R(WBY)ed vs Blue: New Colors

By TempaxInc

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Red vs Blue and RWBY are both products of the company Rooster Teeth Cover Art is by SaintAsh on DeviantArt Y... More

Chapter 2: Free Refills
Chapter 3: Visiting Hours
Chapter 4: Catching Up
Chapter 5: Local Host
Chapter 6: One New Message
Chapter 7: Bon Voyage
Chapter 8: Directions
Chapter 9: My House, From Here
Chapter 10: Lay Of The Land
Chapter 11: Dumb Cop, Bad Cop
Chapter 12: Well Hello
Chapter 13: Called Up
Chapter 14: The Installation
Chapter 15: Watch The Flank
(A/N) #2
Chapter 16: Retention Deficit
Chapter 17: Trust Issues
Chapter 18: Hang Time
Chapter 19: Think You Know Someone
Chapter 20: For Those Of You Just Joining Us...
Chapter 21: Drink Your Ovaltine
Chapter 22: Upon Further Review
Chapter 23: Recovering One
Chapter 24: Fourth and Twenty
Chapter 25: Towing Package
Chapter 26: And Don't Call Me Shirley
Chapter 27: Perusing The Archive
Chapter 28: Backup Plans
Chapter 29: This One Goes To Eleven
Chapter 30: Restraining Orders
Chapter 31: Snooze Button
Chapter 32: Battle Of The Exes
Chapter 33: Female Fray
Chapter 34: Reconfiguration
Chapter 35: Check Your Local Listings
Chapter 36: Standardized Testing
Chapter 37: Tenth Percentile
Chapter 38: Rally Cap
Chapter 39: Reunion
Chapter 40: N+1
RvB MIA: Chapter 1
RvB MIA: Chapter 2
RvB MIA: Chapter 3
RvB MIA: Chapter 4
RvB MIA: Chapter 5
RvB MIA: Chapter 6
Chapter 41: Hate To Say Goodbye
Chapter 42: Revenants
Chapter 43: Follow The Leader
Chapter 44: What's The "I" Stand For?
Chapter 45: Fall From Heaven
Chapter 46: Fighting Fire
Chapter 47: C.T.
Chapter 48: Out Of Body
Chapter 49: Out Of Mind
Chapter 50: Greenish-Blue With Envy
Chapter 51: Happy Birthday
Chapter 52: Change Of Plans
Chapter 53: Party Crasher
Chapter 54: Reckless
Chapter 55: True Colors
Chapter 56: Don't Say It...

Chapter 1: Don't Get Me Started

4.9K 63 20
By TempaxInc

PleasedontsuemeRoosterTeethididnthaveanorginalname I mean uujhhj hi welcome to my horrible R(WBY)ed Versus Blue (Male!Blue!Reader/RWBY Crossover) I don't even remember how and why I came up with this
Anyways enjoy
Also key for this:
: words after this symbol will be said by the person named before the symbol
(L/N): Last Name
I think I should also mention that this is NOT a romantic fanfiction (now it is) between the reader and Team RWBY, I just thought 'hey why don't I just write a Red Versus Blue and RWBY Crossover?' but then I remembered there are a bunch of them out there so I decided 'why don't I just insert a Male Reader that's a Blue'
But if enough people actually read this and want me to include a romance between one, or two, or three, or all four members of Team RWBY and the reader then I'll do it
anyways cut to the story (begins during the beginning of the 7th Season of Red Versus Blue, if you couldn't tell by the title, and the end of Volume 3 of RWBY, after the whole blinding white thing)

Team RWBY P.O.V.
Ruby slowly lifted herself off the ground and looked at her surroundings. She start wondering 'Where am I? This doesn't look familiar to Vale or Beacon. The last thing she remembers is what happened at the top of the tower. Wait a minute... Where is Yang? Blake? Weiss?' she quickly started looking for them and noticed two bases with one of them near a waterfall and the other next to an ocean. She then noticed three people laying down on the ground next to each other, and once she got there, she saw that it was the rest of the members of her team, and they all looked unharmed as of the battle at Beacon never happened, and Yang now had her arm back. But what surprised her also was that Yang didn't have Ember Celica on her, not even her bracelets. She then checked to see if she had Crescent Rose on her anywhere, and sure enough, she didn't have it. She felt heartbroken that she didn't have her weapon with her now, but that meant she didn't have any way to fight if she had to, which made her feel cautious around this place, wherever it was. She then heard groans of pain and looked at her team and saw that they were slowly getting up. She quickly ran over to them and check if they were okay.

Ruby: Yang! Weiss! Blake! Are you guys okay?!

Yang: What happened? The last thing I remember is my arm being cut off... Wait, Ruby, is that you?! Oh, I'm so glad you're safe!

The two sisters then embraced each other in a hug while Blake and Weiss dusted themselves off. The hug continued for a while until a certain cat faunus noticed something.

Blake: I hate to interrupt the reunion and all, but there's three people coming out from one of the buildings, we should hide before they find us.

Weiss: Everybody, look over here! We can hide behind this rock!

Team RWBY rapidly hid behind the rock quietly looked at the three people that Blake mentioned. They all had the same type of armor that looked way differently than Atlas technology. One of them had red armor, another had maroon armor, and the last one had golden orange armor. The red one then proceeded going towards another building, similar to the one they just came out of. He then stopped at a hill and started shouting something. But when he spoke he seemed to be just bobbing his head up and down.

Red: Attention Blue Team! This is the Red Team! We are here to destroy you! Your long reign of being the shittiest team around is about to come to a sudden and cataclysmic end! We will give you a few moments to suck in the horror of this announcement... and then return for your reaction! Be right back!

Weiss: It seems like this Red Team and Blue Team are at a war against each other, but why would they announce to their enemies that they plan to attack them? That seems like poor leadership to me.

Blake: Guys, how about we follow that red soldier. We can get information about this whole Red Team/Blue Team war going on.

Ruby: Yeah, what Blake said!

Team RWBY swiftly and quietly followed the red soldier back to the maroon soldier and golden orange soldier.

Red: He he... Alright, that ought to scare the berjeezers out of 'em.

Maroon: Actually sir, since it's just two of them over there...

Golden Orange: And one of them is an idiot, while we don't even know where the other one is.

Maroon: ... I don't really see the point in the psychological warfare.

Red: You're right, Simmons. It's not really accurate to refer to two people as a team. What's better? Blue persons? Blue men? Bluetoniun?

Simmons: What I meant was-

Red: Bluetards!

Simmons: What I meant was, I don't see the point in announcing to them that we're gonna attack. Why don't we just do it?

Red: There's an order to this, Simmons. We can't abandon protocol just 'cause we have an advantage. We have to give them a chance to see the errors of their blue ways! To lay down their arms, and meet as their fellow man in the table of peace. Where we can work together towards a better world. A world that's better, because we poisoned their food at that table, and stabbed them in the eye with a fork. And taken all his stuff.
Simmons: Dibs on the computers!

Red: Noted! Now watch that base. Tell me if anything changes.

Simmons: Yes sir! And sir?

Red: Yes Simmons?

Simmons: I just wanna say, I'm glad I was here to see you on your day of victory. It's been a long time coming!

Red: Yes it has, hasn't it? My skills as a leader have really taken us far. It must have been quiiiite an honor to serve with me. Ahhh... Okay, glad we had this talk.

Simmons: Are you glad I'm here too, Sarge?

Sarge: Of course I am!

Simmons: I knew it! I just-

Sarge: The squads kill-death ratio is the most important measurement when evaluating sergeants. If you had died, that would have hurt my numbers!

Simmons: *sniff* Glad I could help!

The maroon soldier, now known to be Simmons, then walked to the same spot the red soldier, Sarge, who seems to be the leader of the three, was previously at and starts watching the other building.

Sarge: It's critical to keep a little padding in our stats. That way if we're far enough ahead, I can stab Grif in the face, and still stay in the lead!

Grif: You know, I'm standing right here.

Sarge: Right where I want you! Within face-stabbing range!

Sarge then turned around to the base and started talking to what Team RWBY thought may be another person behind the building.

Sarge: Lopez! How are those vehicle repairs coming?

Lopez: ¿Viniendo? El jeep esta destruido. No se puede arreglar. (Coming? The jeep is destroyed. It can't be fixed.)

Sarge: Got an ETA?

Lopez: Sí. Nunca. (Yes. Never.)

Sarge: As long as I get it ASAP! 'Cause I need it PDQ!

Lopez: Entonces, nunca menos uno. (In that case, never minus one.)

Sarge: Lopez, you're a regular RFR! Really fast robot. Grif! Male it up in the acronym journal! Simmons, status report!

Simmons: Still just two Blues, sir.

Sarge: Lopez, status report!

Lopez: Déjeme solo! (You already talked to me, jackass!)

Sarge: Hey Blues!

Sarge then walked back towards the hill and again started shouting.

Sarge: Don't think we've forgotten about ya! Still gonna kill ya any second! Count on it!

Sarge then began walking back to the golden orange soldier, Grif.

Grif: Sarge, have you thought this invasion all the way through?

Sarge: Of course I have! We beat the Blues, we win, you suck. That's the whole way through.

Simmons returns from his last spot back to them.

Grif: Ah, who do we fight then?

Sarge: We fight... other Blues!

Grif: But what if no more blues come? I mean they haven't sent for reinforcements yet, what if they never do?

Simmons: Why would you want more Blues?

Grif: Well, we have this new base and all this new equipment. Who else are we gonna test it on?

Simmons: Who cares? The war would be over!

Grif: Oh, great!

Sarge: You're suggesting we DON'T attack them? Grif, that's borderline traitorism!

Simmons: I think the word you're looking for is treason, sir.

Grif: Nevermind Sarge, I was wrong. If the war's over and we win, well that's just great!

Sarge: Of course it would be!

Grif: I mean, no more early morning runs? No more training exercises? Why would we need to do any of that stuff, right? We won!

Sarge: Riiiiiight...

Grif: And all this new equipment, we could just let it all fall into disrepair! I mean, we don't need it! We won't even need to test it! Because we're winning! We're about to make this all obsolete!

Sarge: Errr...

Grif: And just think about this, Sarge! No more boring staff meetings! EVER!

Sarge: Uh-huh uh-huh...

Sarge then once again walks back to the hill and shouts towards the other building once more.

Sarge: Hey Blues! There's, ah, gonna be a slight delay in your destruction! Hang tight!

Sarge then turns towards Grif and Simmons.

Sarge: Maybe I should call our new command. They'll tell us what we should do.

Grif: Yeah, the old one was so great, the new one's gotta be even better.

Sarge then turns around from them.

Sarge: Command, come in Command! This is Blood Gulch Outpost- wait, I mean... Simmons! What's the name of this place again?

Simmons: Valhalla.

Sarge: Vahhal-gut-jangle-call it... thingy. Outpost Number One! Do you read? Come in? I need advisement on what to do about Blue Team!

Simmons: What are you doing!?

Grif: What do you mean what am I doing? We have two enemies here! We can milk this for years!

Sarge: No, Blue Team! BLLLUUUEEE!

Grif: If we beat them, Command will just send us to some new base where we have to fight a real team!

Suddenly a Blue soldier started walking behind them and stopped right a few feet from them, although it seemed he had different type of helmet than the Reds.

Simmons: So?

Grif: So? Do you want to fight one shitty enemy and one real enemy, or five real enemies?

Sarge: B L U E. Blue! Try lookin' under "Suck It".

Grif: You want me to help you subtract 2 from 5? I know that's tough for you.

Simmons: Shut up.

Blue: Hey guys.

Simmons and Grif then turn around and look at the Blue soldier.

Simmons: What are you doing here?

Blue: Just getting parts of the crashed ship. What are you guys up to?

Grif: We're deciding whether or not to kill you and (L/N) and wipe out your team forever.

Blue: Ah. Sounds tough.

Grif: We're kind of split on the decision right now.

Blue: Do I get a vote?

Simmons: No! Get back to your base! Stop wandering around during your defeat! It's confusing!

Blue: Oh, okay! Sorry!

The Blue soldier then turns around and starts going back towards his base.

Simmons: And what are you working on?

Blue: Still not telling you!

Sarge: Hello? Hello? Hello! They hung up on me!

Sarge then begins to walk back to them.

Simmons: Why?

Sarge: They said they didn't even have record of a Blue Team! Nothin' on Blues at all in their computer system!

Simmons: Oh. Ooooohhhhh.

Sarge: What?

Simmons: We deleted them, remember? From Command's computers! We wiped them out!

Sarge: We did?

Simmons: Yeah! Don't you remember?

Sarge: Oooooohhhhh right.

*Beginning of Sarge's flashback*

Sarge: Simmons! Execute the Hypotners Initiative! And delete the Blues!

Simmons: Done! The Blues now never existed! I also upgraded your pay scale while I was at it.

Sarge: Well deserved!

Grif: Yeah! We win!

Grif then gets shot in the face by Sarge's shotgun.

Grif: Blargh! I am dead. But that's okay, I don't deserve to enjoy victory. My life has meant nothing.

Sarge: What a great day! Simmons, Transform into motorcycle mode!

Simmons (in a robotic voice): You got it, sir. *does a bad impression of the Transformers transforming sound* *turns into a motorcycle* BEEP-BEEP.

Sarge then goes on Motosimmons and rides away with him.

Sarge: Let's get outta here! Ye-hawwwwwwwwwww!!!

*end of Sarge's flashback*

Grif: That's not what happened!

Sarge: Of course it is!

Grif: Then how am I still alive?

Sarge: I ask myself that question everyday... Motosimmons! Run him over!

Blake: Hmm, this is one weird war.

Weiss: I have to agree with you. First, they tell their plans to their enemies right under their leaders nose. And then second, they didn't even try to fight them. Very interesting.

Yang: I think we should check that Blue Base building, maybe we could get more information there.

Ruby: Or we can split up and keep an eye on both Red Team and Blue Team. I think me and Yang should go check out Blue Base.

Weiss: Me and Blake will stay here and keep spying on the Reds. Good plan, leader.

Ruby: Thanks!

As the two sisters started heading towards Blue Base, Ruby then remembered something and ran back to Weiss and Blake.

Ruby: Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that we may not have our weapons right now.

Weiss,Yang, and Blake started looking for their weapons an true to Ruby's word, it was nowhere to be found.

Weiss: This will pose as a problem.

Blake: Keeping in mind that we don't have our weapons, I think it would be best if we stayed as far as possible, but still close enough to hear them. But I don't think that Ruby and Yang will need to defend themselves, considering that Blue soldier didn't seem like a threat if he acts that way. Now that that I mention him, he did sound familiar...

Weiss: I noticed that too. He sounded more like Profess- I mean Doctor Oobleck, but if he talked more slowly.

Yang: We'll keep that in mind, thanks Blake.

Ruby: Yeah, but what about the other Blue guy, the Reds mentioned him, they called him (L/N).

Yang: Don't worry little sis. If he does do something that can hurt us, I'll take care of him with one punch.

Ruby: Alright then! As leader of this team, I commence whatever operation this is. We will meet back here with info if we're lucky and get any.

Weiss: Just be careful. Both of you.

Yang: Weiss, you know I wouldn't let anything bad happen to Ruby, and I can take care of myself.

Weiss: I mean don't do anything stupid.

Ruby: Hey, no promises.

With those words Ruby and Yang began to walk towards Blue Base to get more information about this war.

Well that marks the end of Chapter 1. If you haven't seen already, I'll just do RvB episodes and add Team RWBY and the reader in it. Feedback is always appreciated and considered. See you next time.

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