Frisson (Diabolik lovers)

Av emilytaylor223

22.7K 711 585

All her life Lauren has been fighting her inner demon - anxiety. But now, she has to face real life demons... Mer

I. The news
II. The first meeting
III. My first impression
IV. The plan
Punishment. Shuu
This is Halloween! part 1
This is Halloween! part 2
VI. This is not a good morning
Punishment. Subaru
VII. Meeting new people (unfortunately)
The no-miracle Christmas
VIII. When everything became clear
IX. Nightmare by the lake
X. The game is on
Punishment. Laito
XI. One takoyaki closer to a disaster
XII. Running from the vampire - jumping on the bear
Punishment. Kanato
XIII. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.
XIV. PE with Yuma
Punishment. Ayato
XV. Star filled night
XVI. Surprise
XVII. Hell nah!
XVIII. You're it!
XIX. Don't save me
Punishment. Reiji
XX. Don't trust him
XXI. When I fall
XXII. My lonely days
XXIII. Their move.
XXIV. How do we survive..?
XXV. What doesn't kill you
XXVI. Together with you
XXVII. Foul play gone wrong
XXVIII. My happiest days with you
XXIX. Game over
XXX. The future we know

V. First bite

986 23 10
Av emilytaylor223

"Leave my bathroom however you entered it or I will..." I reached out for my towel.
"You will what? Scream?" Shuu chuckled. He was walking closer to the bath that I was in. I knew I had a bad feeling about these brothers but I never thought that something like this would happen so soon. Living alone with six guys seems like a bad idea, a really really bad idea right now.

"Huh? Already shaking with anticipation? Lewd woman indeed." HE SAT IN THE FUCKING BATH WITH ME! I can't just stand up and run away - I'm wearing Eve costume and blue bubbles. So what do I do? What if he'll do something to me? I was shaking with fear and anger. I've tried to get as far away from him as possible, covering myself with now wet towel but he just laid there doing nothing.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Shuu was just laying there with his eyes closed, listening to music.
"I'm taking a bath, can't you see?"
"Why can't you go to your own room then?!"

"Because you are not there." This was like a punch in the stomach. This one phrase knocked the air out of my lungs completely. He was still laying there with his eyes closed so I took my chance - I jumped out of the bath. Wet towel is not a good thing to have around me in front of an obvious pervert so I ran towards my bathrobe. I tightened the knot around my waist with shaky hands.

"Why did you leave?" Shuu asked with a raised eyebrow, obviously enjoying himself.
"You can't be seriously asking me this." I was looking for my glasses around the bathroom. I know I put them somewhere near the sink. The moment I find them I will go straight to the phone. I know I put them there so where are they?

"Looking for these?" I froze for a moment and slowly turned around to face Shuu.
"W-why are you wearing my glasses?"
"To check if they are strong. You wouldn't be able to run away without them, right?" Why is he talking like that? Now I got a huge urge to get away from that bathroom as fast as possible. I don't need my glasses to unlock the door and get away from him... But I need a key which was not in the door lock like I left it.

"What you want is right here." Panic rushed all over my body. I'm trapped here with him. I've tried to open the doors, I think I even hit them a couple of times but they were locked. No, I can't lose my cool now - I must stay calm or he will take advantage of my panicking self.

"All you have to do is come closer to me and I will give you your glasses and the key." Should I jump out of the window? No - I might break my legs or worse - it's a second floor after all. I look at Shuu - he's staring at me, his red eyes shining strangely, his lips curled up in a relaxed smirk. I slowly make my way towards the window and try to open it.

"Why won't it open." I muttered quietly.
"Come on, I won't bite, at least not tonight, or are you scared to approach me?" Honestly, my entire body was shacking and I was sweating as if I was in a sauna and I could literally feel my heart pounding in my chest out of fear...

"M-me? Scared? Don't be stupid. I know you won't do anything to me." I really hope you won't do anything to me, but your eyes are the eyes of a predator. But I can't show that I'm weak or he will mock me every time he sees me. Shuu might even tell his brothers about me being a scaredy-cat and laugh behind my back. I take a few steps closer.

"Why are you so slow? Don't you want to leave, hm? Oh, maybe your true intentions are a bit more perverted after all?" I try to ignore his words and concentrate on my breathing and the key. It was laying on his palm. I felt like a puppy that was walking closer to a treat. I got close enough to just take it with my stretched out arm. But the moment I touched his hand, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. It was all thanks to my great sense of balance that I did not splash into the water together with him.

"Let me go!" But he was still holding my hand.
"You forgot something." I felt my glasses on the bridge of my nose, but he still had an iron grip on my wrist.

"You are still shivering. Am I teasing you too much? I guess you can't wait to feel me." What is he talking about? That bastard started leaning towards me. I panicked not knowing what to do. My body acted on it's own and for the first time I was glad it did what it did.


Blood was dripping into the blue water. Sound of droplets echoed through the room. Shuu's eyes were wide and so were mine. We both stared at each other for a while. Shuu's grip loosened for a bit and I pulled my hand away from his. I had my glasses back on, a key and probably a very angry pervert so I had to escape as soon as possible. I ran to the door, unlocked it and ran out of my room as if I was being chased by a wolf. I punched him in the nose so I better get away from that room for a while.

I sprinted down the hallway while constantly checking if I wasn't being chased. Unfortunately, I ran into someone while I was looking behind my back. I thought that we would fall on the floor but he stood there like a wall of steel. I almost fell down on my but, but somehow I've managed to keep my balance. Because of the running and fear, my heart was  pounding so hard it actually hurt. I could feel adrenalin pulsing through my veins.

"I'm sorry." He said nothing. I was not sure about his name - as I remember, there were two brothers with red hair and green eyes, but one was wearing a fedora. This one wasn't. Was his name Ayato?

"Ayato?" His red, full of rage, eyes snapped back at me. Ayato indeed. But this hatred in his eyes sent chills down my spine. And his red eyes were very suspicious. Weren't they green? My heart picked up it's pace even more. The urge to get as far away from him as possible kicked in.

"I-I think I'll be going now, goodnight." I turned around, but had no time to take even one step. World around me spun around as I was pushed, basically slammed against the wall. Air was literally knocked out of me. He pinned down my hands to the wall and pressed his body against mine. 

"Do you really think that you can ram yourself into Ore-sama and just get away with it?!" Where did I get myself into? Ayato's grip was really tight - I'm sure that I'll have bruises on my wrists. His red eyes were staring straight into my soul, sending terror into every single cell of my body. I would be hyperventilating by now, but because of the impact of the slam, I couldn't breathe - I was suffocating. My body was shaking. I've tried to get away from him, I've tried to kick him, but he was stronger. 

"So scared, aren't you? Guess I'm going to be your first, huh?" I felt his finger brush against the skin of my neck. Only now I've noticed how cold his hands were. His finger left a disgusting path that lingered there for a while. My first? Whatever he's talking about I don't want this. Not now, not ever. 

"M-my first w-what?" I asked not wanting to hear the answer. It was harder and harder to breathe. Fear that I felt was overwhelming. I was getting dizzy. Tears were running down my cheeks.

"Your first bite. Unfortunately for you, today I'm really angry," He said while pulling down my bathrobe, exposing my shoulder and neck.

"What... do you... mean..?" My watery eyes  widened when I saw his fangs. It can't be.

"We are vampires, you idiot, and you are our meal." This can't be real. He's messing with me, right? He licked my neck and sank his fangs into my skin.

He probably hit some sort of nerve because pain was unbearable. Stepping on a nail can't even be compared with this agony I was feeling. Pain was rapidly spreading through my entire body like venom. It felt as if my blood vessels were being filled with acid.

I could also feel the crippling headache coming it's way. Blood loss, agonizing pain and terror mixed together and my vision was slowly being covered by the black dots.

.............      .............     .............      .............. 

Slowly, I open my eyes. I'm still a little bit dizzy. I was in my room on my bed. I was trying to remember going to sleep, but I couldn't. What happened? I could vaguely remember taking a bath but what happened next? That's right... Shuu somehow entered my bathroom, but I ran away from him. And then I ran into Ayato... My eyes snapped wide open. He said that they were vampires, right? But that's nonsense - it's insane! Vampires don't exist - they are fictional for goodness sake!

I jumped out of my bed, but sudden dizziness stopped me from walking. I sat down on the bed. I have to remember everything that happened yesterday.

"I was wearing my bathrobe, then Ayato slammed me against the wall. I remember not being able to breathe and thinking that my wrists will be bruised. Yes, red bruises are really there, so that means..." I touched my neck. I want to see it. Slowly, I made my way towards the mirror. Fresh bruise and two small wounds with teeth marks around them. So it was all real. He really bit me.

"It can't be. It's insane. Vampires can't be real." But the memory of Ayato's shining blood red eyes made me tremble.
"Shuu also had red eyes for a moment... And that would also explain how he got into my bathroom." If all of them were vampires this would mean that I'm in an enormous danger.

"I have to escape. I have to get out of here!" Panicking, I ran to my closet for my purse. My wallet with all of my savings was there. Good. Now I need to change my pajamas into something more suitable for running... My pajamas? But I blacked out with my bathrobe and bathrobe only...

"Those perverts... Oh god no..." I stood there, fully dressed. They even put my undergarments on. I felt nauseous.

"I'm getting the hell out of this freaking house right this instant."
"Nfu~ and what if I tell you not to leave me, my love."

'Not again.' Why do I have a horrible feeling that this phrase will be used again and again? Laito had appeared out of thin air and was occupying my bed. He was smirking. Is he always smirking? Doesn't he have another facial expression?

"Don't call me that." I was walking backwards towards the door.
"Already leaving? And I was hoping to have a nice morning 'chat'." He faked a frown.

"I don't want to chat with any of you." Something fell in the bathroom. I turned my head away from Laito just for a second, but he was already gone when I returned my gaze. Out of surprise I took a few steps back and hit the door.

"But I want to chat with you, Bitch-chan." He wrapped his hands around my waist. That was not the door after all.
"LET GO OF ME!" He restrained me with one hand and with the other put his hat over my head and eyes.

"Shh, it's alright, no need to be so scared. I just want to talk to you and your bedroom is not a good place for it, don't you think? *clank*" He put something around my neck. The air around us suddenly got cold and damp.

He removed his hat from my eyes.
"How did we..?" One second we were in my bedroom - and the other in some sort of dungeon. He walked away from me.

"Do you know what happens to naughty naughty Bitch-chans that try to escape?" His smirk disappeared. Make it back. Can't believe I'm thinking this, but I prefer that perverted smirk over this devilish frown.

"They get chained down to a kennel and punished." Only now I've noticed the chain on my neck.

"Ah, don't worry, it's not that bad - we just use these toys on the people you love." He pointed his finger towards the table with, what I guess, torture tools.

"Our father is with your mother, you know. Only one phone call about your escape and your mother is a goner. Also think about that girl for a moment. What was her name? Right... Lea, wasn't it? It would be so sad if she were to go missing."

"They have nothing to do with my actions so don't you dare!" His smirk returned.
"Torture me, terrorize me, do whatever the hell you want to me but don't touch them!"

"Nfu~ feisty, aren't you? I like that little spirit in you. Little and crushable." I was too pissed to think about myself. How dare he threaten my mom and Lea? I shivered from the thought of going through that incredible pain again, but I can handle it. I can live through it for their sake.

"Now now, no need to get so worked up. Consider this as a warning." He pushed me against the wall and exposed my neck and shoulder.

"Ah~ Ayato-kun was really upset yesterday. To leave such a mark. Did it hurt? You poor thing. I'll make it feel better." He bit me in the exact same spot as Ayato did. It took me everything not to scream out of pain, but I managed to stay quiet.

"Yes, show me more, your expression is so satisfying I want to see more~" He twisted my hand behind my back. I winced in pain.
"Your blood is not that bad - it's so full of fear I love it~" He can taste it?

"It's sad that I can't enjoy it a bit more - this would be useless if you blacked out." I was getting a bit lightheaded.
"I will leave you here for the night to get over the fact that you are our belonging. So make your peace with it and don't even think about freedom or else..."

"You will kill everyone I care about and torture me to death."
"Nfu~ That's right. Sweet dreams, Bitch-chan." Laito was gone.

What am I going to do now? I've tried removing that damn colar but failed. I can't remember the last time I had a decent meal. I was so hungry I felt nauseous. And water. I would give away anything just for a cup of water.
And the fact that there was no bathroom made me feel really nervous.

I sat there curled up in a ball, hugging my knees for warmth. Vampires. Sadistic vampires. I'm in a house with a bunch of sadistic vampires. What do I do? I can't run away, but I can't stay here like this. I want to live. I don't want to die like this. Blood loss, freezing to death, being tortured to death, even infection and a lot more different ways to die. They all are sick and twisted. I have to do something, but what?

............      ............       .............       ..............

These idiots. Do they really think that treating human girl this way will get them anywhere? She's been sitting like this for over an hour now.

"How unsightly." I muttered to myself.
"Who's there?" She asked without raising her head. I thought that she was sleeping.

"Oh, you were awake, Shizuka-san?"
"Reiji-san..?" Her voice was hoarse.
"When was the last time you ate?"
"A few hours before the flight. Why are you asking?" Thought so.
"And you were sucked by?
"Ayato, Laito and soon you." This surprised me for a bit, but I'll play along - just for today.

"That's right. I would be crazy not to use this opportunity to continue on our argument." She raised her head but stayed silent.

"I will teach you a lesson you won't be able to forget," I chuckled seeing how she started shivering even more.
"What lesson? Do whatever you want - I won't take my words back." Strange creature. Curled up in a small ball, shivering because of cold air and fear, hungry, thirsty and a bit injured and yet she's still talking back.

"As you wish." I pushed her against the wall. Shizuka tried to fight back, but she had strength of a newborn kitten. Without any trouble, I hold down her hands with my left hand. Even though I wanted to hear her scream - I was careful not to press her wrists too hard because she already had bruises. With my right hand I brushed away her hair from her neck.

That's a nasty bruise but only one bitemark.
"You said Ayato and Laito bit you, but I can see only one bitemark." After a closer inspection I noticed it.
"Ah, so Laito bit you in the same spot. Maybe I should follow the new tradition." She tried to kick me, but I stopped that attempt. I leaned closer to her neck and licked the wound. Shizuka flinched. I couldn't suppress my chuckle.

"It's in my way." I unlocked the colar and threw it on the ground and licked her neck once again. She giggled. My eyes snapped open with my tongue still sticking out of my mouth. Why is she giggling?

"Is something funny, Shizuka-san?"
"Ayato licked that part, Laito did the same. And here you are, Reiji Sakamaki, having an indirect kiss with your brothers," She giggled again. I never thought about it that way.

"You do understand that I'm about to bite you, right?"
"So why are you trying to make me angry?"
"Because I have nothing to lose and I would regret not saying anything." I sigh in annoyance. Her wound seems to be a lot better now.

"Stand up and follow me." She hesitated.
"Hurry up, I don't have all night."
"Weren't you going to bite me?"
"Even if you wanted to feel my fangs, my brothers already drained you. It would be dangerous for you to lose any more of your blood." She still stood there refusing to move.

"Good grief, aren't you hungry? I saved some chicken pie with vegetables for you." 
"No, I'm *GROWWWWLLL* not... I am..."
"Then stop acting like a stubborn mule and follow me."

.......        .........       ...........     ..........      ........

When was the last time I saw someone eat so fast? Not even Ayato swallowed his octopus balls so rapidly.

"Oh gawd dish ish delishioush..." She moaned out with her mouth full. Honestly, no manners whatsoever.

"Would you like some tea?" I ask her, offering a cup of freshly brewed tea. I'm afraid that she might choke. Shizuka nods her head but suddenly stops chewing. She slowly raises her eyes to me and gulps. Then properly sits up, cleans her lips with a napkin and clears her throat.

"I mean, I would like some, thank you."

........     ..........       .........     ...........      ...........

HOW COULD I FORGET MY NANNERS IN FRONT OF HIM?! Now I must look like a pig. Damn that hunger. At least I have a cup of tea to cover it up. I drink that tea just like my mom had taught me. If it's appropriate for high class politicians - it will fit a high class vampire.

A lot of horrible things had happened to me since my mom told me about this whole thing so it was nice to relax for a bit with a hot cup of calming tea... Or at least it would have been if not for Reiji's presence in the kitchen.

His eyes followed every single movement I was making. He was observing me as if I was some sort of animal... Oh yeah... I was their food source. Every single movement I made was calculated and planned over and over and over again. I was afraid to spill my tea, I was afraid to burn my tongue or in a worse case scenario - drop the cup. This cup of tea brought me more stress than any tea I've ever tried. And my mom once forced me to have cannabis tea. Tea with actual drugs. Isn't it ridiculous and illegal?

"Is it good?" Reiji asked.
"Yes, thank you." I took another sip.
"Is it calming you down?" He asked again.
"Why are you asking?" I put the cup down.
"Did you drug it?" His father did say that one of his sons likes making 'special' teas.
"No, don't be ridiculous."
"You drugged it."
"There was no need to do it, now go to your room, take a bath and go to sleep - we have school tomorrow."
"Okay, mom. WAIT. NO. That just slipped out out of a habit." His eye was twitching.
"I-I'll be off now... Thank you for the meal, goodnight or morning or day... Bye." He stared at me blankly.
"Wait." He walked closer and handed me cranberry juice box.
"You don't want to get anemic." Yeah, and you don't want to lose your meal.
"I don't." I took the box and left.

When I was back in my bedroom, I took a long and relaxing bubble bath. This time I was wearing a swimming suit. And mom said that it was ridiculous to put it in at the last minute. She didn't even pack it saying that I won't need it. Now I'm glad I had it.

After a bath, I dragged my legs towards my bed. Fortunately, it was unoccupied. I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

I'm so warm and comfortable. This is like heaven. A far away voice is calling out for me. His voice seems familiar.
"Wake up." My eyes snap wide open. Not him. Please. Anyone, but him.


 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! It means the world to me (my mom got really sick of my happiness dance). 

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