Okay. (Twilight ~ Sam Uley )

By Cherrypop455

2M 38.2K 4.2K

Miley Swan is the older sister to Bella, she's protective, loyal and seems to be imprinted on by the alpha of... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
I updated the boom boom scene

Chapter 3

75.2K 1.2K 87
By Cherrypop455

Sam was the very first shifter to change a couple of months ago, when he  had gotten into a fight with his now ex girlfriend Leah Clearwater. She said he was a deadbeat just like his dad and that he would be no better than him. Sam got so angry  he starting to shake profusely and went running outside to cool off. But Leah's words kept repeating over and over again in his head as he walked over to the forest's tree line. Next thing Sam knew his body's bones begin to hurt as they began to change shape and he was exploding into a giant wolf.

Sam didn't know what to do or how to turn back and ended up in the woods for two weeks. People had begun to worry what had happened to him and one of them being Harry Clearwater. He was more of a father to Sam than his own dad Joshua Uley, a drunk man whore that had run off without a trace. One day Sam saw Harry standing where he had shifted, the older man looked around before calling Sam's name telling him he knew how to help Sam.

Sam reluctantly walked out not wanting to cause Harry a heart attack which he was known to have when shocked. But seeing the wolf he looked relieved and began explaining in the legends being true. He then told Sam to think of being human and that would turn him back. When Sam shifted back Harry grabbed a towel for him to wear since no clothes would fit Sam anymore. He took Sam home so he  could grab some clothes and then to meet the council. Which was led by Billy Black, Old Quill, and of course Harry Clearwater they began telling Sam of hbu is new purpose. To put an end to the 'cold one's' aka the vampires that tried to harm their tribes people. Then they told Sam that he had to break up with Leah who he had been dating for 3 years and was Harry's daughter. But they said Sam couldn't risk losing control especially now when he was so new at this.

As much as it hurt Sam knew he had to do it and when he did? It didn't go to well and Sam ran out of the house shifting inside the woods. But he had officially ended it though it broke poor Leah's heart he had to. Sam also became temporary Alpha until Jacob Black shifted which wouldn't be for a while. But being the only shifter was really lonely until Jared Cameron shifted and became his second in command.

After a few weeks Paul Lahote shifted causing Sam to worry because of his well known temper. Over time they all became close looking after one another like brothers. But then something strange had happened to Jared at school randomly one day when he looked into the eyes of a girl named Kim. He showed the guys through the wolf telepathy how much she meant to him just looking into her eyes for one second. It seemed strange so Sam called the council and they came over explaining imprinting.

After hearing what it was Paul instantly swore off it, and Sam kind of agreed still feeling bad what he had done to Leah. Jared however tried telling jus pack brothers how amazing it was and how much he missed her already. Which ended with Paul saying he's whipped and teasing him causing Jared to lose control. The council made sure to tell Paul and Sam that when it does happen not to reject it or else bad things could happen.

Then Billy received a call from Charlie Swan saying his youngest daughter Bella had gone missing. Much to Paul's dismay the three of them began searching the woods in their wolf forms. Sam got a scent of salty tears, and distinct smell of Bella's natural fragrance. But when he found her curled in a ball unconscious he caught another two scents lingering on her. One being leach and the other this sweet intoxicating scent that was more faint.

He carried her in his human form to the Swan house where Jacob saw him coming and caught Charlie's attention. Sam watched him and an unknown girl come running up to them. Charlie thanked Sam while taking Bella from his arms in a struggling manner.

When Charlie walked toward the house Sam looked at Jacob with approval as he wrapped an arm around the unknown girl. Jacob turned his back still looking over his shoulder, in the corner of his eye Sam saw the girl break free and walk up to him. "Thank you for finding my sister, I'm Miley" Miley said sticking out her hand for Sam to shake. Sam looked away from Jacob to introduce himself when It happened. He looked into her dark doe brown eyes and felt his entire world and existence shift. She became his oxygen, the tether holding Sam to the ground no longer the gravity, the reasoning he was what he was. Sam will be whatever she wants him to be a friend, a brother, a lover but always her protector. He could practically see their entire lives together already.

She began to wave a hand in Sam's face and smiled, Sam had to blink a few times before a smile began to appear on his face and he grabbed her hand firmly. "Sam, Sam Uley it was no trouble at all" He said still feeling this weird fuzzy feeling. She tried to release her hand from his but he couldn't seem to let go. With a smile and chuckle she used her other hand to unclasp his fingers. Sam saw Jacob grab her shoulder making him want to growl especially when she turned and looked at him instead of Sam.

She turned back around and thanked Sam again before leaving. Sam's eyes couldn't leave her retreating figure until it was inside. He felt someone staring at him and looked to see Billy and Harry with teasing smirks. Sam shook his head still smiling before running into the woods and shifting. Of course the others realised what had happened the moment he had changed and they began teasing him for imprinting on leach lovers sister.

Sam even offered to take first patrol which began at the Swans residents until Miley fell asleep. How did he know when she fell asleep? He may or may not have been looking through the window while listening in on their peaceful snores. When running through the woods Sam saw a mailman deliver his mail giving him a great idea. Sam changed into human form and grabbed a plain letter before running through the woods and he ran to the Swans mail box.

He placed his letter in there and prayed it was Miley who grabbed it. His hopes rose when he saw Charlie leave to go to work at the police department. Sam made sure to patrol La Push and Forks until he caught a scent in the wind. He ran back to the swan residence and saw a window open in the kitchen where he saw his imprint. She was cooking breakfast and then drags a heavy garbage bag out to the road. Sam wanted to help her carry the heavy bag but it would seem strange of his sudden appearance and ruin his plan.

By the looks of it the plan worked when she grabbed the mail and started walking up to the house. Sam hoped she was excited enough to bring it over immediately and ran home at the end of his shift. Of course Tweedledee and Tweedledum were already there searching for food. The group was watching TV and joking around when soft knocks sounded in the other room. They all went quiet before Sam went to answer the door hoping it was who he wanted it to be so desperately. As soon as the door swung open Sam felt like he was on Cloud 9 when his eyes met hers once again. Sam felt love and adoration for this girl already and he really enjoyed it. He never felt like this about anyone not even Leah, who was his first and only love until now. Now all he could see was Miley Swan and Sam didn't mind one bit, it was such an amazing feeling.

"Hey I would have called but I didn't have your phone number" she started rambling out causing me to smile. "No, No, No its completely fine, why are you here?" Sam asked in fake confusion already knowing the reason why. "Oh I just came to drop off this mail that showed up at my house by accident" she explained while sticking out the letter to him. Sam grabbed onto it, purposely causing their fingers to brush against each other. She seemed to swallow hard from the encounter while Sam did the same while tensing as well. Then Paul being curious who was here peaked his face around the doorway and looking to see Sam's imprint. He glanced at Sam before smirking back at Miley,"Sam is this that girl Miley you couldn't stop talking about?" he asked with fake curiosity. "Shut up Paul or else he will give you double the shifts." Jared said as he came out of the living room from around the corner with a teasing smirk directed at Paul. Sam watches Miley look at him while continually opening and closing her mouth in shock.

Sam began to shake slightly while glaring at a still smirking Paul. Jared quickly came to save the day and Sam from anymore embarrassment by introducing himself to Miley. "Hey I'm Jared Cameron and this asshole is Paul Lahote." He said making Miley giggle as Paul's smirk dropped and he glared at Jared. Sam's attention left him and looked back at Miley as she began to chuckle. Jared grabbed Paul and dragged him back into the living room, and the TV up to give the pair some privacy.

Sam stepped out of the house and next to her on the porch where the TV was still hearable. He gave her a shy smile before taking his phone out of his pocket and handing it to her, she looked at Sam in confusion.. "Just in case our mail gets switched up again" he said in a lame excuse. She let out another chuckle before taking his phone from his hand and handing Sam her phone. Sam felt himself smiling while putting in his contact information, stealing glances towards her every few seconds. Then came the photo for the contact, Sam smiled as he took a picture of himself and then smiled when she did one for his own phone.

Handing back her phone his fingers brushed "accidentally" against hers again but this time he pressed his touch longer to hers. They said their goodbyes and she walked back to her car as Sam stared at her back like yesterday night when she walked away. Sam could hear the guys yelling inside with excitement as they had been listening in the whole time.

She smiled at Sam one more time as she pulled out of his driveway. Sam felt his face hurting he was smiling so big, even when he went inside it didn't go away. The guys were teasing him about his lame way of getting her number. Plus they had realised Sam switched the mail since Forks and La push arnt that big and easy to mix up with very few people. They were calling Sam a stalker and weirdo but he didn't care since he had just gotten his imprints number. The guys stopped teasing Sam when they saw how unaffected he was by it and how he seemed to ignore it. Sam knew Jared was secretly jealous he had gotten his imprints number before he got his. He was leaving for school a little late but to have enough time to get to Kim's class.

Paul on the other hand skipped like he usually does and he said he would patrol anyways. He was still not accepting the whole imprinting thing, probably because he's a player and doesn't want to be held down. But looking into Mileys eyes Sam couldn't help himself by how amazing the connection felt. He couldn't have fought it off if he tried, plus Billy saying not to reject her seemed like a useless warning now.

Sam would never reject Miley, even though he had been so worried about Leah. Sam couldn't even care less about Leah's emotions right now all that mattered was Miley's. When he broke up with Leah she had begun calling the house saying they could work things out. Sam made it clear that they couldn't and she needed to drop it. She hadn't called since and Sam heard she completely changed from who she used to be. Their connected friends began to gossip how she was a complete bitch and always being anti social now. Soon Sam had to lose those friends too and soon began the rumors of their little cult.

Which Sam hoped those rumors never got to Miley, and the only person that would tell her is probably Jacob. Meaning Sam was gonna have to move fast if he wanted to win Miley with no complications.

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