Boarding School Love.

By _jennyboo_

75.3K 1K 275

It's a classic case of girl meets player. Player meets girl. But will Harry be a player for long ? Will he fa... More

Boarding School Love.


3.6K 44 8
By _jennyboo_

My art teacher just went over what we will be doing in class, and stuff like that. I was happy I had gym next. I loved gym more then art. When the bell rang I gathered my stuff and walked to the gym. I was extremely surprised to see Harry in that class also. I'm beginning to think he's stalking me. "Okay class ! Go change and give me 5 laps around the track !" Coach yelled. I rushed into the girls locker room. I pulled Nate's sweatshirt over my head and placed it in the locker I was assigned. I changed out of my lace tank top and skinny jeans, into a Guns N' Roses Graphic Crop Top with Fringe and black and white Hollister yoga shorts. I tied my white sneakers and pulled my hair up into a bun.

"You're Nate's girl ?" A red head asked.

"I'm nobody's girl." I roll my eyes and walk out of the locker room. I began running the track. Getting lost in the world of running. I think when I run. Next thing I know is a curly haired boy is trying to outrun. "Are you trying to outrun me Styles ?" I ask running faster to keep up with his pace.

"I'm not trying. I am." He huffs as he attempts to run faster.

"Sure. You know, I'm beginning to think your stalking me." I say running faster. He huffs and attempts to outrun me but I'm to fast. "Don't try to out sport a athlete !" I shout over my shoulder.

"Caven !" Coach calls. I stop running and turn my attention to him. He motions for me to come closer. I walk over to him and catch my breath. "Trying out for track ?"

"No sir. I was actually thinking about cheer." I admit. He frowns but nods.

"I would love to have those legs on the team." He smirks. My eyes widen when I realize that was his attempt to come on to me. I shake my head and attempt to walk away. "I'll make you a deal. I'll pass you if you do me a favor. If not. Well you'll fail gym." Gym is no longer my favorite subject.

"Excuse me ? Who the fuck do you think you are ? Do you realize I'm a fucking minor ? You could go to jail for having sex with a minor. I'm also a student. What your doing now, will get you fired. So please do fail me. I spill everything you just said to me." I hiss.

"Who do you think they will believe ? The slutty student or the reliable teacher ?" He fires back. The look in his eyes reminded me of the man's from the ally. My breathing picks up and I run into the building.

"Fuck !" I yell as panic begins to sink in. Harry walks through the door as I sink to the floor. He rushes to my side. "He hit on me, said if I didn't have sex with him he'll fail me, called me slutty, then had the same look he had. I came here to get away from this shit." I cry into Harry's chest. Harry's grip on me tightened.

"I won't let anything happen to you." Harry said. I nodded against his chest and he rested his chin on the top of my head. "I promise. How about you go get changed and we'll ditch the rest of this class." I nod and he let's go of me. I hurry into the locker room and change back into my regular clothes. I grab my bag and leave the room. Harry has a scowl on his face when he sees what I'm wearing.

"What ?"

"I hate Nate." He grumbles. I laugh lightly. "I'm being serious. Who does he think he is ?" He asks as we exit the gym. "Has he ever been there for you while you were crying like I was ? Did he let you stay in his dorm when you were locked out ? Did he go against everything he believes in to cuddle with you ?" I'm sure he had more to say but I cut him off.

"No. But he saved me from getting beat up by a guy." I shrug. "He isn't going to see me cry. I won't be locked out of my dorm again. You know you loved to cuddle with me." Harry shakes his head and smiles.

"I can't believe he kissed you." He frowns.

"To be honest, neither can I." I admit. "I definitely wasn't expecting it. Now he's going to kiss me more often and he's going to think I like him, when I don't. Oh god. I'm playing with his feelings. I'm a terrible person."

"No you aren't. I'm a terrible person." Harry laughs. I nod agreeing with him. "Gee thanks." I grin and shrug. "Lunch is in a hour. Do you just want to walk around until then ?"

"Let's go to my dorm and watch a movie." I suggest. Harry nods and we walk side to side to my dorm room. When we are in my room, I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed. Harry sat next to me and complained when I picked out a chick flick. He was trying to hide a smile though. I could see it tugging at his lips. Harry pulled me into him and I smiled. "Told you, you love to cuddle me."

"Sh. I'm trying to watch a movie." He grins down at me. I roll my eyes and attempt to focus on the movie, but Harry kept messing with me.

"Pull my hair one more time, I will never talk to you again." I warn him. He chuckled and poked my side. I shrieked and jumped up on to my knees and crawled to the other end of the bed. I'm extremely ticklish. Harry had a amused smile planted on his face.

"Something wrong ?" He asked grinning. I glared at him and grabbed my feet. He pulled me until I was sitting on his lap. "Are you ticklish Miss. Caven ?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and his eyes flickered down to my lips.

"I am extremely ticklish." I admit. He chuckles and brushes hair out of my face.

"I really want to kiss you, but not when your wearing that bloody sweatshirt." Harry admits. I roll my eyes and pull it over my head. Leaving me in a lace tank top. As soon as I dropped it on the floor, Harry's lips crashed into mine. Our lips moved in sync. Fireworks exploded in me. Harry's tongue ran across my bottom lip, begging for entry. I couldn't deny the green eyed boy. Our tongues fought for dominance. He won, of course.

"Wow." I laugh when I pull away for air. He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. "Are you ready to admit you have feelings for me now ?"

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Okay. Game on Styles." I smirk. "Now get out. It's almost lunch time and I'm going to change." Harry rolls his eyes and laughs. "You think I'm kidding. I don't plan on caving in first. So I'm stepping up my game."

"Okay." He laughs. "Let me walk you to the cafeteria." I shrug and head to my closet. I pulled out a Beige V Neck Sleeveless Buttons Dripped Hem Blouse, Punk Black Legging Tights, and Black Heels with Studs on the heels. I changed quickly ignoring Harry's lingering eyes. I plugged in my straightener and grabbed my makeup bag. I pulled out my mascara and applied 2 coats to my top lashes and 2 to my bottom. I darkened my eyeliner and applied strawberry lip gloss. "Why do you wear that shit ?"

"I like makeup. It makes me less insecure and I feel safe. I guess I just hide behind it." I laugh lightly. Harry frowns and sighs. I run over my hair with the straightener redoing it. When I finished, I grabbed my school bag and my dorm key.

"Ready ?" Harry asked. I look in the full mirror one last time and nod. "Are you going to uh return Nate's sweatshirt ?"

"Oh yeah. Thanks. I would've forgot." I smile. I pick up his sweatshirt and follow Harry outside. We walked quietly to the cafeteria. "Not to be a bitch, but we can't go in there together." Harry frowns.

"What ? Why ?"

"We just can't." I don't even fully understand my reasoning. He was about to say something but I walked away. When I reached the table Sadie and Sidney were sitting at, I smiled and sat down also. "Hey."

"I see you changed. I also see all the guys see." Sadie smirked. I rolled my eyes and Sidney started laughing. "You look great. To great. Are you like a robot or something ?"

"How cool would that be ?" I ask with excitement in my eyes. Sidney and Sadie start laughing really hard and I swear Sidney was crying from laughing to hard. "I'm being serious ! I would be super smart and excel in like everything !"

"Except sports ! I don't think robots can do sports ! So you can't be a robot unless you give up sports !" Sidney said laughing. She started laughing even harder at my facial expression.

"I don't want to be a robot anymore." I giggle. When Sadie and Sidney calmed down from their laughing attack, I looked around for Nate. "Where's Nate ?"

"I think he's with the football team." Sidney pointed towards some table to my right. I looked over there and noticed he was with the football team, but he also had some girl clinging to him. "That dick." I laughed.

"Whatever." I shake my head laughing. "I didn't even like him. He liked me. I like someone else. I'm just waiting for him to crack." Sadie and Sidney started laughing again.

"Not only is Nate now looking over here, so is Harry." Sadie pointed out laughing. I rolled my eyes. "William is coming over. He's rich. His dad is some important businessman and his mum is a fashion designer. Total hottie."

"Harry and Nate are also making their way over. I'm praying for you." Sidney adds. I mentally groan when they all get here at the same time. "Boys." William smiles, Nate stares at me, and Harry nods.

"What can I do for you boys ?" I ask. They all open their mouths to speak at the same time, but I stop them first. "William. You go first."

"I was just going to ask if your going to the senior party. I could drive you there in my Porsche." William smiles like he just won. Nate stares at William like he was an idiot. Which he probably is. Harry scoffs.

"Thanks, but I can drive myself. Sidney remind me later to ask you about this party. But William, my friend Sadie needs a ride. Do you think you can do that ? Can I trust you with one of my best friends ?" I ask. Sadie chokes on her water. William smiles and nods. "Thanks." He walks away and I turn towards Sadie.

"I hate you." She playfully glares.

"Sure." I said. "Okay. Nate. Go."

"Dinner tonight ?" Nate asks. I start laughing so hard.

"No fucking way." I laugh. "Why don't you go ask that blonde ? She seemed awfully interested in you. Its funny how not even 10 minutes ago, I would've agreed."

"Shit." Nate curses. Harry is smirking proudly. "I swear, I-"

"Save it. I'll see you around." I said brushing him off. He frowns but excuses himself. "What do you want Harry ?"

"I just came over here because they came over here." He admits shyly. Sadie and Sidney mutter something to each other behind me. "Um. I could drive you though. To the party."

"Actually," Sidney butts in. "Liam is going to drive me and she is going to ride with me so I don't do anything stupid in front of Sadie's hot brother."

"Oh my god ! I knew you liked Liam !" Sadie squeals. Sidney glares at her and I look over at Liam.

"I can see why you like him." I said. "He's attractive and he can play soccer. He's really nice to. Probably because Sadie will kick his ass if he steps out of line."

"Damn straight." Sadie laughs.

"I could get lost in his eyes." Sidney sighs dreamily.

"Why ? Their brown. So plain and boring. No offense Sadie." I laugh lightly.

"None taken. We all know you like your men with a little color." Sadie smirks looking at Harry. A blush creeps up my neck. "You are not blushing ?!"

"Fuck off." I hiss. Sadie and Sidney burst into laughter again. Harry takes a seat next to me and slings his arm around my shoulder. "I was not blushing. I don't blush."

"Yeah sure." Harry laughs poking my cheek. I glare at him and he chuckles. "Don't be mad. I was agreeing with you."

"Sarcastically." I add. Harry smiles cheekily.

"Damn. They haven't even admitted their feelings for each other, but you can still tell there is something there." Sidney laughs. I scowl at her. "Don't give me that look Missy. I'm smart and read between the lines."

"Hey Sidney." Liam smiles as the boys join us. She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. To top it off, she looks like she's going to pass out. "Sadie."

"Can it Liam." Sadie rolls her eyes. "Every guy is like glaring at Harry." I laugh and Harry nudges me. I look over at him with raised eyebrows.

"Did you just nudge me for laughing ?" I ask him. He nods. "Don't let it happen again. Or else."

"Are you threatening me ?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"If the shoe fits. Maybe I can kick your ass at soccer again."

"Football." He corrects me.





"That's enough." Sadie groans. "You guys should just date and save all of us the trouble."

"I don't even like her." Harry rolls her eyes. "She's obnoxious."

"And I don't like him. He's an ass." I state.

"Bullocks." Louis says. "You guys are perfect for each other. Both obnoxious arses'."

"Watch it Louis." Harry growled.

"I can't tell if your defending yourself or Jenny." Zayn points out. I burry my face in my hands. This is not how I expected lunch to go. Constant teasing. I didn't know things were so obvious to them.

"Obviously himself. Yeah he likes Jenny, but he isn't ready to admit it yet. So he is closing himself and being his usual self-centered self." Niall states.

"Wrong ! He is defending Jenny ! I would know. He searched her on the internet. Its dreadful to share a dorm with him sometimes." Liam laughs. I look over at Sidney and she is laughing along with him.

"You did not." Sadie gasps. "You internet stalked my best friend ?!"

"I uh." Harry seems to be lost for words.

"For once he's speechless." I point out. Harry nudges me again and everyone laughs at the look I give him. "Harold. I warned you about nudging me."

"What are you going to do about it, Jennifer ?" He challenges. I was about to answer him but my phone started ringing. I frown but smile when I see its Tristan.

"Hi bubby." I answer getting up. Harry's eyes followed me. While everyone conversed on what Harry did that involves me. I'm lucky that what happens in our dorm, stays in our dorm.

"Hello my lovely sister." I could hear the smile on his face. I sigh in content of the familiarity of his voice. "Everyone misses you. And all the sport teams suck without you."

"I miss everyone. And you have to say that. You're my brother. How is the cheer squad ? Is Jenna able to do the routines ? If she needs to call me she can." Jenna took my place as captain. She was my best friend.

"She is having trouble remembering the routine you showed them before you left." He admits.

"Okay. Grab some paper and a pen. I'll tell you the steps." I tell him. I will not let my squad fail at world series.

"Okay. Go."

"How she should start is like this; She needs to have two groups do a prep. The rest of the girls should be behind them sitting crisscross applesauce with their pompoms in hand. Carrie and Ashley should be the ones being held up in the prep. They do it the best. When the music starts, Carrie and Ashley need to go down to a Teddy Split. The girls in the back should be standing and moving their hips to the beat. Carrie and Ashley do a flip off of the girls and boys holding them up."

"There's no boys on the team anymore. They quit because you left." Tristan interrupts me.

"Well shit." I curse. Harry comes out and leans against the wall next to me. I pace back and forth. "When the music stops for the first time, all the girls need to be doing the needle." Harry pulls me away from my pacing and into him. I wrap my free arm around to the back of his neck, playing with his curls. His arms go around my waist, holding me in place. "When the music starts back up, its right hand up, left hand up, both hands above head, circle around. They need to be moving their hips while doing this. After they do one circle, preferably Jessie and Lia, need to do back handsprings off the stage and disappear into the crowd. Jenna and hopefully Zuri, need to do that move inspired by those one roller coaster at cheer camp. By the time all of that is done it should be the end of the song. They need to end in a scorpion. That's the end of it."

"Got it. Jenna will definitely appreciate this. She's been stressing over it." He sighs.

"What about the basketball team ? Who is in what position ? Oh and tell the cheer squad to start doing yoga again, and to see if the local gym will sponsor them."

"Trish is point guard." He says quietly.

"What ?! Their asking to lose ! She can't play point ! She needs to be small guard ! I need to call coach and give him a piece of mind ! He is running my team into the ground ! Amelia needs to be point !" I say frustrated. If it wasn't for Harry holding me in place, I would be pacing again. "Who is doing center ?"


"At least he is doing something right." I mutter. "What is Amelia ? Who's power and shooting and small ?" Harry starts to rub my back with one of his hands. Why is he even here ?

"Amelia is doing power. The new girl Kate is doing shooting. Small is Fae."

"Is Kate good ?"

"No she would do better at center."

"Trish needs to be Small. Amelia needs to be Point. Kate and Haylee need to switch. Luckily Haylee can do Shooting. Fae needs to be Power. Are you writing this down ?"

"Yes I am ! I'll be giving it to coach."

"What about Track ?" I question despite my annoyance towards basketball. I burry my face in Harry's chest. He gladly accepts where my head is and kisses the top of my head.

"Track is going great. They've won every match so far." I smile in content.

"That's fucking fabulous. What about fast pitch ?"

"Jordan's pitching. Winnie is catcher. First base is Beth. Vanessa is second. Holly is shortstop. Cami is third. Tori, Eve, and Piper are outfielders."

"Winnie needs to be pitcher. Jordan needs to be shortstop. Vanessa needs to be third. Cami should be catcher. Holly should be first. Beth second. Tori, Eve, and Piper are perfect for outfield." I sigh. "My teams are falling apart. How is my volleyball team ?"

"Great. Change nothing. They are doing fantastic."

"Good. Those teams are all I care about especially cheer. Shit ! I'm a cheer whore if I try out here ! I would be a disgrace to cheer nation !" I panic. "I'm a cheer whore for even thinking it !"

"The squad said you would say that." Tristan laughs. I look up at Harry, who is already staring down at me. "They talk about it, and was totally cool with you trying out there. They don't even care if you beat them at world series. Cheer is your calling."

"Yeah. It is the best sport and I'm amazing at it." I laugh lightly. "Maybe I should become a professional cheerleader."

"That would be a sight." Harry praises quietly. You could tell he was trying to stay quiet.

"Who was that ?" Tristan questioned.

"Gotta go. Love and miss you." I say before hanging up. I slipped my phone in my back pocket and wrapped my other arm around Harry's neck. My fingers getting lost in his curls. "Can I help you ?" I question softly.

"They kept teasing me. And I only stayed there at first cause its cute when you blush. And their teasing made you blush. It got annoying without you." Harry admitted. I giggled. "Give me a kiss."

"Only if you can lick your elbow." I smirk. He puts on a determined face and brings his arm up. My jaw drops when he successfully licks his elbow. "How did you ?"

"I'm very talented with my tongue." Harry winks.

"Nasty." I scowl.

"Get your mind out of the gutters." Harry chuckles. "Now. Give me a kiss."

"No cheekiness." I tell him. Harry crosses his heart and I tilt my head up. He leans down until his lips were on mine. He pulled away from the simple kiss and smiled. I rolled my eyes and tried to break from his embrace. "Let go of me." I whine.

"You sound like a 5 year old." Harry chuckles. I glare at him and he pecks my lips again. "What is your next class ?"

"I'll find out tomorrow. I'm to frustrated by this day to continue my classes." I sigh. Harry smiles. "I think I'm just going to curl up and watch Netflix."

"Would you like some company ?" Harry asked grinning from ear to ear.

"Sure." I laugh. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me. "Wait ! My stuff is inside and I have to give Nate his sweatshirt."

"I already gave it to him." He smirked. I shook my head and quickly went to retrieve my bag. Ignoring several remarks from the girls and boys about Harry and I. When I got my stuff Harry pulled me to his dorm.

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