Frisson (Diabolik lovers)

By emilytaylor223

22.6K 711 585

All her life Lauren has been fighting her inner demon - anxiety. But now, she has to face real life demons... More

I. The news
II. The first meeting
III. My first impression
IV. The plan
Punishment. Shuu
V. First bite
This is Halloween! part 1
VI. This is not a good morning
Punishment. Subaru
VII. Meeting new people (unfortunately)
The no-miracle Christmas
VIII. When everything became clear
IX. Nightmare by the lake
X. The game is on
Punishment. Laito
XI. One takoyaki closer to a disaster
XII. Running from the vampire - jumping on the bear
Punishment. Kanato
XIII. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.
XIV. PE with Yuma
Punishment. Ayato
XV. Star filled night
XVI. Surprise
XVII. Hell nah!
XVIII. You're it!
XIX. Don't save me
Punishment. Reiji
XX. Don't trust him
XXI. When I fall
XXII. My lonely days
XXIII. Their move.
XXIV. How do we survive..?
XXV. What doesn't kill you
XXVI. Together with you
XXVII. Foul play gone wrong
XXVIII. My happiest days with you
XXIX. Game over
XXX. The future we know

This is Halloween! part 2

365 12 2
By emilytaylor223

Music is just for the mood

It didn't take long to reach our school. As I left the limo, I've noticed the incredibly horrifying Halloween decorations. There was a fake cemetery, a spiderweb field... WITH REAL SPIDERS. Laito got stiff - I wonder why. Then there were dead body imitations hanging from the trees. They were so realistic one might think that they were real. I read an article about a man that hanged himself and people thought that he was just a Halloween decoration and ignored him for a few weeks.

"Shizuka-san, please start walking - we don't have all night."
"Okay, but look - aren't they realistic?
"Yes, realistic indeed."
"A bit too realistic? They are not real, are they? I mean, I read about this guy who..." He inhaled and exhaled angrily so I decided to shut up to not annoy him any further.

"I picked up no stench of decomposing human flesh, only the smell of latex and rubber - they are fake, so start walking." I mean, he is a vampire with an inhuman nose that tell no lies, but the owner of this nose is a vampire that loves lies like his morning tea - regular, hot and with a pinch of sugar. But I guess I'll have to trust him with this one in order to enjoy myself tonight.

........ ......... ............ .......... ..........

"Finally, the lessons are over." I sighed happily. Our last period was history about ancient Greece and Rome and unfortunately, Ayato the Great has been talking about himself the whole time. A couple of times he got angry because teacher refused to accept him as the most important Roman emperor. One time the poor walking ego himself got a bit confused as to why teacher called him 'Too old to think of such a retarded lie' when Ayato proudly stated that his father personally knew Socrates. And he got furious because teacher mistook his toga with a worn out tablecloth.

"I can't believe that retards like Kamato Tayama are allowed to teach. Who doesn't know me? I'M ME!"
"Sure, that's a shame, but now let's go - party is about to start."
"Yeah, you're right - this year I will definitely be The King of the Halloween night."
"You sure will."

We reached the gym where party was being held. It was unrecognizable - you could see spiderwebs with fortunately fake spiders hanging from the ceiling, carved pumpkins on every corner and similar stuff. The only source of light were candles.

As we walked in, we immediately met up with Reiji and Ruki. The two were arguing about something. But I got distracted by a weird, but unmistakable sound - a bit further away I saw a group of squealing fangirls - Kou's fan club and in the middle of that fainting mess was Kou himself... Well, not exactly Kou...

"Do you want me to break every single bone in your body or will you let me taste your lips?" Poor girl couldn't handle flirty Kaneki Ken - her friend had to drag her out of the even louder fangirls mess.

"Kou, you're so hot when you're serious."
"No, I just realized that I can't allow myself to be seen as weak and useless. I have to protect people that I care about... M Neko-chaaan~!" Suddenly, all seriousness vanished. He started running towards me. He's getting closer, but not slower. At this rate he's going to crash into me full force.
"Kou, wait!" But my plea was not heard. That was one of the most painful and crushing hugs I've ever received.

"M Neko-chan, you're an actual cat! You're so adorable. Turn around and show me your fluffy tail." I turned my head to Ruki for help.

"Let us teach our trial patience, Because it is a customary cross." Ruki said while prying Kou off of me.
"He sure is your problem and don't let him touch her - my patience has limits," Reiji warned.
"Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit. For I am sick when I do look on thee."
"The feeling is mutual, I promise." Reiji seemed to be able to understand what Ruki was saying. I and Kou glanced at each other. He was just as confused as I was.

"Kou, why is he talking like that?"
"*Sigh* He's been acting like that since this morning. He's William Shakespeare for today. None of us could really understand what he was saying."

"He's dedicated to his character, I see."

"I cry your worships' mercy, heartily.—I beseech your worship's name."

"Reiji, translate please."
"He's asking what are you dressed up as."

"Don't you understand Old English?"
"Shuu, not everyone had centuries of free time to study, you know."

"You're just too lazy."
"Like you're the one to talk, Neet."
"I agree with Yuma," I said while turning around to see his costume. Once I saw him, I let out a small yelp.
"Hehe, scared you?"

"What? Scared me? No, not at all, no. Maybe... Just a little bit. Anyways, what are you supposed to be, Yuma?"
"Do you know the scarecrow from the movie 'Jeepers Creepers'? That's me." Why am I not surprised that Yuma dresses up as something garden related? And how did they force Yuma to come to this party in the first place?


"I am not going."
"I would entreat you not to fear, not to tremble, my life for yours. If you think I come hither as a lion, it were pity of my life."
"I don't care what you are saying, I'm not going."
"Enough. Hold, or cut bowstrings."
"We both know that this conversation is pointless, right?"
"*SIGH* Yuma, you will get to see some huge pumpkins."
"It better be worth it."

§End of a hella short flashback§

"Where's Azusa?"
"Over there, in a middle of the crowd of girls." I saw him. His costume fit his character perfectly. He was dressed up as Edward Scissorhands.

Subaru was not there. Guess he's on the rooftop. Laito was trying to lure an innocent soul somewhere more private and Kanato was ruling over the desserts table. No one dared to approach him. Ayato was trying to convince other students to vote for the best emperor - him. Shu was trying to sleep in a close-by coffin and Reiji was doing his job - making sure I don't get into any kind of trouble.

"Shall we go to get some snacks? I'm kinda hungry," I asked Reiji.
When we reached the snacks table, I sensed a dangerous presence getting closer. It was worse than vampire - it was a hard-core fangirl.

"Will~~!!!" The red figure jumped up in the air and was literally flying towards Reiji, but he kept his cool and smacked this Grell away like a fly.
"Seriously, what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be working? You were assigned to collect votes, remember."
"I'm sorry, I guess I just got a bit too exited."

"Reiji, do you know her?"
"Unfortunately, yes. She's my classmate."
"Come on... At least one hug... One hug..." She was desperately reaching out for Reiji as William, but he was indifferent to her pleas. He used his pruner to push her away mercilessly. Reiji wouldn't be someone you'd want to meet at an anime-con that's a guarantee.

"Go." And she disappeared with a last 'Love is pain~'.
"Is she always like that?"
"She's lacking some sense of reality, but I've never seen her like this before." Poor girl just got a little bit too happy after seeing her likable anime character.

The party continued. After eating some cookies and drinking some blood-red punch, I got asked for a dance by Kou. Everything was fun and games until DJ started playing BTS Fire.

"Wanna see something cool, M Neko-chan?"
"Will I have to pay for this with my blood?"
"Not today."
"So I would have to eventually."
"Not for this. My manager forced me to learn this dance route for the TV show. Watch it."

The moment he started dancing, screaming girls ran our way. Suddenly, I felt trapped. I wanted to leave that crowd but I couldn't - girls were squishing each other a bit too much. They were screaming, calling Kou's name, trying to push each other away from their way to get a bit closer to their idol. How did I get into this mess and better question - how do I get out alive? Kou was too busy dancing. Pushing and girls screaming continued. I felt like a small bird sucked into a tornado. I frantically looked around for a smallest chance to leave that nightmare but there was none. I was trapped. Seconds turned into hours as I was trying not to lose my composure. Why won't they just move and let me go? Sounds and movements were getting overwhelming. If I stay there any longer I will suffocate.

"Finally found you." I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me backwards. Someone pulled me out of that mess.
"What were you doing there?" Reiji's angry eyes were glaring down at me.
"Shizuka-san, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"I want to leave."

"Let's go then." He took my hand and guided me towards the nearest exit. A few moments later we were outside. Cool autumn air was very soothing and the clear sky full of glowing stars created a very calming atmosphere.

"Feeling better?" I nodded.

 "We should go back - you wanted to see who won the crown of the Halloween Royalty."

"Yeah, we should. How do you think who's going to win?" I ask while walking towards the party area.
"I don't know, but if I had to choose someone for the last place it would be Ayato." Reiji's answer did not surprise me.
"Why?" I asked even though the answer was obvious.
"These curtains he used were pretty expensive."

"ATTENTION EVERYONE. The votes had been counted." Our history teacher announced. We came just in time.

"As you all know, tonight we had our traditional Halloween Royalty election. Only the judges - a team of teachers - know the winners of this year.
Unlike any other school, we have categories. Each category is judged based on the general and specific rules that are made for a certain category. General rules include costume's appearance and performance, which is acting like the thing you are dressed up as and staying in character all night long.

And the first category is the most realistic costume with least effort needed."

*Opens the envelope* *Takes out the piece of paper* *Quietly reads the name for himself* *Widens his eyes in shock*

"I-it can't be... Shuu Sakamaki for the most realistic vampire costume... Is he even here? Please come over here to collect your prize."

"Reiji, I told you that he was a genius."
"Another word from you and I swear you will wake up as a boy tomorrow." This shut me up immediately.

"...Shuu Sakamaki, for the last time - please come over to collect your... oh who am I kidding," Our teacher muttered under his nose.

"Next category is for best act and staying in your character. And the winner is... *Reads the name for himself*
No. I refuse to accept this! I will NOT say his name."
"Mister Kamato Tayama, please read the name." Our school principal demanded.
"But Miss..."
*frustrated SIGH*

"And the winner of the best performance is... Sakamaki Ayato... Who wrote this? I demand for an explanation."

"I told you that I'm the best emperor in the history." Ayato proudly took the crown and placed it on his head.
"I don't think that's fair, I mean, Ayato wasn't even acting - he's always like that for goodness sake. I can accept Shuu's costume - it's really clever and his fangs are so realistic one might think that they are real but not this curtain freak."

"Mister Kamato!"
"You will NOT shut me up. I demand justice! Ruki Mukami deserves this crown, not this freak."
"... and for the costume I want to thank my dear brother Kanato. Thank you, my peasants for voting, goodbye." Ayato proudly finished his speech that no one asked for.

"I will fire you if you don't accept this."
"This is dictatorship. Okay, I will continue on reading this nonsense. What's next? Oh, my favorite - best couple costume. Please welcome the Royal pair - Reiji Sakamaki..."
"What?" My eyes shot wide open.
"What." Reiji stood there with his mouth wide open.
"...and Angelina Dalles." What is that? Music stopped playing, sounds of screen shattering echoed through the room. (A/n - If you know that scene from Kuroshitsuji Book of Circus - you know what I'm talking about.)

"Ohh my GOD! WILL! Ohh, this is the best day of my life! To be paired with William..."

"I'm not going."
"Come on, Reiji, accept the crown with pride. You don't want to be like Shuu now do you?"
"You will regret this."
"Yeah right now go."

Grell was already waiting for their love like a puppy for their master. Cruel, cold and abusive master.
Poor girl tried her luck again - she jumped towards Reiji just to taste the pruner again.

"Seriously, who thought that this was a good idea? Who voted for me?" Asked Reiji. A few blushing girls raised their hands.
"I will punish you all." More hands shot up into the air. I facepalmed at their stupidity.
"Back off you all - Will is mine!"
"Honestly, Grell Sutcliff, I am no one's. Now, if you don't want to be dissected - go back to work - desserts table needs more cakes."
"Anything for my dear William."

"And that's why they are the winners. Now the last category - The most terrifying costume and the award for it goes to *Snigger* oh this girl... Amanda Smiths for her student loans costume. Oh *wipes a fake tear* I'm still paying mine and I'm forty. With this our night is over. Go home. Now."

"Mister Kamato!" Principal scolded.

"What! As if you are not tired, Miss Tayama. Don't you want to go home and celebrate with your husband who purchased that expensive latex set you found online."

"Shut up! Not in front of the kids! The mic is still on you moron!" Poor school principal was as red as a beet.
"Nfu~ Don't be embarrassed, Miss Tayama, we're all adults here." Guys cheered after hearing Laito's words.
"Oh shut up you bunch of virgins *Stares at Laito for a second* a bunch minus one." This Halloween went from zero to sixty-nine real fast. (A/n ... Just... Just bear with it and... I'm sorry.)

"I think it's a perfect time for us to go home." Reiji muttered, his forehead red from his brothers stupidity and facepalms.
"I agree with this one." Today was a long day and I actually can't wait to soak in a warm bubble bath.

Reiji somehow managed to collect all of his brothers into one place - the limo. Our trip home was pretty quiet. Ayato was proudly talking about his new crown, Shuu was listening to music or something that he calls music, Laito was fixing his costume, Kanato was eating the last piece of cake and Reiji was complaining about the crumbs, Subaru was being Subaru and I was already planning my next Halloween costume. Today was a good day.



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