Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC...

By chocobocolollie

56.9K 1.4K 224

Charlotte Ackerly attends the Galaxy Garrison alongside her friends Pidge, Lance and Hunk. She excelled in he... More



2.5K 51 3
By chocobocolollie

Immediately after revealing she had the key Allura and Coran tried to confiscate it without even explaining the lettering engraved in the small piece of metal. In a rash decision she bolted out of the room and down a long hallway trying to open doors as she goes. One slid open revealing what Charlotte now considers to be her bedroom. Talk about luck. That was two days ago and the rest of the team has tried and failed to coax her from her safe haven. Well, everyone except for Keith that is. Since they became paladins of Voltron, excluding Charlotte of course, she hasn't heard from the violet-eyed boy.

Percy chattered angrily on his owner's shoulder as pounding persisted against the room's metal door. Shiro stood on the other side pleading with her to come out and at least get something to eat. Little did he know that thanks to Percy she obtained food just fine these last two days. Rodents have a way of sneaking into small spaces that come in handy sometimes.

"Charlie if you just come out we can talk about this rationally." Shiro calls out to her.

"Right, just like how you gave me a justifiable reason for not allowing me on the extraction mission for the red lion a few days ago? We're all very far away from Earth Shiro, sheltering me isn't helping anybody." The brunette grumbles snapping her journal closed and slipping her gloves back on. Marching over to the panel next to the door she presses a button to unlock the door.

"Charlotte?" Percy questions her gently not sure what is running through her head. Shiro's face appears after the door slides away. Without a word the pair walks down the hall to the lounge where everyone was currently taking a break from training. Hunk raised his hand in greeting, mouth stuffed with food goo. He offered her a plate which she gladly accepted despite not being hungry. Charlotte was relieved to see he wasn't mad at her. Pidge sat on one of the couches typing on their computer nodding their head to acknowledge the new arrivals and going back to work. Coran tried to fight Lance who sat flirting shamelessly next to the princess. Keith was silent leaning against a wall and polishing his knife.

Charlotte fiddled with the zipper of her jacket trying to find the right words. "I guess I overreacted a little bit. That being said I apologize. However I just wanted some form of explanation and you wouldn't give me one. You even went as far as trying to forcefully take what rightfully belongs to me." She allows her hands to fall to her sides. "I want to work with you to save the universe that we all live in. But to do that we must learn to compromise."

Allura is silent for a while. Nobody in the room speaks knowing this is between the Altean princess and their human friend. "I agree and I am sorry as well. Seeing it again brought back painful memories. I chose to take the pain out on you." Allura walks over to Charlotte who takes a small step back. Last time she touched something related to the Altean she had a vision. "I will tell you all I know if you in turn share what information you have."

Charlotte agrees to the princess's terms and goes first. She explains everything from her father's disappearance to how he left the key for her to find along with his old adventuring journal. Her voice falters slightly recalling that day but continues. She also explains how they both were ruin fanatics. Relinquishing her hold she passes the key to the princess who translates the small lettering that is in fact written in Altean.

"Only the wandering soul can return to its roots and retrieve what has been forgotten in the storm of destruction."

"That doesn't sound good." Lance chimes in from over the princess's shoulder.

Charlotte's turquoise eyes narrow in concentration writing the words down. A gloved finger traces them trying to decipher what they could mean. Percy peeks over her shoulder reading the line to himself but comes up with nothing. "I-I'll figure it out. I'm just coming up with nothing at the moment. Thank you princess for translating." She bows respectfully grateful for her assistance. Allura smiles softly at the girl.

"My father told me stories when I was a child about an ancient artifact that held the power to bring peace or destroy a whole civilization. He thought it to be lost until one day a man visited us offering it as a gift. He told stories about his adventures how he searched for a safe place to live. The king thanked the man keeping the key safely locked away until the day they might need it. Zarkon soon discovered its true capabilities and fought to take it for himself. He wanted to use it's power to conquer the universe." Allura tells the paladins anger evident in her voice. Coran walks to her side to finish for her.

"King Alfor sought out the man and managed to send both he and the key through a wormhole. It seems his efforts were a success in keeping it from enemy hands. But it's only a matter of time until Zarkon sets his sights on both Voltron and this key. Although it's still peculiar how your family got ahold of it." Charlotte nods at the man turning to face her friends from earth.

"What if that man turned out to be your dad? That would make you over ten thousand years old Charlie." Hunk ponders from his spot on the couch. Charlotte shakes her head with a giggle. There was no way they could be the same person. Right?

"Maybe your dad just happened to find it? You did mention he collected artifacts from old ruins. He could of found it anywhere around the world." Pidge speaks closing their laptop to join in the conversation.

"At least we have some form of lead even if it doesn't make sense. I mean who uses riddles anymore?" Lance throws his hands up with a sigh. "Whoever made it couldn't just write directions? It'd sure make things easier."

"It's a weapon capable of mass annihilation of course they couldn't mark it with a neon sign saying treasure here!" Keith retorts. "This wandering soul it mentions would be just about anyone."

"Guys I appreciate the help really, but you should focus on Voltron. The universe if going to need its protectors. I'll work on it alone for now, it's what I'm good at anyway." Charlotte says running her finger over Percy's fur. The squirrel relaxes at her touch nuzzling his face into her cheek.

"Oh no, you already missed out on two days of training. You're coming too." Shiro pats Charlotte's shoulder and leaves the lounge. Hunk and Pidge walk out after the leader. Allura excuses herself walking with Coran to run more tests on the castle. Lance walked past messing up her hair.

"I...can train too?" Charlotte mumbles in disbelief. Previously Shiro was against allowing her anywhere near missions or anything involving weapons. Part of her wondered what made him change his mind.

"Is it that surprising? You're joining us like you wanted." Keith tells her. Charlotte squeaks in surprise forgetting he was still in the room.

Turquoise eyes fall upon the red paladin in suspicion. "You talked to Shiro didn't you?"

Keith shrugs walking toward the door. "I just don't want to have to save you every time there's an attack. Your fighting could use some work." He smirks leaving the room. Charlotte smiles to herself following after him. Thanks Keith.

Dressed clothes fit for training Charlotte paced the weapon room. Her turquoise eyes analyzed each of them testing how they felt in her hands. She already tried most of the Altean weapons coming up with nothing. So far none of them felt right either being too heavy or not suited for the fighting style she was already somewhat familiar with. Percy chittered on her shoulder completely against her wielding a weapon.

"First it begins with sparring then soon enough you'll be on the frontlines of an enemy war. I will not allow it!" He squeaks in her ear. Charlotte sighs patting his head with her finger as she moves on to the next weapon. She allows him to continue ranting even after grabbing a spear. The coolness of the metal seeped through the fabric of her gloves. A couple of practice jabs later the brunette leaves the armory to meet with the paladins

"Percival I do not need your permission. If you're not aware we're not on earth anymore. Every day in space is a fight for survival. I cannot sit around and rely on my friends to protect me all the time. So either you can be my partner like always or go back to the room and wait until I'm done." Charlotte whispers sternly to the small creature. His tail bristles and with a huff he settles upon her shoulder.

"As much as I disapprove I will not sit idly by and have you do this alone." Percy tells her, patting her cheek. The brunette nods double checking to make sure he is secure. She didn't want him flying off her shoulder again.

"Good to see you're still with me." She says, getting into position. Her fingers tapped the button to the communicator on her ear.

"A spear? You sure about that?" Keith questions as Charlotte gets into position. The paladins gathered in the observation deck overhead to monitor how capable she is in battle.

"Something about it just feels natural. Now let's get started shall we?" She shrugs darting toward her first opponent.

The gladiator stood at the ready, a large metallic staff held in a defensive position. Two weapons connect with a metallic clang. Together they clashed repeatedly dodging and swinging their weapon to incapacitate the other. I'm not getting anywhere this way. Unless... A flash of realization washes over her as a small protrusion on the spear's shaft brushes against her index finger. It compacts!

Charlotte presses a button to compress the weapon tossing it through the gladiator's legs. Her body ducks underneath the robots counter swing and rolls behind. She lodges the spear into her opponent's back after returning it to its elongated shape. It slumps to the floor before disappearing through a hole and out of sight.

"How?! It took us all forever to get past that guy!" Lance shouts in her ear. The brunette winces at his outburst but grins to herself. She had a few tricks up her sleeve was all.

"Beginning level two. Good luck Charlie." Shiro speaks readying the next round.

"Bring it on." Charlotte provokes bouncing lightly on her feet. A sliding noise greets her ears as another robot replaces the broken one.

"Do be cautious Charlotte. This is Altean technology after all. A foreign concept to us earthling beings." Percy warns.

"I'll be fi-" A yelp of surprise leaves the brunette's lips as the training robot lunges at her. She instinctively performs a back handspring to put some distance between them. However the robot advances once more not giving her a chance to devise a plan. Comments from the team begin to flood through her earpiece.

"How'd she do that?!" Lance shouts slamming his hands against the control panel.

"Oh man it's gaining on her." Hunk mutters biting his nail in anticipation.

"Guys you're probably not helping. Kick its butt Charlotte!" Pidge cheers throwing a fist into the air.

"You'll need to relax if you want to win. Dodging won't gain you any ground." Shiro says calmly. His gray eyes following her movements.

"Don't get distracted or you'll get taken out. Focus on your opponent, watch their movements and find a pattern. Once you do seize the moment and strike." Keith's voice overpowered the others offering advice. Charlotte thanks him and shuts off the communicator to concentrate.

"How come she listens to you more than the rest of us? We can be helpful too!" Lance complains looking over at Keith. The violet-eyed boy continued to stare out the window watching Charlotte from his seat.

"I guess we just have a mutual understanding of each other." Keith brushes it off nonchalantly resting his elbows on the console in front of him.

Turquoise eyes focus on the gladiator her spear clutched in a defensive position. "Every three swings it's right foot moves backwards momentarily shifting its balance." She mutters to herself blocking two out of three hits earning a jab in the side. Charlotte grunts at the impact swiping her spear at the android's feet as it steps back for another attack sending it to the ground. "Checkmate!" She shouts slamming her blade into its chest with a crunch.

Sweat trickles down the side of her face as she gets a slight breather. Percy looks at her with a worried expression which she waves off with a smile. The matches were getting tougher for sure but Charlotte was convinced she could handle at least one more. Hopefully.

Oh how she wished she stopped at two. Each attack was met with a defensive measure. Charlotte gripped the spear tighter as the force caused her boots to slide backwards on the metal flooring. She'd been on the defensive since calling for the next training partner. Her side was beginning to burn from previous attacks. Since she silenced the radio she missed all the chatter and concern from her friends overhead. Sure a challenge was expected but this was level three for crying out loud.

One of her knees buckle from the pressure and a swift kick connects with her torso sending her across the room. With a slam Charlotte's body sprawls out onto the floor. Coughing assaults her frame as she struggles to breathe, hands clutching at her chest in desperation. Every intake of breath burned as she searched for a steady pace to calm herself down. Percy's alarmed squeaking went ignored as her vision blurred. Shiro tries to call off the gladiator but it continues to advance. Charlotte was in no position to defend herself. The paladins rush downstairs to rescue her.

"We need to stop that thing!" Lance summons his energy rifle opening fire. Hunk follows suit releasing a barrage of bullets. The robot deflects a few bullets back at them causing the duo to scatter. Pidge swings their grappling hook wrapping it around the robot's legs and pulling. Keith rushes in alongside Shiro and incapacitates the now motionless robot.

"Charlotte!" The concerned faces of Shiro and Keith enter her vision as she grabbed her side. Her fingers subconsciously connect with Keith's outstretched hand easing into a sitting position. Charlotte hisses at the movement but stays upright. A white hot pain coursed through her body and she wouldn't be surprised if something was broken.

"You have internal bleeding and a concussion." Pidge frowns analyzing the brunette's body with their scanner showing her the holographic image. Carefully they lift up Charlotte's shirt and grimace. "Ouch." The skin turned a deep shade of purple.

"We'd better get you in a pod. I-I'll go find Coran." Hunk covers his mouth and runs out of the room.

"The big guy looked like he was gonna hurl. Wh- OH MY GOD." Lance yells pointing at her side. "Her skin isn't supposed to be like that. We need do something!"

"I-I don't understand. It just w-wouldn't stop." Charlotte wheezes tightening her grip on Keith's hand from the pain. She was beginning to fade in and out of consciousness. "That's not g-good..." Her eyes drift to her side focusing on her discolored skin.

"How are you so calm?!" Lance questions pacing around the group with his hands raised in disbelief.

"Lance go ahead of us and check on Hunk see if he found Coran. We need to get her to a pod before this gets any worse. Keith on the count of three we're going to lift her. Pidge keep an eye on her vitals. Ready? One...two...three!" Cautiously the two lift Charlotte eliciting a cry of agony. Percy gently strokes her cheek in an attempt to distract her. Half-lidded eyes drift to the raven whose hands were supported her upper body. She focused on him to counteract the pounding against her skull.

"Charlie? Hey stay with us." Keith pleads now speed walking toward the infirmary. Shiro entered first slowly setting Charlotte's feet onto the ground so they could prop her upright in a healing pod. Coran rushed into the room with a green faced Hunk. An equally worried Lance and Allura followed soon after. Keith set the girl inside the pod and watched the glass close. Charlotte succumbs to sleep embracing the cool feeling surrounding her body. A mass of brown fur perched upon his shoulder twitching slightly. Keith's hand reaches up to lightly pet the squirrel in an attempt to comfort him.

"How did this happen? It was a simple sparring exercise." Allura turns on the group wanting answers.

"It was! At least it started out that way. Everything was fine until she kept getting hit then she didn't get up and now she's..." Hunk explains having recovered from his previous nausea.

"None of us could've predicted this would happen. Maybe we should have stopped her after level two." Pidge inputs as they all crowd around the healing pod. They found it strange how sporadic the robot acted right before Charlotte was taken down. It's possible there was a malfunction. "I'm going to run a test and see if I can find anything." With that the green paladin walks out.

"I'll be in the kitchen. We all could use some grub." Hunk backs out of the room trying to shake the images of Charlotte's damaged side from his mind. Cooking would be a good distraction.

"It'll be at least a few hours until she gets out. All we can do is wait." Shiro departs from the room with Coran and the princess to help with preparations for the Arusian party. This left Keith and Lance alone in the room. Both boys had mixed emotions as they looked upon their sleeping friend.

"Maybe Shiro was right. Charlie shouldn't train after all. Not if something like this happens again." Lance mumbled just loud enough for Keith to hear.

"It wasn't her fault. Something happened she Just couldn't find the words to explain it to us." Keith tells the Latino with a sense of conviction.

"We need to set up for the party tonight. Though it feels wrong with Charlotte hurt like this." Lance sighs looking at the pod one last time before exiting the room.

"What is this party he spoke of?" The brown and white furred squirrel looks at the red paladin questionably.

"Allura met with the inhabitants of this planet and chose to host a banquet to show her appreciation before we depart." Keith explains as he walks down the corridor. He wanted nothing more than to just cancel the whole thing. Parties were never his forte. Staying in the desert by himself turned him into a lone wolf of sorts. Always keeping to himself and pushing others away when they got too close.

"I see, yes diplomatic events such as this are important. However I am worried about safety measures. Many people will be coming and going throughout the castle. With Charlotte recovering..." Percy trails off a look of concern on his face. Keith nods stopping at the ballroom to assist his team with hanging decorations. He only hoped no one else gets hurt. 

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