In love with you deeply | ong...

By newphonewhodiis

8.9K 251 59

"Sorry.. you smell- erm.. really-" Luis mumbles, but is cut off by Asher. "-she smells really nice. We get it... More

00 | intro / characters
02 | no school gang
03 | new guy
04 | late night snacks
05 | english accent
06 | au revoir, bébé
07 | mcdonalds
08 | interrupted dream
09 | koala-fications
10 | ruined date
11 | the talk
12 | you may begin
13 | sorry ma'am
14 | detention
15 | shakespear
16 | boyfriend
17 | ridiculous
18 | ahem!
19 | old man
20 | daniella
21 | phone call
22 | date night
23 | hospital
24 | touché
25 | birthday bash pt. 1
26 | birthday bash pt. 2
27 | jayla & jj
28 | yes, mother
29 | love you
30 | hunk
31 | it's cold outside
32 | apartment
33 | captain obvious
34 | i needed you
35 | ms. rivers
36 | tears
37 | cancer
38 | i love you
39 | fallen tear

01 | first day of school

1.1K 36 17
By newphonewhodiis

"Shut up! You're going to wake her up," I stir around because all I hear are my floor boards creaking. I squint open my eyes and see my 18 year old Bestfriend, Asher and his 5 year old brother, Kyle.

Asher has short black hair, dark mesmerising eyes and is probably 6'2 ft - okay, I lied. I know he's 6'2, because he told me. He's the biggest weirdo with me, but when we're with other people, he's so mysterious.

Kyle is the cutest boy ever, he has short light brown hair and hazel-green eyes and I literally adore him.

"See what you did? You just woke her up," he finishes off by softly slapping Kyle up-side the head.

"I'm sorry," Kyle apologises, his shoulders sagging. He has this little lisp when he speaks, and it makes him even more adorable.

I cough on purpose, to get their attention, and get up, "You woke me up with your big feet, Ash," I say, signally Kyle to hug me.

"If you insult my feet one more time, I'm letting you walk to school," he shrugs.

I hug Kyle, and narrow my eyes," I'll walk, then."

He raises an eyebrow and takes his keys out of his jean shorts pocket," Fine by me. C'mon Kyle lets go," he waves his hand to the door, and walks out.

"He's not going anywhere with you," I jokingly sneer, hugging Kyle tighter.

"Keep him," he laughs.

I feel a little tap on my arm," Can't.. breathe.. Rena," he chokes out.

I quickly let go of him, and watch as he tries to regain his breathe," I'm so sorry, Ky," I apologise.

He holds up a hand while holding his chest, heaving heavily. I know he's being adorably dramatic, but he's Kyle so it's okay.

I turn my gaze to the door when I hear the jiggling of keys- more specifically Asher's keys.

"May we help you, Ash?" I ask, smirking.

He shrugs while spinning the key chain on his finger. His shoulders are going to break if he continues to shrug.

I look down at Kyle and give him a funny look which causes him to chuckle. I lean down and whisper in his ear, "Just ignore him," I pull back and watch him nod his head excitedly.

Kyle and I start having a fake conversation while Asher just leans against the doorway staring at us.

I look at my phone and check the time.

"Alright, boys, I need to get ready for school. You both may escort yourselves out," I say, pointing to the door.

They both mutter words under their breathes, but obey. I walk into my small bathroom, when I hear the click from the door.

Today is the first day of school and I'm obviously not excited, but my parents would kick my butt if I didn't go to school.

My mother is Indian, and as for my father - he is Scottish. I'm a Mummy's girl, but oddly my father is nicer.

My mum may be short and cute, but she's so scary. Especially when I unintentionally talk back, and she throws anything in front of her at my head. She has long light brown hair and doe hazel-green eyes (Genetically I have the same eyes as her.). She's chill at times, but mostly scary and strict.

My dad is really tall (and genetically I got my height from him. I'm 5'8). He has short brown hair, and dark brown eyes. To be honest, he's the nicer parent, because he spoils me more than my older brother Mike. Mike's at university in Victoria. I haven't seen him in 6 months, because he's always so busy.

I grab my school uniform and put it on with distaste. I hate the schools uniform, because it's hideous. We have to wear a green plaid skirt, a white short-sleeve button up, and black leather shoes with long white socks. If we choose to wear a jumper or hoodie, it has our schools logo on the top left side. My hair is in a low bun, because I'm really not bothered.

My school isn't a private school. It's just a very strict public school.

I walk out of my bathroom, grab my black nike school bag, my phone off the charger, and head downstairs.

Let's see what my mother made for breakfast. Since Kyle and Asher are here, she probably made their favourite. Pancakes smeared with nutella.

I laugh out loud when I notice all three boys in the house stuffing their mouths with Nutella pancakes.

They all turn their head my direction- including my mum- and they grin sheepishly.

"Good Morning, Baby," my mum says, leaning against our wooden counter.

"Good Morning, my Princess," my dad smiles, taking a sip from his cup of coffee. His mug has '#1 Dad', because he's cheesy.

"Morning," I greet them, stealing one of Asher's pancakes.

"Hey!" he pouts, but I just poke my tongue out at him. I put my bag against the side of my chair.

My mum gives me a pointed look," Rena, your pancakes are here," she slides a plate across the counter, nearly having it fall to the floor.

"Mum!" I groan, because as I quickly saved my plate, my phone fell on the ground. She just chuckles and turns the stove off.

If that were me, I'd get in huge trouble. I mentally roll my eyes, while picking my phone up.

I start eating like a beautiful, modest pig and start scrolling through my Instagram feed.

"Ka. Ta. Ree. Nah," Asher annoyingly pokes my shoulder as he says my name slowly.

I glare at him," What. Do. You. Want?"

"Jeez. I just wanted to tell you to hurry up, because we need to go quickly and drop Ky to school."

I lick the Nutella off my lips, and get up from my seat. Leggo, I mentally say. I kiss both my parents on the cheek and grab my things.

"Bye, Mama and Daddio," Kyle and Asher say, following shortly behind me. Their parents are freaking idiots. They left their 5 year old son home alone, because they needed to be somewhere. As soon as I found out about that, I made sure Kyle came over mine to be babysat.

We get into Asher's black car, and buckle ourselves in. His car is a 5 seater car, and I honestly don't know what car brand it is, because I don't really care. I have a car, but I don't know how to drive. I'm almost 18 and I still don't have my Learners.

"Kyle are you nervous for your first day of school?" I turn around and face him.

"Yes. Wait, no. Actually.. I don't know," he shrugs his shoulders and I can't help but giggle at his cuteness.

A few moments later.. we finally arrive to Ky's school.

We all take off our seat belts and head over to the school gates of "Shalon Primary School". I grab Kyle's small hand and start heading inside, while Asher trails behind us.

We go to the office and see an elderly woman at the counter. We head over and Asher clears his throat," Hello.. um, this is my brother and we're dropping him off," I snort at his effort at sounding "mature" in his case.

She gives us a warm smile," Well, hello. My name is Ms. Caroline, and you all are such cute siblings," she exclaims.

We're about to correct, but just brush is aside, because it's normal. Although we don't look the same, we're always mistaken for siblings.

"Hi, Ms. Caroline. Well, today is Kyle's first day at this Primary," I grin, putting my hand on Ky's head.

Her smile brightens," Oh, yes. If you want- I can take him to his class and you both can go to your school," she offers,

Asher gives her a thankful look," That would be great, if you don't mind."

She shakes her head," Of course, I don't. You can say your goodbyes, and I'll just wait."

Kyle looks at me with puppy dog eyes, and I can't help but feel guilty for no reason.

A hand suddenly pushes my face to the side," Nope. Nope. Not today, Kyle. You need to go to school," Asher says, shaking his head at his younger brother.

Ky just pouts and grabs a hold of Ms. Caroline's hand.

"Aww. Bye, Kyle," I pout, when they both start to walk away.

He doesn't look back, but waves his hand with sagged shoulders.

When I can no longer see them, I turn to Asher with a glare.

He looks at me with a small smile," What?" he chuckles.

I roughly punch his shoulder, and turn my back on him as I walk away.

"Rena," He says while we enter his car.

"Katarina?" He starts poking my arm, but I just turn around to buckle my seat belt in.

"Katarina Silestine Young?" I continue to ignore him as I lean back and close my eyes.

I hear him huff, "I'm not going to take you to school if you keep ignoring me," I look him in the eyes and unbuckle my seatbelt then grab my bag and head out of the car. I start walking casually, but then I'm lifted off the ground and put over Asher's shoulder.

I pinch his ear, causing him to drop my, but land perfectly on my two feet, "Go away, before I yell Help," I sweetly smile, continuing to walk.

"Okay, have it your way," he shrugs, getting into his car. As I'm walking, he drives slowly just to watch me.

A few minutes into walking, I notice sweat dripping from my 5-head. I gulp, and continue to walk, but my breathing starts to fasten.

"Just get in the car already. I know you're tired," I can literally hear the smile in his voice.

I give him the side eye and continue to walk. Extremely tired.

Suddenly the sound of Billy Ocean- Get out of my dream, into my car, starts to play loudly, but it's only skipped to the chorus.

"Get outta my dreams. Get into my car," Asher sings loudly, slightly off key. This idiot knows how to sing, yet here he is singing like Rebecca Black's - Friday.

"Get out of my dre-e-eams. Get into my car- Get in. To. My car," he quickly tries singing the background vocals, making me crack up.

"Fine! I forgive you!" I surrender, getting into the car.

He puts the volume down and grins at her, "Shame. You gave up," he smiles to himself, and focuses on the road. We're suddenly arguing over the aux, and of course I win.

We arrive at our boring school -St Rivers Senior High School- 10 minutes later.

"Ooh, park there. Park there," I say pointing to an open parking. Since we're seniors, we get to park near the teachers. He quickly does a reverse parking and soon we're entering the school.

"Ash, I'm going to get our new timetables from the office," I say to Asher and he nods his head and starts walking away with his friends-their just labelled friends, because I'm his bestfriend.

I head over to the office and am greeted by our schools office lady, Miss Lunar. She's a turkish woman that is like the best worker at this school.

"Hey, Sweetie. How was your holidays?" she smiles brightly while grabbing our timetable.

"It was.. eh," she nods understandingly.

"I get ya, mine was spent eating, pooping and sleeping," I laugh at her great summary of how her holidays went. I have a quick conversation with her, but shortly head over to PCG, because the school bell rings shortly after.

"See ya later, Miss," I salute her.

When I walk into class I see that Mr Randell isn't even here, so I head to back of the class where I get a better view of the clock, so I can keep track of time, because one: I hate PCG, all we get is a lecture of some sort and two: it's just plain boring.

"Hey, Katarina," people greet me, as I smile in return.

"Hello, Bebé," my friend, Keira greets me.

"Hello, mi amor."

Mr Randell suddenly walks into the classroom with a straight face. He puts his things on his desk and turns to face the class.

"Good morning, Year 12. I hope your holidays were miserable, because all of you have miserable lives," he grins.

"Aww. Exactly like your love life," people in the class start laughing, as soon as Michael says that, because they're kiss-arses.

"Cut the attitude, spongebob," Mr Randell says in reply, but honestly I have no idea what he means, but people seem to understand because they're laughing.

It's weird how people don't know the difference between "funny" and "not-funny" but who am I to judge? I suck at jokes. Whenever I'm trying to be funny- It's not funny. Whenever I'm just being myself- I'm hilarious.

"Anyways. Since we only have 15 minutes together, I want everyone to greet someone new," Mr Randell continues, sitting behind his desk.

I take a seat next to a girl named Deloris, and get to know her. She's really pretty. Her hair is a beautiful platinum shade and her eyes are ocean blue.

As we're all speaking amongst ourselves, ten minutes later, the door suddenly opens and in enters the cool guys, Asher and Daniel.

"I'm not sorry that I'm late, Philemon," Daniel says, taking a seat next to Keira and some other dude. I see her glare at him, but continue to speak to the other guy.

Asher just gives a blank look to Sir and pulls a chair, to sit next to me.

"Hey," he says, putting an arm around my shoulder, totally ignoring Deloris whose cheeks are tinted red.

"Say, hi to my friend Deloris."

"Hi, Deloris," he mutters, before closing his eyes, and leaning against my shoulder.

I nudge him in the face softly, "You're so rude."

Ash just hums in response, and sighs.

I give him his timetable and he thanks me shortly after.

The bell rings signalling next period. I turn to Deloris as everyone starts picking up their bags and walking out, "Bye, Deloris!"

"Bye, Katarina, It was great talking with you," she smiles.

When she leaves the classroom, I turn to see Asher giving me an odd look, "What?" I chuckle.

"Is there something going on with you guys?" he asks, narrowing his eyes.

I roll my eyes, "What do you have first up?" I ask him, ignoring his question.

He blinks as though he were offended," Wow. Umm, okay. Well, I have PE," he says, with a little sass in his tone.

"Oh, stop it. Anyways, I'll see you at Recess," I say, walking to my first class- English.

The rest of the day was a blur and I have a ton of homework to do, yeah I know 'Already? It's just the first day of school,' Teachers at St Rivers don't play easy.

I walk out of the school, to see Asher talking to one of my friends, Phoenix. She's really popular, but she's not that cliché mean girl- type of popular. She's really nice and sweet.

"Hi, beautiful people," I grin at them, giving them both a hug.

"Hi, Katarina. I haven't seen you all day!" Phoenix frowns.

"I know. I know. I was studying in the Library with Keira," I say.

She slaps my shoulder lightly, "Don't be afraid to come say hi. My friends love you."

We continue to talk, as Asher just stands there watching the both of us converse.

"Alright, my ride's here," Phoenix says, as a dark blue car pulls up.

"Bye," I hug her, but Asher just nods his head at her.

We both get into his car and head to pick up Kyle from school.

10 minutes later..

Asher quickly goes inside the school and gets Kyle from the waiting area. When they're back, I see Asher holding Ky's bag on his shoulder, while Ky runs to the car.

"Hi, Rena!" he greets me, sliding into to middle seat and buckling himself in.

"Hi. Why are you in such a rush?" I ask, a grin falling onto my lips.

He shrugs his shoulder, but then he quickly spills everything out, "Alex pushed me, and then stole my paper."

My eyebrows frown at his words," Why didn't you push Alex back, and get your paper?" I ask, as soon as Asher enters the car.

He looks at me with a 'Why the hell would you say that?' look, "Don't listen to her, Kyle. Alex is a person, and whether or not Alex is a boy or a girl- you don't touch anyone," he sternly says, driving to my house.

I thank him and get out of the car- making sure I don't forget anything. Asher waits for me to head inside before speeding off.

When I get inside I kiss my parent's on the cheek before heading upstairs to shower, I also am going to make sure I finish every single homework I received today.

2 hours later

I get called down for dinner and luckily I finished everything. I head downstairs and am greeted by the delicious smell of Fried Rice and chicken.

"Mm, smells good mum. Thank you," I take a seat at the table. We all say grace and eat peacefully.

"So how was school, Princess? Was there any boys?" My dad asks in which I nod.

"If you count Asher, Kyle, Teachers and Students? Then sure," I shrug my shoulders.

A lot of my friends think my Dad looks scary, but to be honest he is the biggest softie you'd ever meet.The whole afternoon was filled with conversation after conversation and so I head up to bed, because I've missed it so much. Alright, Goodnight me.

Random fact
|| My sister introduced me to Wattpad in 2016.

Author's note
|| Thank you so much for reading! Hope you genuinely enjoyed☺

|| 5 votes✓
|| 10 votes✓
|| 50 votes
|| 100 votes

Word count
|| 3026 words

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