Boarding School Love.

By _jennyboo_

74.9K 1K 275

It's a classic case of girl meets player. Player meets girl. But will Harry be a player for long ? Will he fa... More

Boarding School Love.


2.6K 40 7
By _jennyboo_

I jumped when Sadie ran through the door. "Jenny ! Harry is in a fight ! Right now !" She shrieked. I slip on my bunny slippers and follow her to the scene. I don't even care for my outfit right now. Which consists of, my Boy London crop top, yoga pants, and bunny slippers. My hair is up in a messy bun and I'm not wearing makeup.

"Don't you ever call her that again !" Harry's loud voice boomed. I found that Liam, Louis, and Zayn were holding back Harry and Niall, and two unfamiliar guys were holding back Nate.

"Why not ?! That's what she is !" Nate egged on. I examined his features and noted that he had a bloody nose, busted lip, and he's going to have a black eye.

"Harry." I calmly say. His breathing hitched and he turned to me. "Let's go. Come on. He's not worth it." Harry relaxes and Liam, Louis, and Zayn let him go.

"It's the whore herself coming to the rescue !" Nate yelled to anger Harry. Harry tried to hit him again, but Liam, Louis, and Zayn trapped him. Again. He was struggling in their grip to get loose and I knew I had to play the cold card.

"Harry, I'm cold." I hugged my arms around me and he stopped struggling. The boys let go of him again and he made his way over to me. He shrugged off his jacket.

"No shit your cold. Look at what your wearing during winter." He wrapped his jacket around me. I rolled my eyes. I heard a scoff fall from Nate's mouth as Harry wrapped his arms around me. A man approached us and Harry cursed under his breath.

"Harry. My office now." He said sternly.

"I actually have something to do with Jenny." Harry motioned to me and the man examined me up and down. I felt like he was judging me.

"Jennifer Caven ?" He asked. I nodded. "You need to come as well. I'm aware of your mishap as well." I frowned. "Come on Nate." Nate, Harry, and I followed the man. Harry kept his arm around my waist and constantly asked if I was to hot. I tried giving his jacket back, but he wouldn't accept. We approached a door with Styles written on it and entered the room.

"Isn't Styles your last name ?" I quietly ask Harry. He frowned and nodded. I focused my attention back to the man behind the desk.

"Okay. Harry, Nate, what was your disagreement about ?" Mr. Styles asked.

"Jenny." Nate simply said. Mr. Styles eyed me for a second. "Harry couldn't handle the truth about his little girlfriend and attacked me."

"She's not my girlfriend." Harry snapped. "Why don't you tell him what you said that made me kick your arse."

"All I said was how she is a whore." Nate said. I laughed at him. All attention was snapped towards me. "Do you min-"

"No. Do you mind ? Do you know what the definition of a whore is ?" I ask. "A whore sleeps around. If I was a whore, I would've slept with half of the school. So don't you dare call me a whore."

"Nate you have after school detention for week. Same for you Harry. You both can go. Jenny tell me what happened with Lena." Mr. Styles said. Nate got up and left but Harry stayed put. "You can leave Harry." Harry ignored him and I started talking.

"She was talking shit, I confronted her, she called me a whore and told me to stay away from Harry, I beat her ass." I shrugged. "She deserved it really. I would've kept hitting her if Harry didn't stop me."

"Okay. I'm giving you a week of detention too." He sighed. I nodded. "Do you want your new schedule while your here ?" My head snapped up.

"New schedule ?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. Harry switched you into yoga like you asked him to." Mr. Styles replies a bit confused. I look over at Harry and he was glaring at the man across the desk.

"I didn't ask Harry to do anything. I would appreciate it if you switch me back." I respond glaring at Harry.

"Of course."

"Fuck no ! Don't you do it !" Harry yelled at the man.

"Harry. It's her choice. Not yours. And watch your language son." Son ? This is his dad ?

"I wouldn't have switched her classes if I didn't have a good reason ! Jenny stop being stubborn and take the damn class !" I shook my head. I'm not switching. I don't want him to know he got to me.


"He said he would fail her if she didn't fuck him ! He hit on her ! You can keep her class to yoga and not have me beat the living shit out of a perverted teacher or you can keep her in there and have me beat his arse !" Harry yelled.

"He asked you to gave sex with him ?" Harry's father asked. I looked away from Harry and nodded. I can't believe he did this. He makes me look weak. "Send Coach Atkins in." He said into a microphone thing. The room fell silent and all you could hear was Harry's angry breathing. "I'm happy you brought this up to my attention. How come it wasn't brought up sooner ?"

"Who would you believe ? A trustworthy teacher or the school slut ?" I ask quietly. I felt Harry's gaze on me.

"You are not a slut." Harry responded softly.

"Yeah. Tell that to the rest of the school." I shrug. Harry grabbed my hips and pulled me into his lap.

"I will." He said nuzzling my neck. I let out a giggle as he placed a kiss on neck. "What ?" He asked amused.

"Your curls tickle." I grin. Harry cracks a smile, it faded when a knock sounded on the door. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly.

"Come in." Mr. Styles called. Coach walked in and when his eyes fell on me, he changed his facial expression from confused to neutral.

"Hey Kenny, Harry, and Jenny." He smiled.

"Don't you dare say hi to her." Harry growled. I zipped up his coat that I was wearing and leaned into Harry. Coach sat down and asked what was going on.

"I was informed, that you threatened to fail this young girl if she didn't participate in sexual activities with you." Mr. Styles said.

"With all due respect that is a load of bull. This young girl isn't very athletic. She offered to have sex with me if I passed her. She ran away when I refused her offer." Coach lied.

"That's fucking bullshit !" I nearly scream. "I'm not athletic ? Please. I beat Harry twice in soccer. The swim team captain hit me for beating him in basketball. I was captain for all the sports I did at home. Which is a lot. So don't you dare say I'm not athletic. Oh and I would never offer your ugly ass sex. Look at you. You're fat and bald."

"I find it funny how you got more offensive about the athletic comment." Harry whispered in my ear. You could hear in his voice how bad he was trying to keep his temper.

"Me to." I whisper back.

"Kenny, you can't buy into this. Do you know who this girl is ? And look at what she is doing right now. Do you see how she dresses ? She is labeled the school slut." Coach said.

"You better watch what your saying about her unless you want to end up like Nate." Harry threatened him.

"Harry." Mr. Styles scolded him.

"Look ! She is hanging around with Harry ! You know his reputation with girls !" Coach is really trying to get out of this.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that." I defend Harry.

"And what are you going to do about it ?" Coach challenges. "Are you going to show me how bad of a athlete you are ?" I nearly jumped out of Harry's arms but he held me down.

"Coach Atkins, your fired." Mr. Styles said calmly. Coach got up and knocked over the chair before leaving. "Thank you for bringing this up to my attention. You two can go. No more fights and remember detention tomorrow." Harry took my hand and led me out of the office.

"Do you want me to switch into yoga with you ?" Harry asked nervously. I started laughing so hard as we exited the administration building. "What ?"

"Do you know how hard it would be for you to do yoga ?" I ask. He shook his head. "Switch into it if you want." I shrug. "Just know it is very hard if your not flexible. You could seriously hurt yourself."

"Are you hungry ?" Harry asked changing the subject. I shook my head as my stomach growled. "I think your tummy is telling a whole different story." I laughed and nodded. "Let's break into the cafeteria."

"Let's do it !" I laughed. Harry grinned and pulled me to the cafeteria. "What are you in the mood for Styles ?"

"I don't know. What do you want ?" Harry raised a brow. You.

"Hmm. I don't know." I bit my lip. Harry pulls it out from between my teeth. I looked at him confused, but he shakes his head. "How about chips and salsa ?"

"Sure thing." He smiles heading for the kitchen. I follow behind him in a tow. He flicked the light switch but frowned when nothing happened. "Damn school. I can't have you walking in the dark."

"I'll be f-" I was cut off by a noise towards the door. Harry grabs my hand and pulls me behind some carts. We bend down and hide. Harry's arms wrapped around me.

"Kenny." A lady groaned. She flicked the light switched and sighed when it didn't turn on. "See what I mean ! Look the lights stopped working ! We need repairs done in here !" I looked up and looked at the fairly young lady.

"I understand, but we don't have it in the budget right now." Harry's dad calmly explains.

"How is that girl going here than ?" She snapped. What girl ?

"I'm a friend of her mothers. When her application got sent in, I had to except. She's had a hard life. She needed to get away from that place." He sighs.

"Okay, I was beat by my mom. Does that mean I get to be queen ?!" Her voice raised.

"You can't compare yourself to Jenny." My heart stopped. What is he going to tell her. Only Harry knows about that ally thing. And his dad knows my mom ?

"Why not ?!"

"Her mum left her when she was 7. Her dad turned to alcohol. He would abuse her and her brother. When he lost his job, he let people pay him for a peep show of his daughter. They molested her." Tears filled my eyes at the unwanted memories. "She hid bruises everyday. She buried herself into a social life and sports and school. A man took her innocence by force in a alleyway and is now looking for her. Her ex boyfriend stocks her. She was hit by a guy here. She got into a fight for having feelings for Harry. She is called a slag. Our former gym teacher hit on her. She has been raped several times." Kenny hissed at her. "Don't you dare compare yourself to that troubled girl."

"I-I'm sorry." She stuttered out. "I better go." I stood there frozen after they left. Tear silently falling down my face as I replayed all the memories in my head. I could hear Harry talking, but I stood there paralyzed. Not able to comprehend what he was trying to say to me. I felt his arms wrap underneath me as he carried me out of the cafeteria and to his dorm. Peepshowofhisdaughter. I don't even remember that. Molestedher. I thought those were just bad dreams. Not memories. Exboyfriendstalksher. I haven't realized how fucked up my life is.

"Liam. Wake up." Harry shouted when he opened the door. Liam groaned and turned over. I didn't even know it was so late already. "Go find somewhere else to sleep." Liam's eyes ran over me before nodding. He left the room without another word. Harry laid me down on the bed and he laid next to me. "It's okay baby." He says kissing my forehead and wiping away my tears. I fall asleep in his arms. Again.


I'm so so so sorry I haven't been updating ! My tablet was sent in to get fixed and my computer doesn't like this for some reason. 

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