Right From The Start {Book 1}

By Emmy_Jorgtinista

39.9K 746 166

Leon and Violetta who have been friends since six years old. Violetta was the little girl who moved across th... More

First Day Back
Science Class
After School
Night Shift
Great News
The Theif
Fedeletta Moment
The Next Day
There Goes My Best Friend
Audition Day
The Accident
In Memory of Maria Saramago
The Dream
To Leave Or To Love
Rehearsals: Part 1
Rehearsals: Part 2
Girls Night
Team Roxy Or Team Violetta
Break Up
!Show Time!
Freshman's, Welcome to On Beat Studio
Old Relationships VS New Relationships
Karaoke Night
A Life Full of Lies
The Catch About Friendship
Together We're Stronger
Together We're Stronger {2}
Truth Can Sometimes Hurt
!Freshman's Debut Show!
Holiday Special
Double Date Gone Wrong
Mega Student to Mega Star
The Calling
The Second Game Plan
The Twist
Lights, Cameras, & Action
Just Friends, Hun?
A Winning Miss
A Race To One's Heart

Let's Celebrate The Good Times

650 16 3
By Emmy_Jorgtinista

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

Right now I am at the track practicing for an upcoming race. Andres is suppose to be helping me keeping my times and writing down the statistics, but all he seems to care about is landing a date for tonight.

Forgot to mention, tonight U-Mix is presenting a party for the studio. Our music video has over a million hits. Marotti says that it is the most views U-Mix has seen within the quickest time from uploading.

"Andres! I need you to be helping me. Write down the times per lap and show them to me as I pass the checkered line." [Leon]

"Leon it's important for me to find a girl to take as my plus one to this U-Mix party." [Andres]

"If you are not going to be any help, why don't you just leave?" [Leon]

"Alright I will help you. Then when you are done could you help me find a date for tonight?" [Andres]

"I guess. Now get setup, I have very little time left to practice." [Leon]

Just as I thought I was able to get Andres to work, he has to take a call. He is my best friend and I'm glad he is here, but at times he is not helpful.

"What was that all about?" [Leon]

"Pablo called everyone to let us know that we are going to perform at tonight's party. I have one question, what is a disco party?" [Andres]

"You dress up from either the 70s or 80s. Now can we please get back to work." [Leon]

"No can do my friend, I have to find a date and I only have an hour before I have to get ready." [Andres]

Ughh...Andres! At this rate it is pointless for me to continue for the day. I went to go to the lockers to change, but Lara stopped me at midpoint.

"Leon, you are done practicing already?" [Lara]

"Andres was no help and I have an hour to get ready for tonight's party. Speaking of, shouldn't you be packing up shop?" [Leon]

"I have nothing else to do later tonight." [Lara]

"Are you sure? Did you forget that your my plus one tonight?" [Leon]

"I would love to go with you tonight, but I still have a lot of work here. I can't skip a day or even a half a day. Maybe some other time." [Lara]

"Alright. I am going to miss you." [Leon]

Before I continue my way to the lockers I plant a kiss on Lara's cheek as for my goodbye. Lara has seemed a bit distant from me lately. I know that she doesn't have that much work to do, it was an excuse for her to simply decline my invitation. She has been like that after the day of the shooting the music video. And it's making me worried.

Right now I can't be dealing with that, I have about a half an hour to get ready for the party.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

The girls came over this afternoon so we and help each other get ready for tonight's party. I am so excited, the music video went really well and U-Mix wanted to do a little celebration for us. We even get to perform. The guys have decided through text that we will do a short version of Be Better which I thought would be perfect.

Soon enough it was time to go and party. It is incredible; the lights, music loud as if walking into a club, has a juice bar and huge dance floor. There is even a mini stage where we are going to perform. Everything was simply perfect. Immediately the girls and I hit the dance floor, but it wasn't too long until I saw him.

Leon was wearing a traditional white tux and a pumped out afro.

He is so handsome. Diego snapped me out of my thoughts, he and I were matching. We both decided to dress up in the 80s. He went total rocker. The leather jacket, black undershirt, black skin-tight jeans with a chain and black combat boots. It really suits him the best, after all, that is his normal, everyday look. (LOL)

I had on a shades of pink from my top, my overlay tank, my skirt, down to my socks and shoes. Angie helped tease my hair along with Camilla and Francesca. This night was going to be a memory forever.

- - - - (FRANCESCA'S POV) - - - -

After dancing for seems like forever, I had to go get myself a drink. Unfortunately I wished I hadn't gone alone. Tomas was there.

I tried avoiding eye contact, but it was useless. He already sees me and I can't hide. Although I wish I could.

"Fran. Can I talk to you?" [Tomas]

"You already did. And I have to bring these drinks to my friends, maybe some other time." [Fran]

"How about I go with you." [Tomas]

Getting rid of him is a lot more difficult than anticipated.

"Fran is everything ok?" [Cami]

She asked because she can see my annoyance written across my face. Having Tomas following me is a lot to handle. Didn't he say everything he wanted to the other day?

"Tomas just wants to talk to me. I told him I had to come and bring your drinks, he just tagged along." [Fran]

"Truth is I also need to talk to Violetta. I want to apologize for ever hurting you or breaking up your friendship. I know what I did was wrong and there is no excuse or reason good enough to hurt good people. I can only hope that one day you can forgive me." [Tomas]

I looked at Vilu and I can't help but to melt at Tomas's words. I can see Violetta has a similar thought.

"Thank you for apologizing I appreciate it. Takes a good person to admit their wrongs and take consequences for it. I can also forgive you. Believe it or not if it wasn't for you, Fran and I's friendship wouldn't have become stronger." [Vilu]

"Thanks. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that." [Tomas]

"Tomas, can I speak to you in private?" [Fran]

Tomas and I walked off to the outside halls. I needed to talk to him about somethings that I am in need of answers.

"You know I mean every word?" [Tomas]

"I just have a few things I need cleared up. What you did, toying with my heart and feelings was not ok with me. I need to know if anything that you said when you were "flirting" with me. Was any of it real? Or was it all a part of the plan with Ludmilla?" [Fran]

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I was dancing with the rest of the guys, as they went to get drinks I decided to go for a quiet place to give Lara a call. I miss her, and wish she didn't make up some excuse so she didn't have to go with me. This is bugging me, so bad to the point where I can't enjoy this party.

On my way out I overheard Ludmilla tell something to Diego that caught my attention.

"Diego I have contacts around the globe, then again who do you know that will reveal who your dad is? See. So get to work, your running out of time." [Ludmilla]

Running out of time for what? Diego makes me become more and more suspicious of him. Also makes me even more suspicious knowing at any given moment he can hurt Violetta. Anyways, enough about that. Who I should be caring about is Lara.

I give Lara a call, after three rings I get her voicemail. I do leave a message though, if she bothers to check.

"Lara I really wish you would be here. I want you to know that I miss you and that I'm thinking about you. Hope you're feeling the same for me. Goodnight." [Leon]

When I finish leaving my message, I turn around to find someone very familiar. Who was also doing the same thing as me.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Francesca has been gone for a while, and we have to be on stage ready to perform in ten minutes. I travel to one of the hallways that were quiet enough for me to give her a call.

"Fran where did you go? I am looking for you." [Vilu]

"I went to talk to Tomas personally then had to go use the restroom." [Fran]

"Ok, we have to perform in ten minutes, meet you with everyone by the stage. Bye." [Vilu]

The minute I glanced up from my phone, I see the one person that I haven't seen much of lately.

"Hi." [Vilu]

"Hi." [Leon]

"What a coincidence we found each other here?" [Vilu]

"A coincidence? Don't you mean fate." [Leon]

We both chuckle together with wide grins.

"How are you enjoying the party?" [Leon]

"It's fun. Soon the night will be complete when we perform." [Vilu]

"Yeah. It's going to be great." [Leon]

"How are you? Enjoying the party?" [Vilu]

"I'm fine." [Leon]

"Your face says otherwise." [Vilu]

"Lara couldn't come with me tonight." [Leon]

"I'm sure there will be plenty of other parties where she could come." [Vilu]

"You're right, it's just that this was the very first, official U-Mix party I've been invited to. I wanted to share this moment with her, you know?" [Leon]

"I get it. On the bright side, I love your outfit. The 70s suits you well. My favorite is your new hairstyle. (*giggles)" [Vilu]

"Thanks, it's the new shampoo that I got." [Leon]

Both of us laugh simultaneously. Soon after that we fall into a glistening stare. Leon breaks the silent stare not long later.

"Violetta.. Remember the day when you asked me about what I needed to tell you? After you ran into Maxi and Andres." [Leon]

"Yes." [Vilu]

"Well.. There was.. At moments like this, do you ever feel like there is a strong connection between us?" [Leon]

"Yes, but we're friends. We've known each other for a long time that we've built that strong connection." [Vilu]

"I mean, a connection that exceeds past friends." [Leon]

Leon's questions have my nerves jump onto the tallest rollercoaster in the world. I can't get a single syllable to escape from my mouth. Diego then appears from the sidelines, saving me from looking like a complete idiot.

"Babe, I've been looking everywhere for your." [Diego]

He comes and wraps his arm around my waist in a tight grip. Kissing my cheek, making Leon's jaw clench.

"Well you found me. I ran into Leon as I was calling Fran." [Vilu]

"I see. We should get back, we perform in two minutes." [Diego]

Two minutes. Leon and I have been together, talking, for that long. I felt as if we just started a conversation a second ago. Being with Leon, I can loose a whole day just standing beside him.

"Right, right. Let's go." [Vilu]

I turn around to head back to where I hear the music grow in a crescendo. While Diego is beside me still gripping my waist I turn around to find a slump Leon standing in the same spot. I wish I could tell him that I knew exactly what he meant. That the strong connection he feels is the love we've gradually built for each other and it's only now that we understand what these feelings mean.

But he is with Lara. She is the one he thinks about everyday, she is the one who he wanted to share this special night as a memory he would never forget. And I am with Diego. Someone who saves me from humiliation, someone who wants to stand beside me and to not be afraid of what he feels. How can I ruin the relationship that I have been dreaming of that I finally have over something that could just be nothing? Because it's not nothing. I AM IN LOVE WITH LEON VARGAS.

- - - - (DIEGO'S POV) - - - -

While walking back to the dance hall with Violetta, my thoughts trail back to the memory of talking to Ludmilla.

- - - (FLASHBACK) - - -

"Diego!" [Ludmilla]

"Ludmilla. What do you want? It's risky for you to be talking to me here." [Diego]

"Not important. Tonight are you going to break Violetta's heart?" [Ludmilla]

"No, it's too soon. Her feelings for me are not strong enough. Trust me I know what I am doing." [Diego]

"I'm starting to think you don't want to hurt precious little Vilu. Are you falling in love with her?" [Ludmilla]

"Look I will get the job done. Just not tonight. This requires time." [Diego]

"I am running out of patients." [Ludmilla]

"I've gotten this far haven't I? How do I know that you are keeping up with your part?" [Diego]

"Fine. You dad moved here to Buenos Aires for a better job before your mom gave birth to you. That is the only hint I am going to give you, now get to work. If not, I will have to find someone else who can get the job done." [Ludmilla]

"You can't find anyone better." [Diego]

"Diego I have contacts around the globe. Then again who do you know that will be able to reveal who you dad is?.. See. So get to work, your time is running out." [Ludmilla]

- - - (END OF FLASHBACK) - - -

I hate her, how she knows that I have no way out of hurting such a beautiful human being. I don't get the since of her needing to ruin someone else's life when all she did was work hard. If it wasn't for her own pride and arrogance, she would be at the same level as Violetta. Try to tell her that and she explodes like a grenade. The worst part is that she is right. I think I am falling for Violetta which is bad. How am I suppose to do what Ludmilla has asked for me if I've grown to be a giant wuss.

I guess there is only one thing I have to do. Break up with her.

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