Eternity of Love (One Piece x...

By Solatium

1.8M 78.1K 34.6K

"Saṃsāra,The Wheel of Eternity"--An epithet to an old legend in Paradise. Of course, you were one of those wh... More

Prologue: Master Gunner, (y/n) enters
Chapter 1: Nakama
Chapter 2: Alabasta
Chapter 3: Nanohana
Chapter 4: Ashore the Desert
Chapter 5: Adventures in the Desert
Chapter 6: Among the Dunes
Chapter 7: Yuba's promise
Chapter 8: Vivi's resolve and Search for Crocodile
Chapter 9: Bananagator, not anymore
Chapter 10: Saving a Country
Chapter 11: Leaving and New Member
Chapter 12: Reminiscence and too many Goats!
Chapter 13: Three Days
Chapter 14: Ships falling everywhere, welcome to the Grand Line!
Chapter 15: The Mock Town
Chatper 16: Montblanc
Chapter 17: Stupid Captain
Chapter 18: Bellamy vs Luffy
Omake : One Piece Movie - Dead End Adventure
Chapter 19: Knock-Up Stream
Chapter 20: Waterfall
Chapter 21: Sky Island
Chapter 22: 8th degree crime, 7th degree crime, 6th degree crime....
Chapter 23: Heaven's Judgment
Chapter 24: Going to Upper Yard
Chapter 25: Ordeal of Holy Balls
Chapter 26: Satori vs (y/n)
Chapter 27: Nakamas Back Together
Chapter 28: Going Merry Going Down
Chapter 29: Robin and (y/n)
Chapter 30: God Enel
Chapter 31: Battle between "Gods"
Chapter 32: Gain
Chapter 33: God's Natural Enemy
Chapter 34: Fight in the Sky
Chapter 35: Ring the Bell
Chapter 36: Falling From the Sky
Chapter 37: Long Ring Long Land
Chapter 38: Davy Back Fight
Chapter 39: Davy Back Games 1/2
Chapter 40: Davy Back Games 2/2
Chapter 41: Last Round and Revelation
Chapter 42: No Name
Chapter 43: Water 7
Chapter 44: Money Before
Chapter 45: Iceburg-san
Chapter 46: Asses to Kick
Chapter 47 : Abandon
Chapter 48: Franky
Chapter 49: Galley-La's Wrath
Chapter 50: Uneasy Feeling
Chapter 51: Trip to Enies Lobby
Chapter 52: Sea Train and Cook
Chapter 53: Fils
Chapter 54: Shall we?
Chapter 55: SMASH IN
Chapter 56 : Live
Chapter 57: Lucci
Chapter 58: Buster Call
Chapter 59: Let's Go Back Together
Chapter 60: Someone Else
Chapter 61: Relaxing Day
Chapter 62: Adding a Shipwright
Chapter 63: Depart From Water 7
Chapter 64: Skeleton
Chapter 65: Thriller Bark
Chapter 66: Haunting Night
Chapter 67: Master of Thriller Bark
Chapter 68: Stolen
Chapter 69: Cut it Out
Chapter 70: Oz
Chapter 71: Counterattack
Chapter 72 : Fight
Chapter 73: Start of a Battle
Chapter 74: Oz vs Straw Hats
Chapter 75: Real Monster
Chapter 76: Nightmare Luffy
Chapter 77: Luffy vs Moria
Chapter 78: A Musician for the Crew
Chapter 79: Spa Island
Special: Straw Hats Miscellaneous
Chapter 80: Two Peas in a Pod
Chapter 81: Sabaody Archipelago
Chapter 82: The Auction House
Chapter 83: Past
Chapter 84: Separation
Chapter 85: Amazon Lily
Chapter 86: Mark
Chapter 87: Arena
Chapter 88: The Snake Sisters
Chapter 90: Impel Down
Chapter 91: Level 1 and Level 2
Chapter 92: Magellan
Chapter 93: Prison BREAK
Chapter 94: Blackbeard
Chapter 95: Exiting Impel Down
Chapter 96: Marineford
Chapter 97: Road to Ace
Chapter 98: Brothers
Chapter 99: What is Left
Chapter 100: See you in 2 years
╟ Chapter 101: Regroup! Straw Hat Pirates ╢
╟ Chapter 102: Under the Sea ╢
╟ Chapter 103: Demon of the Sea ╢
╟ Chapter 104: Through the Darkness ╢
╟ Chapter 105: Fountain of Perverseness ╢
╟ Chapter 106: Fishman Island ╢
╟ Chapter 107: Mermaid Princess ╢
╟ Chapter 108: New Fishman Pirates ╢
╟ Chapter 109: Sea Forest ╢
╟ Chapter 110: Straw Hats vs New Fishman Pirates ╢
╟ Chapter 111: Ship of Promise ╢
╟ Chapter 112: The Noah Won't Fall ╢
╟ Chapter 113: A Feast ╢
╟ Chapter 114: Leaving Fishman Island ╢
╟ Chapter 115: New World ╢
╟ Omake: One Piece Movie - Z ╢
Omake: One Piece Movie - Strong World
╟ Chapter 116: Punk Hazard ╢
╟ Chapter 117: Warm Coats ╢
╟ Chapter 118: Heart Stealer ╢
╟ Chapter 119: Unexpected Alliance ╢
╟ Chapter 120: Blob Monster ╢
╟ Chapter 121: Joker ╢
╟ Chapter 122: Teaming ╢
╟ Chapter 123: Candy! ╢
╟ Chapter 124: Mocha ╢
╟ Chapter 125: Fan Man and Weapon Girl ╢
╟ Chapter 126: Odd Marines ╢
╟ Chapter 127: Next Move ╢
╟ Chapter 128: Interlude with a Weird Pet Owner ╢
╟ Chapter 129: Dressrosa ╢
╟ Chapter 130: A Prize ╢
╟ Chapter 131: Corrida Colosseum ╢
╟ Chapter 132: Rebecca ╢
╟ Chapter 133: Block E ╢
╟ Chapter 134: A Trap ╢
╟ Chapter 135: The Heavenly Demon - Doflamingo ╢
╟ Chapter 136: Plan in Action ╢
╟ Chapter 137: Alive ╢
╟ Chapter 138: The Real Dressrosa ╢
╟ Chapter 139: The Game is On ╢
╟ Chapter 140: Funny Voice ╢
╟ Chapter 141: Large Egos ╢
╟ Chapter 142: First Level of the Plateau ╢
╟ Chapter 143: The Trump Card ╢
╟ Chapter 144: A Feeling ╢
╟ Chapter 145: The Clash ╢
╟ Chapter 146: The Final Countdown ╢
╟ Chapter 147: Letter ╢
╟ Chapter 148: Anita ╢
╟ Chapter 149: Hell Realm ╢
╟ Chapter 150: Promise ╢
╟ Chapter 151: Zou ╢
╟ Chapter 152: Climbing the Elephant ╢
╟ Chapter 153: Mink Tribe ╢
╟ Chapter 154: Minkship ╢
╟ Chapter 155: Inuarashi ╢
╟ Chapter 156: Nekomamushi ╢
╟ Chapter 157: Minks and Samurais ╢
╟ Chapter 158: Voices ╢
╟ Chapter 159: Healing ╢
╟ Omake: One Piece Movie - Gold ╢
╟ Chapter 160: Dear Food ╢
╟ Chapter 161: Rookies ╢
╟ Chapter 162: 0 and 4 ╢
╟ Chapter 163: The Bride ╢
╟ Chapter 164: Strange Forest ╢
╟ Chapter 165: Angelic and Biscuit ╢
╟ Chapter 166: Sanji Vinsmoke ╢
╟ Chapter 167: The Heart Lock ╢
╟ Chapter 168: Eyes ╢
╟ Chapter 169: Merienda ╢
╟ Chapter 170: Through the Looking-Glass ╢
╟ Chapter 171: Retrieve ╢
╟ Chapter 172: Secret Meeting ╢
╟ Chapter 173: Red Wedding ╢
╟ Chapter 174: Change of Plans ╢
╟ Chapter 175: The Drop ╢
╟ Chapter 176: Key ╢
╟ Chapter 177: Fallen Angel ╢
╟ Chapter 178: Delicious Cake ╢
╟ Chapter 179: A Reverie ╢
╟ Chapter 180: Road to Wano ╢
╟ Chapter 181: Wrestling ╢
╟ Chapter 182: A Girl Named O-Tama ╢
╟ Chapter 183: Ghosts of the Past ╢
╟ Chapter 184: A Dragon In the Clouds ╢
╟ Chapter 185: The Flower Capital ╢
╟ Chapter 186: A Banquet For Your Fill ╢
╟ Chapter 187: Familiar Flame ╢
╟ Chapter 188: Sacrifice of a Thief ╢
╟ Chapter 189: Preparation for a Raid ╢
╟ Omake: One Piece Movie - Stampede ╢
╟ Chapter 190: Onigashima ╢
A/N: Eternity of Love - Last Saga

╟ Omake: Halloween Night 1 - Horror Stories ╢

7.4K 309 173
By Solatium

A/N: Everyone wears the clothes in the picture, and your costume is :

To say that everyone was excited for Halloween would be an understatement.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" you shrieked when you opened the door and saw a huge tarantula tangling in front of your nose.

Your limbs flailed in every direction to get rid of this hairy arachnid, and when your hand slapped it away, you noted how hard it felt. Nami's scream was heard when she received the dummy in the face. From outside, sneers resonated from three familiar voices. Eyebrow twitching, you threw the door open and glared darkly at the trio of Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper that winced and gazed at you in fear. Busy to snarl at them, you never noticed the bucket filled with fake worms falling in your direction because you opened the door.

Your cry came off muffled by the worms while the trio took this time to run away for their dear lives, laughing loudly all the while. Robin was putting the last decorations when they passed through the door of the dining room, with you chasing them in toes.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!!" you snarled, eyes red in fury.

"THE DEMON QUEEN IS HERE! THE DEMON QUEEN IS HERE!!" yelled the idiotic trio, tears cascading their cheeks in fright.

"Now, now (y/n). We don't need to add their corpses to the ship. They were simply playing pranks" chastised the archaeologist.

"I don't care! They die today once and for all!"

Once the table was settled, Franky turned off the lights and the only thing illuminating the room was from the fire of the candles. Your crew took their respective seats as you sat at the other end of the table with Luffy across from you. Chopper arrived with a pumpkin that was twice his size, and Zoro had to help him put it on the table before he could hurt himself.

"Okay, you remember how it goes?" asked Usopp. "After we wrote our suggestions for tonight's activities, we place them inside the pumpkin and the youngest is the first to draw. After it's random"

"Aye" you all responded in unison.

"I'm the youngest!" said the reindeer, jumping on the table. He pulled out from the pumpkin the paper he grabbed, reading it out loud: "Horror Stories"

"Yeah!" cheered Luffy while both Usopp and Nami blanched.

"Oh no....."

"Who's first? I don't mind if I begin" smiled Robin.

"Are you kidding me?! You're going to kill us in fright!" cried the sniper. "Zoro, you go first!"

"Why me?"

"Because your stories usually suck" you responded cheekily.

"Oh fuck you. Alright, I'm going" sighed the swordsman, crossing his arms over his chest.

It's the story of a young father that lived with his wife. Together, they had a child. To ensure his security, they placed a baby monitor inside his room. One evening, the husband has to work pretty late in his office, so he put the baby monitor next to his desk. Suddenly, he hears his wife singing to his child and cracks a smile. "Go to sleep....Go to sleep...." she would say. Once the father was done with his work, he exited the office at the same time his wife opens up the front door while holding the groceries.

".....................EHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" yelled Luffy and Usopp.

"So it wasn't the mother with the baby? Super scary!" exclaimed Franky.

"It's interesting. I do wonder who was inside the child's room, though" said Robin.

"Urg...I'm going to have nightmares tonight" shuddered Nami.

"Pff. It wasn't that scary, stupid Marimo" scoffed Sanji, and Zoro narrowed his eyes at the chef.

"Why don't you tell your story then, huh?"

"Here I go" responded the blonde male.

It's about a mom and her son.

"Boring" cut in the swordsman, and Sanji whipped his head at him with a snarl.

"Shut up, you Moss Head!"

The son hears her mother calling him into the kitchen. The child leaves his bedroom and headed down the stairs. Until he heard a whisper from the closet saying 'Don't go down there honey, I heard it too' from his mother.

"What's with you all and the mothers?" you yawned.

"That sounds terrifying!" whimpered Chopper, hugging Robin by her waist. "What was the thing in the kitchen then?!"

"Probably the monster in your closet"


"(y/n), stop scaring him!" snapped the navigator. "Who goes after the mothers murderers?"

"Captain Usopp will deliver a story so scary, your pants will become soiled!" stated the sniper, exaggerating ghost noises as he did so.

A little boy always made games about him racing at the top of a staircase that connected the kitchen to the basement. One day, as he was about to play another round, a voice whispered to him: "I bet you a penny you can't make it to the top of the stairs". The child found it strange that he couldn't see who was speaking to him, or where it came from. One thing for sure, it was somewhere under the staircase. The boy and the voice continued to make harmless bets, until the voice decided to say: "I bet your life you can't make it up the stairs".

"........That's all?" Franky raised a brow after a moment of silence.

"Erm....I don't remember the rest...." sulked Usopp, a dark cloud hovering him while the others let out sounds of displeasure.

"Now, now. Forgive our little boy" you cooed, bringing the sniper in an embrace that made him flinch in surprise. "He lost his concentration when his eyes fell on me, that pervert"

"No I didn't!"

"Usopp" growled the guys in unison, showing their teeth at the poor sniper who didn't understand the sudden wave of hostility sent in his way.

"Boys, sit down" sighed the ginger beauty, punching the back of their heads. "Franky, it's your turn"

"Here's a super scary story!" the cyborg did his pose.

A woman was sleeping in her bedroom. She heard several knocks, the sound coming from a glass. At that moment, she couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Because she had no windows and only had a mirror in her chamber.

"FRANKY! Why would you do that to us!?" cried out Nami, petrified. "We have a mirror in the girls' room!"

"And we have no window" added Robin, causing the navigator to tremble in fear.

"Robin, don't make the situation worst!"

"The thing in the mirror might be interested in the girl who always gazes at her reflection" you smirked evilly, and Nami shot you a pointed look.

"Unless it likes bitches better" retorted Zoro with a smirk, avoiding the piece of candy you threw at him. "I didn't say a name"

"I know, but I felt like to" you growled. "Next! Brook!"

"Alright, (y/n)-san" bowed the skeleton with a hand over his chest. "I will do my best to tell a story that will make your bones shake in fear. Yohohoho!"

I dreamed of a woman with long hair and rotten nails hovering me in my bed. The clock showed 12:07 AM when she sliced my throat, and I woke up immediately from this nightmare. However, as I gazed at the clock with the numbers 12:06 AM printed on it, the door of my closet opened.

"B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B..." stammered Usopp, his eyes turning white while his mouth hung open.

"S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-SCARY!" screamed the reindeer, throwing himself in your arms.

"At least your story was decent" you muttered, sweatdropping as Chopper took refuge under your skirt. "But still weird"

"Oh, Oh! My turn, my turn!" exclaimed Luffy, lifting his hand like an excited child, and cleared his throat.

Calm reigned over the city, every soul sleeping soundly in their cozy bed. Until, brace yourselves, an earthquake shook the buildings and the ground cracked under their weights! Shots of fire destroying houses and anything that stood in their path! That's when, behind a hill, a shadow hovered the whole city. In all his mightiness and juiciness....Standing above 30ft tall!.....It roared in the sky, shattering the windows of the houses! And his name...was MEATZILLA-!

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, LUFFY!" barked Nami, punching his face.

"OW! WHAT DID YOU HIT ME?!" retorted the young boy, glaring bitterly at the woman who huffed.

"Why do you relate everything to meat?!"

The others couldn't help but laugh at how silly the story sounded, and Chopper took this time to come out of his hiding spot. When the laughter died down and Luffy was left alone with rubbing the injuries he earned from the ginger woman, it was the turn of one of the girls. Since Chopper didn't want to participate, Nami decided to have a go.

"Belle-mère used to tell me and Nojiko this bloodcurdling story that kept us from sleeping at night...."

A girl had a collection of dolls, and loved to play with them. She and her mother entered a shop that sold many of them, and that's at that moment that the girl noticed a new doll. Only one of its kind, holding up three fingers. It didn't have a smile painted on its red lips, but the girl wanted this doll badly. Incredulously, the mother accepted to buy her daughter this doll, and when she purchased it, the owner of the shop warned them to not let the girl alone with it.

To which they completely ignored. Night came and the mother bid her daughter goodnight with a kiss on her forehead, leaving the doll next to her bed. The next morning, the woman found it weird that her daughter wasn't up as she normally would, and took a look inside her daughter's room. The mother screamed at the sight of the girl dead on the floor, covered in her pool of blood. Standing next to her stood the doll, holding four fingers up.

"Creepy..." shuddered Franky, and Zoro simply shrugged.

"I heard worst" told the swordsman.

"Yeah. The story of your birth" you rolled your eyes.

"You really want me to punch you, huh?"

"Okay, Robin's turn!"

"Is it already?" smiled the older woman. "Here I go"

My daughter won't stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit her grave and ask her to stop.

"COME ON" you snarled, and she giggled.

"It's enough to scare us shitless" whimpered Usopp and Luffy in unison.

"You know what, I think my story will make everyone sleepless tonight" you stated with a smirk, crossing your legs and straightening your back.

It was late at night, and I needed to find a shelter for the next few days. I decided to go in a small hotel, where an old man greeted me behind a desk covered in webs. I asked a room for three nights, and the owner gladly gave it to me. However, there was a condition for this room. In any case, I can't go out of my room and I can't look through the keyhole at night.

I accepted the terms, but couldn't shake this weird feeling of pure curiosity. I entered my room, and immediately went to bed. Only, I couldn't sleep. Lot and lot of noises were coming from outside, and I had to take a look. I looked through the keyhole and saw a woman with jet black hair and pale skin. Her back was turned to me, standing right at the end of the hallway.

The noise stopped and I brushed it as some rare sight, and returned to sleep. The second night, I took another look through the keyhole. This time, the woman was facing my way, and I took notice of her red eyes. This shook me off, and ran to hide under the covers of my bed. When morning came, the old man met me and asked if I looked through the keyhole. As if he knew the answer already, he warned me to never do it again. This woman was strangled to death by her husband at this very place, and it was said that a person witnessed the whole deal through a keyhole, but never said a thing.

The third night came, and I felt relieved that I would quit this place when morning will come. Until, a loud knock echoed from my door, and pants filled the room. Sweat running down my forehead, I approached it and hesitated. I looked through the keyhole......and all I saw was red.

When you finished the story, everyone looked taken aback. Even Robin, who wasn't sure about how to take the information. Luffy, Chopp and Usopp had retreated in a corner of the kitchen, holding each other for dear life. Nami was paler than usual. Sanji and Zoro had their mouth agape, while Franky and Brook stood there, beyond frightened.

"....Why this big reaction? I know this story is scary, but I didn't know..." you trailed, until you remarked how your comrades where staring at something behind you.

Your head did a slow turn, and your expression turned mortified at the sight of a lanky woman with long black hair and pale skin. Whiter than snow. Red eyes were glaring at you through her bangs, heavy breathes escaping her mouth.


Everyone's screams resonated through this first night of Halloween.

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