bang yongguk + song jieun | b...

بواسطة daisukijimin

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jieun tries to gain experience so she can get her first time over with ongoing المزيد

+21. Halloween Special


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بواسطة daisukijimin


On Monday morning, I was trying my best to navigate through the hallway while simultaneously reading my study guide cards. I didn't even bump into anyone, but out of nowhere, a guy passes by and knocks the things right out of my hands.

I ignored it the first time it happened, but again, out of no where, someone throws a paper ball at my head. Stuff like this used to happen to me when I was 13 because my classmates were immature and wanted to pick on the quiet guy, but why is it suddenly happening again?

I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was going to mess with me another time, but right as I turned back around, two more paper balls came flying at my head. I spotted Daehyun coming out of the restroom and grabbed onto his arm while cautiously taking in my surroundings. "Hey Dae, what's going on? Did I do something to make the student body hate me?"

Daehyun lifted his shoulders high and exhaled loudly, "Well it probably has something to do with that kiss you shared with Jieun on national television. You know how some of her 'groupies' are." 

I guess that sort of  makes sense of things. Before Jieun and I started dating, she had guys lined up to go out with her, and yet she turned all of them down. And then there was me, who never approached her, but for some reason was found intriguing by Song Jieun. "But wait, so these guys are bullying me because they're jealous?"

"You have a gift, my friend." Daehyun patted my shoulder encouragingly. "And that gift is being able to seduce Jieun with your weird, dorky charm. Even though you two pranced around the school holding hands like the happy couple you are, I guess some guys still didn't want to believe that."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Highschoolers are weird."

"Speaking of weird," Daehyun intercepted, "did you and Jieun ever talk about the reason why she wanted to stop you two from having sex that one time?"

I shuddered thinking back to that memory. Jieun looked so concerned about something, but she has never mentioned that night since. "No," I answered, "The day after it happened, Jieun asked if we could just forget about it."

Daehyun nodded understandingly, just before making a gesture that Jieun was coming up from behind me. He gave her a wave and walked away so he wouldn't feel like a third wheel. 

"Good morning." Jieun beamed happily and tiptoed to kiss me on the lips. "So it looks like my boyfriend and I are celebrities for the day, don't you think? A lot of girls have come up to me saying that our kiss cam was super cute."

I chuckled and slung my arm around her shoulder as we walked, "Seems like it's been a good morning for you, I on the other hand, have been the target of juvenile intimidation."

"What do you mean?" Jieun looked up at me with worry. 

"Nothing big. Some guys have just been throwing paper balls at me and knocking down my books. They're jealous that I have the most beautiful girl in school as my girlfriend."

Jieun laughed with a blush forming on her cheeks. "Since when did you become such a smooth talker?"

We headed towards the general direction of our classroom, now with her fingers intertwined with mine, and Jieun swinging our hands freely. Because of the occurrences this morning, it did make my mind a little curious to ask Jieun a question I have been delaying. 

"So Jieun, what was it that made you choose me?"

I glanced down at my girlfriend who's effortless smile slowly turned into a thin line. Rather than replying, she decided to stay silent. As if like clockwork, the bell rang to imply the start of classes for the day, and also distracting Jieun from my initial question. 

"Oh that's the bell, let's get to class." Jieun smile once again and pulled me along beside her as she was irregularly excited to learn today. 

When we got home from school, Jieun was sitting on my kitchen counter, eating cookies while I poured some milk into our glasses. I walked towards the counter and handed Jieun the drink. She placed the glass down and reached her arms out to my shoulders, pulling me in closer to her. I stood between her legs as she placed several kisses on my forehead and cheeks. "Were there still some guys bullying you today?"

"I think it stopped once you yelled at them, remember?" I laughed from the memory of Jieun blowing up at the guys who told her she was too good to date me. 

Jieun placed half of a cookie in her mouth while the other half was sticking out. She leaned towards me and I took a bite from her cookie. After a sip of my milk, I cleared my throat and placed my hands on her waist. "So Jieun, I'm really curious. What was it that made you so persistent to go out with me? We've never spoken a word to each other until that moment I accidentally knocked you over in gym class and to make a long story short, you kissed me and  from there we eventually started dating." 

She seemed to have thought for a moment before answering me. "I don't know, probably because I thought you were cute. And you know, you weren't like the other guys." 

"Alright, but what does that mean? I was different because I wasn't trying to approach you?"

"Exactly. Because you weren't trying to approach me and you seemed very nice, unlike the majority of boys at our school." 

After answering me, Jieun hopped off the counter and made her way over to the living room. She sat down on the couch and turned the TV on to some show. I believe part of the response that she gave me, but I felt like there was more to it that she wasn't sharing.

Still preoccupied with my thoughts, I followed her to the couch and lowered the volume on the TV. Jieun turned to me with a confused face and I placed a hand gently on her cheek, "Well, whatever the reason is, I'm glad that you chose me."

She placed her hand on top of mine, sharing a sincere smile before I leaned in to kiss her. 


a/n* thank you for waiting so long for an update, just recently i've updated my other book "purity ring" and in the author's note there i explained how i started university and my time has been consumed with that. im working on the next chapter of this book, so thank you again for continuing to read <3 

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