Right From The Start {Book 1}

By Emmy_Jorgtinista

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Leon and Violetta who have been friends since six years old. Violetta was the little girl who moved across th... More

First Day Back
Science Class
After School
Night Shift
Great News
The Theif
Fedeletta Moment
The Next Day
There Goes My Best Friend
Audition Day
The Accident
In Memory of Maria Saramago
The Dream
To Leave Or To Love
Rehearsals: Part 1
Rehearsals: Part 2
Girls Night
Team Roxy Or Team Violetta
Break Up
!Show Time!
Freshman's, Welcome to On Beat Studio
Old Relationships VS New Relationships
Karaoke Night
A Life Full of Lies
The Catch About Friendship
Together We're Stronger
Together We're Stronger {2}
Truth Can Sometimes Hurt
!Freshman's Debut Show!
Holiday Special
Double Date Gone Wrong
Mega Student to Mega Star
The Calling
The Second Game Plan
Lights, Cameras, & Action
Let's Celebrate The Good Times
Just Friends, Hun?
A Winning Miss
A Race To One's Heart

The Twist

634 16 12
By Emmy_Jorgtinista

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

After spending the entire afternoon with Diego, I feel nothing could ruin this perfect day. Until of course I run into Maxi and Andres.

"Vilu!" [Maxi]

"Hey." [Vilu]

"I heard that you created the song for our music video." [Maxi]

"Yes. And I just remembered, can you work on a track for the song. Pablo's suggestion and I think it can elevate it for the video." [Vilu]

"We are going to have to enter a time slot for a room. I'll text to you the time to meet up with me so you can go over the song with me." [Maxi]

"Great. Just for curiosity, how did you know my song was chosen for the music video?" [Vilu]

"We ran into Leon a little bit ago." [Maxi]

"Oh. Ok." [Vilu]

"Were you two able to talk?" [Andres]

"Andres!" [Maxi]

"No, why? Did Leon have something to tell me?" [Vilu]

"Well...." [Andres]

"It's nothing to serious, right Andres." [Maxi]

"Maxi let him speak. Was it something he had to tell me?" [Vilu]

"Maxi is right, I already said too much." [Andres]

"Do you know where he is now?" [Vilu]

"He went for a walk, but he should be back here because he has class." [Maxi]

"Thank you." [Vilu]

When finished talking with Maxi and Andres I went on a mini hunt looking for him. Andres gave the impression that Leon had something important to tell me, now it's the only thing I have on my mind.

It took me about a half an hour to give up hope on ever finding Leon today. I continue to wonder if this is why Leon has been acting very strange around me lately. Whatever he has to say is probably making him nervous around me. Nothing he can say will ever make me run away from him, and he should be comfortable telling me anything. We know each other better than we know ourselves.

The curiosity continues to linger in my mind. It was only a simple melody to capture my attention. I hear it coming from the zoom, and there I found the right person.

"Leon. That is a great melody you played. Is it new?" [Vilu]

"Yes. Something I started working on today, actually." [Leon]

"Do you mind if I listen?" [Vilu]

"I only have a verse and the chorus, I believe. Still a bit rustic." [Leon]

"I'm all ears." [Vilu]

*Leon starts playing his guitar*

🎶 Sometimes I feel like there is no one who sees me

No one is there what knows what's needed to please me

But then maybe, maybe that one could be you

I gotta find one who can see me

The one who knows, knows how to please me

But then maybe, maybe that one could be you

I long to see your face, You tell me is best to give you space

And now I cannot even hear your voice, Now the problem that I face

Find more tears, Find more tears, Find more tears, Find more tears 🎶

"It is beautiful. I think you can go into a grudge, pop kind of direction with it. Get almost hungry for what your chasing in the song." [Vilu]

"Thanks I'll consider your advice." [Leon]

"I have a question for you... Why have you been acting so.. strange around me?" [Vilu]

"What are you talking about?" [Leon]

"You've been distant. We haven't talked in a while, you walk by and don't even say hello anymore. What is going on?" [Vilu]

"Since when did you start caring?" [Leon]

"Excuse me." [Vilu]

"Sorry, but the last time we've actually hanged out was before you and Fran were in the middle of a war zone. Now you are always around Diego, when am I suppose to talk to you?" [Leon]

"I don't know, after school. Maybe at night you can simply call me ever now and then. My point is that you don't have to be awkward around me because of Diego." [Vilu]

"I just have a lot on my mind right now. With my schedule being hectic between practice, classes, races, and the music video shooting I don't have a lot of free time to spare." [Leon]

"That's it? I ran into Maxi and Andres earlier. They said you needed to talk to me about something." [Vilu]

"They did?.. Well whatever it was it's no longer important." [Leon]

"Alright." [Vilu]

My heart sunk, I thought for sure he would open up. Instead he has chosen to leave it in the past. There was no point in my staying there trying to hold what little left of a conversation we were having. I bent my head down and walk away.

As I do, I noticed Fran and Tomas talking in the hallway. Fran's expression is quite undecipherable.

"Fran are you ok? I saw Tomas talking to you." [Vilu]

"I don't know. You think we can have a girl's night?" [Fran] 

"Yes I think it's possible. I'll text Cami to come over to my house after her last class." [Vilu]

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

The guys and I had band rehearsal at my garage. We haven't worked on a new song for the band in a while, but before Diego could get there I needed to talk to Maxi and Andres. I can't believe they would tell Violetta.

"Leon, we've been waiting for like a while." [Andres]

"It's not even time and we still have to wait for Diego to get here. Meanwhile why would you tell Violetta that I needed to talk to her?!!" [Leon]

"Hey, hey. Leon can you cool down for a minute. I am sure they have some explanation." [Broadway]

"Leon it just slipped out of Andres' mouth. I tried to recover him, but all she knows is that you were wanting to talk to her. Nothing else." [Maxi]

"Maxi is telling the truth. I seriously meant no harm." [Andres]

"Sorry for my out burst, I just wasn't expecting her to come up and talk to me at the time." [Leon]

"Were you able to tell her everything?" [Maxi]

"No, I've decided not to tell her about the little bit of feelings I have for her. I figured that it isn't worth losing someone like Lara over. Why go after someone else when I already have someone that makes me happy?" [Leon]

"But do you think you can be in love with her? Or do you think your feelings for Violetta are much stronger?" [Broadway]

"I think my connection with Violetta will always be strong, but we have many complications. If it's hard for us being friends, could you imagine us being able to keep a relationship. And is it worth potentially ruining our friendship?" [Leon]

"Well we will respect your decision." [Maxi]

"Thanks." [Leon]

The conversation died after that because Diego appeared and we had to work on the band. It took a lot of work to figure out at least the music. This band is very important to me and to know now that we are at a standstill making me frustrated. Life all of a sudden took a sharp u-turn on me and I didn't even know about it. Why is everything in my life becoming difficult and complicated? Two things I never wanted my life to be.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Both Camilla and Francesca came over to my house tonight to have a girls night. I can tell that Francesca is in dying need to talk to us. Camilla, well Fran and I haven't seen her much ever since she has been dating Broadway. I am glad she is happy with him, but we don't want her to drift away from us either.

"Ok. Fran you need to tell us what happened earlier with Tomas." [Vilu]

"Tomas talked to you? Spill!" [Cami]

"I'm still a bit shocked. When I found out the truth about him I never thought of needing or wanting to talk to him or forgive him. Anyways, Tomas came up to me and basically apologized. He said the only reason he ever agreed to be with Ludmilla or let alone plan something like this was because she was the only person willing to get him into the studio. He said that is was no excuse to hurt people he didn't even get to know. Apparently they broke up." [Fran]

"Ludmilla and Tomas?" [Vilu]

"Yes. He said that he regrets everything he did to split up us and to have hurt me the way he did. He also said that he wasn't expecting anything from me in return. Like a second chance or my forgiveness." [Fran]

"Good, he doesn't deserve it." [Cami]

"I just can't help but to feel sorry for him. He had to get into Ludmilla's schemes in order to complete his dreams and be able to move from Spain to attend the studio. Supposedly his family doesn't have a lot of money and most of it goes to his grandmother's medical bills." [Fran]

"I don't believe that sob story or anything else that comes from his mouth." [Cami]

"Camilla!" [Vilu]

"What? If he was capable lying to us from the beginning and be as evil as Ludmilla, how can you believe he can switch to being one of the good guys?" [Cami]

"But doesn't it make you curious to why him and Ludmilla broke up right after everything has been exploded?" [Vilu]

"I think Vilu has a point Cami. Not that I believe him or anything, but what if people can change that quickly. Learn from their mistakes." [Fran]

"Well, you don't have to make a call now. It is still early to make a call." [Vilu]

"I agree with Vilu. You should observe him for a week and see if he truly has changed. Then you can see if a call is even needed to make; whether you can forgive him and move on being friends or you can forgive him but never give him a second chance." [Cami]

"I'm so glad I talked to you girls. Now importantly, Vilu. What happened between you and Leon in the zoom?" [Fran]

"You saw that." [Vilu]

"What happened? Did you two talk? Vilu, you have to tell me." [Cami]

"It's nothing serious. I found him writing a new song, which is really good. I ran into Andres and Maxi who said that before Leon needed to talk to me." [Vilu]

"What about?" [Fran]

"Clearly he is realizing that he maybe losing an opportunity to ask the girl of his dreams out." [Cami]

"I don't know they didn't tell me. That's why I had to talk to him when I found Leon in the zoom. When I asked him, he completely shut down. No clear answer and tried to change the subject. Lately I am feeling that Leon is slowly wanting nothing to do with me. More than ever now that I am dating Diego." [Vilu]

"He is so jealous." [Fran]

"No." [Vilu]

"Vilu. He won't talk to you or approach you if Diego is in five miles from you." [Cami]

"Leon never liked it when he saw Diego getting close to you when we were in the middle of our separation." [Fran]

"As much as I would like to believe you, Leon is not jealous. You know how I know? Because, LEON DOES NOT HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR ME." [Vilu]

"If that were the case, then why is it so hard for him to talk to you if the two of you are "best friends"." [Cami]

"I don't know. That is what I want to know, but when I ask he gives me no clear answer." [Vilu]

"Just like when he asked you if you had a huge crush or major feelings for him. He is clearly trying to hide the truth." [Fran]

"I am just done with constantly trying to figure him out. I am with Diego and I should be focused on our relationship. Leon and I are friends, that is it and I am willing to accept it and move on." [Vilu]

"Are you sure of that Vilu?" [Cami]

"Sometimes people get exactly what they wish for. I would think about it carefully." [Fran]

"I don't like that my feelings are not important to him as much as he makes it out to be. It's clear that he felt nothing in the kiss. He doesn't like Diego because he doesn't know him that well. Leon is with Lara and I don't see him unhappy. This is how things are and how they will forever be. It's time to accept that Leon and I are nothing more than friends." [Vilu]

The rest of the night the girls had dropped the subject of Leon. But my mind didn't. I mean all the signs of jealousy are written in ever issue Leon has about me and Diego. If he really needed to tell me the truth of what he feels, why does he feel scared?

After all it was him who kissed me and then it was him who decided to ignore the kiss ever happened and got a new girlfriend over the summer. Besides when he had the opportunity to kiss me again, he kissed me but on the cheek. I wish life didn't have to carry these many complications. Why can't things be more simple? A life where everything was written down on a script and we can already know what the person is going to say or do next. Not having to always guess.

While getting ready to go to bed I can't help but to finish expressing my thoughts through song. Humming the lyrics to Breathless.

🎶 Anymore, nothing that I see is clear

I'm not asking very much, just tell me that it's real

I'm left here breathless, Getting so careless

Leaving me helpless, Yeah don't you believe?

Yeah. Don't. You. Believe?~ 🎶

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