Eternity of Love (One Piece x...

By Solatium

1.8M 78.1K 34.6K

"Saṃsāra,The Wheel of Eternity"--An epithet to an old legend in Paradise. Of course, you were one of those wh... More

Prologue: Master Gunner, (y/n) enters
Chapter 1: Nakama
Chapter 2: Alabasta
Chapter 3: Nanohana
Chapter 4: Ashore the Desert
Chapter 5: Adventures in the Desert
Chapter 6: Among the Dunes
Chapter 7: Yuba's promise
Chapter 8: Vivi's resolve and Search for Crocodile
Chapter 9: Bananagator, not anymore
Chapter 10: Saving a Country
Chapter 11: Leaving and New Member
Chapter 12: Reminiscence and too many Goats!
Chapter 13: Three Days
Chapter 14: Ships falling everywhere, welcome to the Grand Line!
Chapter 15: The Mock Town
Chatper 16: Montblanc
Chapter 17: Stupid Captain
Chapter 18: Bellamy vs Luffy
Omake : One Piece Movie - Dead End Adventure
Chapter 19: Knock-Up Stream
Chapter 20: Waterfall
Chapter 21: Sky Island
Chapter 22: 8th degree crime, 7th degree crime, 6th degree crime....
Chapter 23: Heaven's Judgment
Chapter 24: Going to Upper Yard
Chapter 25: Ordeal of Holy Balls
Chapter 26: Satori vs (y/n)
Chapter 27: Nakamas Back Together
Chapter 28: Going Merry Going Down
Chapter 29: Robin and (y/n)
Chapter 30: God Enel
Chapter 31: Battle between "Gods"
Chapter 32: Gain
Chapter 33: God's Natural Enemy
Chapter 34: Fight in the Sky
Chapter 35: Ring the Bell
Chapter 36: Falling From the Sky
Chapter 37: Long Ring Long Land
Chapter 38: Davy Back Fight
Chapter 39: Davy Back Games 1/2
Chapter 40: Davy Back Games 2/2
Chapter 41: Last Round and Revelation
Chapter 42: No Name
Chapter 43: Water 7
Chapter 44: Money Before
Chapter 45: Iceburg-san
Chapter 46: Asses to Kick
Chapter 47 : Abandon
Chapter 48: Franky
Chapter 49: Galley-La's Wrath
Chapter 50: Uneasy Feeling
Chapter 51: Trip to Enies Lobby
Chapter 52: Sea Train and Cook
Chapter 53: Fils
Chapter 54: Shall we?
Chapter 55: SMASH IN
Chapter 56 : Live
Chapter 57: Lucci
Chapter 58: Buster Call
Chapter 59: Let's Go Back Together
Chapter 60: Someone Else
Chapter 61: Relaxing Day
Chapter 62: Adding a Shipwright
Chapter 63: Depart From Water 7
Chapter 64: Skeleton
Chapter 65: Thriller Bark
Chapter 66: Haunting Night
Chapter 67: Master of Thriller Bark
Chapter 68: Stolen
Chapter 69: Cut it Out
Chapter 70: Oz
Chapter 71: Counterattack
Chapter 72 : Fight
Chapter 74: Oz vs Straw Hats
Chapter 75: Real Monster
Chapter 76: Nightmare Luffy
Chapter 77: Luffy vs Moria
Chapter 78: A Musician for the Crew
Chapter 79: Spa Island
Special: Straw Hats Miscellaneous
Chapter 80: Two Peas in a Pod
Chapter 81: Sabaody Archipelago
Chapter 82: The Auction House
Chapter 83: Past
Chapter 84: Separation
Chapter 85: Amazon Lily
Chapter 86: Mark
Chapter 87: Arena
Chapter 88: The Snake Sisters
Chapter 90: Impel Down
Chapter 91: Level 1 and Level 2
Chapter 92: Magellan
Chapter 93: Prison BREAK
Chapter 94: Blackbeard
Chapter 95: Exiting Impel Down
Chapter 96: Marineford
Chapter 97: Road to Ace
Chapter 98: Brothers
Chapter 99: What is Left
Chapter 100: See you in 2 years
╟ Chapter 101: Regroup! Straw Hat Pirates ╢
╟ Chapter 102: Under the Sea ╢
╟ Chapter 103: Demon of the Sea ╢
╟ Chapter 104: Through the Darkness ╢
╟ Chapter 105: Fountain of Perverseness ╢
╟ Chapter 106: Fishman Island ╢
╟ Chapter 107: Mermaid Princess ╢
╟ Chapter 108: New Fishman Pirates ╢
╟ Chapter 109: Sea Forest ╢
╟ Chapter 110: Straw Hats vs New Fishman Pirates ╢
╟ Chapter 111: Ship of Promise ╢
╟ Chapter 112: The Noah Won't Fall ╢
╟ Chapter 113: A Feast ╢
╟ Chapter 114: Leaving Fishman Island ╢
╟ Chapter 115: New World ╢
╟ Omake: One Piece Movie - Z ╢
Omake: One Piece Movie - Strong World
╟ Chapter 116: Punk Hazard ╢
╟ Chapter 117: Warm Coats ╢
╟ Chapter 118: Heart Stealer ╢
╟ Chapter 119: Unexpected Alliance ╢
╟ Chapter 120: Blob Monster ╢
╟ Chapter 121: Joker ╢
╟ Omake: Halloween Night 1 - Horror Stories ╢
╟ Chapter 122: Teaming ╢
╟ Chapter 123: Candy! ╢
╟ Chapter 124: Mocha ╢
╟ Chapter 125: Fan Man and Weapon Girl ╢
╟ Chapter 126: Odd Marines ╢
╟ Chapter 127: Next Move ╢
╟ Chapter 128: Interlude with a Weird Pet Owner ╢
╟ Chapter 129: Dressrosa ╢
╟ Chapter 130: A Prize ╢
╟ Chapter 131: Corrida Colosseum ╢
╟ Chapter 132: Rebecca ╢
╟ Chapter 133: Block E ╢
╟ Chapter 134: A Trap ╢
╟ Chapter 135: The Heavenly Demon - Doflamingo ╢
╟ Chapter 136: Plan in Action ╢
╟ Chapter 137: Alive ╢
╟ Chapter 138: The Real Dressrosa ╢
╟ Chapter 139: The Game is On ╢
╟ Chapter 140: Funny Voice ╢
╟ Chapter 141: Large Egos ╢
╟ Chapter 142: First Level of the Plateau ╢
╟ Chapter 143: The Trump Card ╢
╟ Chapter 144: A Feeling ╢
╟ Chapter 145: The Clash ╢
╟ Chapter 146: The Final Countdown ╢
╟ Chapter 147: Letter ╢
╟ Chapter 148: Anita ╢
╟ Chapter 149: Hell Realm ╢
╟ Chapter 150: Promise ╢
╟ Chapter 151: Zou ╢
╟ Chapter 152: Climbing the Elephant ╢
╟ Chapter 153: Mink Tribe ╢
╟ Chapter 154: Minkship ╢
╟ Chapter 155: Inuarashi ╢
╟ Chapter 156: Nekomamushi ╢
╟ Chapter 157: Minks and Samurais ╢
╟ Chapter 158: Voices ╢
╟ Chapter 159: Healing ╢
╟ Omake: One Piece Movie - Gold ╢
╟ Chapter 160: Dear Food ╢
╟ Chapter 161: Rookies ╢
╟ Chapter 162: 0 and 4 ╢
╟ Chapter 163: The Bride ╢
╟ Chapter 164: Strange Forest ╢
╟ Chapter 165: Angelic and Biscuit ╢
╟ Chapter 166: Sanji Vinsmoke ╢
╟ Chapter 167: The Heart Lock ╢
╟ Chapter 168: Eyes ╢
╟ Chapter 169: Merienda ╢
╟ Chapter 170: Through the Looking-Glass ╢
╟ Chapter 171: Retrieve ╢
╟ Chapter 172: Secret Meeting ╢
╟ Chapter 173: Red Wedding ╢
╟ Chapter 174: Change of Plans ╢
╟ Chapter 175: The Drop ╢
╟ Chapter 176: Key ╢
╟ Chapter 177: Fallen Angel ╢
╟ Chapter 178: Delicious Cake ╢
╟ Chapter 179: A Reverie ╢
╟ Chapter 180: Road to Wano ╢
╟ Chapter 181: Wrestling ╢
╟ Chapter 182: A Girl Named O-Tama ╢
╟ Chapter 183: Ghosts of the Past ╢
╟ Chapter 184: A Dragon In the Clouds ╢
╟ Chapter 185: The Flower Capital ╢
╟ Chapter 186: A Banquet For Your Fill ╢
╟ Chapter 187: Familiar Flame ╢
╟ Chapter 188: Sacrifice of a Thief ╢
╟ Chapter 189: Preparation for a Raid ╢
╟ Omake: One Piece Movie - Stampede ╢
╟ Chapter 190: Onigashima ╢
A/N: Eternity of Love - Last Saga

Chapter 73: Start of a Battle

6.2K 361 103
By Solatium

Your mind was finally at peace when you busted inside La Florette's bedroom and saw your clothes laying on a bench. You were about to grab them when, suddenly, the castle shook wildly, the tremor so powerful that you had to cling to the bedpost to balance yourself.

Steven tugged on your earring, and before you could ask him what's wrong, the wall across from you exploded. You fell backward with a small cry, Steven grabbing unto your shoulder to not fall too. When the smoke cleared out, your breath caught in your throat when you realized the explosion carried half of the room down...with your clothes.

The new made hole gave you a view of a pair of eyes staring right at you, and you quickly recognized them.

"......SORRY....." said Oz bashfully, passing a hand through his wild hair.


".......YOU LOOK PRETTY IN THIS DRESS, (Y/N).........ER, WHO IS (Y/N)?....." said Luffy's zombie and you deadpanned at him.

"I'm no one" you answered, and the zombie cocked his head stupidly at you.


"No one" you repeated, wishing for the giant to leave you the fuck alone so you could get your clothes at the bottom.

"..............YOU ARE A GOOD CANDIDATE TO BE PIRATE QUEEN" said suddenly the zombie, and you blanched.

"Wait, what" you trailed in panic. "Nononononono, get away from me. I have enough creeps on my back so I don't need another giant!"


You let out a screech, scrambling to get back on your feet and made a dash toward the exit. You dodged Luffy's shadow's hand, your side grazing the floor as the limb slammed against another wall. It fell down next to you, and you didn't waste any time to leave this place before you found yourself under a pile of debris.

The zombie let out a displeased yell that resonated through the walls of the castle, but you couldn't care less. Your plan to get back your clothes will have to wait for now. Turning a corner, you bumped into another person and you fell on top of him.

"(Y/N)?!!" stammered Usopp, staring up at you with a blush on his cheeks.

"Usopp!" you said. "The heck are you doing?!"

"I-I could ask you the same! I'm running away from a huge-ass zombie called Oz!!!" he replied in sarcasm.

"Well, you're not the only one. Let's go outside!"

Helping him to stand up, the two of you ran for the closest exit, the castle trembling once again but it was more violent. You both found a way out on top of a small bridge, and the sniper used his spectacles to search for the giant.

"This is bad! He has our wanted posters!" he told you.

"Our wanted posters? Why?" you asked.

"Usopp! (y/n)!!" yelled Chopper's voice.

The reindeer appeared with Robin, running to the two of you. Usopp yelled their name, explaining to them the situation about how Oz had your wanted posters pinned to his arm.

"T-T-T-There no mistake...H-H-His targets.....are definitely us!!!"

"SHOW YOURSELVES! STRAW HAT CREW!!!" shouted Luffy's zombie, arms high at his sides.

"Luffy, are you planning on crushing your crew yourself?!" whimpered the sniper.

"The order went out" stated Robin, staring at Oz's form.

"Is the real Luffy all right?" wondered Chopper with a worried look.

"Is it even possible to beat something like that?" you sweated. "And Sanji's down here too!"


"Hey, Usopp! So that's where you were!" yelled a far away voice, and Usopp looked all around him in search of the source.

"What's that? Did someone just call out my name?" he said, then looked up at the tower. "WO! ZORO?! Why are you on the roof?!"

"Franky! Brook! You guys were all right!" sighed in relief Chopper.

"For now, the skeleton's problem seems taken care of" said Robin. "Seems like Nami-chan still needs to be saved...."

"Oi, move out of the way! What good is it when you're interfering with us, Luffy?" said the chef, facing Oz.


"Shut up! Nice to meet you my ass, I swear. Babbling nonsense like that!" grunted the blonde. "You're totally Luffy!"

"This is bad! This is really bad! Sanji's in trouble!" panicked Chopper.

"This is unexpected...We thought that they were only after our shadows" muttered Robin. "Maybe we rushed ourselves too much..."

"It seems like they're totally satisfied with Luffy's shadow only" sweated the sniper.

"S-So scary! There's no way to fight that thing!"

"We should back him up!" you said. "He won't be able to do a damn thing to him all alone"

"W-Wait!" stopped Usopp. "We should stay out of the way and leave this to Sanji. Don't worry. If it's him, he'll manage to get away from him"

"But our identites are known because of the wanted posters, right?" retorted Robin. "I doubt he's gonna let him get away that easily"

"So naive, Robin-kun! That's the point!" smiled Usopp smugly, shaking a finger at the older woman. "Just by looking at that poster, do you think he'll recognize Sanji?"

"That's right. Sanji's wanted poster doesn't resemble him at all!" your lips parted at the realization, feeling dumb of not remembering this fact.

"I see. You got a point" nodded the archaeologist.

Oz lifted his arm to gaze at the wanted posters, trying to find Sanji's. For a moment, he stood there in silence. He blinked once, before saying:


"WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!" yelled Usopp and Chopper, throwing their arms in the air.

"WHAT PART EXACTLY!?" snarled Sanji, ticked off.

"WHICH PART? EVERYTHING" answered bluntly the zombie, and the chef could have drop dead in shame.



"What did you say, bastard?!" growled the blonde while the others panicked and screamed to him to watch out.

The giant started to land some random blows at Sanji, who dodged them by jumping out of the way. Until Oz caught him in a dead end and threw a few deathly hits, creating craters everywhere his fists smashed through the ground. Dust settled on the battlefield, and Usopp and Chopper yelled the chef's name.

However, they were relieved when Sanji reappeared, smoking a cigarette cooly.

"Jeez....Creating only a useless whirl of dust" he said. "Now it's my turn, you shit head!"

"I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY THIS TIME" Luffy's shadow cracked his knuckles, and lifted his fist above his head. "GOMU GOMU NO...."

"IT'S LUFFY'S TECHNIQUE!" cried out the reindeer.

"DON'T TELL ME HIS ARM STRETCHES!" Usopp clutched his head.


Oz slammed his fist where Sanji once stood. His arm didn't stretch, but with that reach and destructive power, it didn't matter. One hit from him would mean instant death for a normal human.

"Oz...I remember hearing that name before somewhere..." said Robin. "Wouldn't be it the evil deity of the ancient Kunibiki Legend...?"

"I see. Being Luffy's zombie doesn't seem to be just for show" said Sanji, landing a few feet away from Oz.

Sanji dashed in the giant's direction, dodging his arms. He jumped high in the air and tried to land a kick on his forehead. Oz headbutted it, pushing the chef away. Sanji avoided another hit, but the giant slammed his foot on the ground, making it unstable for the man to land correctly.

Oz took this time to punch Sanji against a wall, Usopp and Chopper screaming his name at the same time.

"GOTCHA! YOU MINI-PIRATE" cheered Oz as he grabbed Sanji's fallen body.

"Human Realm: Dancing Flames"

A flaming cannon ball was shot and collided against Oz's head. The giant staggered back by the strength of the hit, his head and hair caught on fire. Your comrades let out shouts of surprise, and slowly turned to face the direction it came from. They saw you on top of the bridge's edge, holding a huge cannon/flamethrower with your legs slightly stretched. Franky whistled at the artillery while Brook and Zoro both blanched at the sight of the weapon, not wishing to ever fight you with that thing.

Usopp and Chopper let out noises of amazement, stars in their eyes.

"THAT BURNS" grunted Oz, glaring at you. He threw Sanji on the ground, and you gritted your teeth.

"Not sorry, big guy. You looked like you needed a good wake up call" you replied.

His eyes traveled to you to Usopp's group, grunting questioningly.

"A GUN WOMAN, A DARK-HAIRED WOMAN AND A REINDEER THAT LIKES COTTON CANDY" he said, shaking his head to get rid of the fire, and sauntered toward Usopp's group.

"HE'S HEADING OVER HERE!!" cried Usopp and Chopper.


"Watch out, Silvers!" yelled the cyborg at the top of the tower.

"Hungry Ghosts Realm: Kodama!" you quickly shouted, Steven transforming in his monster form.

Steven lifted his claws and vines extended from all around his body, creating a huge wall of vines to stop the zombie's arm. It covered Oz's fist and blocked the hit that could have cost your life. Steven's true body started to tremble by the applied weight of the giant, his limbs shaking.

You were about to yell at the others to get out of the way, but Oz managed to pass through the wall of vines and head his fist right at you. You barely had the time to blink that a flash of green appeared in your line of sight. Zoro lifted you bridal style and saved you from being squished like a pancake. Enrolling your arms around his neck out of reflex, you panicked about the possibility of Steven breaking under this attack.

Your nerves were eased when you saw him get out of the way when the wall of vines crumpled down. You breathed a sigh of relief, letting your head hang backward.

"You're alright?" demanded Zoro, still glaring at Oz who was recovering from the attack he made.

"Yeah..." you breathed, gazing at him in stupor. "I thought you didn't care of what happens to me?"

"Shut up, you bitch" blushed brightly the swordsman, looking away.

Though, he froze when he realized where exactly he put his hands, and looked down to see he was holding mostly on the warm leg who wasn't covered by the dress. You deadpanned as the green haired man's face turned a brighter shade of red, his eyes growing in sizes when he caught sight of your underwear.

".............................................................................WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BARELY COVERED?!!!"

"Are you seriously asking this question? At this right moment?" you facepalmed. "You sound like my old man"


"Oh?~ The young boy can't handle women in their undies?" you cooed, stretching his cheek teasingly. "You pervert, you enjoy it don't you?"

"I do not!" he snarled.

"Then why are you still staring at them?"


Zoro stopped himself and his blush died down. In fact, it was all replaced to a smirk and you gulped at the sight. Leaning his face closer to yours, he whispered:

"And what if I do?"

Your cheeks were tinted by a faint pink color. Gritting your teeth, you punched Zoro's side and he let out a howl of pain. And before he could reprimand at you, Oz was already on the move in your direction. The swordsman tossed you toward Franky and Brook.

The two men caught you in their arms, and you released a grunt at the collision. Zoro climbed and ran along the arm of the zombie, using his swords to slice one of Oz's long teeth. Luffy's zombie scoffed and kicked the swordsman, sending him flying in the air.

"ZORO! Are you still alive?!" inquired Usopp, watching the green haired male propelled in the sky. "HE'S GONNA DIE FALLING FROM THAT HEIGHT!"

"Eat this, you monster!" growled the cyborg, using his arm to fire multiple projectiles. The zombie did a backflip, avoiding the bullets. "Unbelievable agility! He dodged it again!"

You blinked as Oz grabbed a building, pulling it over his shoulder. Franky and Brook glared at him, not understanding what he's trying to do.

"What now?!" breathed the skeleton.

"HE'S GOING TO SLAM IT IN OUR FACE" you screamed, right eye flashing purple. "STEVEN!"

The tree monster slid across the battlefield to get to you three, jumping at the platform you were on. He grabbed Franky and Brook first, putting them both on one shoulder before doing the same for you on the other one.

Steven dodged the building as Oz crashed it at the exact same spot the three of you were at not too long ago. The monster blocked the debris by sprouting large foliage, hovering your small group.

"Thank you, Steven" groaned Franky under you, and you realized that you were piled on the cyborg and the skeleton.

"GYAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THAT?!" panicked Brook.

"Zoro's falling!!" warned Chopper.

"Damn it, if he hits the ground he'll die!"

"Cien Fleur: Spider Net!" yelled Robin, sprouting arms in a spider web toward the swordsman.

She was able to catch him at the last minute, the man bouncing in the net with a groan. Unfortunately, Oz appeared beside the net, eyeing down the swordsman.

"Eat this! You're zombie, too!" said Usopp, shooting a bag of salt. "Ultimate Salt Star!"

The giant ate the salt and froze on the spot, his eye widening. He stood in the same position, a building lifted above his head to smash it down on his opponents.

Though, nothing happened.

"I-It wasn't enough...for that giant body"

Chopper transformed in his human form and leaped in the zombie's face, swinging his arm back:

"HEAVY GONG!" the reindeer yelled.

His fist collided with the building, but it was too heavy for him and instead knocked him at the bottom of the bridge with Zoro, Usopp and Robin. The four landed hard on the ground, fainting on the spot.

"Shit..." you flinched, watching as everyone was down.

Franky and Brook were barely holding up at this moment, and the others were too beat up to stand back on their feet. Steven returned in his wooden form, staggering a little like he was dizzy.

"Sorry for working you too hard, Steven..." you apologized, and gazed back at Oz.

"I'M MORIA-SAMA'S UNDERLING...OZ!" declared the zombie, slamming a fist over his torso.

"....We're seriously in trouble...."

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