Right From The Start {Book 1}

By Emmy_Jorgtinista

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Leon and Violetta who have been friends since six years old. Violetta was the little girl who moved across th... More

First Day Back
Science Class
After School
Night Shift
Great News
The Theif
Fedeletta Moment
The Next Day
There Goes My Best Friend
Audition Day
The Accident
In Memory of Maria Saramago
The Dream
To Leave Or To Love
Rehearsals: Part 1
Rehearsals: Part 2
Girls Night
Team Roxy Or Team Violetta
Break Up
!Show Time!
Freshman's, Welcome to On Beat Studio
Old Relationships VS New Relationships
Karaoke Night
A Life Full of Lies
The Catch About Friendship
Together We're Stronger
Together We're Stronger {2}
Truth Can Sometimes Hurt
!Freshman's Debut Show!
Holiday Special
Double Date Gone Wrong
Mega Student to Mega Star
The Calling
The Twist
Lights, Cameras, & Action
Let's Celebrate The Good Times
Just Friends, Hun?
A Winning Miss
A Race To One's Heart

The Second Game Plan

608 16 9
By Emmy_Jorgtinista

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

All morning long I was looking for the perfect time to talk to Violetta. I need to get this talk done and over with. I have two ways of dealing with her response. 1) If she rejects my feelings then I will continue to work on my relationship with Lara and will remain friends, if possible, with Violetta. 2) If she feels the same we both have to break off our relationships now and will have to plan our first date.

Gosh! Just thinking about the phrase, "Going on a date with Violetta", sounds strange. If you were to ask me if I would ever date Violetta Castillo a year ago, I would never thought to have said yes. Now it's the most exciting transition in my life.

Unfortunately the right time has never came available. Whenever we had class, we were busy with assignments. At times when we weren't in the same class, she would be free during my classes and vice versa.

Just when I start losing hope, the opportunity had presented itself. On my way to the lockers I pass the zoom where I hear Violetta singing. She was presenting her new song to Pablo.

🎶 I know that love has a master plan, And that it's taken me by the hand.

When I look back now I get a feeling, That it's ok that we have been relieving.

Now in your eyes I can see a dream, And in the music I hear the sound.

Of that crazy feeling so deep in me, And know it's spinning me round and round.

With every step that has let us here, There's no need to wonder.

If we can fly~

Right now, Everything's so right

Right now, We are so alive.

Happy when you're next to me.

Right where you were meant to be.

Feel fate falling into place.

How I could stare forever at your face.

Right now, There's a night sky full of stars~

Waiting for us. 🎶

I was simply standing there listening to her lyrics and then from behind me I feel a strong, heavy presence hovering me. It was Diego.

"What do you want?" [Leon]

"Nothing, I have every right to be here listening to my girlfriend sing. On the other hand, what are you doing here?" [Diego]

"Listening to a friend perform her song. Do you have a problem with that?" [Leon]

"Yes because whether you like it or not, Violetta and I are together. I can see how that bothers you." [Diego]

"That's not the part that bothers me. The fact that Violetta believe your little act is what bothers me. You are eventually going to break her heart, but not on my watch your not." [Leon]

"What are you going to do about it? Break us up, or are you going to become her new boyfriend? That will be tough stunt to pull off though knowing that your girlfriend may not like that. It would be best if you continue tuning that motorcycle of yours and stop trying to cause an accident. If Violetta gets hurt here, it will be because of you not me." [Diego]

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

"Vilu, have you finished the song you were working on?" [Cami]

"Yes. I am going to show Pablo during class." [Vilu]

"I'm so excited. You may have the song for our music video and... Ee!!! Everything is just going so perfect this year." [Cami]

"Well I am glad you are enjoying it." [Vilu]

"How can you be like that? We are attending to the most prestigious music school, have all our friends here, you have a boyfriend that cares about you, not to mention you are becoming successful at the thing you love the most. What else could you ask for?" [Cami]

I see Leon walk by. I already know the answer to Cami's question, having Leon be my boyfriend would make this year the best. Instead I am with Diego. That should be enough for me to be happy because Cami is right. I have a lot to be thankful for and appreciative for. Instead I am pining over someone who sees me as just a friend.

"I get it now." [Cami]

"Today he has been acting really strange. He hasn't spoken to me at all today, not even a simple hello." [Vilu]

"That is strange. Have you been with Diego all day?" [Cami]

"Am I with him right now?" [Vilu]

"Maybe he has stuff to do, and things on his mind." [Cami]

"You're right. Let's go to class." [Vilu]

Pablo came to ask about song ideas for the music video U-Mix has assigned us and my hand was the only hand in the air. He calls on me to go up stage and to sing to everyone the song I composed. The music began from the sound system and I started:

🎶 I know that love has a master plan

And that it's taken me by the hand 🎶

I see from the corner of my eye Leon watching me in the doorway. He isn't suppose to be, but I am glad he is. I see his smile, and his green eyes glisten in the light. By my reading he is enjoying the song so far.

🎶 When I look back now I get a feeling

That it's ok we have been relieving

Now in your eyes I can see a dream

And in the music I hear the sound

Of that crazy feeling so deep in me

And know it's spinning me round and round

With every step that has let us here

There's no need to wonder, If we can fly~ 🎶

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. A few times we made eye contact and it only gives me more confidence to sing this song well.

🎶 Right now, Everything's so right

Right now, We are so alive

Happy when you're next to me

Right where you were meant to be

Feel fate falling into place

How I could stare forever at your face

Right now there's a night sky full of stars

Waiting for us~ 🎶

"Violetta that song is incredible. It captures the essence of our theme for the music video. Talks about unity and being together as one. If no one else suggests another song, this will definitely be used for the music video. Congratulations. We are going to need another verse and the bridge, have Maxi set up a good track for and it will be finished." [Pablo]

At the end of my performance I was happy with the song and Pablo liking it too, only made things better. It didn't take long for the mood to dwindle. Cami was looking out to the hallway watching Diego and Leon at it. Immediately I was off the stage and standing next to Leon.

"What is going on?!" [Vilu]

"This guy has an eye out for my girlfriend." [Diego]

"Come on. Violetta and I are friends, I was listening to her singing her new song. I don't see the harm in that." [Leon]

"Can you both stop! Leon and you leave me alone with Diego please." [Vilu]

Leon leaves Diego and I alone.

"Diego this is not the way you should be reacting. You know Leon and I are friends." [Vilu]

"Yes, but you were not seeing is expression when starring at you. Its not how friends look at friends." [Diego]

"Diego, I am your girlfriend and I know that you are my boyfriend. It's not necessary for you to be jealous of nonsense. I understand you are not a fan of Leon's but the two of you are in a band together. All I ask is that you can try and get along with him. So that situations like this doesn't happen." [Vilu]

"I'm sorry for over-reacting. I can't help it, I know you have a bit of feelings attached to him and sometimes I get worried. Worried that one day when he comes to the realization that he lost a chance to be with an amazing person, that you will end up leaving me." [Diego]

"Diego. I understand, but believe me when I tell you that THAT DAY, will never come. I am yours till the end whether you like or not." [Vilu]

"Believe me, I can never get tired of being with you Violetta." [Diego]

I smile, and he returns one in exchange before we embrace each other in one another's' arms. Sometimes I am afraid that the day will happen too. I don't want to hurt Diego, because he won't deserve that pain. I am with Diego. Period. End of story.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I came back after leaving Vilu and Diego to have time to sort things out. By the judging of looks they hashed everything out. Violetta is hugging Diego and she doesn't give the impression that she is upset with him.

Now I feel like talking to Violetta is pointless. On my way to the track I run into Maxi and Andres.

"Leon. What's wrong?" [Maxi]

"Nothing." [Leon]

"It's obvious that you are upset about something." [Andres]

"I needed to talk to Violetta about something important, but Diego and I got into an argument. She had a talk with Diego and now they are together at each other's sides. Now whatever I have to talk her about is completely out the window." [Leon]

"What was it that you wanted to tell her?" [Maxi]

"I had a video call with Federico last night. I told him about certain things I've encountered with Violetta. He questioned whether or not I had developed a bit of feelings for her." [Leon]

"What kind of feelings are they?" [Andres]

"Like romantic ones. The kind where you want to date someone." [Leon]

"And do you?" [Maxi]

"I believe our relationship has changed from what it used to be. Just a friendship. When I look at her now, I don't just see the little six year old that moved across the street. I see a beautiful girl who can sing and dance incredible. A strong willed, stubborn girl who will fight for her dreams. It's like a am seeing her for the first time." [Leon]

"Man you have it bad." [Maxi]

"I know. The worst part is that I wonder if I missed my chance. Over the summer I decided to choose between ignoring these feelings and try and get over it or learn more about my feelings. I decided to move on and date Lara. Now that her and I are dating and then Violetta is with Diego, how am I suppose to break all that and to be with Violetta?" [Leon]

"You have every reason to be confused and scared. Trust me when I tell you that you need to talk to Violetta. I don't think it won't be as scary as you think." [Maxi]

"Thanks. I am just going to take a walk to clear my head a little." [Leon]

"We will see you later then." [Maxi]

They left. The more I walked the more I thought. Thought about Vilu and Diego, and at one point about him being with Violetta. The idea of what it would be like if they were to actually date. Soon enough I found myself at the motocross track. Lara found me in my deep thoughts.

"Leon. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the studio?" [Lara]

"Yeah. I just needed a walk, right now I am on break." [Leon]

"Ok. Are you alright?" [Lara]

"Yeah. Just have a lot of things on my mind." [Leon]

"You don't want to talk or anything?" [Lara]

"Thanks, but it is about the studio." [Leon]

I know lying to her won't due any good, but I can't tell her the truth. If she finds out that I have feelings for Violetta it will bring added pressure and tension to our relationship. There is a chance where my feelings may not have any meaning, I don't want to ruin the relationship that I have with her now for no reason.

"Take a swing. You might be surprised." [Lara]

"It's just... They are doing a music video and well I am not sure if it is worth missing an entire day." [Leon]

What a lame lie.

"Leon you can't be getting cold feet. This music video can be the beginning of a career for you. Trust me this is a good thing. If you want I will be there for you, supporting you. I want you to choose motocross over music, but I can't ask you to give up on your passion." [Lara]

"Thanks. I better get back to the studio before I am late for class." [Leon]

Talking to Lara made me realize that I don't have just Vilu that understands me. Lara does too. These feelings may just be because I don't like her being with Diego. At first I didn't like her with Fede either. But it grew onto me when I understand the kind of person Roxy was.

Maybe talking to Violetta will lead into more complications and it may not be as good of a plan as I thought.

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