Malec oneshots <3

By hardcorefangirl04

113K 3.3K 511

This is just what I think malec would do on the daily. I hope you enjoy them❤️ More

Movie Night
What to get Alec
Truth or Dare
Coming home
The key
First I Love You
Paris day one
Paris day two(disneyland)
Paris day three(last day)
Malec training
Gay Pride
Ice skating
Unexpected Date
A Gift
Immortality rune
Immortality rune part 2
Makeover part 2
Nightmare part 2
Clave meeting
Pamper session
The secret
The secret part 2
Pamper day part 2
Malec texts
Sick part 2
Maryse and the ring
Magnus to the rescue!
Wait... what?!
Fun fair
Highschool AU
Highschool AU 2.
Let me know...
Highschool Au 3.
Why me?
Pina colada
Pina colada part 2
Morning routine


2.2K 79 13
By hardcorefangirl04

Requested by: sashii_bebe

Magnus didn't see Alec much this month. There were lots of demons to be killed and Magnus understood that but he wanted to see his boyfriend. It felt like ages since the last time Magnus fell asleep and woke up in Alec's arms.
Magnus saw Alec for about an hour all of this week. He wanted to see him. Magnus tried to stay awake until Alec came back. Turns out Alec wouldn't be back until three in the morning. Magnus fell asleep on the sofa at one o'clock. He was freezing. He didn't get a blanket because then he would be to comfortable and fall asleep quicker. When Alec came in he put his bow down and was about to go to bed when he saw Magnus asleep on the sofa. He walked over beside his boyfriend and saw goosebumps on his arms. Alec lifted him up and carried him to bed. He tucked him under the blankets as best he could to keep him warm. Alec went to take a quick shower and when he came back Magnus' cat eyes where on him. "Magnus, you're awake."
"Yeah, are you only back, it three in the morning."
"Yeah, I just got back. Why were you on the sofa?"
"I was waiting for you but you came back later than I thought you would."
"I'm sorry Mags, I have the day of tomorrow, we can spend the whole day together." Magnus brightened, "Great."
Alec crawled beside Magnus and was about to kiss him when his phone went off. Alec rolled his eyes and looked at the screen. He had a message from Jace 'Remember we have the day off tomorrow as don't be gettin up early or goin to training.' When Alec looked up from his phone Magnus was asleep. Alec sighed and wrapped his arm around Magnus.
It wasn't until twelve o'clock that either Magnus or Alec woke up. Magnus surprisingly woke up first. He expected to find the other side of the bed cold but Alec's arm was around him. He snuggled against Alec, he had woken up so much to the cold he liked the warmth. Alec woke up and smiled at Magnus, "Morning," he looked at the clock, "Sorta." Magnus chuckled and crawled closer to Alec. Alec leaned in for a kiss when his phone rang. He sighed, gave Magnus a peck on the lips and grabbed his phone. "Hello?" It was Izzy. "Hi Izzy, is everything okay?"
"Mum and Dad are fighting and it's really annoying can we hang out at yours?" Alec asked Magnus if it was alright. He sighed and nodded. "Yeah you can come."
"Great, thanks." She hung up.
"Magnus I'm really sorry."
"I was planning on staying in bed all day but I'll be fine." He sighed and climbed out of bed to get ready.

Alec threw on a jumper and black skinny jeans. Magnus put on a pair of leather leggings and a sparkly shirt. Magnus finished his makeup and came out of the bathroom. He met Alec in the living room picking up magazines and putting them to the side. Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." The doorbell went and Magnus detached himself from Alec so he could get the door. He opened it and Clary, Jace, Simon and Izzy came in. They all said hello and they all took seats. Alec sat in the last space and Magnus was about to sit on the arm of the sofa when Alec pulled him onto his lap. Izzy made a noise, put her hand on her heart and smiled at them. "Anybody want coffee?" Magnus asked. They all said yes so both Magnus and Alec went to make some. Alec took cups from the cupboard and put them on the counter when Magnus kissed him. "What was that for?"
"I haven't got to do it yet." Alec smiled and poured the coffee into the cups. "Alexander, do you think your friends would be able to live without us for an hour?"
"Probably, why?" He's so innocent, Magnus thought. Magnus was very blunt with his answer, "So we can make out in the bedroom." A blush spread across Alec's face but he smiled. "I'll take that as a yes." Magnus snapped his  fingers as the cups were delivered. Magnus pulled Alec into their room and pushed him into the bed. Magnus sat on Alec's lap and kissed him. Magnus' pulled Alec's jumper off and smiled because he had no shirt on underneath. Magnus pushed Alec down further so he was lying down and crawled on top of him. Alec smiled, "...

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