been more proud of myself for the decision I made to stick with the people who stuck by me through it all.

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