Living With Assassins *One Sh...

By Thalia_Fuerhelm

50K 1.5K 525

Everyone enjoys some good ol' Assassin's Creed. Started off as one shots kinda fell into a really cheesy, te... More

Ezio x reader
Connor x Reader
Nerf wars
Ezio x Reader
one shot confessions
Arno x Reader
Altair x Reader
shirtless movie time
stealing kisses from princesses
Bestie meets the guys
bestie meets guys part 2
Cover up boyfriend
sick days
Enter Jacob Frye
the swimmimg pool
skinny dipping mistake
New character, the guys x reader
Altair, Arno, Ezio, Jacob, Edward, Desmond x reader
The guys x reader
the guys x reader
Ezio, Altair x reader
Altair, Edward, Desmond, Jacob, Arno x Reader
Altair, Desmond, Edward, Arno, Jacob x reader
Altair, Desmond, Arno, Jacob, Edward x reader
Altair, Edward, Arno, Jacob, Desmond x reader
Altair, Desmond, Edward, Arno, Jacob x Reader
Altair, Desmond, Jacob, Arno, Edward x Reader
Altair, Ezio, Desmond, Edward, Arno, Jacob x Reader
Jacob, Altair, Ezio x reader
Altair, Desmond, Ezio, Edward, Arno, Jacob x reader
Arno, Ezio, Altair, Edward, Desmond, Jacob x reader
Altair, Arno, Ezio, Desmond, Edward x Reader
Altair, Edward, Ezio, Arno, Desmond, Connor x reader
Altair, Arno, Ezio, Edward, Connor, Desmond x reader
the guys x reader
Suggestions please!?
the guys x reader
the guys x Reader
Edward, Ezio, Altair, Desmond, Connor x Read
Edward x Reader
the guys x reader
the guys x reader
Altair, Ezio, Desmond, Edward, connor x reader
the guys x reader
super cute costumes
guys x reader
guys x reader
pics of edward
And now he leaves
new house
new house = new arrival
Leave it to Ezio
breaks after painting
You're not supposed to touch it
Worst day ever (super short)
gifs and pics
possible end?
I'm back!
The Love/hate of siblings
all in one day
pancakes and teacups
funny morning scene
Kenway Appreciation
Reading smut out loud
Edward and Shay drunk
at our end

"Taking the kids to the park"

429 21 3
By Thalia_Fuerhelm

Haytham had come over to visit. All you sat around in the living room. No one had touched the Apple in days, everything was finally relaxing again.

You sat in the lazy boy alone. Haytham, Ezio, and Desmond said on the couch. Edward was stretched out on the floor along with Shay sitting on the loveseat

"I'm bored" Desmond stated randomly
You all watched the news on TV. The weather man going on about how nice the weather would be today.

"We should go out and do something" Haytham suggested

"Tavern" Edward stated

Desmond corrected "it's a bar, not a tavern"

You ignored the two arguing, thinking about the old lake down the road.

"There's the lake by your house" I told Haytham

"They put up some swings down there" Haytham told you

"(Name) likes swings. Remember the one we broke at the old house?" Edward asked you

"Yes, because you, me, and Arno don't fit on one little freakin tire" you told them

"It's not my fault the frenchy couldn't leave us alone"

"Actually, you were bothering us" you told him and he smiled

"Oh yeah. I did huh?" He laughed and you rolled your eyes

"So are we going to the park or not?" Desmond asked

I looked at Haytham who shrugged, then to Shay who hadn't said anything. Connor and (bf/n) were out having lunch so you didn't worry about them.

Shay had a look of blankness.

You decided not to say anything about it "so who's riding with Haytham?"

"Me" Edward stated

Haytham chuckled "love you too pops"

"I'm riding with (name)" Desmond stated

"Same" Ezio agreed

"Who ya goin with Cormac?" Edward asked Shay

Shay's eyes make a slight glance in your direction

Edward let out a huff "I'm riding with (name)"

"Uh, no you're not" you told him "you can't change your mind because of Shay. "

"Yes I can "

Haytham defended you "what's gonna happen? The park is right down the road."

Edward's bottom lip drew up for a moment before he muttered fine

------- ---------

You sat yourself in the driver's seat of the (vehicle). Ezio and Desmond sat in the back.

You noticed Shay's coat was gone as he climbed into the passenger seat.

You started the car and backed out of the driveway followed by Haytham.

Shay's eyes met yours as quick glances were exchanged between the two of you.

You could already see the brand new swings and playground equipment as you pulled into the parking lot, although the sky was pretty cloudy.

You loved swings, the feeling of floating in mid air before flying back down to do it all over again.

You immediately walk over to the swing sets, taking a seat in one before you slowly began to swing yourself.

"Need an underdog?"

You turned around and looked at Desmond while Haytham took a swing near you for himself.

"No. I want to swing myself" I told him

"Are you sure? Because you look like you can't swing very well"

You scoffed "I can too swing myself, clearly I'm doing it right now"

"I still think you need an underdog"


Edward came to stand next to Desmond. Ezio and Shay sitting at a nearby table.

"What's an underdog?" Edward asked

Desmond smirked "It'll be easier to show you"

"Desmond don't you dare!" You tried to scold him but it was too late

Desmond put his hands on your swing and ran underneath you, throwing you into the air to make you swing high.

Your looked at Desmond with a scowl "sometimes I hate you"

He smiled brightly, clearly proud of his work "no you don't"

You heard Edward make a "huh" sound is if impressed

Then as you began to slow down you received another underdog

"Edward James Kenway!" You screamed at him

He and Desmond laughed

"You guys are childish" you started laughing as well

Ezio had managed to get Desmond and Edwards attention. Drawing them to some playground equipment.

You rolled your eyes as they climbed into the large toy that was a castle.

Shay had made his way over and was standing next to the swing set, looking around.

"Hay Shay" you drew out and he looked up at you

The chain on you swing snapped as you went into the air. Sending you forward.

Shay was moving toward you but not quick enough.

Someone had attempted to catch you, both of you falling to the ground.

You looked up at Haytham and laughed.

"Hi" you said awkwardly being on top of him


"NONE OF THAT" Desmond said and Edward pulled you off Haytham

"Oh I don't a '(name), are you okay?''

"right, of course" Edward says as he cups your face "are you alright?"

"Yes "

"What's wrong pops?" Haytham said to Edward "Afraid I'll take your place?"

You rolled your eyes "I just love bringing my kids to the park"

The Edward and Haytham glared, your face immediately going red.

"Stop looking at me!" You scowled back at them

"Hey, it's not our fault we have good looks" Haytham told you "well, a little more me then him but you know what I mean"

"I tend to think I'm more than enough for any woman" Edward stated proudly

"Think is the key word there Kenway" Haytham replied swiftly, receiving a laugh from Ezio and Desmond

You felt a drop of water hit your forehead. You looked up as more rain slowly began to sprinkle.

You smiled as your hair started dripping "I guess thats our cue to go home huh?"

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