A Maverick Girl's Tale. [C♂mp...

By Trish_d_1

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~2017 Best General Fiction Story Scratchnem Awards Winner. ~2017 WWC Best Cover Winner ~ One Girl* Many S... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: BEGINNING....
Chapter 2: Friends?
Chapter 3: Princess?!
Chapter 4:Who's that girl?!
Chapter 5:Time for party?
Chapter 6: An Oath to keep...
Chapter 7: Roasted Almond!
Chapter 8: A sword...
Chapter 9: Bad boy needs me....
Chapter 10: Peeling of Skin?!
Author's Note
Chapter 11: Camouflage me!
Chapter 12: Death is peace really?!
Chapter 13: When I act as a Female Dog ;).....
Chapter 14: Zoom....Zoom here I go...
Authors Note.
Chapter 15: A Flower Thief.
Chapter 16: Old hag.
Chapter 17: I met a Bunny!
Chapter 18: My name is Lupo
Chapter 19: Elite High
Chapter 20: Mr President
Chapter 21: Brewing war...
Chapter 22: Lucifer
Chapter 23: Whom to choose?
Chapter 24: Cafeteria Wars....
Chapter 25: Grandson.
Chapter 26: Drama Club.
Chapter 27: Truth of 'ZLJ' Crew.
Chapter 28: Kidnapped
Chapter 29: Virgin Eye's
Chapter 30: Unexpected visit.
Chapter 31: Believe in my lies
Chapter 32: A call from home.
Chapter 34: James Trystine.
Chapter 35: Forced
Chapter 36: I Hate him.
Chapter 37: I can kill for you.
Chapter 38: The Plan.
Chapter 39: Prince and his muse.
Chapter 40: A visit to East.
Chapter 41: Time to Grief.
Chapter 42: Accident
Chapter 43: Black Envelope.
Chapter 44: (Part 1) Public Appearance.
Chapter 44 (Part 2).
Chapter 45: Queen of Millensh.(Part 1)
Chapter 45:Queen of Millensh Part(2)
Chapter 46: I Chose Freedom.
Author's Note.
Author's Note (2019 Update)
'The Jack of Queen Millensh'

Chapter 33: Another Trystine.

72 16 47
By Trish_d_1

* Above song is one of my fav song- Galway Girl.



I want to be your

Scintillating Star,

That you wish upon every night.

The way that you stare at that pixie little dot in the night,

Makes me envious of something so far ajar,

Yet so gigantic,

If one looks close apart.

It twinkles at me,

Making me lost in its own glorious fury,

Yet being so mighty and brave.

The Star dares to shine upon this clandestine sky,

But it's not all alone,

Stars has their own tiny little friends,

Accompanying them to the journey towards the crescent moon above,

Be it the full moon,

Be it the lunar eclipse,

Stars are the true friends of the moon,

For their love for one another last till the moon and back.

_Trishala. A .



It was late Friday night, I was busy making some marshmallows with hot chocolate as it was really cold outside, mid November was indeed unexpectedly cold and so does my apartment, mentally noting myself that I need a heater from my next month salary, I sat down with the refreshing hot drink, as I popped one of the pink marshmallows inside my mouth and sipped in my hot chocolate, as the marshmallow melted inside my mouth, I moaned at the certain burst of the flavour, enjoying each and every bit of it, as I made sure to enjoy it thoroughly, cause who knows when will I get a chance to taste them again, they were the last things left in my grocery, my last month salary is already being used off while paying up the bills.

I smiled at the thought of being able to live up on my own, to face all the troubles that a normal person faces when they live on their own, certainly doing a part time job and managing high school seems to be exhausting, this life isn't trouble free.....here I have to work hard to make my ends meet, even though this life is not full of luxury that I could have back in my house but still this place has certain thing which I couldn't even afford by paying millions back there in Millensh, that was 'freedom'.

'Freedom' to make my own decisions, freedom to live your life on your own, it made me learn that surviving and living in this world is difficult, living alone is not a piece of cake, with freedom comes responsibility, I have to make sure that I don't misuse it, society often mars the independent-nature of people who live on their own, they somehow or the other associate us with bad things, so its really difficult to live on your own and being a seventeen year old teenager living alone is not easy, you can even get a creepy stalker for yourself if you aren't cautious, so I have to be always alert of my surrounding, but overall I matured a bit, learning new things made an impact on my mind, I was glad to leave my house and most certainly leaving back my surname 'Millenrai' back home.

But what's the use, they will come after me as soon as my high school get's over, even if I try to bargain with Jyaya he would most certainly have his way to get me back at Millensh my ancestral home and there they will put a crown on my head, but I'm not ready for all that, I don't think I'm capable enough to inherit such a huge amount of wealth, cause then comes responsibility. Jyaya will make sure I also get involved with the family business, Millenrai Shipping's most certainly needs my talent, but mostly I'm not ready for that, I don't want to go back home.

Lost in my thoughts, I missed to hear a call from somebody; as soon as I checked the number I was shocked, it was Sid who finally decided to call me. I called back in as I stirred the hot chocolate left, after a few seconds he picked up the call.

"Hey Kiwi, Sorry to disturb you..... Have you been sleeping" asked Sid as I couldn't help but notice his serious tone.

"No, I was just about to prepare myself for bed, is everything alright you sound a tad bit of serious"

"Well, it's not that much important, but it certainly holds some clue of your father", hearing that I jerked up, all the sleep drained out of my system, I was now tensed and got myself involved in the conversation.

"What is it Sid, have you got any news?" I asked back, I was anxious and most probably angry because I wanted to meet that bastard terribly.

"You remember when you said that the call that your uncle had was from London, apparently with the help of my friends and trackers we found out that there was indeed a business conference held in the Lotus hotel at the same date on which your step uncle got a call and apparently many business personalities came, so it was really difficult to track down the call but_"

"But what Sid!" I was now really agitated to hear the truth.

"The call that your uncle got was from the reception of the 15th floor of the hotel, the whole floor was apparently booked by the name 'Trystine Industries' the owner is James Trystine, I'm sure you heard the name before, but he was not alone there. There were various people from his company that accompanied him, various heads and his selected team of employees were present at that time, so most probably it can be anyone, it's hard to tell."

"Did you check the security cameras?" I asked anxiously.

"Yes I did, but the person who called your uncle was quite in luck, checking the maintenance bills and the past records of the hotel, I found out that the time period when the conference was held clashed with the time of the security maintenance hour, the security cameras of 15th and 16th floor of the hotel was under maintenance so there was no clue."

My head was buzzing with various thoughts, somehow knowing the truth of the person who called my Step Uncle made me grow restless, again I was so close to find the truth and yet so far away, I guess I need to try harder.

"Did your friend question the staff of the hotel maybe someone could know about it?"

"I know you are anxious Kiwi, but listen up you really need to relax right now, take some deep breaths.....I'm personally going to come down the States and will question Mr James Trystine himself. I have met him two or three times before due to my dad's business meetings. He is really a humble person and I'm sure when he will hear your story, he will definitely going to be the first one to help you out" said Sid persuasively.

But how one can stay so calm, when they know the exact location of the person that they were looking for. I really need to go out of my ways to meet Mr James Trystine myself, before I lose my chances of finding my father.

"That's really good to hear Sid, I'm all excited to meet you soon! So when are you coming?" I questioned.

"I will be leaving for the flight the day after tomorrow, you can expect me in next three days and trust me Kiwi, I'm the one whom you should meet right now, cause trust me decisions taken in haste never really helped anybody and also I'm getting desperate to meet my best friend anxiously" added Sid cheekily.

To which I couldn't help but smile at the thought of looking at those chocolate brown eye's which held so much worry for me and also it would be easier to find out my father in this way.

But, then I'm not the one who likes to wait. I don't believe in having a backseat in my problems, I like to have a stand and believe in controlling my fate, because fate and destiny are only two things one can't predict but one can create with their own powers of being idealist.

"Excellent! See you soon Sid, I'll be waiting bye!" hearing the faint goodbye from the other side as I tossed my cell phone apart.

If one thinks that I'm going to sit here ideally doing nothing and waiting for Sid to come here from oversees, then one can be wrong. Time is the only thing that I can't afford to lose.

I grabbed my laptop and started planning my unceremonious plan of meeting Mr. James Trystine. Indeed I was determined to cross path with this person as soon as possible, at once I even thought to contact Chris and Calypso, as they both were children's of this adroit personality, but then again it would risk of revealing my secret and lesser the people knows about my mission the better.

It took me two hours, to retrieve some data and information about James Trystine, apparently he is the famous Trystine is the thing I'm tending to forget. If one can look into the history of James Trystine, he belongs to a well named and extremely intelligent family.

Trystine Industry was started by James father Mr Andrew Trystine, after the death of late Mr. Andrew, James took over the Trystine industries, which mainly deals with managing various energy related projects to generate electricity and the supply of it, they owns various hydro power plants down the city, providing millions of job to the people.

But it wasn't just his father that intrigued my curiosity, 'Mya Trystine' that is the wife of Mr James Trystine was a well published writer which wrote many award winning novels, not only he himself is talented, his late brother who died a few years ago Mr Adam Trystine who was the CEO of the company named 'Motive Next' Techno giant which sole purpose was to create a new technology which is helpful to the humans, I still remember those days when I use to idealise his creations, he was my next role model that I always dream to be. Most certainly James Trystine was no less, I wonder how Chris and Calypso going to be turn up in future, and indeed they got the right genes.

Wikipedia was by far one of the most interesting place that nowadays I'm spending more time with.

Indeed, Trystine was a big name and the people behind them are also big, but that didn't hinder my determination to question Mr James Trystine about my father.

I eyed his schedule vigilantly, as I managed to hack it through his personal secretary's mail, it was really difficult for me to break into Mr James Trystine mail and profile as he is being using quite a fancy version of technology which I'm damn sure he got it from one of the many creations done by his brother's company.

As expected this man is always busy, I was expecting some of the loop holes in his schedule but he was nit picked as a knot about it. The only time that I would be able to encounter him is during his visit to his headquarters down town, which is like to the west of the city, connecting through the big western highway, he's comes in the morning arriving at the time 7 am and I wonder how early I got to wake up, just so I can encounter him. It was already three in the morning; I decided to leave at five.

Unfortunately I couldn't sleep, as I was busy preparing myself that how I'm going to showcase myself to such a big personality, nevertheless I grabbed my one of the most cleaned hoodie, as the November chills were still around and I don't want myself to freeze to death out there in cold.

About the rough map that I made with my bobby pen, the bus available at this time will leave me till the entrance or the beginning of the western express Highway, Trystine Industries main office headquarters is about twenty kilometres away from the western express highway.

Fortunately I got a bus, at the right time. It left me at the exact beginning of western express highway, there were hardly any cars around, most of them were tucks and big bonkers , all running away in full speed, I doubt that even if I ask for a lift at this dark corner of mine, they highly will ever notice that I was standing right there.

I stared up at the sky, dejectedly as I wanted some miracle to happen.

Suddenly I heard some screeching of tires, I looked towards the noise that was coming. Three adolescent boys, not older then in their twenties, currently looking at me with those predatory looks, I couldn't help but gag the moment when one of them licked their lips as soon as they saw me. High Rock music was blasting down the speakers, in the car they were going. They all were drunk was a fact that I could make sure by the way they were walking with each of the unceremonious steps they were taking towards me.

"Hey girl, want to ride with us. Damn! We assure you that we have plenty of room for you?" said one of the sluggish guys which had a stain of vomit tinge on his chin, Yuck! They're all totally wasted!

"No thanks, you guys can go ahead" I tried to act oblivious, but I guess these buffoon's have already lost their sanity to think. Before I could kick some ass out of them, suddenly I heard another screeching voice of another car; it was black Audi that I'm glad to have a chance to see for first time in my life. And also I'm glad that these idiots surrounding me got their attention diverted towards this certain someone.

The doors opened from the driver seat and a sleek figure of a man in his mid twenties showed up, who was dressed in black formal suit which fits him perfectly, his brown hair perfectly styled up, as I made an eye contact with those piercing blue eyes they were vibrant enough. His aura made some kind of authority around him, I already judged him and made my opinion of him. He certainly holds some kind of high post in some explicit company.

"I suggest you guys back off and let the lady pass by, I will count till three-" before he can continue his warning, one of the drunken guys interrupted him.

"What yeah going to do pretty boy, let's beat up the chunks of this guy, friends" slurred the words coming out from the drunk guy who was in front of me.

"You never try to listen will yeah" said the guy as he loosened up his tie and removed his coat, like a blink of an eye, all the three were fallen down unconscious down my feet, at first I was bemused with 'What the hell just happened out here'. But then I got my senses back as I held out my fighting poise towards the man in front of me. I was scared, of the fact that how he managed to knock these guys out all cold so easily, it was some serious case of fighting skills that I ever witnessed in my life, I was afraid with the fact that may be he is not the good guy, maybe I would be his next victim.

Looking at my rebellious action, the guy in front of me looked at me cautiously, as he tilted his head at one side, it was an innocent gesture, but currently I felt him tantalising me with his alluring blue eyes. His eye's as a matter of fact reminds me of somebody.

He held out his hand, in surrender as he came near me, "You don't need to be afraid of me girl, I don't intend to harm you. I apologise for the fact that I scared you with my fights, but trust me I'll be the last person to hurt you. I'm Arthur Trystine, I hope you've at least heard of my last name" he said that as he held out his hands to shake with me.

Staring out his hands, I just now realised his eye colour's resemblance to Christopher and Calypso Trystine.



The Secret will be out soon!

Question of the day:

Who is Arthur Trystine? Is he related to anybody?

Hey guys I hope you like this update, the next chapter going to be some major one, so you can expect a late update cause I want to make sure that the next chapter is perfect.

Also, I'm busy with my college assignments and exam preparations.

So hope you understand.

If you like this chapter don't forget to vote and comment your views.

Till then Toodles ;)

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