In love with you deeply | ong...

By newphonewhodiis

8.9K 251 59

"Sorry.. you smell- erm.. really-" Luis mumbles, but is cut off by Asher. "-she smells really nice. We get it... More

00 | intro / characters
01 | first day of school
02 | no school gang
03 | new guy
04 | late night snacks
05 | english accent
06 | au revoir, bébé
07 | mcdonalds
08 | interrupted dream
09 | koala-fications
10 | ruined date
11 | the talk
12 | you may begin
13 | sorry ma'am
14 | detention
15 | shakespear
16 | boyfriend
17 | ridiculous
18 | ahem!
19 | old man
20 | daniella
21 | phone call
23 | hospital
24 | touché
25 | birthday bash pt. 1
26 | birthday bash pt. 2
27 | jayla & jj
28 | yes, mother
29 | love you
30 | hunk
31 | it's cold outside
32 | apartment
33 | captain obvious
34 | i needed you
35 | ms. rivers
36 | tears
37 | cancer
38 | i love you
39 | fallen tear

22 | date night

209 4 0
By newphonewhodiis

Date Night
S O N G :
Fallin' by Jessica Mauboy

11:40 AM

"Take the rubbish out, Ree," my mum tells me.

"Okay," I mutter, grabbing the garbage bag.

I open the front door, to empty the bin, but I'm suddenly interrupted by an angry voice.

"You're an idiot!" I'm suddenly hit on the head, by a large bag.

"Keira!" I shout, rubbing the side of my face.

"Don't 'Keira' me! You just decide to tell me that you have a date- 2 freaking days later?!"

"I'm sorry.." I drag out.

"No, you're not. You wouldn't even be in this type of situation, if you just texted me," she says, begrudgingly walking past me. As she walks past me, I notice that the bag she hit with, was a McDonald's bag.

"Wait! I need to throw this in the bin," I shout, exasperated.

I quickly throw the full garbage bag into the bin, then rush inside the house.

".. needs a good slap to the face," I hear Keira complain, obviously talking about me.

"Stop backstabbing me, backstabbers," I laugh, when I see my mum and Keira sitting across from each other.

"And here comes my beautiful Princessa," My mum sarcastically says.

I ignore her statement," Where's Kyle?" I ask, my mum.

"He's still sleeping. He stayed up all night," my mum says, biting down on her lip.

"What? Why?" I ask, getting kind of ticked off.

"Why don't you ask him yourself? You haven't spoke to him, ever since you and 'Stupid Linda' started hanging out. Also, tell him there's food."

"Alright," I laugh, heading up the stairs.

I quietly walk inside his room and notice him snoring loudly- exactly like Asher.

"Kyle?" I whisper, shaking his shoulder a little.

"Whattt?" he whines, turning the other side.

"Wake up, Kyle. It's your best friend, Rena," I whisper.

He slowly turns around with a small glare," What do you want?" he says trying to sound mean, but he sounds a lot more adorable.

"Why did you stay up late, when you know your bedtime is at 8:30?" I ask, using my older sibling tone.

His eyes widen at my words," I-I didn't go to sleep late," he stutters, nervously scratching his head.

"Auntie Nia told me," I laugh, but quickly stop in case he thinks this is funny.

"She's a dibby-dobber," he mutters, glaring down at his blanket.

"I know. Been there, and I've honestly done that," I chuckle. My mum always told my dad that I was being bad or disrespectful, but then I'd suddenly add my brother, Michael into the picture. He'd get in trouble with me, because he was an amazing big brother.

"Anyways. Why?"

"Because, I was crying," he admits, playing with bed sheet.

"Aww. Why?" I suddenly pull him into my chest.

"Becwause Linda is taking you away fwom me," he sniffs, hugging me slightly.

"Linda? Don't you mean Luis?" I ask, pulling away from me.

"No. Ashwer said his name was Linda," he says, innocently batting his eyes at me.

"Don't listen to him. His name is Luis- not Linda," I correct, trying my best not laugh.

"Okay, but do you still love me?" he asks, pouting.

"Of course, I do! Keira does too, because she brought us Maccas," I say, remembering Keira.

"YAY!" he happily screams, getting up from the bed to do a small happy-dance.

"Weren't you like tired, not long ago?" I ask, laughing at his little facial expressions.

"Yeah, but I'm happy now," he squeals running into his little bathroom," I'm getting dressed, can you get out?" he asks, standing near the door frame.

"Uhh.. sure," I chuckle, shutting his door on my way out.

"Is he feeling better?" I suddenly jump at Keira's voice," What?"

"You scared me," I let out a breathe, my hand resting over my beating heart.

"Oh, don't be dramatic," she says, dragging me to my room.

She kicks the door shut and takes a seat on my, letting go of my hand," So.. what happened?" she asks, giving me my beautiful McDonald's breakfast.

"Luis asked me out on a date, I said yes, but then Asher came.. it was crazy," I shrug.

"DETAILS, MARIE! I NEED DETAILS!" she grabs my shoulders.

I shrug her hands off my shoulders," Fine, geez," I say, taking a huge bite out of my breakfast-wrap.

I tell her everything- but purposely leave the kissing part out.


1:54 PM

"So when is your guys' date?" she asks, looking through her phone.

"Tonight," I say, casually opening my new book.

"WHAT?!" She squeals, shooting up with wide eyes," OMG. OMG. OMG. What are you going to wear?! What are you going to do with your makeup?! How am I even going to sty-" I block her mouth before she could continue.

"Shut. Up," I say, looking at her with my eyes narrowed.

She slaps my hand away," This is your second date.. sorry," she sheepishly apologises.

"It's oka- second?" I don't remember any first date..

"Remember Asher took you to McDonald's, when you's were like 15? He was showing you the way, your future boyfriend should treat you," she says, trying to get me to remember.

"OH, yeaaaah! I remember now," I giggle, at how ridiculous that date was. He spilled my red-fanta all over my shirt- I'm guessing my future boyfriend has to do that.

"Anyways, what time is your date?"

"At around 6 PM."

"It's 2'o'clock!" she shouts exasperated.


"Go and take a shower," she demands, pointing to my bathroom door.

"I just did," I say in a 'duh' voice, pointing to my wet hair. I like air-drying best.

"Oh. Right, wait can I call Jia?" she asks, looking anywhere except my face.

"OF COURSE! Dude, I've been wondering when you were going to let me meet her," I laugh, nodding my head.

"Alright.. lemme call her," she says, holding up her phone.

*ring *ring

*ring *ri-

".. Hi, bub," Kay awkwardly says.

'Put it on speaker' I mouth to her, causing her to do so.

"Hey. What's up?"

"I just called to ask, can you come over to Keira's house?" I suddenly smile, knowing she told her girlfriend about me.

"Okay, send me the adress."

They start talking a little bit more, but I just spin around in my office-like-chair.

"Alright, what type of date is it?" Kay asks a soon as the phone call ends.

"Fancy-fancy," I say, looking up to the ceiling.

"Oooo, me likey," she giggles.

"I'll start getting ready at 3," I say, my eyebrows raised silently telling her not to argue.

She lets out an annoyed sigh," Fine! What ever," she rolls her eyes.

"Don't give me attitue, young lady," I jokingly scold her.

"Don't give me attitude, young lady," she mimics me, using her hand as a talking puppet.

I slap her arm. Hard.

"Ouch!" she screams, hitting me back.

I grab the empty McDonald's bag, scrunch it up and throw it at her face, "Don't touch me!" I then kick her leg.

She glares at me, when the scrunched up bag hits her face, "You, don't touch me!" she then kicks my leg, a lot harder than I did, causing me to fall on my butt.

"Ugh!" I wince, but quickly pull her leg, causing her to fall on her butt.

"Ow! My beautiful butt," she fake-cries.

"You mean saggy butt," I say under my breathe.

"Oh, shut up!" she says, slapping the back of my head.

"Ugly," I call her, with my eyebrows raised.




I gasp, dramatically," Shut up!" I laugh out loud.

"You started it," she giggles, laughing with me.

"REE, KAY! YOU'RE FRIEND IS HERE!" We both hear my mum call.

We both head downstairs to see a shy looking Jia standing in front of my mum and Kyle.

"Hi, Ba-Jia," Keira awkwardly cuts herself off, and hugs Jia.

She hasn't told anyone that she is gay, except for myself, Jian and obviously Jia.

"Hi," Jia says, shyly hugging her back.

"So.. I'll let you three go do what teenage girls do," my mum laughs, walking to the front door, Kyle trailing behind her.

"Mum, where are you's going?"

"I'm taking Kyle to his friend's house, I'm also going to have a talk with Mrs. Sotirod."

"Okay, I'll be on a date if you guys come back early and I'm not here. Also, remember to call me if you need anything," I remind her, pointing at her face.

"Okay, okay. Geez, you remind me of your Nani," she says, rolling her eyes.

"Alright, be safe. Love you both," I tell both my mum and Kyle.

,"Wuv you, too," Kyle smiles, running up to me to give me a small hug.

"Love you too, Ree. Be safe and don't do anything stupid."

"Yes, mother."

"Bye, girls," she waves and Jia and Keira who were watching us awkwardly.

"Bye," they both say in unison.

"Alright, upstairs I go!" I scream, running up the stairs.

"Upstairs we go," I hear Keira mutter.


We all take seats around my room," Hey.. um, why was I needed here?" Jia asks confused.

"I wanted to meet you, and Kay just wanted you here," I shrug.

"Okay, cool."

"So, yeah.. I'm Katarina, but you can call me Rena. I'm 17 years old, but I'm turning 18 the following week or so. I have an older brother, Michael and my mum is expecting twins soon."

"Uh, hi Rena. I'm Jia, and I'm 19 years old. I have 7 sisters and 1 brother."

"Wow! Jian's the only boy?"

"He wasn't supposed to be the only boy. His twin brother passed away in the womb." she explains, causing me to mentally slap myself on the head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," I apologise.

"Obviously you didn't know, because if you did, you wouldn't ask," she chuckles.

"GUYS! I'm still here," Keira says, waving her hands around.



"A butt."

"That's not very insulting," Keira laughs.

"It's all about butt's now?" Jia chuckles.

"Anyways, I think I'm going to start getting reading. It's almost 3:30PM."

"Okay, do you want us to leave or stay? Because, knowing Keira she might check you out," Jia laughs.

"Hey!" Kay jokingly whines.

"Don't tease my friend, JAY!" I pretend to tell her off.


"Yes, Jay. Jia is too long."

"Yeah because Jia is so long," Keira says, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever. I'll be back," I firstly look through my closet and find a black off-the-shoulder mid-thigh dress, and grabbed a pair of black ankle-strapped heels.

"That looks nice," Jay compliments.




I finally get out of my bathroom and do a little pose for the two of them," TADA!"

"OMG! You look so beautiful!" Keira compliments me.

"You look absolutely stunning," Jay smiles.

"Thank you both so much, for doing nothing and just being there," I laugh, because I seriously did everything.

"You're welcome," I hear Keira say, as I look myself in the mirror.

[A/R/N : I made this collage on Canva. Do you like? 😂]

My makeup is pretty light. I went for a natural glamour look.

"That doesn't matter though, because Luis is coming in like 20 minutes.

"Are you like scared?" Jay asks, raising her eyebrows.

"To be honest, no.." I answer, truthfully.

"Okay, that's good."

"Do you know where yous are going?" Keira asks, looking through her phone.

"No clue. All I do know is that is it a fancy-fancy date night."

"So.. how did you and this guy meet?" Jay asks, crossing her legs.

"Luis and I met, because he was new and as cliche as it sounds- we bumped into each other and then we did a little flirting here and there. He started being that annoying new student, but then he started getting okay.." I laugh at the memory.

"How did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

I slowly shake my head," Actually, he hasn't asked yet. We just admitted our feelings- that's all."

"Aww, yous are taking it slow," she coos.

"I guess," I shrug, like always.

*knock *knock *knock

We all look at each other with wide-eyes," He's here!" We all squeal together.

"Kay, can you get it please?" I ask, Keira politely.

"Of course. c'mon Bub let's go," she says, dragging Jay out with her.

I look in the mirror and give myself a pep-talk.

"You look real hot, that Luis will drop to his knees. You are kind, beautiful, and smart," I repeat the last over and over again.

When I'm ready, I slowly make my way downstairs, looking at Luis.

His mouth is agape, but then snaps out of his trance to smile," Hot, damn!" He then pulled me into his chest, as I got closer," You look.." he finished off his sentence with a whistle.

"You look really handsome," I say, as I look at what he's wearing- A fully black suit.

"Thank you, Beautiful Bree."

"You're welcome, handsome.. Roni."

"Why, Roni?" he asks.

"Because you-," I lean into his ear,"- your middle name is Veronica."

"You didn't have to whisper it-," he looks at Jay and Keira, who I realised was recording us the whole time,"- Hey, yeah. My middle name is Veronica."

They both start burst out laugh," Don't laugh at him, guys. Only I can," I whisper the last part.

I'm still in Luis' arms, so he obviously heard the last part," Meanie," he chuckles, tightening his arms around me.

"Okay, hurry up guys. Photos!" Keira shouts to get out attention

We look at each and smile, then turn to look at Keira.

"OMG! That was so cute!"

We then both look at each other and flash our double-chins out.

"Okay, now a serious one. SMILE!"

We both smile at the camera, but then I feel Luis pull away form me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, when he gets on one knee.

He ignores my question and gets a red ring box out of his back pocket.

"Luis.. " I'm not ready to get married.

"Will you, Katarina Marie Styles take the honours to be my one and only girlfriend?" he asks, showing me a gold necklace with an L in the centre.

I start laughing, because I did not expect to get asked out," Of course, Roni!" I laugh, pulling him up to hug him tightly.

He's the first to pull away," We better start leaving now, before they give our reservations to someone else," He smiles.

"Okay, Boyfriend," I laugh, calling him the nickname we gave each other when we first started hanging out.

"After you M'lady," he says in an awful British accent.

"Bye, guys," I wave at the two grinning girls.

"Bye. Don't have too much fun!" I hear Keira scream.

Luis opens the passenger door for me," Thanks."

"You're welcome," he then shuts my door and rushes into the other side.

As we're driving, Luis puts the radio on. Fallin' by Jessica Mauboy starts playing.


  "Something about the way you drive me up the wall
And there's something about the way it leaves me wanting more .

All my-y-y-y l-i-i-i-fe, I've been that girl that has to play it safe
So I-I-I-I
I try-y-y-y, to find the reasons I should walk away
Cause I don't want to want you like I do 

  But I can't help fallin' for you
Yeah, I can't help fallin' for you
Yeah, yeah 

  Never thought I would be the one to say
That I was kinda thinking that maybe you could stay 

  All my-y-y-y l-i-i-i-fe, I've been that girl who has to play it safe
So I-I-I-I
I try-y-y-y, to find the reasons I should walk away
Cause I don't want to want you like I do, yeah

But I can't help fallin' for you
Yeah, I can't help fallin' for you, yeah
Fallin' for you
I can't help fallin' for you
Fallin' for you
I can't help fallin' for you."


We sang the lyrics as loud as we could, laughing here and there.

We soon come to a turn, and I'm amazed to see a huge modern like Building that has 'Rivières' in bold gold writing.

"This building looks like it costs more than me," I mutter, looking up at it in shock.

"Don't say that," Luis says, pulling me back into his chest.

"Alright, but I'm not trying to joke and all. I feel like this was cost billions to build."

"You have no idea, Bree," He laughs, shaking his head. He locks his car as we walk away to see a young man opening the door for us.

"Thank you," I smile at him.

He winks at me in response, but Luis quickly blocks my view from him.

"Do that one more time- you won't have any eyes to do that," Luis growls, pulling me in front of him.

"Geez, come down."

He ignores me and walks to the receptionist. I follow behind him, but look around at the same time.

There's a huge picture of a guy. He has light brown hair, thin pink lips, and 2 cute dimples. He's pretty handsome, if I do say so myself.

"Bree, let's go," I feel a slight tug at my hand.


"Do you want to eat on the floor?" he smirks.

"Nope," I say, tightening my grip on his hand.

"Then let's go. We don't want Darien to wait," he says, pointing to a guy- that might I add, looked a little angry.

We quickly trail behind him, and I can't help but apologise to him.

He just shrugs me off with a smile," Don't be silly, it's my resting face," he laughs.

"Oh, jokes," I awkwardly laugh along with him.

"Well, here is your private eating area," he announces, pushing open a large black door.

"Thank you, Darien," Luis and I thank him at the same time.

"I'm not going to be far. I'm your waiter for today," he grins.

"Yay! Roni and I will have a better time now," I smile.

"We weren't going to have a nice time with just the two of us?" Luis asks, pouting.

"No we were. But.. but, I don't have an excuse," I sheepishly admit.

"It's okay, I still like you," he smiles.

"You guys are adorable, now call me when yous want your food," Darien then turns around and heads out the black door.

"Can I tell you something?" Luis hesitantly asks.


"Well, I'm going to be telling you things about my past."

"Your past? You don't need to," I don't want him to feel like he's obligated to tell me everything in one day, just because we're in a relationship.

"No, I want to. I know nearly everything about you, yet you know little about me," he sends me a small smile.

"Well.. If you want to," I shrug.

"Okay, well first off- my brother, Duke owns this restaurant."

"Really? But isn't he-"

"White? Yeah. I get that alot," he says, nodding his head.

"So how are yous related, if you don't mind me asking."

"We went to the same orphanage when we were kids," he states with a small smile on his face.

"You're adopted?" I ask, shocked.

"Yeah, but I'd rather not say. They're like my real family."

"What about your Aunt?"

"She's not my real Aunt," he states, sadness evident in his voice.

"Let's not talk about that anymore. We are suppose to have a wonderful time together. DARIEN!" I call out.

He soon comes running with his angry resting face," What will you guys want for dinner tonight?" Luis and I order for ourselves.

As we wait for the food, we silently play try not to laugh, but as soon as we saw Darien trip over his feet we both burst out laughing.

The rest of the night was a blast. Luis and I enjoyed ourselves and as we were walking out, Luis noticed I was shaking from the coldness.

"Here," he then shrugs off his coat, then places it around my shoulders," Put your arms through, it's too cold for you to do that," he says, when he notices I left it laying on my shoulders.

I do as told and on the drive to my house, we just said more jokes.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" I ask.

"I dunno, because he wanted to?" Luis asks, shrugging.

"No, to get to the idiots house."

"Oh, okay," he laughs

"Knock, Knock," I say.

"Who's there?"

"The chicken," I then burst out laughing, when realisation crosses Luis' face.

"Okay, get out of my car," he says pointing to the door.

"Alright, then. Bye," As I'm about to head out, Luis pulls me back," Yes?"

He just pushes his lips out.

"You want a kiss?"

He slowly nods his head.

"Nah, I'm good," I laugh, about to walk out, until I'm pulled back again and this time he kisses me.

Our kiss is cut short," KATARINA!" I pull away from Luis and snap my head to the direction. Asher stands there, looking extremely pissed off.

"What?" I ask, getting annoyed.

"I have been texting you for hours, I also had no idea where you were!" As he got closer, I noticed a vein popping out of his neck.

"Do you have a life? Stop worrying about mine, I can look after myself," He's making me angry, because all he does is nag.

"You know what? All I want is the best for you. Could you at least thank me?" he slowly turns around," I'll be waiting for you inside. I need to tell you something."

"Thank you for being a complete Apple to me," I shout, turning around to kiss Luis on the cheek," Bye, Roni."

"Uh.. I think I should stay," he says.

"Are you begging to be killed?"


"Roni.. Asher won't ever hurt me."

"Are you sure?"

"KATARINA, HURRY UP!" I hear Asher shout, getting really impatient.

"Yes. Now, go. I'll give you your coat tomorrow. Byee," I get out of the car and shut the door.

"Okay, bye," he says, but he doesn't drive off, he just stares at me.

"Are you going to go?" I ask, pretending to turn a wheel.

"Get inside. It's dark."

"Ohhh, okay," I bid him goodbye and walk inside. As soon I was in, Asher pulls the coat off my shoulders," Get that off!" he says, and throws Luis' coat on the floor as if it was contagious.

"Leave me alone!" I grab the coat off the ground and walk up stairs.

"Katarina, you're mum had a miscarriage."

I turn around in shock," No," I breathe out, not believing what he said.

Random Fact: I'm moving to NZ soon

A/N: Hello my Lovelies! I honesty took this whole day to re-write what I wrote from memory, but I added more thing cs I forgot. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, though the ending made me sad. Thank you all so much 100+ votes !!! I'm extremely excited for what the future holds for my stories ! IL&AYA !

Goal: 3 views & 1 vote
Word Count: 3909 words

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