The Only Way Out [Book 2]

By HarrESgirl

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"If you want out of this marriage, Harry, the door is right there." "The only way out is together, Bea." *** ... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Home
Chapter 2 - Knock Knock
Chapter 3 - With My Life
Chapter 4 - Like Heaven
Chapter 5 - Ambitious Kiss
Chapter 6 - Eye Vegetables
Chapter 7 - It's Cold, It's Cold, It's Cold
Chapter 8 - Down, Horsey
Chapter 9 - Two Feet Tall
Chapter 10 - My Hero
Chapter 11 - Tickle Fingers
Chapter 12 - Sing A Silly Song
Chapter 13 - Cuddle Bunny
Chapter 14 - Middle Names
Chapter 15 - Special Time
Chapter 16 - Captain Jack Fellow
Chapter 17 - Dirty Laundry
Chapter 18 - Squeaky Clean
Chapter 19 - Get Around To It
Chapter 20 - Cocky Stinker
Chapter 21 - Absurd Accusation
Chapter 22 - Before My Eyes
Chapter 23 - Mr. & Mrs. Jealous
Chapter 24 - Melted Froyo
Chapter 25 - On My Own
Chapter 26 - Ridiculous Excuse
Chapter 27 - Take A Bullet
Chapter 28 - Sexy Walrus
Chapter 29 - Time Out
Chapter 30 - It's My Fault
Chapter 31 - Just Peachy
Chapter 32 - A Sinking Feeling
Chapter 33 - I Hate Hay Fever
Chapter 34 - Burning Up
Chapter 35 - Big Girl Panties
Chapter 36 - John Hancock
Chapter 37 - Like A Thousand Bucks
Chapter 38 - A Change Of Plans
Chapter 39 - Can Barely Stand
Chapter 40 - Doesn't Change A Thing
Chapter 41 - DEFCON Two
Chapter 42 - All The Cookies
Chapter 43 - All Over Again
Chapter 44 - Melted Wallpaper
Chapter 45 - Paint A Picture
Chapter 46 - A Dopey Smile
Chapter 47 - Two-Way Street
Chapter 48 - Make It Four
🎉ExtraordinHARRY News!!🎉
Chapter 49 - Peace And Quiet
Chapter 50 - Sweet Talker
Chapter 51 - Not A Chance
Chapter 52 - Sweet Everythings
Chapter 54 - The Shy Card
Chapter 55 - Hang In There
Chapter 56 - Best Idea Ever
Chapter 57 - Tip Of The Iceberg
Chapter 58 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 59 - Don't Hang Up
Chapter 60 - A Living Hell
Chapter 61 - Because Of Me
Chapter 62 - Tiny Heartbeat
Chapter 63 - A Sharp Knife
Chapter 64 - Enough Time
Chapter 65 - Can't Take It Anymore
Chapter 66 - Scattered Fragments
Chapter 67 - Lost Eyes
Chapter 68 - Drunken Confession
Chapter 69 - Uncomfortable Silence
Chapter 70 - The Only Way Out
Chapter 71 - Always Be My Somebody
Chapter 72 - Not The End
Super Duper Exciting News!

Chapter 53 - Rain Check

2.1K 150 190
By HarrESgirl

A/N: My thoughts and prayers go out to those in London yesterday. Let's love, not hate. 🇬🇧❤️

***Bea's POV

"I'll get the whipped cream if you check on the kids," Harry says, handing me my pink robe.

"Deal," I nod in acceptance of his offer and he kisses my cheek.

I smile at his sweet gesture as he walks out of our bedroom and I sigh at the sight of him in his blue robe.

I swear, that man can wear anything, although, I'd prefer he wear nothing. No, don't get yourself all worked up, Bea. You need to check on the kids.

I get out of bed, tying my robe closed and I half-walk, half-limp to our bathroom. Even though I feel a twinge of pain in my bum, the discomfort is drastically overshadowed by the beautiful fact that my husband loves me.

Having that intimate time with Harry strengthened our already strong relationship and I feel so much more connected to him emotionally.

And his heart scare made me realize just how much I love and need him.

After I clean myself up and brush my teeth, I fix my hair in the vanity mirror, noticing a glow on my face. I have no doubt that it's because of the mind-blowing orgasm my husband just gave me.

With a smile, I turn off the light and walk back into our bedroom, surprised to see that Harry's not already naked in our bed with half the can of whipped cream on himself.

Shaking my head with a smile, I make my way out of our bedroom. The hallway is quiet, which is a good sign that my kids aren't upset and I decide to check on Ferris first.

I slowly open the door and have to cover my mouth to stifle my mewl because she's sitting up in her crib, playing with and talking to her dolly.

My sweet- uh oh. She saw me. Crap.

"Mommy, hold you," she pouts, standing up and she reaches out for me.

"It's okay, Ferris," I coo with a smile as I walk over to her, feeling my heart turn into mommy mush. "C'mere, oh wait, I can't pick you up."

Thinking quickly, I unlock the crib's railing and slide it down, internally patting myself on the back.

"Okay, hold Mommy's hands and sit on your bum, and then you can slide down," I say in a fun voice and Ferris follows my instructions. "Yay! Good job, big girl."

She agrees with me and suddenly I'm yesterday's news because she spots her toys and runs over squealing. I smile at my sweet girl's happiness and decide to take advantage of this time to check on Sebastian.

The Mission Impossible theme song plays in my head as I walk out of her room and carefully close the gate, all without drawing attention.

The name's Hunt. Ethan Hunt.

As I walk down the hall, my smile fades when I hear my baby's cries. I open the door and walk over to his crib, feeling my body respond to his cries for help.

Glad I'm wearing my nursing bra.

"It's okay, little man," I coo, picking him up to cradle in my arms. "Mommy's here. Yeah, I've got you," I kiss his little head before laying him on the changing table and I wipe the spit up from his chin. "Let's change your diaper, Mr. Stinky."

After nearly two minutes of breathing into my robe's collar, I swaddle Sebastian in his blanket and cradle him in my arms.

"Let's go see your sister," I say as if he understands, smiling to myself as I make my way to Ferris' room.

As soon as I open the gate, she claps in excitement that I have her baby brother. My heart is overjoyed that she loves him already and I just know they're going to be best friends when they grow up together.

"I go potty now, Mommy," she says, tugging at my robe.

So much for our whipped cream idea. Dang it. I was really looking forward to-


"Okay, okay, let's go potty like a big girl," I say and she trots out of her room, holding herself with both hands. "This girl."

Shaking my head with a smile, I follow Ferris to the hallway bathroom and turn on the light. While I wait at the door for her to finish her job on her little pink toilet, I gently rock Sebastian in my arms, thinking that it was just yesterday that Ferris was this little.

Both of my babies are growing up and it makes my heart both happy and broken at the same time.

You two will always be my babies.

"All done! And don't let, let, let Baby Brother see my secret part, okay, Mommy?"

"Okay, I won't," I say, holding back my laugh and I turn so her unaware baby brother won't see. "When you're done wiping, use the steps and wash your hands with soap like a big girl."

"Okay, Mommy," she says and I peek over my shoulder to make sure that she's safe.

After she dries her hands, she claps for herself and I praise her as we make our way to my bedroom. I stop us just before we get to the open doorway, holding Ferris back just in case. For some reason, I can imagine Harry posing on our bed and sporting a whipped cream speedo.

Because it's happened before.

Our kids shouldn't have to see that.

"Dadda, we're coming in," I call out, looking around the empty room and I smile at Ferris. "Okay, we can go in."

She squeals and runs inside while I check our bathroom.

"Where the heck is he? What's taking him so long?" I wonder out loud and it hits me. "Text him, duh."

I grab my phone from my nightstand and a knock at the door startles me.

"Who wants a snack?"

I look over to see Harry walking over and carrying a serving tray.

Ferris claps and lets us know that it's her favorite snack, even though she doesn't know what it is yet. Harry smiles at our daughter as he sets the tray with a bowl of freshly cut fruit and the can of whipped cream on the bed.

"I was just about to text you," I say, earning a confused look. "You had me worried a little bit. I thought you were only getting the whipped cream."

"I was, then I heard the kids and I figured whipped cream on fruit would be more appropriate than what I had in mind," he explains and I sadly agree as we sit on the bed. "I even made Seb's bottle."

"You continue to amaze me," I say in awe, watching him scoop the fruit into a little bowl for Ferris.

He sliced the grapes.

"Now don't freak out, Love," he warns and it makes me want to freak out, "but I called Dr. Coleman's office to schedule an appointment," he calmly says, handing Sebastian's bottle to me and my heart sinks to my stomach.

"Oh...and?" I urge him to continue, gently working the rubber nipple in Sebastian's mouth and he starts going to town.

"And they can get me in first thing tomorrow morning."

"I want to go wi-"

"I've already called Mum and she'll be here at nine. That's what took me a little longer," he chuckles and I nod, knowing exactly how those calls go. "I'm thinking we can get some lunch after and maybe take the scenic route home."

"You think of everything, don't you?"

"Pretty much," he smirks. "So, we have to take a rain check on the naughty whipped cream idea, but I thought we'd be hungry anyway."

"Good idea, and don't use all of it now," I playfully warn, earning a raised eyebrow.

The time goes by as we eat our fun snack together while we watch a couple Barney episodes on Harry's iPad and before I know it, it's nearly 7:00PM.

"If you give Ferris a bath, I'll sponge Sebastian down," I offer, handing him my empty bowl.

"But I want to help give him his first sponge bath, Love."

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. Yeah, of course. Then would you mind getting me two of Ferris' washcloths from her bathroom. One warm and one dry, please?"

"Coming right up. Ferris, would you like to help Dadda?"

"No, I stay with Mommy and, and, and Baby Brother," she says, keeping her attention on Sebastian as she pets his head.

"Seems like someone has taken my place of Favorite Person, but that's okay," he jokes and I remind him that he'll always be my favorite person.

My heart flutters at his cheeky wink before he leaves our bedroom and I turn my attention to my kids. While Ferris points out Sebastian's facial features, I unwrap the blanket around him and undo his diaper, still keeping his privates covered.

"Here you go, Love; one warm washcloth and one dry," Harry cutely says and I thank him.

He picks up Ferris and sits on the edge of the bed, holding her on his lap and we all take turns giving Sebastian his first sponge bath. Ferris is surprisingly gentle as she wipes his tummy, giggling at every sound he makes and my mommy heart is overjoyed.

By the time Sebastian's toes are clean, he's out and snoring away, just like his father.

After I smother his delicate skin in nighttime baby lotion, I put a fresh diaper on him and dress him in a warm sleeper onesie.

Oh my God, he's almost outgrown the Newborn size. No. No no no no noooooooooooooooo-

"You alright, Mummy?" Harry whispers and I quickly put on a smile, realizing that Ferris is watching me.

"Mhm," I hum. "Would you put him in the bassinet, please?"

He nods, standing up and he gently takes Sebastian from me. Cradling him in his arms, he leans down and lets Ferris kiss her baby brother night-night. He brings him over to me and I whisper that I love my little man while patting his tummy.

As Harry walks over to the bassinet, I look at Ferris, bringing my finger up to my lips and she mimics my gesture. I get out of bed, motioning for Ferris to follow and we all leave the room.

"Who wants to take a bath?" Harry asks, shutting the door behind us and our daughter goes berserk.

"Me me me!" Ferris exclaims, hopping up and down.

"I know, I know, she gets her love of baths from me," I say, rolling my eyes into a smile. "Oh! Did you get the baby monitor?"

"Shit, no," Harry sighs. "Go ahead and start her bath. I'll be right there."

He kisses my cheek before he walks back into our bedroom and Ferris tugs at my arm, reminding me that it's bath time. I shake my head with a smile and we make our way into her bathroom.

As the bathtub fills with water, I undress Ferris and practice the alphabet with her. Smiling at her 'em-en-en-oh-pea' action, I throw her clothes in the hamper and grab two towels; one for her and one to place on the closed toilet seat.

I sit down and sigh at the relieved pressure in my lower back, reaching over to turn off the faucet.

"Would you like to add the bubbles, Ferris?" I ask, handing her the bottle because I know the answer.

"Yeah! I do it," she grins and squeezes the bottle with both hands, giggling at what's coming out.

"Okay, that's enough," I kindly say, bringing the bottle upright in her hands and we set it on the ledge together.

"Bubbles!" she happily says, swishing her arm in the water. "Look at the cute bubbles, Mommy."

"I see; that means your bath is ready. Let's get in- oh shoot. How am I going to get you in there? Wait, what's taking your father so long? He said he'd be right here. Ugh, I swear, that man."

Ferris just looks up at me, probably thinking that I'm a goober for saying my thoughts out loud and she looks at the door with a bright smile.

"Who wants to go swimming?"

"Me, me, Dadda! I go swimming."

I look over and snort in laughter at the sight of my husband in his red swim trunks and a pink inflatable floatie around his waist.

"What are you doing, Babe?" I ask in amusement as he sets the baby monitor on the counter.

"Haven't done this in a while and thought it might be fun. You can join us if you'd like."

"Ha! Yeah, don't think there'd be enough room, so you two enjoy."

"Suit yourself," he taunts, picking up Ferris. He kisses her cheek repeatedly, causing her to belly laugh as he steps into the bathtub. "Canon ball!"

"Don't you dare!" I warn, shielding myself. "And that's my baby you're holding."

"Our baby," he corrects me as he sits down in the water, "and I would never. That's not how I want to get you wet anyway."

"Harry Edward!" I chide and that spurs on even more laughter.

Several giggles and the inevitable soap-in-the-eye tears later, Harry leaves to change in our bathroom while I get Ferris ready for bed. As I smother the nighttime lotion on her body, I internally thank the inventor of this stuff because it's working on her like a charm.

After blow drying her wispy blonde curls, I put a pull-ups on her and dress her in her pink feetie pajamas with a ruffled bum.

"How are my girls doing?" Harry asks and I look over my shoulder.

My God, he looks good in those plaid pajama bottoms.

"Fine," I squeak out and he bites his darn lip at me. "We're more than fine, Babe. Just about ready for B-E-D."

"G-O-O-D," he smirks, turning his attention to Ferris. "C'mon, Princess."

Harry picks her up and she immediately lays her head on his shoulder, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

I turn off the bathroom light and wrap my arm around his waist as we walk in silence down the hall toward her room.

Using the soft light from her pink nightlight, we walk over to her crib and I carefully bring up the side of the crib and lock it. Without saying a word, Harry leans toward me and I kiss Ferris' forehead, breathing in the fresh scent of baby.

After Harry kisses her cheek, he gently places our sleeping daughter in her crib. He covers her up with her pink blanket and I feel a tear roll down my cheek as I watch him gently pat her tummy.

Taking my hand in his, Harry smiles at me and we walk out of her room. He quietly shuts the door behind us and gives me a little kiss before we make our way to our bedroom.

Exhaustion seems to take over both of us and after we brush our teeth and get ready for bed, it's all we can do to crawl into bed.

We haven't said anything else about his appointment all evening, but I know he's worried. While I'm scared out of my mind, I have to be strong for him. I have no clue what could be wrong, but we'll get through it together, just like we have in the past.

I should remind him of that.

"No matter what we find out tomorrow," I say in a hushed tone and he sighs, "just know that I love you and we'll get through whatever this is together, okay? I love you, Harry."

My husband simply nods, holding me that much closer and he kisses me.

"I love you, Beatrice."***

A/N: I love updating for y'all, but that just means we're getting closer to "the thing." 😬😩🤐

Vote if you want to take a bubble bath with Harry! ⭐️🛀🏼😏

Much Love.

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