Behind the Screen (a Tom Hidd...

Av thelegalmidget

44.1K 1.3K 110

Kate Evans, writer and aspiring actress is starting a fresh. She want's to challenge her brothers to world-re... Mer

1. Emails
2. Just a Normal Person
3. Sexy Stranger
4. A Snack Sized Disaster
5. Hiddles
6. Multiple Choice
7. Autumn Leaves
8. Winter Blues
9. Balls of Silk
10. Midnight Romantics
11. Early Risers and Invitations
12. Second Gifts
13. Loki's Ascent
14. Pegs
15. Soggy Socks and Heavy Hearts
16. Mother Nature
17. Clouded Minds
18. Knocked into Reality
19. Awards and Passions
20. Proposals
21. Wrap Party
22. Saying Goodbye
23. Funerals And Flying
24. Moonlight
25. Every Cloud
26. Small Details
27. Pressing Matters
28: Interruptions
Soon to be Updated
29. Mini-Me
30. Number 53
31. Bagels and Babies
32. Ducks
33. Beer and Table Decorations
34. Cramping
36. Hash Browns and Burnt Sausages
37. A Marvel Wedding
38. Headlines and Kibble
39. Doubt
Important News!
40. The Stag and Hen Part 1
41. The Stag and Hen Part 2
42. The Earring
Chapter 43

35. Plan A, B and C

477 14 0
Av thelegalmidget

Sometimes life gives you lemons and you're forced to make lemonade. But not everyone likes lemonade, others like something a little sweeter so add a heaped teaspoon of sugar into the mix to lessen the sharpness. Tom was all the sweetness Kate needed in her life right now and then some. It wasn't until they had reached the point where they were forced to face the music of making their own lemonade did she realize how much she needed him in her life; to take that sharpness out of her life.

A month had passed since their weekend away and nothing much had changed; other than a dramatic alteration in climate maybe. The seasons seemed to come around so quickly these days and life was just as fleeting as ever. Kate was now swapping her sandals for high heels as she was attending more than one meeting a day for the latest installment of the next Loki film.
It was eight in the morning and she had just arrived on set with Tom who had driven them in. She had almost forgotten what it was like to have a lie in, in the mornings. Oh, how she just wanted to lay there and sleep until she wasn't tired anymore. She must have been staring off into nothingness for a while as Tom had turned the engine off and just as he was about to climb out of the driver's seat looked over at her. "Kate?"

Snapping out of her trance, she cleared her throat. "huh?" She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.
"Hey what's up hun?" Tom sat back looking a little concerned.
"Nothing nothing, just... I need to sleep for more than four hours." She laughed. Tom joined in and shut the car door. "I know. We only have a few more meetings and read-throughs to go and then we are free for a few weeks before filming starts." He took her hands in his and planted a few kisses on her skin. "And lots of lay-ins I can assure you." He winked at her and her face went a bright shade of pink. Luckily it was still dark out so she could maintain a little self-respect. With a last peck on the lips, he cleared his throat. "But now we have a meeting to get to."

Walking in hand in hand whilst walking through the security checks, they bumped into Gina for the billionth time this week. "Oh hello, you two. How're things?"
"Things are good thanks," Tom answered before Kate stopped yawning.

"Wow looks like someone is tired. And I've been meaning to ask," Gina lowered her voice to a tone only heard when about two centimeters away from a person. "How are you really. About what happened last month I mean. I didn't expect you hear very often I must admit." Kate looked straight at the floor and wanted out of the situation as soon as possible.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, will you excuse me? I need the bathroom before the meeting starts. See you in there."

"Sorry, Gina."
"Things are still rough huh." She picked her coffee up and took a sip.
"A little. But we are getting there. I know she moans about the early get ups but I know its helping get her mind off it. And we are starting to plan for the wedding next week so that's another distraction for her." Tom wore a faint smile on his face as though he were hurting but didn't want to show it.

"And how are you doing? As for Kate I will get Rachel onto that, she's great at making people feel better and as I understand it they're good friends. Tom nodded.
"I'm okay, tired but alright. I just think our relaxing weekend wasn't really relaxing. If anything it just added stress to the mix for the both of us. And we should be planning for the wedding but instead, we're worried about... well everything else." Gina looked quite overwhelmed. She wasn't used to her crew being so open with her let alone sharing such personal stories with her.

"Well, I don't usually do this but I should do it more often. I have a huge list of contacts that I could give you to help you with these things; wedding planners, therapists etc. Anything you need just give me the nod."
"Thank you. Honestly, I'd take anything right now that would make her happy." He looked over to where Kate was loitering; the temperamental coffee machine was just serving her a mediocre latte. Tom could tell that she was listening but didn't want to make eye contact with him. "And, you don't know anyone who tracks peoples lost pets do you? She lost her cat a few months ago now and I just know it would help her if she could have him back."

Gina was about to say something when the machine Kate was waiting in front of made a rather unhealthy grinding noise. "I'll sort it." She made her way to Kate who was looking even more put out. "I just wanted a coffee." Looking as though she was about to cry she headed over to Tom who put his arm around her.

"Not to worry dear, I'll get Maintenance to sort it. In fact, I might put an order in for a new one. This has clearly seen better days." Kate sniffed and scratched an itch on her nose. "Right, that's on my to-do list. Now, this meeting should have started a few minutes ago so look sharp." She gestured to the door and one by one they each strolled in and took their usual seats to discuss lord knows what for the upcoming film production.


Later that day, when all three meetings had concluded Tom and Kate were making their way back to her flat. Tom was driving and Kate looking out into the distance, barely there. This hadn't gone unnoticed by Tom. She hadn't been herself all day. Maybe she had heard what Tom had been saying to Gina? Either way, he wasn't going to let her stew on it for a second longer.
"Honey, what's wrong? You've been distant all day?" He was just pulling up to park, the leaves were making such an average task rather challenging as his wheels were sliding and skidding underneath them.

"Nothing love. I'm just tired." She blinked a few times, snapping herself out of her trance. He wasn't an idiot; he knew she was lying but wasn't going to pry until he had parked safely. Turning the engine off he diverted his full attention to her. She was trying to maintain her composure but it just wasn't working. Not today.
"I'm sorry." Her voice cracked a little and her hands shot straight up to her eyes to wipe away fresh tears.
"Lovely whatever's the matter?" the tone of his voice was so soft and calming. She sniffed and continued, "Its just, today. Chris had a baby girl." Tom sat wide-eyed, his breath hitched in his throat.
"Wow really? Did he text you then?"

"Yeah, I mean he texts me saying she was in labour and just as we got in the car I saw the notification but couldn't bring myself to reply because... because,"
"because of what happened to you four weeks ago." He interrupted so she didn't have to say it out loud. He tried to hug her but the gear stick and handbrake were making for a very uncomfortable third wheel if you pardon the pun. He took a very deep breath and dropped his shoulders. "Shall we go inside? I can cuddle you properly then." A slight smile crept onto her face as she nodded.

The walk to the house from the car wasn't as awkward as you'd think. They walked hand in hand up the wet steps, leaves peppered everywhere they could see. "I really need to call a gardener." She laughed a little looking at the mess of a garden that lay in front of her apartment. Tom laughed as he unlocked the door and gestured for her to enter before him. She still loved the gentlemanly side of him; that and many other aspects of his elaborate personality. She loved that no matter what problem she was facing or what mood she was in, he still loved her and always would.

"Tea?" He called from the kitchen.
"Yes please." He stopped and took her coat off her shoulders and hung it up on her hook in the hallway.

When the ping of the kettle rang out and the mugs were placed, they sat down on the sofa watching the rain splatters run down the window pane. Tom leaned forward and placed his teacup on the coffee table, replacing the cup with Kate's hand in his. He kissed her forehead before asking her, "Shall we talk about it? Because I feel like there's a massive elephant in the room right now."
"Yeah, yeah we need to. I need to. I can't keep living with a constant cloud over my head." She had managed to get a hold of her emotions so she could let her thoughts speak for themselves. She knew that no matter what she said, she would always have him there.

"Me too. Well, I will start by saying it's not too late you know. If you really can't have them there are other options honey. My dad used to work for a company that deals with couples who struggle to have children. And it's not too pricey either or painful. In fact, I think they said its pain-free; just there's no fun involved if you see what I mean." He laughed to himself and pulled her closer to him. She melted into his touch giggling a little at what he had just said. "It's not over for us yet KitKat. We can always adopt. There are lots of options for us,"
"I know," she picked at the skin around her fingernails. "Just... seeing my own brother have what we were just getting our heads around having ourselves. And all that pain to end up with nothing I just," She took a very deep breath in an attempt to put a stopper in her tears but it was no use. She moved her hand to her forehead and cried into Toms' chest. "All that... for nothing,"

"Sweetie. I know its tough and if you need help I know some great people. Just say the word and I'm there. You won't need to worry about sorting anything alone. We are in this together all the way."
"I love you. I love knowing that. But what I really want right now is to draw a huge line between then and now and start afresh; by marrying you."

Their noses rubbing against each other's in a tender embrace Tom broke the loving silence. "So, what's the plan of action then Mrs? You always have plan A, B, and C already in the pipeline." She looked up at him and moved out of his arms a little.
"You know, I think this time around the only plan I am going to partake in is the type that involves wedding bells and cake. Lots and lots of cake."

"Agreed. Although on a more serious note, if you do need some form of help before we tie the knot please don't feel embarrassed to tell me. Or even just use me as the sounding board. You can trust me with your life."

She grabbed his sides and planted a long kiss on his surprised lips. "We might have lost our baby, but I don't want to lose you. We will try again, but this time we can do it our way and on our own terms."

"Yeah. I just hope whatever sex the baby is it gets your personality and my looks." She laughed as he tickled her as punishment for her comment.

"Darn you, foolish mortal, for my personality and looks are of equal caliber." Her raised eyebrow said it all. "Hun, your Loki is afire." 

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