Frisson (Diabolik lovers)

By emilytaylor223

22.7K 711 585

All her life Lauren has been fighting her inner demon - anxiety. But now, she has to face real life demons... More

I. The news
II. The first meeting
III. My first impression
IV. The plan
Punishment. Shuu
V. First bite
This is Halloween! part 2
VI. This is not a good morning
Punishment. Subaru
VII. Meeting new people (unfortunately)
The no-miracle Christmas
VIII. When everything became clear
IX. Nightmare by the lake
X. The game is on
Punishment. Laito
XI. One takoyaki closer to a disaster
XII. Running from the vampire - jumping on the bear
Punishment. Kanato
XIII. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.
XIV. PE with Yuma
Punishment. Ayato
XV. Star filled night
XVI. Surprise
XVII. Hell nah!
XVIII. You're it!
XIX. Don't save me
Punishment. Reiji
XX. Don't trust him
XXI. When I fall
XXII. My lonely days
XXIII. Their move.
XXIV. How do we survive..?
XXV. What doesn't kill you
XXVI. Together with you
XXVII. Foul play gone wrong
XXVIII. My happiest days with you
XXIX. Game over
XXX. The future we know

This is Halloween! part 1

711 21 2
By emilytaylor223

I don't own this picture and I don't know who does.

Oh, what a beautiful day to be alive. It's this wonderful time of the year again - Halloween. The day, when people can dress up as someone they are not - functioning adults, super heroes, couples that are truly in love, anime characters or simply something abstract like justice, peace, devastation or chicken nuggets.

The day, when kids go 'trick or treating' while their parents fear for the wellness of their children's teeth... Or if their children will come back at all.

The day, when girls can dress up like their fathers worst nightmare - sexy anything. This is the first Halloween night in the Sakamaki household and I refuse to let them kill my fun.

Today, I mean, tonight there's a party at school and everyone has to come dressed up as something. I will go as Cheshire cat. I woke up really early because I just couldn't contain my excitement and I really wanted to dress up as soon as possible for a few reasons.

First reason - my makeup takes some time. For that famous smile I used a temporary tattoo that shines in the dark and that's the only shortcut for my tonight's look. Drawing perfect cat eyes with eyeliner is tough. If I mess up, I will have to redo my entire work and that would take away even more time and my reason number two would wake up and the fun would be ruined...

I had my hair curled with blue and gray striped cat ears sticking out, I was with blue cat contact lenses, there was a fluffy blue fur choker on my neck. Beneath the fur was a few layers of protective chain against vampires.

I had my neck covered with a mixture that I got from my friend. She said that it's perfect against skin imperfections, but it tastes really bitter - perfect home remedy from skin tasting vampire licks.

I was wearing fitted knitted sweater with gray and blue stripes, black leggings and fur boots. I had fingerless gloves on with a false paw heart in the middle. I also grew out my nails and cut them into a triangular shape, covering them with blue nail polish. And my whole costume was finished with the limp but fluffy tail that I secured behind me with a belt.

Now, when preparations have been finished - it's time to have some fun.

It was already dark.
I quietly tiptoed towards the Reiji's room. He was still asleep. Carefully I opened the doors and stepped in. His alarm always goes off at the same time and it's my luck to know it. Only five minutes to wait. I hate waiting.

Here he was - snuggled in the blanket like a peacefully sleeping puppy. I walked closer. His eyes were closed, face was relaxed and no tension could be found. It would be a shame if someone... did something. I smirked evilly.

Reiji was laying on his side, facing his alarm clock - perfect position. I walk even closer and crouch down right in front of his face. It's a first time I'm doing something like this, so my hands are a bit shaky, but at the same time I'm getting more and more exited with every passing second. Any moment now. Any moment.

....... ......... ......... .......... ........

What a silly girl Shizuka is. I sensed her presence the moment she touched the door handle. Only out of pure curiosity I'm pretending to be asleep. I wonder, what is she trying to gain from staring at my face? It's been almost five minutes now.


It's time to 'wake up'. I wonder, what kind of facial expression should I use? The bored one? The grumpy kind of one? Or maybe an arrogant smirk? Yes, arrogant smirk will be perfect. I was already prepared to teasingly scold her, but then I opened my eyes...

"Trick or treat."

........ .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ..........

"Oh come on, Reiji, please don't be mad, I won't do that again. I didn't mean to scare you that badly." It's been a few hours since I scared Reiji and he's still a bit angry.

"Shizuka-san, for the last time, I was not scared. I was just a little bit surprised to see you with an enormous glowing smile full of teeth right in front of my face first time in the morning," Reiji answered, fixing his glasses in a rougher manner than usually.

"Yeah right. All of us were woken up by the 'surprise' scream you let out. Don't deny it - Lauren got you good." Ayato snickered.

"Ayato, if I hear one more thing coming out of your mouth - the video tape will be published for the common masses of this school." Reiji smirked as he saw Ayato's face being consumed by horror. After this, the limo was quiet once again.

I was in my usual spot - between Reiji and Subaru or should I say between William T. Spears and someone you don't want to meet right now - goth Subaru. Making him wear eyeliner and black lipstick was a real challenge, but together with Ayato and Laito we managed to dress him up.


"Come on, Subaru, it's a party night at school - even lessons will be shortened for this event. Why can't you dress up as someone or something? It will be fun, you just have to try it."

"I said no! Now leave me alone." Subaru yelled out slamming the fridge shut. He was holding a cake... Kanato's cake.

"S-shouldn't you NOT be eating this cake?" I asked, remembering the last outburst of rage when Ayato ate his chocolate ice-creams.

"Don't mind that pipsqueak. Eat." He gave me a piece of cake which I put down immediately. Knowing the laws of 'crap, he's right behind me, isn't he?' I knew that even holding that cake was too dangerous.

I'm already used to Subaru's anger. Sometimes, I do get really uneasy with Ayato's pranks or Laito's perverted behavior, but there's nothing like Kanato's rage. That guy is unpredictable. One moment he's calm and the other - there's a fork right in front of your eye. Getting stuck in a same room with him and no one else is my worst nightmare. And all hell breaks loose if that room is a kitchen and you're eating his last cookie. Now I always make sure to be eating stuff that I just made or bought.

"Subaru, seriously, we are going to the school in a few hours, we don't need that kind of fuss."

"Is that my cake?" Oh no - it's too late. My whole body tensed up. He's going to snap.

"Subaru, why are you about to eat my cake? Lauren-san, why do you have a piece of my cake right in front of you?" This is it. I can already feel my heart picking up it's pace.

"K-Kanato, I swear I don't like chocolate cakes or any cakes in general. I would never eat your cake."  I mumbled out without even turning around. I love sweets and cakes, but not the ones that belong to Kanato.

"You don't like cake? What kind of person doesn't like cake?" I could hear his steps right behind me and as they were getting closer and louder, my heart was beating faster and faster. I was starting to sweat. I have to calm down or my Halloween makeup will be ruined. Slow exhales. I need to concentrate on my breathing.

"Here." There's a plate in my hand. Why did Kanato give me some of his cake? I stood there confused.
"Teddy and I have decided to show you how foolish you are to not eat and enjoy the cake. Now eat it and love it." I took a look at Kanato for the confirmation and I was left even more surprised.

"Honey senpai?"
"I see you are not as stupid as the others in this house." Kanato was dressed up like Honey senpai. Eating that cake got even more dangerous. Black Honey senpai and Kanato in one person is the worst combination ever.

"Eat the cake." I gulp.
"As you wish." The cake was gone. For the first time in my life I was happy to see Ayato... even though he was wrapped in a blanket.

"Ayato, are you supposed to be a ghost?" He choked on the last piece he was chewing.

"I'm not a ghost, you moron, I'm Ayato Caesar Augustus Germanicus, but you can call me Ayato the emperor and this is not a blanket - it's a purple toga."

"I suppose I stand corrected, but still - now when you mention purple... Isn't this toga just a curtain from Kanato's room?"

Kanato raised his head from the cake he was eating.
"You shay wat?"
"Kanato's cake is really good, he he...  Shut up!" Ayato whispered harshly and walked away from me. That was a close one.  Kanato seemed to be calm, emperor Ayato was now happily stuffing his mouth with takoyakis' and Subaru was again exploring the fridge.

I was about to go check on Shuu, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. Someone ( and I wonder who) pressed himself against my back and whispered right into my ear:

"If you were a pirate, would your parrot sit on this shoulder..." he put his right hand on my left shoulder, hugging me with one arm from behind.
"...or this shoulder?" he placed his left hand on my right shoulder, securing me in his embrace completely. I could feel his breath on my neck. I know what this meant - he was thirsty. And here it is - his tongue sliding across my neck. I shuddered in disgust, but it lasted for only about 2 seconds before the taste of my mixture really set in.

"GHAHHH! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Laito rushed towards the sink, washed his mouth, took out a bottle of rum and took a nice big gulp.

"Let me guess - Captain Jack Sparrow?" Laito did really well with his costume. But seeing him with mustache and beard is something you can experience only once in a lifetime and then see it over and over again in your nightmares. Bearded Laito is a bigger nope that an usual Laito, who is already A HUGE nope.

"That's right, but what the hell was that on your neck, Kitty-chan?"
"Oh, that's a choker. Cute, isn't it?" I smiled at him innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about, but still - I'm curious. Is it only on your neck? I'd like to check every inch of your body - I know that there must be a spot you've missed that I can enjoy to the fullest." Red flags. It's raining red flags. What should I do? Everyone else was too busy eating their snacks or enjoying the show right in front of them. I glanced at Subaru, but he was distracted by the fridge exploration.

Laito was getting really close to me and step by step I was walking closer to the table until I was trapped between the piece of furniture and this pervert.

"Nfu~ you gave me a trick so you have to give me a treat." I was slowly leaning down on the table. He had me trapped. There was no escape from him now and god knows what he's planning to do with me like this. He pushed me down completely and pinned down my hands above my head. I was trying to fight him off, but Laito was too damn strong. I felt like a fly in a spiderweb - the more I was struggling, the closer he was getting.

"Thank you for the meal." His free hand was already lifting up my sweater, but it stopped.
"Laito, why must I remind you that this kind of activity should be done in your room?"

"R-Reiji, be rational and g-get that thing away from my nose. We were just fooling around, right, Kitty-chan?"
Reiji was holding a pruner with a long shaft and in between the blades of the pruner there was Laito's nose. Reiji ignored his brother's request and only tightened the grip over Laito's nose.

"You will seriously cut off my nose so cut it off already! Wait! NO! That's not what I meant!"
"Be thankful that it's your nose this time and not something else." Sadly, Reiji did not cut anything that night.

Suddenly, I felt nothing. There was no weight pressing me down, my hands were free to move and my view was not blocked away by the perverted pirate. Reiji stood there, dressed up as... Reiji? The only difference was the pruner and nothing else.

"So, Reiji-san, what are you supposed to be?" Trying to act like a calm person I was not at the time I asked Reiji the most common Halloween question.
"William T. Spears," He answered while fixing his glasses with his new tool.
"I was thinking about Claude Faustus, but that guy seemed to be unsightly attached to the one-eyed brat so I had to go with this one."

"Still, same thing," Laughed Subaru.
"School rules states that every student has to participate in the school events and unfortunately something like Halloween exist. And why are you not dressed up, if I might ask?"

"Because it's stupid." My eyes widened in horror. How dare he insult my love and passion?! I think I know what to do. I walked closer to Reiji and whispered something into his ear. He smirked and nodded his head in approval. Then he called Ayato and Laito into his room for a small 'talk'. Only three of us were left in the kitchen. After a few minutes, Ayato and Laito came back smirking like little devils they were.

"Oi, mate, want some rum?"
"Get that thing away from my face - it reeks," Grimaced Subaru. Laito turned his head to Ayato, who was already behind Subaru. Suddenly, Ayato had Subaru in a nelson lock. Laito rushed to the struggling pair and forced Subaru to drink from the bottle. Almost instantly Subarus hair and nails turned black.

"What the hell?!" Subaru was trashing around, but two of the triplets were doing just fine at holding poor Subaru down.
"Come on guys, let him choose himself. Subaru, you either use this black lipstick and eyeliner yourself or we will give you another drug that will turn you into a cute little piglet."

§End of a hella long flashback§

I hope that he's not going hold any sort of grudge against me. Maybe forcing him into this was a bit too much after all. He must be feeling humiliated. And I was the one that suggested this to Reiji. Subaru probably hates me right now. He must be thinking that I'm a horrible person. I mean, he did some pretty cruel things to me in the past, but he always apologized in his own way. I was feeling guilty about this. I glanced at Subaru and was not surprised to see him scowling.

"What do you want now?"
"I'm sorry." I said while fiddling with my fingers.
"Tck, whatever." Subaru's answer was not as angry as I thought it would be. So maybe that's a good sign. But still - I don't want to think about this anymore. I look around the limo and I notice Shuu for the first time today. As expected - he's without a costume.

"Shuu, why are you not dressed up?"
"It's too troublesome and I am dressed up." He obviously isn't.
"Okay, so what are you supposed to be then? Shuu two days ago?"
"I'm dressed up as a vampire," He said with a smirk, showing his fangs.

"That's cheating! You ARE a vampire - you can't be yourself!" Ayato almost jumped up in his seat.

"Tell this to Reiji." Burn.
"Come on, Shuu, Reiji changed his already boring attire into even more boring one. Even Subaru showed his true emo side." Laito whined out.
"I'm goth, you fucking pervert!"
"Yeah right, mister 'Life is so painful I want to die'" As they continued to argue, my eyes widened in realization.

"That's... Genius. Shuu is a genius." No one in our school knows that vampires exist... Well, except for the others four, but all of the other students are simple humans that will bow down to the the most realistic vampire fangs in the world. Shuu pulled out the best costume out of us all without even doing a thing. Shuu just smirked.


This was supposed to be one chapter BUT I got a bit too into writing (⌒▽⌒ゞ Anyways, stay tuned for the part two  ( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

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